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Can't wait to try Red!


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Hey there,

I am yet another girl who has developed a taste for pheromones over the past few weeks. I'm 47 years on this earth and have yet to find a perfume that really fits well. Just found this website a few days ago. I cannot wait to try Red! I have a feeling that it's going to be just the thing needed to cover EOW (pink sugar just doesn't do it for me). It sounds like a beautiful perfume from the reviews.


Also can't wait to try any new autumn fragrances, as that is my favorite season. When I first looked at the LP website I was disappointed to find that Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch was sold out. I love pumpkin scents. Also vanilla and cinnamon. Does anyone have suggestions as to which sample viles I should get?




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Hey there,

I am yet another girl who has developed a taste for pheromones over the past few weeks. I'm 47 years on this earth and have yet to find a perfume that really fits well. Just found this website a few days ago. I cannot wait to try Red! I have a feeling that it's going to be just the thing needed to cover EOW (pink sugar just doesn't do it for me). It sounds like a beautiful perfume from the reviews.


Also can't wait to try any new autumn fragrances, as that is my favorite season. When I first looked at the LP website I was disappointed to find that Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch was sold out. I love pumpkin scents. Also vanilla and cinnamon. Does anyone have suggestions as to which sample viles I should get?





I know you are going to love LpRed, LpBlack is a beautiful fragrance also. I don't think you can go wrong w/ any of those :D

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Hey Rosegirl! Welcome! Make sure you check out the OCCO Red, it is like LP red but it is copulins...amazing.


Oh and I believe there are a couple of samples available from the Drac line. Check out Potion Master's thread in low stock. I believe it says there are some left :D


Have fun enjoying these fabulous scents!


And WElcome to our forum once again!

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Thank you for the welcome... and the suggestions. Occo sounds like something I'd like to try. :666:


Can anybody tell me if I need to receive a coupon through email to get the two free samples when I place my order since I've now begun to post? Or do I just put my request in the paypal message section? I'm just a little confused on the instructions.




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Hey there,

I am yet another girl who has developed a taste for pheromones over the past few weeks. I'm 47 years on this earth and have yet to find a perfume that really fits well. Just found this website a few days ago. I cannot wait to try Red! I have a feeling that it's going to be just the thing needed to cover EOW (pink sugar just doesn't do it for me). It sounds like a beautiful perfume from the reviews.


Also can't wait to try any new autumn fragrances, as that is my favorite season. When I first looked at the LP website I was disappointed to find that Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch was sold out. I love pumpkin scents. Also vanilla and cinnamon. Does anyone have suggestions as to which sample viles I should get?





HeyRosegirl...and welcome lady...boy are you gonna be ever so grateful to have found this site and its forum...WOW!... I live here, seriously, it's my second home.

LP red was my very first purchase and love...I think you will love it... and yes, you should definitely try the OCCO red. The ladies here are great at covering the cops, I love that about this site as I am no good with that stuff on my own... me and EOW... UGH! it ain't gonna ever work!


well anyways welcome and if you wouldn't mind emailing me your address I would love to send you a lil welcome "Happy package"...please tell me in the email what kind of scents you prefer or wanna try


my email is my user name at yahoo


be blessed and welcome and have fun!



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Hi Rosegirl! I think you will LOVE LP Red, it is the best ever...Of course now that there is OCCO Red, I guess its a tie LOL. I think it is my favorite scent so far.

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Hi Rosegirl! I think you will LOVE LP Red, it is the best ever...Of course now that there is OCCO Red, I guess its a tie LOL. I think it is my favorite scent so far.



LOL. I say if you can't decide on one get'em both,ha.

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I want to thank everybody for the warm welcome! I just ordered Red plus my two samples. Can't wait to get them! I tell you, between the fragrances and the pheromones I have, the guys around here are gonna wonder what hit them when they pass through my wake. ha ha. Of course, they might look around and think that it's someone else. :P I often wonder if I've still got it (I'm 47; the good news is my 10 year old son gave me a 9.5 rating on the babe scale last week when I was dressed up to go out to dinner with friends). But he often recognizes that sometimes mom could use a kind word. One thing I do think, all of you ladies on this forum seem very kind and helpful. Thanks for the suggestions and djac I am emailing you right now. Look for a certain cat with an aol account.



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I want to thank everybody for the warm welcome! I just ordered Red plus my two samples. Can't wait to get them! I tell you, between the fragrances and the pheromones I have, the guys around here are gonna wonder what hit them when they pass through my wake. ha ha. Of course, they might look around and think that it's someone else. :huh: I often wonder if I've still got it (I'm 47; the good news is my 10 year old son gave me a 9.5 rating on the babe scale last week when I was dressed up to go out to dinner with friends). But he often recognizes that sometimes mom could use a kind word. One thing I do think, all of you ladies on this forum seem very kind and helpful. Thanks for the suggestions and djac I am emailing you right now. Look for a certain cat with an aol account.







as a man thinketh therefore he is/becomes...Of course youv'e still got it...

I am 45 and I damn sure still have it :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: of course, the additions jof the pheros and the LP's just make for a bunch of the male species

eating out of my hands :P yep....


:019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co with dumb DIHL eyes and all the while :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co drooling in my presence.




Dear lady, Your problem is not "do you still have it?", but more or less "what ya gonna do with it?" :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


so girrrl, go right ahead and unleash ya wild side... embrace the siren in you. :cat_gray12: the boys will still think you to be a lady :ange:



okay...so i am having a bit of fun with the emoticons this evening huh?...seriously though, no more talk like that. be blessed - djac

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Hi there Rosegirl! Welcome to our forum!

I'm Lori, and I just did a little research for ya.

Now, in the gift shop, on the home page, there's a "private editions" section where you can design your own perfume! It's fun! You can pick three scent notes and have it "sugared" if ya like by the ladies. I was looking for a pumpkin option for ya.

Sadly, it's not on there, but cinnamon and allspice is-maybe you could find something else you dig.

Otherwise, maybe another similar thing will come out closer to October, I don't know.

But Welcome again! Enjoy our forum! We have a ton of fun here! I look forward to talkin to you more! Have a good one!


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Ha ha ha. O.k. djac. No more talk like that. I send the email to you yesterday. Hope you rec'd it. And thanks again.


Hi Lori and Tears of Joy! Thanks for the welcome. I am looking forward to the pumkin and/or cinnamon scents coming out for fall or winter. I just like those smells so much (and the seasons -- I live in the deeeeeep south and am very much over the oppressive heat). Hope to talk to you again soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey djac,

Rec'd my happy package today. You are too kind. Wow! I was chomping at the bit to try one of the perfumes here and my order hasn't shipped yet so was i happy to see your package.


I smelled about three of the ones you sent me -- all very unique and nice -- but I stopped cold at Kittenish. What a fabulous perfume. And it worked with my body chemistry. I've read others here say sometimes that they could not stop smelling their arms. Now I know why. I just ordered two more samples of it. Thank you so very much. You are the best. :shocked:



Edited by Rosegirl
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Hey djac,

Rec'd my happy package today. You are too kind. Wow! I was chomping at the bit to try one of the perfumes here and my order hasn't shipped yet so was i happy to see your package.


I smelled about three of the ones you sent me -- all very unique and nice -- but I stopped cold at Kittenish. What a fabulous perfume. And it worked with my body chemistry. I've read others here say sometimes that they could not stop smelling their arms. Now I know why. I just ordered two more samples of it. Thank you so very much. You are the best. ;)




Hey Rose girl...so happy your enjoyed/are enjoying the Happy Package...isn't kittenish wonderful... I love that scent as well...surprisingly I have reached for it in a hot minute...gonna have to pull that one out....hehehe


be blessed -djac

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