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What d'you suppose it is about Cops and Women?

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For the last few days I've been hooked on wearing Beth's Blushing Milkmaid...one day with FA, today with a dab of LP Red, *No other pheros* and both days WOMEN have been super chatty to me. All sorts of women...a sweet older lady in the drugstore chatted me up about hair color (she was a crack up...she was gazing at the boxes of color like a kid in a candy store pondering a purchase), the middle aged lady at the register in Sally Beauty Supply, and just now a 30-something customer at work.


I mean chatty above and beyond and SUPER friendly. It's nice, but a bit odd to me.

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In my experience, cops impart a "sexual shine" to me that isn't just about sexual attractiveness, it seems. But that's cops in fragrances which aren't entirely sexual either. If I wore Phero Girl to work, for example, then that would more likely get a bitchy response from my female co-workers than when I wear Nakai Nectar or Tail, or even Me, Jane! or PG Cougar. But yeah, A is right, there's a more youthful vibe with cops for older women. Plus, you're likely getting positive response to the fragrance as well, so I'd say BMM is very congruent for you based on the responses.

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That's interesting because I was just reading a discussion of a (as yet unpublished) white paper on the link between sense of smell, luteinizing hormone, and kisspeptin's role in sexual dimorphism...blah blah...BUT there were comments by a respected pheromone researcher on how reactions are less sexually dimorphic than we might assume. So copulins, while we think of them as simply making testosterone levels rise, have other effects on both men & women as well - they induce relaxation, increase interest, increase excitement, and reduce anxiety.


Was that TMI?


On an similar vein, I am drenched in cops today (haven't really worn them in a while). Lunchtime found me at the local Wallyworld, in the obscure "Pet Clothing" aisle...and soon I found myself with a man on each side and another back to back with me.


I might have an idea as to why these 3 gentlemen found themselves ENTHRALLED with tiny chihuahua down jackets...what do you think? I mean really - noontime couture shopping for your 5# doggies, you guys? Really?? As a social experiment, I agonized overly long on my choices, shifting up and down the aisle. They slowly floated in my wake, trying several times to make eye contact. They weren't quite up to the "conversation-starting" level, but they wanted to...


In short (now I am suddenly concerned about rambling?) I think your cops signature makes them feel good, relaxed & optimistic. So they interact with you.

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I was also thinking...the "youthful vibe" thing, it's attractive to everyone, not just men. A raging assload of cops might make women aware that you are competition depending on the setting, but a more modest amount makes you socially attractive in certain circumstances. Then again...when I wear my OCCO by myself I suddenly find myself even more fascinating than usual. <_>

Edited by luna65
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I was also thinking...the "youthful vibe" thing, it's attractive to everyone, not just men. A raging assload of cops might make women aware that you are competition depending on the setting, but a more modest amount makes you socially attractive in certain circumstances. Then again...when I wear my OCCO by myself I suddenly find myself even more fascinating than usual. <_<


I've noticed that when I wear cops, which I generally do (because dang those LAM/BAM and OCCO scents really make for such awesome layers that I just can't help myself), women I talk to or deal with seem more relaxed and upbeat and more friendly in general or so it seems.

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I didn't even know! I need to see if I can find my kitteh namesake a tiara at my neighborhood Wally World.


Oh and:

Was that TMI?

<_ src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_lol.gif" alt=":lol2:">

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A raging assload of cops might make women aware that you are competition depending on the setting, but a more modest amount makes you socially attractive in certain circumstances.



I love that phrase. <_<

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TMI = too much information

Yeah I know...I said that because I - as the Empress of Oversharing - can't resist teasing Pony.

The "didn't even know" thing is in regards to the "Pet Clothing" section at Walmart.


I love that phrase. :lol2:

I have a knack for a good phrase, I do. <_>

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For the last few days I've been hooked on wearing Beth's Blushing Milkmaid...one day with FA, today with a dab of LP Red, *No other pheros* and both days WOMEN have been super chatty to me. All sorts of women...a sweet older lady in the drugstore chatted me up about hair color (she was a crack up...she was gazing at the boxes of color like a kid in a candy store pondering a purchase), the middle aged lady at the register in Sally Beauty Supply, and just now a 30-something customer at work.


I mean chatty above and beyond and SUPER friendly. It's nice, but a bit odd to me.


That happens to me too!!! Cops = more attentions from gals than guys for me!!!




Hrm...like my old not-too-many-eggs-left self was not good enough! Harrumph! <_<




<_< right there with ya!!!



I might have an idea as to why these 3 gentlemen found themselves ENTHRALLED with tiny chihuahua down jackets...what do you think? I mean really - noontime couture shopping for your 5# doggies, you guys? Really?? As a social experiment, I agonized overly long on my choices, shifting up and down the aisle. They slowly floated in my wake, trying several times to make eye contact. They weren't quite up to the "conversation-starting" level, but they wanted to...


Heelarious pony.... :lol2:




Then again...when I wear my OCCO by myself I suddenly find myself even more fascinating than usual. :lol2:




I have a knack for a good phrase, I do. :lol:


Thanks for a good laugh after a long day of work ....just what I needed.....


you guys crack me up!!!!

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wearing cops for years and I have always maintained that women around me are rays of sunshine when I wear them.


Cops are equated with health.

You want to be chatty with someone with a healthy disposition,right?


A psycho would be chemically imbalanced, and put off a different scent.


Cops make me acceptable :mail:

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I get wildly varied reactions from women to my use of coplins. Some bristle while others possitively glomp onto me. Never can tell.

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