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I keep tellin' y'all...they ain't! In fact, compared to women, men are ridiculously easy to please sexually. The analogy I like to make is...think if you were dating yourself. Yeah. Now you get it. :lol:


Holy Smokes Batman - I wouldn't want that job!


I hadn't thought about it either about the easy to please sexually. That is also true. :-)

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Holy Smokes Batman - I wouldn't want that job!



HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.......actually most men who have "been with" me have not had a problem.....I am very orgasmic.....it doesn't take much work on their part.....

Edited by Dolly
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I tend to think orgasm is the easier part...the harder part is turning someone on to get to the cookie. :lol:



Agree with both Dolly and Luna on this one. Perimen has made "lift off" significantly easier - and it was almost guaranteed before.


Getting one I want to reach for the cookie? Harder. I'm beating men (I don't want) off the cookie tray with a stick. Constantly.


Me? Perverse. Always want the one who didn't ask for a snack. Or who want the snack but have already signed onto life with someone else's cookies.


Iz an idjut

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Agree with both Dolly and Luna on this one. Perimen has made "lift off" significantly easier - and it was almost guaranteed before.


Getting one I want to reach for the cookie? Harder. I'm beating men (I don't want) off the cookie tray with a stick. Constantly.


Me? Perverse. Always want the one who didn't ask for a snack. Or who want the snack but have already signed onto life with someone else's cookies.


Iz an idjut


Okay, now can you see us all in little Girl Scout uniforms complete with sash and badges?? Selling a WHOLE different batch of cookies....?!? :lol:

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Okay, now can you see us all in little Girl Scout uniforms complete with sash and badges?? Selling a WHOLE different batch of cookies....?!? :lol:



I am both horrified by that statement and delighted.


*reminds me of Jillian saying "hold on to your husbands,girls" in Practical Magic*



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I am both horrified by that statement and delighted.


*reminds me of Jillian saying "hold on to your husbands,girls" in Practical Magic*




If you're both horrified and delighted then my work here is done....... bwhahahahaha.....

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Okay, now can you see us all in little Girl Scout uniforms complete with sash and badges?? Selling a WHOLE different batch of cookies....?!? :lol:



Now, THAT is a mental image like no other!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got back on to let you gals know how things went on my second date.....although at this point I think we're on our 12th date so I'd say things went well ;) I'm STILL not sure whether the pheromones effect him or not because I've definitely learned he's naturally very loving, caring, affectionate, and protective (makes it hard to tell if the H&S is working on him), and is also very sexual (makes it hard to tell if the BI is working on him). I can definitely tell you though that he LOVES the scent of LP Red. He's commented on it several times now. He says he loves that I smell like vanilla incense :666: . He's always telling me how good I smell and nuzzling my neck which is where I put most of the scent. I also dab a bit of it in my hair and he makes no attempt at trying to hide the fact he's sniffing my hair B) I'm going to have to do a bit of experimenting with him, comparing reactions between when I'm wearing various pheromones & when I'm not. Want to try increasing the amount of BI I wear around him. Should be fun :2743: ! Although, if we spend any more time in bed we'll never see the light of day!


As for the effect the pheromones are having on others. It seems I get more reactions wearing BI than H&S. The reactions I get to BI though are more along the lines of what I was expecting to get with H&S. People (both male & female) are friendlier and more helpful. I don't get the creepy leering looks from men I was afraid I might get. Just happy, very talkative, friendly people who for some unexplained reason feel the need to start telling me all about their lives (including their medical problems). It's pretty amusing actually :lol: Makes me want to wear BI all the time, if only for the amusement factor. I'm pretty impressed with it so far. And to think....not long ago I was afraid of wearing it :)

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well, pheromones wouldnt turn someone creepy,unless of course they were always creepy and we just didnt notice.


I recently realized I was creepy.

life goes on.


My theory on the H+S is that if your someone who naturally draws out the best in another person, i.e. you smile alot and have a passive demeanor, people are going to respond sweetly as a rule.

I dont think this means H+S isnt working as hard as the BI, but that your naturally charasmatic to begin with.

That rocks.


I can take that H+S off your hands, people want to kill me.

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As for the effect the pheromones are having on others. It seems I get more reactions wearing BI than H&S. The reactions I get to BI though are more along the lines of what I was expecting to get with H&S. People (both male & female) are friendlier and more helpful. I don't get the creepy leering looks from men I was afraid I might get. Just happy, very talkative, friendly people who for some unexplained reason feel the need to start telling me all about their lives (including their medical problems). It's pretty amusing actually :) Makes me want to wear BI all the time, if only for the amusement factor. I'm pretty impressed with it so far. And to think....not long ago I was afraid of wearing it :)



Some people have experienced a "popularity" type reaction from BI.....I believe Mara said she had that type of reaction with it.....

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I'm glad online dating works for some...as for me, you can count me out. I try to keep myself out of the virtual world as much as possible. I think this is even the only forum/blog/etc that I belong to....and I joined so I could read about the possible discounts. I don't belong to online groups, I don't instant message, none of that. I've heard nothing but horror stories about online dating so my theory is if you put yourself out in the real world as much as possible doing things that are meaningful to you, you'll find another someone who is doing the same thing. This, of course, is just my opinion and how I personally choose to operate. What works for one person will of course not work for everyone and I'm happy to hear there are successful online dating stories. I'm 35 right now...but if I'm still single at 65 I'll still be staying off the online dating services and will be concentrating on being the hottest single gal at the senior center hitting on all the younger guys (probably wearing some Cougar Potion). That's just how I roll ;)

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you can attract "horror" in the real world,too.

i have heard way more "horror" stories from girlfriends who met people in the "real world" that they thought were great,because they could look them in the eye,lol.


you can be lied to face to face too ;)


bottom line is that you cant go through life afraid.

do what works for you, fear not.

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well as long as I am being truthful in my conversations online, then it feels like im putting myself out there,too.


What is the difference between a conversation online and in the grocery store?

At the library?


The only thing I can think of is sight or sound, but plenty of people challenged in these ways get by just fine.


To each their own.

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Lor, don't get me wrong, there's NOTHING wrong with it! I'm in no way judging it! I'm not saying one is better than the other, it's just that I PERSONALLY feel more comfortable, like I'm REALLY connecting and communicating when I'm face to face with someone. Online communication is fine (we're doing it now aren't we) but, to me, there's a lot lost in the process. That's just my opinion though. Lots of people in the world don't agree with me and that's fabulous. We can't all see the world the same way. I just know what works FOR ME. I've got a fabulous group of close friends I would go to the ends of the earth & back again for and I've dated truly wonderful men.....all met in the real world. Does that mean I think it's not possible in the virtual world? Of course not. The real world is just where I personally feel comfortable. It's just my "thing". I like to really "feel" the person I'm talking to. Sights & sounds aren't the only things that are different.....to me, I'm missing out on the person's entire "vibe" if you will. Their scent (pheromones), their mannerisms, the slight changes in their eyes & demeanor, their little quirks......their SOUL. But again, that's just MY opinion and what I need to really communicate.


As a matter of fact if you're anywhere near Long Beach lets continue the debate over a cup of coffee instead. I'm buyin'! ;)

Edited by 2ndStar2Right
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cup of coffee? I wish!

I would *love* to get out for a cup of coffee and gab ;)


im trapped :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


I just get off so much on people communicating however they possibly can, because I know of a few afraid to do so.

I have met people who will be my lifelong friends

there for me so much MORE so than the people in my physical vicinity,

in my experience,

and I wouldnt want to see anyone shy away from heartfelt connections because someone else's opinion was that they wouldnt connect "fully" (thus why bother).


My dad was not all together well when he met his girlfriend online.

Because of her, he actually made an effort to get well, changed his ENTIRE lifestyle to get better, saw her physically only once when they went to Disney for a day (they lived in separate states) and after not being with a woman for over 15 years, fell totally madly in love (they talked every day, all day,for a year. it was gross ;) )

and then

one day

while on the phone with her (and babysitting my kids)

he had a heartattack.


The happiest I have EVER seen my dad ever was while he was talking with her.


I met her, I can totally see why.

She is *wonderful*.


This is why I am adamant that the person you talk to online

could very well be the love of your LIFE.


Seen it.

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dammit, I was trying to maintain my bad mood.....


2nd, great hit stories.

they DO happen !


I wish BI or Cougar worked that way for me.

Never could get a reaction from them, but NOW that I can convert them into a spray, there may be hope for me!!!!


Believe me, there is nothing I want MORE than for these to be muh thang.


Anyone here get different reactions from the phero mixes when they werent scented?

Not the same reaction minus scent, but totally different?


Im thinking seperate app sites might be my thing.



Yup, Pop. in Wildflower is magic juice for me. Unscented creates an almost adverse reaction to me in people. The unscented works beautifully for my husband, though.

Edited by Beccah1
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Lor, I agree any and all communication is good communication whether it be online or out in the real world. Having the ability to communicate with pretty much anyone, anywhere is an amazing, awesome thing and I agree it can lead to people, such as your father, having the ability to meet the one person who may truly be the love of one's life. It's also an invaluable tool for those who may have difficulty reaching out to others in the real world. I think there's a place in this world for online communication and online dating and I'm positive there have been many sucessful matches, romantic and otherwise, that have emerged from the technology........I just happen to function more happily outside of it. That's all. So, maybe, if I look at things a different way, it's actually MY flaw that keeps me from delving further into the virtual world when so much of society is jumping into the proverbial virtual deep end? It could be ;)


On a different note, I'm very sorry to hear about your father's heart attack. It's never an easy thing (for any involved) when something like that happens to a loved one. He's a lucky man for having met his love of his life. Many people in the world go their entire lives searching without ever finding them. And....I'm glad he met her online ;)

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cup of coffee? I wish!

I would *love* to get out for a cup of coffee and gab :)


im trapped :cry:


Yeah, that's me....single parent, business in the home, CAN'T get out much....



This is why I am adamant that the person you talk to online

could very well be the love of your LIFE.


Seen it.


I have been through 3 marriages and a SLEW of unhealthy, met face-to-face relationships.....


I was not 100% comfortable with online dating at first, but I decided to give it a whirl. Had I not been online, I NEVER would have met the man I have been dating for 3 years (and am now engaged to), because we live 25 miles from each other and run in totally opposite directions.....never have I met someone that I am more congruent with....true love, my "soulmate" for lack of a better word.....


So, Lor, I agree with you there.....with me, it truly would have been "nothing ventured, nothing gained"....

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Yeah, that's me....single parent, business in the home, CAN'T get out much....





I have been through 3 marriages and a SLEW of unhealthy, met face-to-face relationships.....


I was not 100% comfortable with online dating at first, but I decided to give it a whirl. Had I not been online, I NEVER would have met the man I have been dating for 3 years (and am now engaged to), because we live 25 miles from each other and run in totally opposite directions.....never have I met someone that I am more congruent with....true love, my "soulmate" for lack of a better word.....


So, Lor, I agree with you there.....with me, it truly would have been "nothing ventured, nothing gained"....


i actually find people more willing to be themselves with nothing to lose online.

it makes sense,

theres no uncomfortableness in a date that isnt going well.


my brother is in love with a gal in australia.

they have been online dating for a year, and she wants to move here to be with him.

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Quince and I were actually sort of "set up," as it were, meeting first in real life, but without the internet (and an unlimited calling plan) our relationship would probably not exist. We live at opposite ends of the state and neither of us can move to be with the other, but that doesn't mean we can't be together...it's just a different kind of together most of the time. But he has a horror of online life - then again he comes from a different era so I understand why he feels the way he does. I am proud of him for overcoming that reticence just for me.


I've known people who met online and are now married, I think it can go either way. Real life or online, if a person is not being authentic it's going to show at some point. But one thing I love about the internet is that it means affinity now has no bounds. Your true love or your very best friend could be on the other side of the world...and now that we are literally interconnected we might experience the potential of finding them. :)

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I think that's AWESOME that the online thing works for you guys (Lor & Dolly). If the pool of quality men starts running thin where I'm at, who knows. I'm not 100% closed off to any possibilities. I'll try anything once...twice if it was fun enough :)


I do think you guys are misunderstanding my position though. There's no need to DEFEND the merits of online dating. It's just not for ME. If it works for you, then you go girl! One is not BETTER than the other. One is just better than the other for ME. I just keep my life simple. I go out, hang out doing the hobbies I love and date the men I meet. So far I've been lucky (knock on wood) & they've all been real gems. I always make sure to hang out with only quality people in quality places (by quality I don't mean expensive..I just mean where I would find people with the same values as myself). I'm a very confident, outgoing person and very selective with whom I associate with so I think I'm fairly good at weeding out the riff-raff. I don't think I'd be as good at separating the wheat from the chaff though online. That's a talent you gals possess far more than I.

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I believe you made your position clear, it's just when someone states such a definite opinion (or any opinion for that matter), validation doesn't always follow. Sometimes people have different opinions and they will state them just as definitively as you do yours. It's not a debate so much as just an exchange of opinions.

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Wasn't really my opinion...it was just a statement of fact on how I live and why I choose to live the way I do. Just didn't want the gals to think I feel online dating is bad, 'cause I don't. It's just not the route I choose to take. Nothing more...nothing less. Wasn't hoping for validation or for anyone to agree with me, just wanted to make sure I had expressed myself clearly enough so as not to put forth the wrong impression. We all lead different types of lives. It's all good. We're ALL right :)

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Eeek, sorry didn't mean to open such a can'o'worms there!


To me though online dating is where you find them, then you meet them. A bit like going to the library...

I never considered that relationship being conducted entirely online. That's not what I'm looking for but I'm entirely for each picking their own way.


Me - I'm hoping for some real-life sex again one day!qwwwwwqaw

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To me though online dating is where you find them, then you meet them. A bit like going to the library...

I never considered that relationship being conducted entirely online. That's not what I'm looking for but I'm entirely for each picking their own way.



That's exactly the way I conducted my foray into the world of online dating.....chat online, then via telephone, and if all seemed right, then a meeting face-to-face.....

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This is a nice story. My dad met his wife online. She's from Canada( the french side), & I adore her. She takes wonderful care of my father. Sometimes I think she's a bit out of his league......

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This is a nice story. My dad met his wife online. She's from Canada( the french side), & I adore her. She takes wonderful care of my father. Sometimes I think she's a bit out of his league......



Thats pretty cool.

I think of online dating as an extra-step.


Paves the way for something more.


Takes the sting out of first-dates.




My personal opinion however strange, is that we are more than physical, and that there are in fact many people who for many reasons either cant or do not need the physical aspect of the relationship for it to be fulfilling.

I think it cant be argued that these kinds of relationships are sometimes MORE fulfilling than some marriages (since there are in fact marriages that are alive but barely).


I tell one of my disenchanted galpals that when she is about to give up on men all together, just go online and meet someone that cant see you.


Get complimented on the connection, your sense of humor, your art, your anything, and realize some guys love your insides as well.

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Wasn't really my opinion...it was just a statement of fact on how I live and why I choose to live the way I do. Just didn't want the gals to think I feel online dating is bad, 'cause I don't. It's just not the route I choose to take. Nothing more...nothing less. Wasn't hoping for validation or for anyone to agree with me, just wanted to make sure I had expressed myself clearly enough so as not to put forth the wrong impression. We all lead different types of lives. It's all good. We're ALL right :)


there was no debate, just a sharing of opinions.


no right,no wrong.


im not sure I have met anyone without opinions here ....


I personally choose the broccoli.

:banana085: see?



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there was no debate, just a sharing of opinions.


no right,no wrong.


im not sure I have met anyone without opinions here ....


I personally choose the broccoli.

:banana085: see?





LOL! And, I choose.......the happy dancing chili pepper! :2126:

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My personal opinion however strange, is that we are more than physical, and that there are in fact many people who for many reasons either cant or do not need the physical aspect of the relationship for it to be fulfilling.

I think it cant be argued that these kinds of relationships are sometimes MORE fulfilling than some marriages (since there are in fact marriages that are alive but barely).

It may be viewed as strange, but I agree with you absolutely.

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i KNEW youd be the Chili !!!





HOT and SPICY.....that's me!!

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