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WTF?!! A Hit Stealer?

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I'm wondering about this.... I was at a party Wednesday night with my Stone Cougar 3x, and a little TH and feeling great. Met a lady fir the first time who would not get away from me. Kept telling me how we were going to be best friends, my face just glowed, etc and basically just fascinated with me. I actually went to meet a group of people but somehow got stuck at a table with her. She was not my normal type of person, she was dressed head to toe in tight, fake designer wear and had the Grace Jones hair bleached blonde.


Anyway, men started coming by, to introduce themselves to me. I was facing the room and her back was to the crowd so I'm assuming I was the draw. LOL! Anyway, they would come over, introduce themselves to me, I would introduce them to her and they would immediately sit with us and promptly start making out with her. I mean very graphic stuff and quite publicly. Yes, she turned out to be a slore. This happened all night. Was she stealing my hits? Has anyone ever heard of this happening?

Edited by LadyRose
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I'm wondering about this.... I was at a party Wednesday night with my Stone Cougar 3x, and a little TH and feeling great. Met a lady fir the first time who would not get away from me. Kept telling me how we were going to be best friends, my face just glowed, etc and basically just fascinated with me. I actually went to meet a group of people but somehow got stuck at a table with her. She was not my normal type of person, she was dressed head to toe in tight, fake designer wear and had the Grace Jones hair bleached blonde.


Anyway, men started coming by, to introduce themselves to me. I was facing the room and her back was to the crowd so I'm assuming I was the draw. LOL! Anyway, they would come over, introduce themselves to me, I would introduce them to her and they would immediately sit with us and promptly start making out with her. I mean very graphic stuff and quite publicly. Yes, she turned out to be a sluwhore. This happened all night. Was she stealing my hits? Has anyone ever heard of this happening?



It can happen, especially with alcohol-based blends.....they diffuse in a crazy way.....so sometimes it is difficult for the target to tell who is emitting unless you are in a non-crowded place. Oil blends are more "personal space" type pheros, so they will notice that they are "feeling the feeling" when they are up close and personal to YOU.

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Wow, that must have been pretty irritating :/


You know, I was thinking about this the other day. I've read that people can't distinguish who the pheros are coming from, but in my experience that hasn't been true at all, even when sitting/standing/walking past while being very near to others - it's always very targeted and obvious, regardless of how much more or less "conventionally attractive" the people near me are. Plus, at least for me, Cougar doesn't elicit that kind of lust-crazed, gropey, EoW/BI reaction, more a general wide-eyed "woooooow you're so awesome" vibe, and TH *definitely* doesn't. Personally, I think she was either head-to-toe in cops, or was flashing upstairs and downstairs at them when you weren't looking, or somehow otherwise was giving off a "I am big slore" neon signal.


BTW though, that's a hell of a hit (for both pheros) from her toward YOU :o

Edited by tyvey
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Hmm well it might not have been as much she was stealing your hits. You see this in nonphero situations also. Guys will come talk to a group of ladies even if they only find one attractive. When the one they were intially attracted to isn't interested, they don't stop feeling 'amorous'. So they go for the fish that's biting their lines. So basically they were first interested in you, but when you didn't bite. They went for the 'sure thing'.

Edited by Beccah1
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I know. That's my point. If slore was stealing hits, it wasn't because of the TH.


Ah okay, sorry, didn't get what you meant at first.

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It can happen, especially with alcohol-based blends.....they diffuse in a crazy way.....so sometimes it is difficult for the target to tell who is emitting unless you are in a non-crowded place. Oil blends are more "personal space" type pheros, so they will notice that they are "feeling the feeling" when they are up close and personal to YOU.


That BITES! I only use sprays because I just never got the hang of what dose to use in the rollons. It was always my understanding that they would be able to distinguish who wearing the pheros.






Wow, that must have been pretty irritating :/

I think she was either head-to-toe in cops, or was flashing upstairs and downstairs at them when you weren't looking, or somehow otherwise was giving off a "I am big slore" neon signal.


BTW though, that's a hell of a hit (for both pheros) from her toward YOU


Yes, she was wearing something that sported both the camel toe and the ugly cousin moose knuckle. LOL! I find that I do get a lot of attention from other women when I use TH.




Well it's not meant to; it's more social than social-sexual.


I wore the TH because I was going to be around a group of women. (I thought) My honey wasn't there so I didn't do any additional cops. I






Hmm well it might not have been as much she was stealing your hits. You see this in nonphero situations also. Guys will come talk to a group of ladies even if they only find one attractive. When the one they were intially attracted to isn't interested, they don't stop feeling 'amorous'. So they go for the fish that's biting their lines. So basically they were first interested in you, but when you didn't bite. They went for the 'sure thing'.


Well she certainly was a sure thing. Funny thing is, there was a guy who walked by 8 different times and smiled at me and waved each time. Her back was turned so she didn't see this but the minute I finally waved back, he came right on over and introduced himself. He wasn't interested in her but when he went in to get me a drink, she said, "oh, he was waiting until the other guys left so he could come talk to me." WTF?!! Vain much?

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He wasn't interested in her but when he went in to get me a drink, she said, "oh, he was waiting until the other guys left so he could come talk to me." WTF?!! Vain much?


Desperate women will believe the various tales that horny men tell......

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That BITES! I only use sprays because I just never got the hang of what dose to use in the rollons. It was always my understanding that they would be able to distinguish who wearing the pheros.



Sometimes they can, sometimes not.....in a crowded room, signals can become mixed and muddled.....pheros don't always act like flashing beacons (although sometimes I have wished they would).....they will not drag someone to you if they are not interested in you or if you are not acting congruently......if they see you or meet you and are somewhat attracted to you, the pheros can "tip the scales" in your favor.....unless someone gets close to you and starts being affected by the pheros and you"reel them in", it may appear that someone else has "stolen your hits" because the target can lose interest.... for instance, if you are being aloof, shy, or quiet, then that is not congruent with Cougar .....that is why pheros are only a small part of the equation.....you must WORK IT, in order for it to work.......just like Beccah said, when you didn't bite, they went for the sure thing.....think about the guy who passed by 8 times waving before you acknowledged him.....if you had acknowledged him on the first time, he may have approached you sooner.....



Alcohol-based blends can have wide diffusion patterns, and the more you apply, the farther they get "out there".....I like wearing social blends in alcohol, because it can lift moods and make for happy gatherings, but I am not trying to target any specific individual. I SOMETIMES wear the sexual ones in alcohol, but always when I am with my man, and he KNOWS who is wearing pheros, what signal I am giving him, and WHY.....I also like Leather in alcohol, but there again, I am not targeting any one person, but just enhancing my aura and enjoying the self-effects......I prefer wearing the sexual ones close to my body....either by boosting a LP or by using an unscented in CPS or oil......

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there was a guy who walked by 8 different times and smiled at me and waved each time. Her back was turned so she didn't see this but the minute I finally waved back, he came right on over and introduced himself. He wasn't interested in her but when he went in to get me a drink, she said, "oh, he was waiting until the other guys left so he could come talk to me." WTF?!! Vain much?

Oh, I just realized something from that comment. The mackfests were about making herself feel better (desirable) at your expense, because it sounds like the men were gravitating more towards you than her. One of those people who can only feel good about herself 'in competition' with other women. Wow, now I just feel sorry for her.

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pheros don't always act like flashing beacons.....they will not drag someone to you if they are not interested in you or if you are not acting congruently

QFT; always remember, never forget. You can only gather the prey close to you...you have to hunt the long-range sustenance.


However, in this situation it doesn't appear that LadyRose was on the prowl, am I right? So in actuality the outcome was already pre-determined to an extent.


One of those people who can only feel good about herself 'in competition' with other women.

Yeah but, that's why people use pheromones...to give them an edge over the competition in those kinds of settings.

Edited by luna65
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QFT; always remember, never forget. You can only gather the prey close to you...you have to hunt the long-range sustenance.


However, in this situation it doesn't appear that LadyRose was on the prowl, am I right? So in actuality the outcome was already pre-determined to an extent.


My thoughts exactly.

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Sometimes they can, sometimes not.....in a crowded room, signals can become mixed and muddled.....pheros don't always act like flashing beacons (although sometimes I have wished they would).....they will not drag someone to you if they are not interested in you or if you are not acting congruently......if they see you or meet you and are somewhat attracted to you, the pheros can "tip the scales" in your favor.....unless someone gets close to you and starts being affected by the pheros and you"reel them in", it may appear that someone else has "stolen your hits" because the target can lose interest.... for instance, if you are being aloof, shy, or quiet, then that is not congruent with Cougar .....that is why pheros are only a small part of the equation.....you must WORK IT, in order for it to work.......just like Beccah said, when you didn't bite, they went for the sure thing.....think about the guy who passed by 8 times waving before you acknowledged him.....if you had acknowledged him on the first time, he may have approached you sooner.....



Alcohol-based blends can have wide diffusion patterns, and the more you apply, the farther they get "out there".....I like wearing social blends in alcohol, because it can lift moods and make for happy gatherings, but I am not trying to target any specific individual. I SOMETIMES wear the sexual ones in alcohol, but always when I am with my man, and he KNOWS who is wearing pheros, what signal I am giving him, and WHY.....I also like Leather in alcohol, but there again, I am not targeting any one person, but just enhancing my aura and enjoying the self-effects......I prefer wearing the sexual ones close to my body....either by boosting a LP or by using an unscented in CPS or oil......


I went to meet a group of women from our meetup group. My first time meeting them. I was somewhat reserved as I'm in that LTR and my guy wasn't there but it was just interesting. They always approached me first and when it became apparent that I wasn't going to put out they went for the sure thing. It ended up with me giving her a ride home and after my car was brought out, I was programing my gps at the stop sign, one of her guys opened the car door and started calling us horrible names. It was insane. She is trash.

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one of her guys opened the car door and started calling us horrible names. It was insane. She is trash.


I've seen this on the Discovery Channel, the male often becomes enraged & lashes out when the mating ritual is interrupted.........

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I've seen this on the Discovery Channel, the male often becomes enraged & lashes out when the mating ritual is interrupted.........




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Maybe it was her look and behavior as well. She sounds like an extreme personality almost attention seeking and demanding from her outfit and behavior toward you. So add some flirty behaviors toward the men and there you have it. Easy catch slore trumps respectable woman most every time in certain social settings like clubs or places where the men aren't looking for a woman for the long haul but rather for short term fun.


I'll add that I think the new rule of thumb should be to sit downwind from your competition. Or is it upwind? My brain is very tired today.

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They always approached me first and when it became apparent that I wasn't going to put out they went for the sure thing.

Well there you go, she wasn't stealing your hits so much as taking advantage of the situation. Stealing would imply she went after them before you did, but since you weren't pursuing anyone it was more the pack mentality at work.

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Well there you go, she wasn't stealing your hits so much as taking advantage of the situation. Stealing would imply she went after them before you did, but since you weren't pursuing anyone it was more the pack mentality at work.



Yep, you got the hits, but didn't take the scenario any further, so they didn't stick around.....

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Well there you go, she wasn't stealing your hits so much as taking advantage of the situation. Stealing would imply she went after them before you did, but since you weren't pursuing anyone it was more the pack mentality at work.



Exactly, we've all seen the friendships that center around the other friend 'basking in the glow'. If you want to be nasty you could put it as the lower ranking pups in the pack scarfing the scraps that the alpha refused...

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LadyRose, you are a far better person than I.

I would have excused myself by the time she started making out at the table, and I certainly wouldn't have given her a ride home. It costs money to clean the upholstery.


I hope you got some good karma or some sort of celestial bonus points for putting up with her all night.

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Yeah but, that's why people use pheromones...to give them an edge over the competition in those kinds of settings.
OMG. I disagree. I'm obviously not expressing myself thoroughly enough to be understood today. To more fully explain my point: I was thinking that Slore was acting the way she was because she was FEELING BAD about herself, and so by being more physically slory/macked on THAN LADYROSE, *that* was what was making her feel better - BEING "BETTER", more valuable, etc. (in her own view) than the next woman. Not (just) the attention from the man, but by **putting ladyrose down by comparison.** (See her childish, plainly untrue comment.)


I don't - and it doesn't sound like most people here - use pheros for *THAT* latter purpose. Of course pheros give a competitive EDGE against others, but the *goal* of their use is not to FEEL BETTER *AT ANOTHER WOMAN'S EXPENSE*. It's turning the guy on, or feeling confident or popular, etc.


So LadyRose, my point was that her comment actually wasn't vain- it was just pathetic. Beccah's "scraps" analogy above is hilarious :) Playing it out, Slore's comment was the equivalent of the beta eating and then saying to alpha, "The food provider obviously wanted to give the food to *me* MORE THAN TO YOU". *As opposed to* the reason I - and I think most people here - use pheros, which is to be able to say "hey, the food provider wants to give me food", or a toy, or a blanket - period - without the "MORE THAN TO YOU" part being necessary to feel good about oneself, which Slore seemed to me to have betrayed with her comment.


But now I feel like I've spent more time thinking aloud about Slore's pathology, and defending my comments, than is warranted. In short, LadyRose I don't think she was stealing your hits - seems you were getting them, all right (including from her :) ) - I think instead that she's insecure and exploited your non-capitalizing on your hits, in a sloppy-seconds way :love:


ETA paragraph breaks which my device ate for some reason.

Edited by tyvey
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I don't - and it doesn't sound like most people here - use pheros for *THAT* latter purpose. Of course pheros give a competitive EDGE against others, but the *goal* of their use is not to FEEL BETTER *AT ANOTHER WOMAN'S EXPENSE*. It's turning the guy on, or feeling confident or popular, etc.

Well I suppose it depends on how you define "expense." If you are in a social setting and all attendees are vying for attention, if you end up with the lion's share then you beat the competition. Being popular is being victorious because not everyone is popular in a social situation...if they were, the notion of popularity would be invalidated.


Any kind of social engineering - which is what the use of pheromones facilitiates - regardless of the intent, is ultimately going to benefit the user. There's no altruism in such an endeavor.


I realize it seems a vicious prospect and I didn't mean to imply defeating another in a malicious sort of way; on the other hand if the woman knew that LadyRose was not looking for a hook-up then she probably felt okay with taking whatever she could get. I realize an unspoken law of the jungle is that your wingman (or woman, in this case) isn't supposed to do better than you but it's all circumstantial, IMO.

Edited by luna65
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OMG this thread has provided me with @ least 5 days worth of laughter!!


@Tyvvey & Luna: I'll admit it, I've used the pheros to score free drinks @ the bar. I am only human & I do like having extra money in the wallet, bwahaha! Should I be wearing 'Sinful Indulgences' the days after I go out..LOL?

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Ok...I'm soooo out of the loop ! what's a slore ? and what's a mack(fest)?

'splain pleeese !

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slore = slutty whore (as opposed to the whores who have virtue, I guess?)

mackfest = sort of the same thing as a meat market or sausage fest, guys in a feeding frenzy

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Thanks everyone for the spirited discussion. I've actually learned a lot from it. This was just something I noticed and wanted to comment about. You guys made me realize that those were indeed my hits. I always just wear my pheros for me or to "guide" my guy in the right direction

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slore = slutty whore (as opposed to the whores who have virtue, I guess?)


Awww,you never heard of the whore with a heart of gold ? <snort>


This has turned into quite the interesting thread...something for everyone :)

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slore = slutty whore (as opposed to the whores who have virtue, I guess?)

mackfest = sort of the same thing as a meat market or sausage fest, guys in a feeding frenzy



Hmm...I think whore only applies if there be an exchanging of teh monies.....


Intersting trivia tidbit: In victorian times the words whore & slut were used interchangeably because it was assumed that a woman sleeping around was getting paid.

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slore = slutty whore (as opposed to the whores who have virtue, I guess?)

mackfest = sort of the same thing as a meat market or sausage fest, guys in a feeding frenzy



:) meat market

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More trivia: "Mack" is an old term for "pimp". As in a person who earns his living by forcing women into prostitution. I think it's an American term, as I've never heard it used by Aussies or Poms. Although the use of the word "pimp" in American usage seems to have changed since I was growing up, it now seems to refer to someone who is simply very good at seducing women.

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Intersting trivia tidbit: In victorian times the words whore & slut were used interchangeably because it was assumed that a woman sleeping around was getting paid.


...because female sexuality was generally not acknowledged as actually existing.

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Hmm...I think whore only applies if there be an exchanging of teh monies.....


Intersting trivia tidbit: In victorian times the words whore & slut were used interchangeably because it was assumed that a woman sleeping around was getting paid.



Do food and drinks count instead of monies? Well, actually the food and drinks were free but the "Douche Lord" did tell the waitress to bring them. :)

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Ok...I'm soooo out of the loop ! what's a slore ? and what's a mack(fest)?

'splain pleeese !

ROFL I was using "mack" purely in the narrow "making out sloppily and publicly" sense, not in the "hitting on" sense

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ROFL I was using "mack" purely in the narrow "making out sloppily and publicly" sense, not in the "hitting on" sense



I'm furiously updating urban dictionary.com. I didn't know this one. Well, gotta go set up my stuff for our ritual by the pool.

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ROFL I was using "mack" purely in the narrow "making out sloppily and publicly" sense, not in the "hitting on" sense


I am really late to this thread but it has cracked me up. I have a "friend" who is a Hit Stealer with or without pheromones. She actually TOLD me that she loves it when a friend brings her boyfriend to a party... she told me she makes it a point to actually hit on the boyfriend and make him lust after her JUST to make herself feel better--- just to see if she "can". Like a conquest for her. She told me she doesn't even actually want their attention once she gets it. Conquer and destroy.


Hypothetically, if we went out together, and I was wearing pheromones and getting more hits than her... I already know she would DEFINITELY capitalize on the hits I was getting and actively try to take them away from me, just because that is her M.O.. I mean she does this to me even when I'm not wearing pheromones. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I was.


And Tyvey--- I thought I was the only person left on this planet to use the word "mack" in that sense! When I heard "mackfest" I instantly had visions of 11th grade makeout drama! LMAO!!! I was like YES!

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