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New Releases for AUGUST 2010

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I don't know what's going on, but I am having cart problems.


I've been programming the sale since 7 am, and all of a sudden it says that the cart provider's server no longer exists. It kicked me out, I can't log in, and I can't even make an order. Can someone else check this for me from your location? I'm totally panicked.


Ok, so, so much for using the cart to run the sale, it looks like I am going to have to do it via PayPal invoices. Argh.


I have many hours of work still ahead of me to get this going with this new wrinkle, so please don't wait up kids, I won't have this up until tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.





I get this page when I try to use the cart:




Mara,this is not your fault...

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Hmm, maybe their domain expired?


That's what it looks like to me too.


I called the only # I had on them around 8pm, and emailed. Got an automated response.


Thanks for checking guys, I really appreciate it.


Frakkin' nightmare. What timing.

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C'mon everyone let's all slather ourselves in MR & the computers too...

Oh I've already done that repeatedly. :lol: And I'm sick of being (muse) blocked too! *headdesk*

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Wow...sorry, Mara! What awful timing! I hope it all gets straightened out soon... :frown:

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Oooo. Those look lovely! I never even used the GC dear Beccah gave me for my recovery present...I think I'll be needing Teachers Pest!

And I get to buy one for myself too now that I'm working(and damn hard. It's 5 am and I just got home from work 20 mins ago.) Caramel Sutra....or maybe Honeyed Lilac...descions...

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WOOT...I see the domain as been updated to 2011 !!! ...it will not be long now and it will be back up!!! :frown: ...it could take a day or two for the nameservers to propagate.

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Oh well...sorry to get everyone's hopes up...it was hard not to get excited :)

LOL,the giddy amount of Lace did not help any :frown:

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Thanks for checking, Calii! I still don;t have access in my neck of the woods yet, but hopefully soon. I got an email back from them saying their "autoexecute failed to execute". Well, I've been there before too, it happens.



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awww Mara, I'm so sorry to hear ya having server issues. Not to worry, we are LP addicts, we will always wait for the LP precious no matter how long it takes...


Now, what's this I hear about a sale?....did I miss out, where's the post?, when do we order...come on tell me something...tell me tell me tell me!!!!!!!!!


Okay, now tantrum is over, just one question...where's the sale! lol


Don't worry mara, just some ugly monsters in the universe that want you to get all off track cause you got other stuff coming up to deal with (sending good vibes by the way)...it shall all work itself out and everything you will see shall be as it is meant to be.


Love ya Mara...hugzzzzz


Be blessed, djac

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As usual, everything looks absolutely fantastic!

I just glutted myself on sales items, but I want to reiterate that I hope everything goes well with your legal situation! I'll be sending you good thoughts as hard as I can.

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Definitely this:

I hope everything goes well with your legal situation! I'll be sending you good thoughts as hard as I can.


...and Pom Pom Nom Nom, be still my heart. :(

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