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NEW ~ the one with the Baby on a Leaf label.


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Do you just roll your bottle on your pillowcase? I love this idea….I've only done this with my sprays….


Beware that cotton or high-cotton content pillowcases can really suck the life right out of the bottle. One long thick line across the pillowcase can drop the bottle level significantly. I got carried away with a Sogni bottle once and used up a quarter of the contents with just a few long pillow swipes. Yikes!

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I was so stressed out last night. Actually dreaded going to bed (insomnia and f'ing hot flashes out of nowhere the last 4 nights). I showered then slathered NEW on every appendage... and it really did lower my anxiety. My dry skin just sucked up that oil in nothin flat though, so my nirvana was short lived. The pillowcase idea is actually brilliant and I will try that tonight so thanks for the idea everyone. :)


I am nowhere NEAR being experienced enough to try this without running it by you experts first: Obviously the Hormone Bully (as opposed to the Hormone Fairy) has decided to take up residence with me for now, therefore I was pondering (actually, obsessing is a better term for it in my current mental state) the idea of getting Balm Bomb to pair with this... wondering if the combo in 'theory' might be almost Xanax-esque. :bed4:


Any and all input from yoos guyz is welcome and appreciated... until then I remain, Sleepless in Dallas (aka: Love's Truck :wacko: )

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Yeah, it would help I'm sure. I have the same issues but am primarily dealing with them by using herbs like valerian and melatonin.

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Beware that cotton or high-cotton content pillowcases can really suck the life right out of the bottle. One long thick line across the pillowcase can drop the bottle level significantly. I got carried away with a Sogni bottle once and used up a quarter of the contents with just a few long pillow swipes. Yikes!


Do you think sprays are better suited for instances when we need to douse linens in LP goodness?





Any and all input from yoos guyz is welcome and appreciated... until then I remain, Sleepless in Dallas (aka: Love's Truck :wacko: )


...just wanted to send you a virtual hug and well wishes for better days to come. Be well please :nice09719:

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Yeah, it would help I'm sure. I have the same issues but am primarily dealing with them by using herbs like valerian and melatonin.

Good info Luna... I know I have a bottle of Valerian in my supplements so I'm going to go dig it out and read up. I have been seeing Black Cohosh mentioned in a number of articles (along with a few dire warnings, however) I also had a Whole Foods rep tell me that the liquid form of melatonin is more effective than tablets or capsules... do you know? I know I have to be careful because with sleep deprivation comes the desparation to try anything and everything to get some kind of relief. My experience with herbals (for other things) is that patience is paramount. It takes some time to right the ship. The idea of trying BB to get me through this phase (Dear God let it BE just a phase) appeals to me.

I know this morning I had a ton on my plate (interacting with workmen, then teachers, then advertising clients) I basically sleepwalked over to my LP treasure chest and spritzed away with Flying Potion... it did power me through for nearly 3 hours and honestly I thought it was a long-shot (and wishful thinking) to even try it. Pretty amazing "bandaid" and sure beats ODing with caffeine just to stay alert.

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Yeah Black Cohosh is for the hot flashes. The supplements I take contain it and it does definitely help although not completely alleviate the problem. I don't think there's anything which will complete erase the symptoms of perimen/menopause. The thing about a-nol, though, is that you can also crash with that just like with any stimulant, so be careful about how much you use and how often.

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The thing about a-nol, though, is that you can also crash with that just like with any stimulant, so be careful about how much you use and how often.

So with Flying P it's the a-nol that helped me push through this AM? I'll go back and re-read the Phero Wiki (I review it several times a week but the ability to recall "what key phero is in which blend and what to expect when you use it" hasn't stuck yet) I will be wary of a "crash" - especially when I'm already 'spent' before even applying it. Thanks for the heads up.


I know there's SOME phero that can trigger weepiness too and I'm already TOO prone to that with no sleep and the Hormone Bully in my house...that's another one I probably should study up on...again, and avoid for now.

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If you're using the '13 version, Levitation Potion has a pretty high dose of a-nol plus the DHEAS so that's what contributes to the effect. The previous versions of Flying Potion were just a-nol enhanced.

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...just wanted to send you a virtual hug and well wishes for better days to come. Be well please :nice09719:

Thank you CuR... I got all verklempt reading that! I don't want to hijack the NEW review with my 'stuff' here tho' (that's what the Bitching Post is for!) but the great thing is that NEW has been a much needed warm fuzzy for me the last few days!!! I ordered another bottle because it's the one I've use the most (and I JUST got it about 10 days ago)! I do want to try the pillowcase experiment to see if I can get the lovely scent effects to last longer. :emot107:

:perfume: I actually got some of the small atomizers that Mara has on AF and (since I don't have quick access to perfumer's alcohol) I believe I can mix some of the oil with Everclear (I'm in Texas so you can purchase it here... hell they even sell Moonshine in the liquor stores here, LOL).

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If you're using the '13 version, Levitation Potion has a pretty high dose of a-nol plus the DHEAS so that's what contributes to the effect. The previous versions of Flying Potion were just a-nol enhanced.

Yes I just got the Flying Potion 2013 in my last shipment... I also got Topper. I've noticed both of those do have subliminal happy happy happy, but I will be wary of the risk of crappy crappy crappy... especially now.

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Yes I just got the Flying Potion 2013 in my last shipment... I also got Topper. I've noticed both of those do have subliminal happy happy happy, but I will be wary of the risk of crappy crappy crappy... especially now.

I can't use Topper with OW or Levitation. if you are Topping of Lev or OW you may have crashed.

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I can't use Topper with OW or Levitation. if you are Topping of Lev or OW you may have crashed.

Thankfully I didn't "Top" FP or OW... and Luna gave me a heads up as well. I'm just completely sleep deprived right now (the tank is empty) and I used FP this morning in a WTH moment... wishful thinking that it might at least make me a 'happy exhausted' to get through my scheduled appointments. I was pleasantly surprised that it truly helped me power through those meetings... and I didn't resort to grabbing an extra coke or coffee. NOW, I'm home and I don't know if this is a FP "crash" or just the toll that hot flashes/chills and 4 hours/night has taken on me... but I'm in a "safe place" at least. I've just noticed that whether I use FP alone (with it's awesome scent) or another scent with Topper, I seem to get the same 'happy' vibe. As you know all too well (with my many questions!) I still am trying to wrap my head around individual pheros and their effects on me (vs. what the descript reads in the PheroWiki) and therefore order not what I *think* I need but figure out what would probably be best for me to try! Heck I can't even get notes right... yet! :shocked:

What's the phero that could push me in to weepy/sad if I'm already in a vulnerable state? I need to keep an eye out for that one... at least right now until I figure this hormonal thang out.

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:bow: High-Five to you, BTW StacyK! When I was so sad I missed out on The Big Easy as a "comfort scent" you suggested NEW and you WERE SO RIGHT. What would you think about BalmBomb and NEW? What's the phero that could push me in to weepy/sad if I'm already in a vulnerable state? I need to keep an eye out for that one... at least right now until I figure this hormonal thang out.

I think New will go well with Balm Bomb, B2, or Teddy BB. Edited by StacyK
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OK NEW will soon have the esteemed honor of being my FIRST LP to go empty. It will also probably hold the indisputable record for a long time - if not forever - as the fastest one of my LPs to go empty. NEW is a perfect example of what I've come to L O V E about LPMP... something you weren't sure you'd like, or perhaps wasn't your "usual" scent preference ends up being a favorite. And as fast as it appeared...NEW has now disappeared. I'm SO thankful I jumped on it when I did. I hope there's another rebrew someday... or maybe even a permanent "NEW"....

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Mara used up the last of her ingredients for that one - the reason why the batch was smaller to begin with - so I'm not sure if she'd be able to rebrew it exactly like the original.

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Mara used up the last of her ingredients for that one - the reason why the batch was smaller to begin with - so I'm not sure if she'd be able to rebrew it exactly like the original.

Well then that certainly settles it. I have a brand new bottle that I need to keep under lock and key... as if it's a bottle of Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne. :cheers04251:


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I just checked. The bottle is gone, the 12 trials remain in the cart.

Mara how does this version of NEW and the rapid disappearance of Crayons: BLUSH compare with Whisker Wishes in the 'fastest seller record' I asked you about weeks ago (when I was that REALLY new newbie that always posted in the wrong places, LOL)?? :embarrassed:

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In part, this one sold out quickly is because it was a smaller batch than normal, which is the same reason Carbon Black went so fast. But of those in the Crayon collection which are gone or nearly so, it took a couple months.

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I just checked. The bottle is gone, the 12 trials remain in the cart.

Um yes, that was me. :hi5:


I brilliantly thought to check in the shop, so I grabbed it. I was one down. My daughter appropriated one of my humble stash. Gave me a good chance to grab another Goat before that vanished.


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In part, this one sold out quickly is because it was a smaller batch than normal, which is the same reason Carbon Black went so fast. But of those in the Crayon collection which are gone or nearly so, it took a couple months.

how fast did Whisker Wishes go? So the disappearing time is obviously affected by the size of the batch, and the only fair way to compare is to pick LPs that start out at about the same inventory, correct?
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If you still have the 12 trial viles I will take them....I can't get enough of it!! I have already gone through 1 1/2 bottles of it!! :)

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If you still have the 12 trial viles I will take them....I can't get enough of it!! I have already gone through 1 1/2 bottles of it!! :)

Birkey they may be gone... You should try to order thru Perfumerie cart & if you can't , email Mara to see if she has any last ones.
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how fast did Whisker Wishes go? So the disappearing time is obviously affected by the size of the batch, and the only fair way to compare is to pick LPs that start out at about the same inventory, correct?

That one did sell out faster than usual, I think the first brew was gone within a week? Sometimes people immediately go into hoard mode and buy several bottles at a time. I can sometimes guess what might move fast, but ultimately it depends on so many factors it's fairly hard to predict.

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That one did sell out faster than usual, I think the first brew was gone within a week? Sometimes people immediately go into hoard mode and buy several bottles at a time. I can sometimes guess what might move fast, but ultimately it depends on so many factors it's fairly hard to predict.

Interesting. Did you have any guesses on the Crayons? Depending on your answer I may need to ask about your June NR SO Predictions... Or at the very least give you a list of horse names to pick favs from before I head to the track... (JK). I'd bet you have a nice mix of knowledge and intuition that is right most of the time.


ETA: I saw where PM was now lovin' LP: Frais Citron... if that's any kind of precursor.

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LOL, I don't want to start a panic...I did figure Gamboge would sell out fast, and I was right. I think that was my only prediction.

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Birkey they may be gone... You should try to order thru Perfumerie cart & if you can't , email Mara to see if she has any last ones.

Thanks LoveStruck55! I did go to the perfumerie and was able to snag them! :) I know why Gypsum White sold out so fast...I ended up getting like 8 bottles of it..lol I did leave 2 my last order, which was 5, because I hated to take them all (but I wanted to!)...New I ended up with 6 bottles of. Those 2 and LP White are my total favs! I am still hoping, even with all of the new LPs coming out, that Mara may some day do a rebrew of it. I was only able to order 1 bottle of the 2LP Whites which came out unexpectedly a few weeks ago. I did manage to get another bottle through trades. Can you tell I am a hoarder??!! lol I am an Aspie...so I tend to like the same things..and when I like it..that is all I want and fear running out.


Does anyone know if Mara will do a rebrew for one person if they commit to buying enough bottles of it? (like 10 or 15)?

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Let me just say that before you start scheming in that fashion, wait for the descriptions for this month, then act accordingly.

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I wouldn't call it scheming, as Birkey has stated that she has Asperger's. She's also gathering several favorites to take to ladies in India in her fiancé's family.


ETA: She also felt that LP White is light enough to withstand the heat there.

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Olderbutwiser, I apologize if the use of that word is offensive to you; my usage was not intended as negative to TheBirkeys. I am only trying to say wait and see. I don't even know that Mara would agree to such a rebrew request, to be honest; it would probably have to be done as a Super Custom instead.

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No worries...


ETA: Re: Super Custom Order: Perhaps that's an option Birkey will consider.


Hearts: It may come as a surprise to you, dear, but the most I have in LP fragrances is TWO bottles of any one thing so I don't think I qualify as a hoarder. Now when it comes to BOOKS, that's another story, lol!

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Wow. I am on the other end of the spectrum. I find there's so much to love here (and if you can't find a 'love' all you have to do is wait another month!) that I worry I risk missing out on something wonderful if I blow my budget on one particular scent. That and guilt (yes, I can very often be that empathetic enabler type) CIP, I had 2 bottles of something and genuinely felt bad after I read a disappointed post by a long-time member who really wanted a FB of that same scent but it was already gone. I love LP not only for the incredible products but for the community here that I've become quite fond of! And (this will not surprise you long-termers) I've discovered that my tastes actually change! (thank you trade forum!) I no longer want that "signature scent" that I thought I wanted when I started here at LP. Just to be clear, I realize my example is extreme, and I'm not passing judgement! I know everyone at some point gets a few bottles of their obsessions and I get that. I guess it all balances out depending on our personalities and scent preferences. I would hope that no one would ever deliberately buy out a popular scent to later sell it to those desperate to have it. I think that modus operandi is reserved for concert tickets ;)


ETA: And I totally agree with Luna's Super Custom suggestion... in fact, is that the same as the Custom Blended Perfumes link in the Reading Room section of the Website? If you know you love something and want it to be yours that totally seems like the way to go plus there are some really cool product options!

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That one did sell out faster than usual, I think the first brew was gone within a week? Sometimes people immediately go into hoard mode and buy several bottles at a time. I can sometimes guess what might move fast, but ultimately it depends on so many factors it's fairly hard to predict.

Yeah, like Allumette! Poof and Absinthe. But WISKER brew #1 was super fast ...uber POOF
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