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G2 weekend run...Hubby and I visited MIL & my mom. G2 (only-thank you Beccah!) to neck, collarbone, hands, wrists and 1 spray DHEAS to hair (I think that's becoming a habit now...).


MIL is much more relaxed than usual (she's usually wound up about something...and if she isn't...she will be, lol) It took about 10-15 minutes sitting & chatting to see the change. Same with my own mom. Usually she's pacing and can't sit still...or there's something in the bedroom I have to come see...or outside or...well, you get the idea. She was doing her usual flitting...do we want a drink...food...how about coffee- she's got a new gourmet coffee I must try, lol. I cave for the coffee and we hang in the kitchen while hubby settles in to do the newspaper in the living room. I can see the change take place and its surreal hahaha! OH- she's still chatty as ever but her demeanor changes and she relaxes, shoulders down, talk is less rushed. I think I noticed it more in her because, well, I've only known her as far back as I can remember anything, lol. We join hubby in living room and she actually parks in a chair...and stays there!


Also, most of the time hubs is trapped in phero'd vehicle with me. He's playful, chatty and sweet and takes the visits with moms WAY better than usual...but then they were very nice visits. These are the moments I want to confess pheros to him, lol! LOOK! SEE HOW AMAZING THEY CAN BE?!?! :lol: But I think I'll still keep all this amazing "hokus-pokus" to myself and wait for the holidays...the REAL test!


ANYYYYWHO! G2- 2 thumbs up! :thumbup:

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Everyone works on a contract, i.e. regardless if you are an expat, half-pat or local. Upon completing their third contract, the locals cannot be fired. They can leave but they are entitled to work in your organisation till they retire. Therefore, we usually tie a local down for 3 to 5 years in their first contract, another 5 in their second.

Wow, I'm getting some culture today. Thanks JOC :)

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G2 weekend run...Hubby and I visited MIL & my mom. G2 (only-thank you Beccah!) to neck, collarbone, hands, wrists and 1 spray DHEAS to hair (I think that's becoming a habit now...).


MIL is much more relaxed than usual (she's usually wound up about something...and if she isn't...she will be, lol) It took about 10-15 minutes sitting & chatting to see the change. Same with my own mom. Usually she's pacing and can't sit still...or there's something in the bedroom I have to come see...or outside or...well, you get the idea. She was doing her usual flitting...do we want a drink...food...how about coffee- she's got a new gourmet coffee I must try, lol. I cave for the coffee and we hang in the kitchen while hubby settles in to do the newspaper in the living room. I can see the change take place and its surreal hahaha! OH- she's still chatty as ever but her demeanor changes and she relaxes, shoulders down, talk is less rushed. I think I noticed it more in her because, well, I've only known her as far back as I can remember anything, lol. We join hubby in living room and she actually parks in a chair...and stays there!


Also, most of the time hubs is trapped in phero'd vehicle with me. He's playful, chatty and sweet and takes the visits with moms WAY better than usual...but then they were very nice visits. These are the moments I want to confess pheros to him, lol! LOOK! SEE HOW AMAZING THEY CAN BE?!?! :lol: But I think I'll still keep all this amazing "hokus-pokus" to myself and wait for the holidays...the REAL test!


ANYYYYWHO! G2- 2 thumbs up! :thumbup:

Glad it worked for you. You could probably divulge the phero secret to him, but unless it acts like a magic sex potion for him, he's probably not going to care either way. This has been my experience with men & pheromones, anyway.

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I agree. My BF couldn't care less. Even when I put men's blends on him. Unless i drag him off to the bedroom he doesn't flinch.

Haha, actually I revise my earlier statement: unless it acts like a magic potion that gets us dropping to our knees & blowing them (is my personal experience), they don't care ;)

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Glad it worked for you. You could probably divulge the phero secret to him, but unless it acts like a magic sex potion for him, he's probably not going to care either way. This has been my experience with men & pheromones, anyway.

I agree. My BF couldn't care less. Even when I put men's blends on him. Unless i drag him off to the bedroom he doesn't flinch.


You're both probably right. I can see him blowing them off regardless. :( So sad really. All the delightful scents I've been tossing his way and noises or grunts are all the response I've gotten for likes or dislikes so far, lol. He doesn't wear aftershave or cologne...just deodorant...but then that was one of the first things about him that got my attention. I remember before we were ever dating, asking what he was wearing and he said just deodorant. I knew I was in trouble then because I thought he smelled divine AND THAT WAS BEFORE I KNEW JACK about pheromones. Hmph. Go figure!

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Wore this to hang out with some women, but it ended up hitting a group of gay men next to us really hard -- treated me like a celebrity :D

Sounds like a win to me! ;)


Yup! Gay men can be real dolls, and they KNOW how to give a complement! Bet you had a great time! :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

Wore this to hang out with some women, but it ended up hitting a group of gay men next to us really hard -- treated me like a celebrity :D

I'm finding that this one seems to attract bisexual men to me, like they think I'm freaking hot. Weird, I guess it's because I give off that vibe when I'm wearing this one? Idk.
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  • 1 month later...

I have a few "Mum" days scheduled during my time off... I suppose this might be a good phero to wear around her??? We get along really well, so I don't generally need to TH her! :lol: Just looking for something that might help a good time along... What do you all think?


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I second it! It's great for all company...works on MIL and gfs and mixed company...you can't lose :D

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  • 4 months later...

I've been testing this one at work at lately. (Cosmetic counter in dept store) I was thinking it would be great to help connect to the clients in my makeup chair - and help have a great time with my co workers. Well, I wore this yesterday and we ended up having a REALLY slow day. So couldn't really test much with customers. I received a ton of compliments tho all day from random people which was nice. My boss ended up talking to me forever about her dog that just passed away a few weeks ago and told me about her pets from childhood. She even got really teary eyed - this is not normal behavior for her at all. I am an animal lover so i didnt mind and could relate. She just usually isn't like this- she is usually pretty snarky! I usually have to OW her to lighten her up! After she left for the day- I chatted forever with my very gay coworker. I was freezing ( they crank the A/C to make our store like an ice box in the summer) So he offered to let me wear his sweater. This is totally not normal behavior for him. He is usually quite arrogant. He's nice but not a sharing or touchy type guy with us girls. He insisted that even after he left for the day- that I use it and give it back to him later. Wow!

These seem small but I thought they were pretty good hits. I'm liking G2 for work!

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Nice hearts! Every phero has a place, lol, it's just finding the niche...and experimenting is ALWAYS fun :D

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Nice Review Hearts. I have not tried this one yet. I ordered BB with my July order. I'm going to have a great op in August to really put it to the test. Can't wait to try it out.

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I've been testing this one at work at lately. (Cosmetic counter in dept store) I was thinking it would be great to help connect to the clients in my makeup chair - and help have a great time with my co workers. Well, I wore this yesterday and we ended up having a REALLY slow day. So couldn't really test much with customers. I received a ton of compliments tho all day from random people which was nice. My boss ended up talking to me forever about her dog that just passed away a few weeks ago and told me about her pets from childhood. She even got really teary eyed - this is not normal behavior for her at all. I am an animal lover so i didnt mind and could relate. She just usually isn't like this- she is usually pretty snarky! I usually have to OW her to lighten her up! After she left for the day- I chatted forever with my very gay coworker. I was freezing ( they crank the A/C to make our store like an ice box in the summer) So he offered to let me wear his sweater. This is totally not normal behavior for him. He is usually quite arrogant. He's nice but not a sharing or touchy type guy with us girls. He insisted that even after he left for the day- that I use it and give it back to him later. Wow!

These seem small but I thought they were pretty good hits. I'm liking G2 for work!

Definitely, great hits! Very good review. I've also noticed that G2 seems to elicit a nice bonding effect w/ gay men for me, as well. You would think B2 would have that effect with them, but it does not.

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  • 2 months later...

A pleasant and unexpected result - so I was wearing my G2 to meet up with a bunch of female friends. One had brought her giant 90 lb dog with her. All of us love and dote over this canine, but unfortunately, she (the dog) is prone to a lot of anxiety and gets agitated easily and doesn't have the easiest time with people or animals, even on basic walks. There's a lot of lunging and enormously loud barking.


Anyway, for the first time ever, this dog was suuuuuper calm and cheery and kept nuzzling me. Everyone was so surprised! I was too! And then I noticed she kept licking my wrist where I'd sprayed the G2 and it clicked, haha. I could not be more grateful for the G2's effects as it really helped everyone out in keeping my friend's dog in a happy space.

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WOW! That's really interesting VG - I would love to know if it's a repeat occurrence in the future. I have a shy, jittery girl - though she's only 65lbs, but certainly I'd be willing to see if this makes a difference with her - fascinating! I have to find a way to test this with her for posterities sake at the very least...

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I'd really like to try this one out at work as it sounds like almost everyone responds well to it. But I'm a little concerned about it attracting gay women. There are a couple of lesbians that come in to my workplace almost every day. At present they admire from afar, and I'm fine with that (who doesn't like to be admired), but I don't actually want to be attracting them.

Edited by vladmyra
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I'd really like to try this one out at work as it sounds like almost everyone responds well to it. But I'm a little concerned about it attracting gay women. There are a couple of lesbians that come in to my workplace almost every day. At present they admire from afar, and I'm fine with that (who doesn't like to be admired), but I don't actually want to be attracting them.

Hahaha! You're too sweet! You needn't worry, particularly at work. Maybe at a bar you may get hit on, but even with pheros - no still means no and people (aside from the occasional or often ogling, LOL) will continue to behave around you.... unless invited to do otherwise ^_~

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I don't think women tend to be as aggressive as men in the dating arena, anyway. But this is generally speaking. I really haven't had any issues with unwanted advances from women while wearing this.

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  • 1 month later...

This is really great for BFF fun.


It really softens the interactions and seems to enhance bonding.


I've also worn this out with friends and family and again it generally softens and enhanced the bonding effect.


To those who wonder.. IMO...this is not a magnet sex phero like LAM, BI ect..

You will not be assaulted by roving lesbians...

It's more a relationship enhancer... so if you are a gay woman I think I can see how it would be helpful. But as far as everyone else, it creates a softer non sexual bonding.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 month later...

I got this as a sample in one of my latest orders. I have a hard time getting along with other women (Though I consider myself bi, I'd have a hard time having a relationship with a girl, I just prefer mens' personalities) so I figured I'd give this a shot. I was at the parents' house the other day, and my step sister who's much younger than me and hardly says a word to me, was asking about where I get my hair done, and how she should go there, cause it looks really good. :Emoticons04280:

I wouldn't MIND getting advances from women while wearing this, though...

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I think, imo, G2 is social predominately. It DOES have that - "gives you the sparkle" - when I'm with people generally, but particularly among other women. I do wear it out when I'm looking for feminine attention. It's a great door opener...which can be steered in the direction of invitation very easily in the right circumstances. I've used it very successfully in that manner :hi5:

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So I wore G2 to a family friend's home the other night. And again, the dog result occurred! Her two pitbulls, who are normally a little too high energy, but never really pay attention to me when I'm at the house were calmer and kept sitting next to me and pushing my arm to show they just wanted to be petted. I was so amused by this that I didn't even bother paying attention to if the G2 was supplementing the nature of the human female interactions that night.

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  • 2 months later...

I'll let the LP gals explained the "..and more" because I'm not sure what, exactly that is in reference to.

But I'll say this if you've read up thread you can see it has various uses. Now I don't get the the

dog thing ( I have a dog so do most of my relatives) and i don't get the horny side effect mentioned either. But, I can attest to the female harmonizing effect. I really put it to the test last summer with family and friends, very helpful there. Also helpful when dealing with my daughter during those difficult pre-teen moments. I got that idea from Halo who swears by it to help ease tensions between her girls.

I grabbed another FB off ArtFire too, mine was all gone

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It's one of the few that doesn't list all the molecules. Kind of like Cougar and Lumina are somewhat "mysteries" in the same manner.


"Contains alpha-androstenol, estratetraenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate, and more(?)"


I would bet there's a smidge of none in there and have always wondered if there was cops in it, but it's all my own personal speculation :question-mark:

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.. IDK I don't get anything aggressive off it. I would not guess that, but I'm still learning and getting the feel so I can't say definitively.

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Well being a nurse, most of my co-workers are women and usually pretty stressed women so this will help. Never had anyone really bitch at me but just having something to relax the atmosphere once in a while would be nice. Calmer is always better. I am older than them and have been doing this a lot longer so they do look to me more of a "den mother" also they tend to come and get me or tell me when something "odd" happens and I usually need to reassure them that there is nothing to be scared of. 99.9% of the time it is nothing and I can usually figure out what went bump in the night pretty quick. When it ends up something more, I have been able to convince them there is nothing to be afraid of.There have only been a couple of times where I was really unnerved in my career but I never let the other staff know and things calmed down quickly.


I also tend to be one animals gravitate to anyway so I don't think I would be able to notice if that was a side effect.

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^^ Lol.. Rose I know what you mean. I had a Travel Nurse faint on me. I tried to catch her and my back paid the price. From now on fainters are on their own.

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It's one of the few that doesn't list all the molecules. Kind of like Cougar and Lumina are somewhat "mysteries" in the same manner.


"Contains alpha-androstenol, estratetraenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate, and more(?)"


I would bet there's a smidge of none in there and have always wondered if there was cops in it, but it's all my own personal speculation :question-mark:




Missed Epiandrosterone, listed in the phero blend thread by Mara:



And androstAnone is what I'm guessing, not androstEnone. Sorry for not clarifying, lol, I've never gotten an aggressive vibe from G2 :)


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I am always going back and looking up the individual molecules to try and keep them straight. I like LP for the very fact the blends make it almost a no-brainer. There is a blend that cover almost everything so I don't have to try and do any mixing. That is a good thing since just minute changes can mean something gets a completely different reaction. I love the blends....and the variety. Happy, calm, reflective, sexual...and so much more.

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Too true! Why dabble trying to find something "just right"...time, money, endless calculations.... You can get the blend and tweek around until you find the right amount for the reaction you want...set it and forget it :lol:


I like G2 a lot and will peg it for girls night out quite often :) Aaaaand, thanks to Halo's suggestion, it works wonders on my mom AND my MIL!



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  • 7 months later...

I wore this to a work social thing that was almost all women, in a wide range of age & hierarchy, from different teams. It made a shy, quiet woman very talkative and chipper, which seemed to charm her boss' boss whom she didn't know well, yay!!; another woman (the kind of standoffish one I accidentally clobbered with SWS) was hanging on my every word with stars in her eyes; and another woman, who I think is a warm person but usually very reserved, was zeroed in on me and jabbered away. I credit it with giving everyone a happy and upbeat vibe, but not in a manic or WOO LAMPSHADES PARTYTIME way, more a very comfortable, mutually engaged and interested way, almost H2H-ish - it made everyone expectantly and cheerfully "outward" oriented, interested in others. I put on quite a lot more than I intended, so two sips of wine and I was weaving and slurring (forgot about the a-nol!), but besides that, what a great trial.

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When I first started using LPMP pheromones I didn't really look at G2's ingredients. I love Lumina, but I was looking for something which had alpha androstenol listed first. As I started reading the Phero list I noticed G2 had many of my favorite individual pheromones in it and anol was listed first!! I decided to give it a try! It has become one of my favorites and one of my staples!! I love the self effects I get from it and it works great in social situations!! I would highly recommend giving it a whirl!! :D

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I hadn't thought of t like that, but G2 IS one of the blends that I get noticeable selfies from right off the bat too. It's a VERY social blend for me. I've used it at work and it plays well there as well, friendly, nothing sexual or over the top. Thanks for jogging my memory! I think I'll have to break out Bosom Bows today :)

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