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And one more, just added to the Private Editions page....




AUUUGHHH (in a good way)!!!! I already knew you two were psychic...but...but this.... :nice04271::hearts09780::omgwtf::lol::Hug_emoticon: Seriously!!! I was within a hair's breadth of emailing you, Mara, last week, about doing a PE that would be this. I decided not to do it yet because we're in the midst of a bunch of stuff, trying to get all the legal folderol taken care of for my Dad-in-law. Is it going to fly off the shelf??? Should I order sooner than later??? WOW but you and LadyV have blown my circuits (again, in a good way)!!!!!!!!!

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Good thing I've never smelled it. I won't know what I missed. (I have to wait until next week to order.)



I'm in the same boat with you. Hoping there will be an extra bottle of Beyond the Veil by the time I am able to order.

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Okay, another dumb question here:


If the new scents are almost gone already (in full sized form) would it even make sense for me to try a sample size if there won't be any left should I want to then order a full bottle? Or PM, do you make more since they are so new?

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Okay, another dumb question here:


If the new scents are almost gone already (in full sized form) would it even make sense for me to try a sample size if there won't be any left should I want to then order a full bottle? Or PM, do you make more since they are so new?


There's only one that is almost gone, Cat's Eye, and it is irreplaceable, which is why it is almost gone.

Most people would rather have a sample of something rare and collectible than nothing at all, but of course, you may have your own view on the matter!

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As far as I know, Spider Silk isn't meant to be like Spinnerett...if anything the ingredients remind me of (but not on purpose) something like Possets' Fluoxetine (i.e. a candy musk).

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I'm excited about Spinerett because it sounds like it's in the same family as Spider Silk, one I'd been searching for since I joined but eluded me since.


Blood on Snow is closer to Spider Silk, except that it has a touch of tartness of top due to the currant.


Spinnerett has very little in common with Spider Silk other than the touch of oak moss.


Spinnerett is a candy like scent, while Spider Silk is a powdery scent.

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There's only one that is almost gone, Cat's Eye, and it is irreplaceable, which is why it is almost gone.

Most people would rather have a sample of something rare and collectible than nothing at all.


Oh yeah, better to have a little precious than none! Also helps you know, if the opportunity came around to get more (say a trade or a re-brew), if you want to take advantage of that.

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Cat's Eye is also so strong that you only need a drop - just one drop, and it will last you all day. I wore it yesterday for an outing...one dab from my fingertip on the breastbone, the hot spot between the cleavage, and it BLOOMS! Even the small sample size should last you quite a few wearings.

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Cat's Eye is also so strong that you only need a drop - just one drop, and it will last you all day. I wore it yesterday for an outing...one dab from my fingertip on the breastbone, the hot spot between the cleavage, and it BLOOMS! Even the small sample size should last you quite a few wearings.


I can't wait to try this in my cleavage!! Last night's trial was on my wrist, for ease of sniffing!

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Blood on Snow is closer to Spider Silk, except that it has a touch of tartness of top due to the currant.


Spinnerett has very little in common with Spider Silk other than the touch of oak moss.


Spinnerett is a candy like scent, while Spider Silk is a powdery scent.



That's great to hear because I love both Blood on Snow and candy scents! :(

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