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I totally adore this one ! Honey based scents worked out fabulously with my body chemistry , and SLF has been fantastic ,surprisingly more subtle IMO than Occo Gold

REALLY? <_< And here I was, trying to convince myself that if I got OCCO SLF I wouldn't need Gold....Oh. But Wait....LP has never really been about needs so much as wants anyway.... :ange:
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  • 1 month later...

Ahh, OCCO SLF. When I first got this, I thought it HAD to be the most lusty, bad girl scent there could be. I was proven wrong (Jouir De) so now when I roll this on, it seems sweetly musky and sultry. I'm like a bad girl wearing expensive silk instead of a bad girl into whips and gags (Jouir De). LOL I love Sex & Violins for the same reason but right now, I have sniffles again so its smelling slightly Pine-Solish.

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Ohhhh Storemy.. most luscious food for thought! If the hormones don't make you dizzy, then the myriad choices will. ;) BTW, love your avatar!


Rose!! Indeed, MY hormones sometimes get the best of me but my head goes spinning monthly these days when I think of what I have to pull out of my cart in order to not go bankrupt!!!

And thanks about the avi... that man is just perfect in my book especially when he's all scruffy. :hearts0425:

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  • 2 weeks later...

LAGIES! I know that you will feel my pain.... <_<


Granted, it was within moments after application....hubby crinkles his nose..."what's that smell?" (NEVER a good sign) and when asked what it is he doesn't like (is it too floral?) No, he says. It smells too much like baby powder.






SLF smells "too much like baby powder" REALLY?


I understand it. He's registering the honey but I'm feeling all slinky and naughty and sexy and he gives me - it smells like baby powder. :Emoticons04269:


Off to work....maybe I can find my gratification there :cat696::D:P

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I kind of get the baby powder thing with SLF too. A sexed up baby powder. Then again, I'm beginning to think that the men in our lives have no sense of smell. Mine thought Sneaky Clean smelled the same as Jouir De. LOL

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I know, right!!! Who knew??? LOL Obviously, I waited long enough for dry down of Jouir De. Otherwise, I'm not sure he would have said.

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I kind of get the baby powder thing with SLF too. A sexed up baby powder. Then again, I'm beginning to think that the men in our lives have no sense of smell. Mine thought Sneaky Clean smelled the same as Jouir De. LOL

Sneakey Clean is not clean smelling to me, tho I find it refreshing..It's clean/dirty'ish in a " dash of naughty" way. I guess that's the intent, right... Ive never smelled Jouir De but I can say I would not compare it to SLF. ;)

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Completely agreed. There is NO comparison between the two now that I have both. OCCO SLF comes across rather sweet and musky now when I wear it. Jouir De, after the hour dry down, is very sensual and sexy, slinky and smutty in the best possible way with a tinge of floral.

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I always thought honeycomb had a baby powder smell...I did get it from my gf at work too :hearts04276: WELL!


I love it. They can kiss my baby powdered butt :D HAHAHA!

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^^ The only time I get the powder'ish scent is off Sugared Honeycomb...

Your right tho... if you like it.. let them kiss that powdered ass! :D

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Ditto! I get that from SH too! I like it though.

I don't get all baby powder from either one though. I love the ambered, sugary musk of SLF...and SH is pure sugared honey YUM!

Maybe since LP, my nose is gaining "knowledge" and becoming a more astute student of scent :D

The rest of the world...or at least certain individuals...will just have to step up the pace or deal with my pretty powdered bum :lol2:

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I probably would not have been to tell you anything at all about what different notes smell like until I came here. Standard perfumes could smell good but there was no distinctive notes really. I'm beginning to distinguish more and more now and I love that I can do that. Sometimes, like SLF, I'll still get that general feeling like yeah... sort of like baby powder.... but I've not gone the route of getting anything that is strictly honey so I don't really have anything to compare to and I know that different honeys/honeycomb have a very distinctive "flavor" to them - a theme of which I will need to try more indepth in the near future.


When I first started using LPs, my husband thought everything smelled like air freshener of some sort or another. Now that I've used nothing but LPs since April, I'm noticing that although he wouldn't be able to distinguish anything in particular, he's getting better about the associations he equates them to. So I say, let them kiss your pretty powdered bum, NuTrix!! Maybe they'll learn a thing or two from you. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried OCCO SLF several times now, trying to sort out my feelings about it, and apparently I just have a somewhat ambivalent reaction.


I LOVED the description of this, and I am always drawn to the honey, amber musk combo. When I put this on, I do get a hint of the cherry smell others have mentioned--a very sour cherry on me. It is not a pleasant scent. It is not what I think of as a musky scent, or a honeyed scent, or an ambered scent. My nose registers it as sharp and sour and something to draw back from.


That being said--I find the scent COMPELLING. I can't stop sniffing, even though each time my nose prickles and I kind of draw back. But then I'm immediately pressing nose to elbow crook again.


The scent does not register with my conscious brain as sexy. And yet--I find the self effects hitting immediately. Not in a I-want-to-f**k-everything-not-nailed-down way. More in a dreamy, languid, I just want to lie around and revel in the sensuousness of being in this body. I feel confident but not charged up. Just very, very quietly pleased with myself.


I wore this in public for the first time yesterday. I have a friend who is an art photographer who occasionally uses me as a model, and yesterday was our first time doing a nude--outdoors, no less! I was scrambling through my LP collection, wishing my sale package had already arrived, trying to find the perfect scent to match the mood of what we were doing. And this was the only possibility that came to mind.


About halfway through the drive, she commented on how good I smelled and, as we talked, said she really needed to get back to wearing perfume! And I have to say--when it came time to take off my clothes and stand naked in somebody's garden, listening to traffic whizz by on the road just beyond the stand of trees, I felt perfectly comfortable and relaxed. No worries about the camera, either! I just did the poses, and reveled in feeling the grass pressed beneath me, the breeze moving over me.


All of which leads me to conclude--even though I am in not in love with the way this smells, I am going to want a full bottle. Too useful a tool to pass up!

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More in a dreamy, languid, I just want to lie around and revel in the sensuousness of being in this body. I feel confident but not charged up. Just very, very quietly pleased with myself.



Right there! That one! Yes! Emphatically YES! :heart708:

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OCCO SLF is a quintessence of smelling sexy for me. Can't wear it too often as sweet scents wear me down after a while, but it is great and gets me tons of compliments from people. SLF is also quite strong so I have to watch myself not to overapply it.

Today I'm wearing it with my LFM unscented.


At start OCCO SLF is soft ambery and slightly powdery honey on me. After an hour or so it deepens and gets this wonderful humid hue to it that I can't quite describe. Somehow reminds me of flower garden smell after rain, but it's still rich honey&amber. Probably it's musk acting that way, even though I don't perceive musks as humidity in any other scent. Coworker told me once that I smelled like an exotic flower with this fragrance, and I kind of understand where that is coming from even though flowers there are mostly a feel, not a real scent.


One of my favs for sure :wub:

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I wore this last night to a social/professional event that was... kind of challenging. I had to see some people I've had some difficulties with recently, and also a former boss, whom I had left on pretty good terms, but with whom things still have felt a little tricky. I remembered how quietly confident this had made me feel before, and I decided to go for it.


I put a smallish amount of OCCO SLF on my belly and smudged down (since I was less interested in turning heads than in boosting my own self esteem). I had a hint of scent on my wrists that faded pretty quickly. I went to the event and things were cheerful and civil with the folks I had been feeling a bit estranged from. I ended up in a long, very comfortable and friendly talk with my former boss, who was much more open and informal than we've ever been (also saw some other friends for the first time in months and got compliments on how good I was looking). Whether they were influenced by the OCCO or whether the self effects changed my affect enough to carry off the interactions successfully, who knows? Outcome: dreaded evening really not too bad. Full bottle in September order.


PS. Fleur, I love your description! Very evocative, especially the bit about humidity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried OCCO SLF several times now, trying to sort out my feelings about it, and apparently I just have a somewhat ambivalent reaction.


I LOVED the description of this, and I am always drawn to the honey, amber musk combo. When I put this on, I do get a hint of the cherry smell others have mentioned--a very sour cherry on me. It is not a pleasant scent. It is not what I think of as a musky scent, or a honeyed scent, or an ambered scent. My nose registers it as sharp and sour and something to draw back from.


That being said--I find the scent COMPELLING. I can't stop sniffing, even though each time my nose prickles and I kind of draw back. But then I'm immediately pressing nose to elbow crook again.


The scent does not register with my conscious brain as sexy. And yet--I find the self effects hitting immediately. Not in a I-want-to-f**k-everything-not-nailed-down way. More in a dreamy, languid, I just want to lie around and revel in the sensuousness of being in this body. I feel confident but not charged up. Just very, very quietly pleased with myself.


I wore this in public for the first time yesterday. I have a friend who is an art photographer who occasionally uses me as a model, and yesterday was our first time doing a nude--outdoors, no less! I was scrambling through my LP collection, wishing my sale package had already arrived, trying to find the perfect scent to match the mood of what we were doing. And this was the only possibility that came to mind.


About halfway through the drive, she commented on how good I smelled and, as we talked, said she really needed to get back to wearing perfume! And I have to say--when it came time to take off my clothes and stand naked in somebody's garden, listening to traffic whizz by on the road just beyond the stand of trees, I felt perfectly comfortable and relaxed. No worries about the camera, either! I just did the poses, and reveled in feeling the grass pressed beneath me, the breeze moving over me.


All of which leads me to conclude--even though I am in not in love with the way this smells, I am going to want a full bottle. Too useful a tool to pass up!

BlackCat, I love the way you have described this. I get a similar reaction to the scent and effects. "Dreamy and languid" is such an apt description to me. As for the scent, I agree with you on that too. I feel COMPELLED to sniff it. Constantly curious about how it is transforming. It definitely will NOT be ignored!


OCCO SLF is a quintessence of smelling sexy for me. Can't wear it too often as sweet scents wear me down after a while, but it is great and gets me tons of compliments from people. SLF is also quite strong so I have to watch myself not to overapply it.

Today I'm wearing it with my LFM unscented.


At start OCCO SLF is soft ambery and slightly powdery honey on me. After an hour or so it deepens and gets this wonderful humid hue to it that I can't quite describe. Somehow reminds me of flower garden smell after rain, but it's still rich honey&amber. Probably it's musk acting that way, even though I don't perceive musks as humidity in any other scent. Coworker told me once that I smelled like an exotic flower with this fragrance, and I kind of understand where that is coming from even though flowers there are mostly a feel, not a real scent.


One of my favs for sure :wub:

Fleur, you have managed to pin down in one perfect word, the thing that I have been unable to describe. Blackcat felt you nailed it too. The word, HUMID! This is a word that I feel sums up the smell of copulins for me. A certain kind of dampness to them, I have to say that I do not get any of the cherry scent people have spoken of, but perhaps a hint of the powder. It is not overpoweringly powdery to me, just a hint. It is a gently sweet smell on my skin, and yes, I have gotten the whole incensey smell that people have mentioned. I love it, just love it. Now here is the *really* strange thing about SLF and I have not experienced this with any of the other copulin enhanced scents yet. The Cops simply push aside the other scents involved and rule the show completely until like maybe 10 to 12 hours have passed, at which point the sweet amber and honey and muskiness finally come to the surface. Not that the Cops relent mind you, they simply quiet down enough to let the other ingredients shine. It absolutely mystifies me! And I mean that in a GOOD way. It takes very, very little of this stuff and on me, it has incredible staying power. A bit of it clung around the neck of my robe and now days later, it simply smells like a beautiful, soft, exotic, sweet incense. Summing up my impression? It lends pure FASCINATION to my senses. I adore it. It's not the prettiest scent by any means, but it most definitely has an almost hypnotic effect on me. As Blackcat said. Compelling! :LuvU396:

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  • 1 month later...

Couldn't help trying this one, and I'm glad I did. This is such a rich, sweet scent, It is not subtle, it's rather decedent and I would feel sexy in this scent no matter what. I've never smelled civet, but it seems to agree with me, the honey turns a bit powdery but the amber and musk keep it in check. I wish I could wear it to work as I love how confident it makes me feel, but I better save it for a more appropriate situation.

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  • 2 months later...

When I first wore this I tested it twice at home.

Funny thing I was cold both times so it didn't bloom haha. It was light and sweet like girl next door honey.

anyways my man at the time came over when I was dozing off. He gave me a quick kissy, he looked at me, sniffed my face then lifted the covers and sniffed under there which I thought was strange behavior. I ask and he replies I smell different. Told him it was my perfume and I showed him my hand--he sniffed there and made an ugly face at me. It made both of us sleepies so nothing really happened as far as hits go.


This time I wore it w.ss4w, it smelled hella strong like whoa that's some hardcore SEX right there. I was in a hurry so I spritzed some perfume creation over it. I found out that my natural chemistry is going strong and just works better so I FINALLY got the LESS is MORE thing so I was testing this theory for myself after that finally sank in. Soo i went and hung out w my guy friends and some of them are pretty close but in strict-friendship, those ones didn't give me any hits accept one of them forgot my name. The other ones pop in to hang out and this one guy I hardly knew was laying on the compliments and was being all jokey w.me, trying to carry me away and he's one of those "funny guys" (<read that in an Italian accent) he also sniffed me when one of my old pals asked what smelled like incense to confirm the source n said I smelled as pretty as I looked. So that funny guy left and my pals left n I was chillin w.one of the newer friends who was tripping over his English and couldn't "get" me today and why he's "stuck on retarded", that was fun but I thin it was the ss4w that made him trip over himself today rather than the slf o.o


So yeah it smells hella raunchy now, Idk what happened but I couldn't wear it out unless it decided to calm its tits. Its so SEXUAL but that was the point haha its spot on

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have to say the reviews of this one have piqued my interest in OCCO SLF. Since it is sold out here I grabbed a bottle off of that Victorian Trading Company site ( Along with a bottle of Sensual Harmony) . No samples available from there but All of notes sound fine. A little hesitant over the civet but it sounds like the amount is very small and from what I have learned so far, there are so many types of the different scents out there it just depends on the type working with my chemistry.


Of the available scents which ones would layer best with it? Or is it something that can be blended with most of them? I have sugared Amber ordered. Would this overpower that? Or would sugar scents not work well with it?


I will patiently wait for my LP order and the VTC order.

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It's fairly sweet Irish Eyes so I think you'd probably find that, depending on how much you use to layer, it could probably go well with many of the scents here. It definitely gives off a sexual vibe but I like it a lot with LP Red personally. The two together seem to kind of balance each other out well.

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I just got my bottle today so I will let it settle a bit but at first sniff it wasn't bad. I put a dab on and after about 20 minutes I got a very sweet smelling scent from it. The scent is strong so just a dab or two would be fine... I think my bottle will last me a long,long time.

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Agreed! I couldn't slather this one, I amped it quite a bit, which makes me sad because I like to put on enough to get that cops effect. I got quite a few compliments on the scent though even at just a touch :lol:

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The longer it wears the more I like it. Since it only takes a touch of Cops to get an effect, I will be dabbing this one more than I thought. If you need more cops just layer it with Occo White, Copped Sugared Amber or some Un that is high in Cops. I received Sensual Harmony at the same time and even though SH is a more delicate scent, wearing the SH on my arms and cleavage with the SLF on my tummy works great...at least for me it does. Not sure how I will smell to others.


Going to try it with LP Red like Storemy does. That sounds like a nice combo.

Edited by irish eyes
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Son of a B! I can't find my bottle of this. All this talk has got me wanting to open that seal. I'm not sure it won't end up on my trade page tho .. I did not like Jouir De. I do love Dance of Passion though.

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Thanks for the tips Irish but I'm afraid I've already re-homed SLF to a place where it is getting more love than it was here with me :)


SLF doesn't have the orchid that JD does - which I LOVE so much about JD - and Dance of Passion is lighter than JD to me, even though it's got some of the same notes, it's missing the ambers an vanilla.

:lol: I think I'm still one of few who adore JD and that nothing else comes quite close enough. The honeys in SLF and DoP go powdery on me, not in a bad way though. JD is chewy and dripping honey with orchid in the background, it's actually sweet honey and amber with my chemistry - LURV!


I think that's when I first found out about civit too... I think it's the civit in SLF that gives it that naughty-naughty vibe :heart708:

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Thanks for the tips Irish but I'm afraid I've already re-homed SLF to a place where it is getting more love than it was here with me :)

And it's getting the love, I assure you!


You all are reminding me how much I love this! I came on here to write a review of Closer, now I'm thinking of layering with some SLF to see what happens....

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Thanks for the tips Irish but I'm afraid I've already re-homed SLF to a place where it is getting more love than it was here with me :)


SLF doesn't have the orchid that JD does - which I LOVE so much about JD - and Dance of Passion is lighter than JD to me, even though it's got some of the same notes, it's missing the ambers an vanilla.

:lol: I think I'm still one of few who adore JD and that nothing else comes quite close enough. The honeys in SLF and DoP go powdery on me, not in a bad way though. JD is chewy and dripping honey with orchid in the background, it's actually sweet honey and amber with my chemistry - LURV!


I think that's when I first found out about civit too... I think it's the civit in SLF that gives it that naughty-naughty vibe :heart708:


I love JD for the same reason NuTrix. Have you ever thought of layering Dance of Passion with a vanilla or amber? When you brought that up, I thought maybe I might try that and see what happens. But as someone told me when I first had SLF (and didn't have JD yet), there's no comparison. OCCO SLF is a tame little pussycat compared to Jouir De but it surely does smell good when you haven't taken it out for a drive in a while - much like Sex & Violins.

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And it's getting the love, I assure you!



Have you ever thought of layering Dance of Passion with a vanilla or amber? When you brought that up, I thought maybe I might try that and see what happens. SLF is a tame little pussycat compared to Jouir De but it surely does smell good when you haven't taken it out for a drive in a while

So far I still have plenty of JD but, no, I didn't even think about trying to recreate it...you will have to post if you experiment with it!


LOL I thought (at least in comparison to JD) SLF was quite light and powdery (so long as I didn't apply too heavily, lol) and anyone who isn't big on the floral aspect of JD, SLF doesn't have the orchid. It just happens to be one flower my chemistry likes. SLF is CERTAINLY an attention getter - but I never got a negative from it :^^:

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  • 1 year later...
Guest cutie.pie

I read a lot about this one so I was very happy I got a sample in the trades.


It's heavy, thick, sexy...but sadly honey doesn't like my skin :(

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I have one precious bottle of this and I love, love, love it! Wish I had more stashed! Once the cops die down, it's sweet and musky and ambery on me and its staying power is beyond belief! This is the LP that comes closest to my beloved Jouir De. But fair warning, if you can't wear honey, don't even bother. It's a down and dirty honey sex bomb. I can only pull it off because like Jouir De and the so called smutty honeys, it turns into something completely different on my skin. More like a genuine animalic dowsed in beautiful, sweet, delectable honey. Long dry down for the cops on me though. Even after maybe an hour, there is still the slightest hint of that vinegary funk. No worries for me, I simply plan accordingly. I would be elated to see this return.

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You can get more at "The Victorian Trading co"


I like this one too. Jouir De did not work on me but this one does.



Also you can layer it with Sugared Orchid. For a Jouir De'ish type scent. Still a little softer than JD but I like it, :)

Edited by StacyK
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