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Has anyone ever had this happen....

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I am new to the pheromones & copulins stuff. I just started wearing the LeFemme Mystere w/copulins & darling catalina. Besides getting more attention from men, I am also getting more attention from my female cat. She's is now following me a lot more and she wants to cuddle a lot more. Does it have an effect on animals?? Is this a normal reaction??

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Are you wearing both of them at the same time? Because that would definitely provoke a reaction in any creature!

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Are you wearing both of them at the same time? Because that would definitely provoke a reaction in any creature!


Yep..Mara created the mix for me. So everything is in one bottle. Thank you, Mara for creating an awesome mixture. Looking forward to ordering more scents. Wahoo!!

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Awww what a sweetie...my male cat is especially lovable when I wear cops,which now is pretty much everyday :lol: My female,not so much,but she was a feral and is still a bit of a wild child.

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she looks like my Gibson!!! even down to the bright green eyes! if my cat wasnt fixed i would suggest getting them together for a 'date" then i can have 2 witch kitties. Darling calls gibson my witch kitty because of the stereotype

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WHAT A HAM !! :lol:

yep.....that could be my PMMcBP !!!


Aeaea, you had both phero enhanced scents and the cops blended in one bottle ?

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she looks like my Gibson!!! even down to the bright green eyes! if my cat wasnt fixed i would suggest getting them together for a 'date" then i can have 2 witch kitties. Darling calls gibson my witch kitty because of the stereotype

I know...but she's also fixed as well. See the scar? They did a horrible job by cutting her to high, but it was done before I adopted her.

WHAT A HAM !! :lol:

yep.....that could be my PMMcBP !!!


Aeaea, you had both phero enhanced scents and the cops blended in one bottle ?

The order was like this: LFM (unscented w/Phero + EoW+ Darling Catalina (virgin). This mix works really well and I love it! :Emoticons04235:

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Yes, I saved aside several bottles of *Virgin* Darling Catalina. Still have around 5 bottles left if someone wants one with a different phero or no phero.


Glad you like it, Aeaea!




LOVE the kitty pix!!

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The order was like this: LFM (unscented w/Phero + EoW+ Darling Catalina (virgin). This mix works really well and I love it!

Ah okay, I thought you were mixing LFM/cops/Popularity Potion, which would be rather over-the-top!

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Just dropped by to say what a pretty kitty!

And yes, my two neutered males love the pheros. My un-fixed male avoids me when I wear cops, although he humps every and any fuzzy thing he can find, poor little beastie! Lol!

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Very normal, I also notice that young children adore me when wearing cops as well. The only time I got similar worship treatment was when I was dying my hair cotton candy pink, but the animals never noticed that. Lol.

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Very normal, I also notice that young children adore me when wearing cops as well. The only time I got similar worship treatment was when I was dying my hair cotton candy pink, but the animals never noticed that. Lol.


How fun is cotton candy pink hair??? I love that! I wish I had the nerve to do that. I'm chicken, and live vicariously through my boyfriend and his electric blue hair.


Children scare the bejesus out of me, so maybe I'll try to avoid cops when I know there will be kiddies around. The kids that can talk always want to ask me the big existentialist questions that I don't know how to answer: is there really a God? why do people exist? What happens when we die? And my personal favourite: how did Mommy and Daddy make me? *scare-dy cat Eggers runs away from child, screaming*

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I don't know about cats but I have some dogs sneaking close to me to smell me when I have certain musk on. My son's dog would snuggle up with me once in a while whether I have or do not have cops on. I guess it's because to her, I'm the alpha and she comes over just to make peace with me.

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I even had a horse get extra nuzzely with me once when wearing a heavy dose of pheromones.


And my personal favourite: how did Mommy and Daddy make me?


That is every parent's favorite .... especially when a much older friend has given them graphic details you are not even sure the older friend should know ... lol.

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That is every parent's favorite .... especially when a much older friend has given them graphic details you are not even sure the older friend should know ... lol.


I know! It's the worst question in the world, coming from a kid. Right after 'does God really exist?' I mean, first off, I am so awkward with kids that I find it tough to relate to them in normal kiddie conversation. But when they start asking those questions, I'm struck speechless. I think almost every single child I've ever spent a good amount of time with has asked me at least one of them. I generally try to avoid my friends' children until they're at least 12, and probably already have the answers to some of those tough ones. You know those people who don't like cats, yet seem to attract them? That's me & kids. I don't dislike them, (I love them in fact, though they scare the pants off me), but it's like they have a built-in radar, and home right in on me. There could be a magician, a juggler, somebody making balloon animals, a pony - in other words, there could be a carnival going on - and kids will plunk themselves down beside me and stay there, content to ask me the world's worst, most uncomfortable questions to answer. It's like they sense my fear and get a kick out of watching me squirm.

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I find the religious questions the most difficult to field. There are so many varied beliefs amongst my group of friends that I'm never quite sure what they'd be comfortable with me telling their child. I am in no way religious. I always refer to myself as a 'recovering Catholic'. I find organized religion pretty ridiculous, but I'm pretty sure that if I tried to explain my beliefs to my friends' kids, there would be some, 'WTF did you tell my kid?' conversations to follow. I find it impossible to avoid the minefield. It's comforting to know that what I say to them might not stick! Lol! I always worry about harming their developing minds with my cynical view on religion, so I tend to resort to things like, 'Hey, what's that? Something shiny?' and 'Ask your father.' :D

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I always offer to take them to church to see what they are missing but they don't want to go. Which is fine by me cause I don't either ;) They did go to Catholic Mass once with their cousins and that was enough to convince them they aren't missing much.


Yep. Nothing like a Catholic Mass to turn a kid off religion. Lol!

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Nothing like a Catholic Mass to turn a kid off religion. Lol!


LOL - at least you can understand it now. I am not Catholic but I remember going to mass in latin with family who was.

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Are there still any unpheroed bottles of Darling Catalina left? If there are, how would I order it? I don't see any unpheroed listing anywhere. I'm about to place an order and I wanted to get this in a spray without pheros and maybe one with pheros, but something like UN OW or UN LFM. Sorry if these are really basic questions, I just don't want to order the wrong thing... if I still can.... (I'm going to be ordering tonight when I have a bit more time).



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I think i remember reading a post somewhere about how a moose got up close and personal with someone!! My dog is extra cuddly when I wear some pheros. I should pay attention and see which ones.

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Now see, if my child was asking anybody but me those questions, we'd have to have another Talk. But he knows I'm the one to come to.

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@ Quietguy - yes, I can understand it now. That doesn't mean it makes any sense! Lol!


@ Luna - I wish my friends' kids would ask their parents. It's usually the ones who are just little - around 5 or 6!


@ Bluebear - I remember that! She was putting something in her car and felt something like whiskers and hot breath, then turned around to find an amorous moose! I laughed my *ss off!


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How fun is cotton candy pink hair??? I love that! I wish I had the nerve to do that. I'm chicken, and live vicariously through my boyfriend and his electric blue hair.


Children scare the bejesus out of me, so maybe I'll try to avoid cops when I know there will be kiddies around. The kids that can talk always want to ask me the big existentialist questions that I don't know how to answer: is there really a God? why do people exist? What happens when we die? And my personal favourite: how did Mommy and Daddy make me? *scare-dy cat Eggers runs away from child, screaming*

How old is this child? What are these parents letting this kid watch????? I have children & enjoy the company of little people & I can honestly say I've never had any other children other than my own ask me about their origins. Or if there's a God, or what happens when they die. I think these children must smell fear & are messing with you chica, LOL! Its easier when dogs smell fear they just growl/bark at you. The key with little people's questions is to answer simply, no follow up. My 5 yr.old is smart & he's questioned how the Easter Bunny & Santa manage to sneak into the house & leave presents. So I told him that I'm awake & I let them in. He's asked me where he was before he was in my tummy & I told him he was a speck in God's eye. When he asked me how he got in my tummy, I told him love put him there. Most kids don't have follow up questions if you confidently give them a simple answer.

ETA: Also, I find that children are attracted to beauty. Naturally beauty of course, but never the less. They are just mini-people after all. So take it as a compliment that they want to be around you, deary.

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Lol! Beccah, thanks for the tips. I don't know what these kids are watching... I can only be thankful that I'm the pied-piper of dogs and cats, and most of my friends have animals, so there's usually a decent enough distraction, (hey, let's play ball with Marty!).

I think you're right about kids smelling fear. It probably oozes out of me when kids are near. I find my body tensing when I know there's a child nearby; I can feel them giving me the eye. I'm sure they're plotting ways to freak me out! Lol!


One of my best friends was in a real pinch a few years ago, and asked me to babysit her 5 year old daughter for 45 minutes. Knowing my fea of kids, she explained to her daughter that I'm scared of kids, (yes, she did!). So when I arrived, Hannah said, 'Mommy said you're afraid of kids, so I have to behave.' And she did. She spent the next 45 minutes tying herself up in yoga knots and bows, asking, 'Can you do this?' So yeah, Hannah babysat me that day... That pretty much says it all! :D

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Are there still any unpheroed bottles of Darling Catalina left? If there are, how would I order it? I don't see any unpheroed listing anywhere. I'm about to place an order and I wanted to get this in a spray without pheros and maybe one with pheros, but something like UN OW or UN LFM. Sorry if these are really basic questions, I just don't want to order the wrong thing... if I still can.... (I'm going to be ordering tonight when I have a bit more time).




Hi Moon Bloom, I didn't realize that I neglected to post the unpheroed option, sorry. Yes, I still have several bottles worth.


If you want to order one in a spray, use the second option down on this page:


You can just write in your preference for a scent.


If you want to order one with a different phero, in oil, use the first option on this page, and again, just write in the scent you want:



If you just want a plain UNpheroed oil bottle, you can use the GC option x5, ($25) on this page - second option down, write in what you want:



If it all gets too complicated, just send me an email and I will do the figuring for you and send you an invoice to make it easier. So sorry for making this complicated for everyone!


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I once had to stand in for a friend and babysit a couple of kids. One was a little genius boy of around 9, and the other was around 4. The older one had dark hair and skin like his parents, and the younger was blonde with skin white as snow.


The older one was asking me to help him with his FRENCH homework...I read a little French so I translated the line for him. And he says, "I know what it SAYS, I was asking you where the participle was!"


Ok, well that showed me. LOL! His next question was more fun. He says, "Can a tiger and a giraffe have a baby together?" And I answered "No, tigers have babies with tigers, and giraffes can only have babies with giraffes."

Then he points at his little brother and says, "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN HIM!!!" :o



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:D D'OH! You've got to love the precocious ones, don't you? As much as I'm afraid of them, I get a real kick out of kids who are too smart for their own good. I do love a smart-ass. :lol:
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The older one was asking me to help him with his FRENCH homework...I read a little French so I translated the line for him. And he says, "I know what it SAYS, I was asking you where the participle was!"


Been there ...

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I have children & enjoy the company of little people & I can honestly say I've never had any other children other than my own ask me about their origins.

Yeah, I mean, in all the years I babysat, taught, and volunteered with kids before having my own, that never happened to me either.

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Yeah, I mean, in all the years I babysat, taught, and volunteered with kids before having my own, that never happened to me either.


They don't go after ones like you. They separate us scardy ones from the herd and they pounce when no one is looking. Tricksy.

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I once had to stand in for a friend and babysit a couple of kids. One was a little genius boy of around 9, and the other was around 4. The older one had dark hair and skin like his parents, and the younger was blonde with skin white as snow.


The older one was asking me to help him with his FRENCH homework...I read a little French so I translated the line for him. And he says, "I know what it SAYS, I was asking you where the participle was!"


Ok, well that showed me. LOL! His next question was more fun. He says, "Can a tiger and a giraffe have a baby together?" And I answered "No, tigers have babies with tigers, and giraffes can only have babies with giraffes."

Then he points at his little brother and says, "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN HIM!!!" :o




LOL!!! :smiley-laughing024:

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They don't go after ones like you. They separate us scardy ones from the herd and they pounce when no one is looking. Tricksy.


Kids are cute, sweet and wonderful. But they can be like a big cat on the prowl. They can smell weakeness and they will pounce. Be strong, my friend, less they pounce on you.

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They don't go after ones like you. They separate us scardy ones from the herd and they pounce when no one is looking. Tricksy.



Kids are cute, sweet and wonderful. But they can be like a big cat on the prowl. They can smell weakeness and they will pounce. Be strong, my friend, less they pounce on you.



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And kids are pretty wise! My sister and I used to babysit our cousin. I didn't know how to play with little children, and he sensed that, so he would go play with my sister. When he needed a diaper change or was ready to eat, he knew to come to me. LOL!

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