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I get to start a review thread! YAY!


Topper I put on to see if I got self fx and boy did I! It hit within probably a minute and continued to increase for about fifteen minutes. I was almost giggly at that point I was so cheerful. I used about 2 sprays in the cleavage area. Well, top of the cleavage area.


Interestingly, although I know roughly when it faded away, I have remained in a cheerful mood the rest of the day and night and am open to new adventures and suggestions of new directions to take my career. And new directions have opened up.

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I used Topper yesterday and the day before.

Might follow this thread a bit, I didnt get anything from it.


No self-effects that were noticable, and I was in a close-cabbed truck with the windows up and AC on for over an hour with my SO and didnt notice anything but alot of silence.


We are not normally silent people, but not a word.


With alphanol in there, I thought it would be the total opposite.


Maybe I didnt use enough...I used 2 sprays.


Wore some Heart Strings,

After that I put alot more Heart Strings on and some sexpionage.

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I will try 4 sprays later, and then 6 tomorrow if that doesnt work.

will keep upping it until I find a sweet spot.

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I react to alphanol BIGTIME...love love love.... but did not react to Topper at all with 2 sprays.


Its raining to day (yay! we were so needing it!) so I wont be spraying it again to try a higher dosage unless my bro shows up with the car and I can go somewhere.


I never noticed a reaction to DHEAS specifically because I have never tried it on its own,singally....that I *know* of.

I believe I have unwittingly,however.

If my blind study was DHEAS, it would make alot of sense.

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im really curious now about Topper, because so far the alpha nol has lasted 24 hours for me, unless I produce it already and wearing it encouraged my body to make more of it?

How do you know its not lasting 24 hours...is it because there are no self-effects at 24 hours, or because you do not notice any hits at 24 hours?


I ask because maybe you are acclimating to the anol?


I do not use pheros everyday like I used to and so I never fully acclimate to them.

I like this,however, because if the wearer doesnt fully acclimate, then they know what the VICTIMS in the vicinity are getting,heehee.


I find people over-use pheros because they acclimate and then think those around them arent feeling anything ,either.

Just my opinion.


I also have friends that have naturally high tolerances...but this is the exception to the rule.

Similar to how 30% of people cant smell andrstenone ( I *think* that was the statistic).

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Good Question. I think something in A nol or the high quality ingredients in LP's def have an effect on me, but they bring me to my natural state of being. I'm a pretty upbeat person and notice things like the sun shining and trees, etc. Well yesterday I stopped at the Rx at 6pm, well after my Blissful Caress phero cloud, and I felt so happy to be in this world. The temp was perfect, the bird were chirping and there was a buzz of life in the air.. then again it is almost summer and I LOOVE Summer and feel like this every day in the Summer time, and I LOVE my new neighborhood and apt. But yesterday reminded me of those rare moments when I feel so blessed and happy to be alive. I always used to feel this way before marriage - after I was married, towards the end of it all this went away, and it's taken me a while to get back to this state- I think the Alpha Nol pushed me a bit towards the happy girl I used to be.


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Which brings up a topic I have rolled around in my head for a long time now. Is it the phero getting me the hit from someone or is it ME who is acting differently because of self effects. Ultimately both are attributed to the phero usage of course, but I think it makes a strong case for how much I (or any user) have to do with the reaction. How you personally steer the boat matters and it matters a lot.

Because people have made reports of pheromones affecting people they have phone conversations with, I'm going to assume that a big part of their effect has to do with changing the wearers energy or vibe.

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I mean, isnt it only natural (and exciting to think!) that your natural pheromone signiture OR one enhanced can start a chain reaction within someone else triggering specific releases....

I love how the detractors of this will say " technically most of these pheros CANT trigger anything due to the fact that they are inhaled and we have no functional VNO,and we are NOT taking them internally on a significant basis"


after applying,

what about the chemicals released when we only *think* someone we dig is giving us "the eye" ???

Or when we *think* someone is challenging/dominating/pushing us?

Or when we *think* someone near us is "safe" and "protective"?


The *think* part being our reaction to their reaction of the pheros worn *or* our reaction to our own enhanced signiture!


We get more relaxed...or excited...or turned-on....or pissed off.....ect ect and this opens up a new can of worms (sexxay can O'worms...or a can of whoopass) whatever.


The cool thing that I think naturally keeps us using this stuff "in check" is that the majority were bright enough to both research and acknowledge the potential and known-ability for this stuff to work effectively....

and then that same majority happens to be in tune with their surroundings and sensitive to social-cues.


I swear im NOT using any pheros today.

the rain is making me run my mouth :(

Edited by Lor
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How you personally steer the boat matters and it matters a lot.


...and ALL of what Lor said too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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This is such an interesting thread. I love what Lor said. I'm curious though, is it actually proven that we have no functional VNO, or is it only assumed by naysayers? I'm asking because it just doesn't make sense that the VNO doesn't function, because we *are* affected by pheromones. Women's cycles sync, men find women more attractive - and vice versa - at certain points of the menstrual cycle, women are calmed by the presence of certain men because of certain pheromones they're emitting, etc... These are all pheromonal effects, are they not? So how can it be assumed that our VNO is non-functioning, simply because we don't know *how* it works. It's a bit like saying, (for an odd example), that aliens don't exist, simply because we don't know how to find them.

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@Lor Word!

This is such an interesting thread. I love what Lor said. I'm curious though, is it actually proven that we have no functional VNO, or is it only assumed by naysayers? I'm asking because it just doesn't make sense that the VNO doesn't function, because we *are* affected by pheromones. Women's cycles sync, men find women more attractive - and vice versa - at certain points of the menstrual cycle, women are calmed by the presence of certain men because of certain pheromones they're emitting, etc... These are all pheromonal effects, are they not? So how can it be assumed that our VNO is non-functioning, simply because we don't know *how* it works. It's a bit like saying, (for an odd example), that aliens don't exist, simply because we don't know how to find them.

You are correct mademoiselle. It seems so ironic that science was founded as an alternative to the mandatory (theocratic) views presented by the Holy Roman Empire, yet scientists these days seem to have sold their souls to the corporations. Which results in a mandatory McScience society, meaning if they can't prove (or disprove) theories right instantaneously then they are automatically considered snake oil. Very sad state of affairs.

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Eggers, we just don't need one. We don't need an organ only for processing pheromonal signals, we can do that with the receptors in our noses, sinuses, whatever. Not having a functional VNO like some animals, does not mean that we don't react to pheromones. We react to them every day, naturally produced or otherwise. Humans simply don't have a separate organ to do it with. That's all.


I never understood what all the hullabaloo was about that. Yes, it's proven we do not have a dedicated, pheromone processing VNO, but so what? We're clearly processing the chemical signals via olfactory receptors anyway!!

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not for nothing, but most of us can taste smells,too.

many of our senses work together, and then work at super-capacity when another sense is deprived....

we aint got a clue how cool our bodies are lol

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Ok...here's my Topper experiences...


Wore Ambrosia with three sprays of Topper, two to neck one to chest. I was already in a pretty upbeat mood but I didn't feel any noticeable self affects at this dosage. Was counting on it mainly to lighten HG up who has been a bit cranky as of late. In fact it has been getting on my nerves. We do not live together, we are not married, I don't even really consider him boyfriend status...I consider him for "entertainment purposes" and I the same for him so I think he should be in a good mood a fair amount of the time when I drive an hour to come see him once or twice a week.


Anyway...let me just say that 3 sprays of Topper is indeed his sweet spot. He was pretty normal when I got there but it only took a few minutes of hanging out in his kitchen for me to notice that he got very chipper. We had a great time and he was acting like he did when we first met (we've only known each other for 7 months but I know that is when people start getting boring)...lighthearted, giggly very huggy. This was one of the best evenings I have had with him in awhile. We had awesome sex several times and was woken up at 2:00 am for more...ALSO he was still in this cheerful frame of mind in the morning even though I had to get up early to get home. He kept holding me down and begging me to cancel my day. (Again, something that hasn't happened in awhile).

All I can really say to describe his demeanor is "lighthearted" which has not been the case lately at all.


I am very pleased with the outcome of this phero. I seemed to get the reaction with this that Dolly gets from Open WIndows with her man.


Ok..now for me. The next day I took Halos advice and upped the dosage to 5 sprays. THIS is apparently MY sweet spot. I felt noticeably uplifted. Another thing is that I felt much NICER. I am always nice at work obviously but a lot of the time I am faking it...just like with the phero in Rainbow Falls, I did not feel like I was faking it I actually felt like enjoying the company of the people I was in contact with.


I had a new client and all I can say is we REALLY bonded (and I didn't even know this was for bonding until I read about DHEAS in the other thread this morning). When the facial was over and she was preparing to leave she told me what a special time she had had with me and how she hadn't felt this good in years and she gave me a hug and...she started crying. That was a little disconcerting but wow...I felt like I really made difference to her yesterday.


All in all I cannot even express how happy I have been with my experiences with this phero these last two days.

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Great post, missdarlyncherie!! May I ask, did you get 2,500mcg or 5,000mcg?


To be honest, I have been hesitating to purchase this because it's such an investment, but your post makes me think I need to massage the budget (pun intended!) and get some!!

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Thanks GL!

I got the 2,500mcg (are you crazy? I can't afford the other one! LOL!!)


I have to say...I am REALLY glad I invested in this. I was hesitant at first too as I went over my budget but I think it was well worth the creative financing I had to do to get it! I mean, the bonding aspect alone in the DHEAS just REALLY seemed to have a strong effect!

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@ Potion Master - I didn't realize that they'd proven we don't have a VNO. The reason I asked my question was because the last I'd read, (a few years ago, granted), was that they thought they'd found what was assumed to be a sort of 'vestigal' VNO in the human nasal cavity.


@ Halo - I'm glad the federal agencies aren't involved in this, too. All the resulting regulations would really put a damper on all the fun, and it would wind up costing a fortune to use pheros.


@ Lor - I can taste smells. Unfortunately, the only time I really notice that I can is when the BF lets out a really stinky one. :( So gross!


@ MDC - great report! I've been looking forward to reports on Topper. Very interested in this one, and it sounds like you got some great reactions with it. Woohoo! :) Congrats!

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I mean, isnt it only natural (and exciting to think!) that your natural pheromone signiture OR one enhanced can start a chain reaction within someone else triggering specific releases....

I love how the detractors of this will say " technically most of these pheros CANT trigger anything due to the fact that they are inhaled and we have no functional VNO,and we are NOT taking them internally on a significant basis"


after applying,

what about the chemicals released when we only *think* someone we dig is giving us "the eye" ???

Or when we *think* someone is challenging/dominating/pushing us?

Or when we *think* someone near us is "safe" and "protective"?


The *think* part being our reaction to their reaction of the pheros worn *or* our reaction to our own enhanced signiture!


We get more relaxed...or excited...or turned-on....or pissed off.....ect ect and this opens up a new can of worms (sexxay can O'worms...or a can of whoopass) whatever.


The cool thing that I think naturally keeps us using this stuff "in check" is that the majority were bright enough to both research and acknowledge the potential and known-ability for this stuff to work effectively....

and then that same majority happens to be in tune with their surroundings and sensitive to social-cues.


I swear im NOT using any pheros today.

the rain is making me run my mouth :(


See THIS is why I mainly wear pheros for the self effects. IMO the vibe you put out can be just as powerful if not more than what scent/phero your body gives off. It's a chicken egg thing though, and it's becoming increasingly apparent that it's an unanswerable question for me. Which came first? the self effects, therefore the vibe I put out? or people smelling/reacting to my pheros and then giving off a vibe to me?

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LOL Eggers!!! there HAS got to be more to tasting smells than THAT !!!!


lol Raq On ! we may nevahhh knowwwww........


wore 4 sprays of Topper today....


I didnt get anything over the top...not getting ANYTHING you girls are getting !!! :(


Im going to keep trying it, because this is a mix I was out-of-control excited to try.


The best I have gotten out of this so far is that the vet joked with me more than usual during my cat's visit.


Nothing out of the man at all that was different from any other day.


Maybe 6 sprays tomorow.... we have to work together and make lots of trips to DIY stores all day without kids around.

crossing fingers.

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she told me what a special time she had had with me and how she hadn't felt this good in years and she gave me a hug and...she started crying. That was a little disconcerting

LOL!! MDC always CMSU. Sounds like a must have for your profession!!

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I bought a bottle of this today. (the lighter strength) and when I tear open that package Ima gonna start with 3 sprays. I do have straight A-nol and If I put too much of that on I get a headache. But it takes like 5 sprays for that to happen, Haven't used it in over 6 months. I don't notice any woo woo feelings with Anol. But interestingly enough I did notice mucho self effects when using Dolly's idea of Open windows mixed with a lot of cops....


Crafted in a base of 90% alcohol / 10% oil, Topper will typically be at it's effective peak from application through the 2-3 hour mark. Safe to spray on hair, clothes and skin. Packaged in an attractive glass spray bottle.


So halo there's your case for turning back into a pumpkin at the 3 hour mark

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I tried this out the other day. I wanted to use it with cops, but I tried it on it's own first. My bottle is the 2,500 strength & I used 1-2 sprays. I got that same initial rush of nervousness that I get get with Perfect Match. I do not get this with a-nol by itself, so I'm going to narrow this down to DHEAS. Had a fun day, & I did feel very youthful, very friendly & outgoing.

I guess I will be going out on the boat, after all. I wonder if this will go well over B2 or Hearts Ease?

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Tested this out over Cougar & cops, it's a win. Felt very energized last night. I was out on the floor out-dancing the girls in their 20s ;) I did turn into a pumpkin at the 3 hour mark, lol. I think I used 2-3 sprays. Idk, I did the walk through method.

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Tested this out over Cougar & cops, it's a win. Felt very energized last night. I was out on the floor out-dancing the girls in their 20s ;) I did turn into a pumpkin at the 3 hour mark, lol. I think I used 2-3 sprays. Idk, I did the walk through method.

did you add cops TO the Cougar...or TO the Topper, or did you just layer them all?
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Ok...here's my Topper experiences...


Wore Ambrosia with three sprays of Topper, two to neck one to chest. I was already in a pretty upbeat mood but I didn't feel any noticeable self affects at this dosage. Was counting on it mainly to lighten HG up who has been a bit cranky as of late. In fact it has been getting on my nerves. We do not live together, we are not married, I don't even really consider him boyfriend status...I consider him for "entertainment purposes" and I the same for him so I think he should be in a good mood a fair amount of the time when I drive an hour to come see him once or twice a week.


Anyway...let me just say that 3 sprays of Topper is indeed his sweet spot. He was pretty normal when I got there but it only took a few minutes of hanging out in his kitchen for me to notice that he got very chipper. We had a great time and he was acting like he did when we first met (we've only known each other for 7 months but I know that is when people start getting boring)...lighthearted, giggly very huggy. This was one of the best evenings I have had with him in awhile. We had awesome sex several times and was woken up at 2:00 am for more...ALSO he was still in this cheerful frame of mind in the morning even though I had to get up early to get home. He kept holding me down and begging me to cancel my day. (Again, something that hasn't happened in awhile).

All I can really say to describe his demeanor is "lighthearted" which has not been the case lately at all.


I am very pleased with the outcome of this phero. I seemed to get the reaction with this that Dolly gets from Open WIndows with her man.


Ok..now for me. The next day I took Halos advice and upped the dosage to 5 sprays. THIS is apparently MY sweet spot. I felt noticeably uplifted. Another thing is that I felt much NICER. I am always nice at work obviously but a lot of the time I am faking it...just like with the phero in Rainbow Falls, I did not feel like I was faking it I actually felt like enjoying the company of the people I was in contact with.


I had a new client and all I can say is we REALLY bonded (and I didn't even know this was for bonding until I read about DHEAS in the other thread this morning). When the facial was over and she was preparing to leave she told me what a special time she had had with me and how she hadn't felt this good in years and she gave me a hug and...she started crying. That was a little disconcerting but wow...I felt like I really made difference to her yesterday.


All in all I cannot even express how happy I have been with my experiences with this phero these last two days.


Dammit!!! I wasn't even dreaming of getting this one. I thought okay DHEAS might cause acne ( I know they don't really but I was using that to trick myself..) but now after reading that you felt you didn't have to fake the funk with work??? AND the entertainment wasn't annoying!!!

I might have to get some of this now. Although Blissful Caress really made me feel soooo good.

I wonder if Topper will make people throw cupcakes and tiaras at me.

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Dammit!!! I wasn't even dreaming of getting this one. I thought okay DHEAS might cause acne ( I know they don't really but I was using that to trick myself..) but now after reading that you felt you didn't have to fake the funk with work??? AND the entertainment wasn't annoying!!!

I might have to get some of this now. Although Blissful Caress really made me feel soooo good.

I wonder if Topper will make people throw cupcakes and tiaras at me.

Idk, if they will, but feeling like you have the vitality to dance for hours is way better than getting pelted with metal & carbs (imo) ;)

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It can cause acne but just spray it in your hair or on clothes! It's awesome.


Oh,I thought the strength sold here did NOT cause acne ? :huh:

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