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Super for Men... OMFG!

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I am actually the car buff here.



'68 Chevy Camaro

'74 Chevy Camaro

'84 Chevy Camaro

'87 Chevy Camaro IROC

'88 Chevy Camaro


'76 Cadillac Calais

'85 Pontiac Trans AM


'94 Pontiac Firebird

I won't go into the engine detalis-etc. They were FAST! LOL


Dream cars:


Another '68 Camaro

Another IROC

Panther De Ville

Morgan Roadster

'71 Hemi-Cuda Convertable- (only 9 made! LOL)

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So, the scent reminds you of an Austin Healy? (Not a car person, sorry.) Kinda makes me just want to call it by the initials: Aahhhhhhhh....... :)


Well not the Austin Healy per se, but it does remind me of something rare and vintage, something fine, something with class and very masculine...


Btw I like the phero package, the SS. Are the ingredients listed in order of amount. Like the most first?

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I am actually the car buff here.



'68 Chevy Camaro

'74 Chevy Camaro

'84 Chevy Camaro

'87 Chevy Camaro IROC

'88 Chevy Camaro


'76 Cadillac Calais

'85 Pontiac Trans AM


'94 Pontiac Firebird

I won't go into the engine detalis-etc. They were FAST! LOL


Dream cars:


Another '68 Camaro

Another IROC

Panther De Ville

Morgan Roadster

'71 Hemi-Cuda Convertable- (only 9 made! LOL)


That is an UTTERLY AMAZING collection! :dancingfruits0nm:

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I think the Pharmacom method of pheromone blending is very effective and clever actually. They've devised a mathmatical grid, assigning values to each of the pheros and their purposes. So whenever I ask them to make something new for us from scratch, it's all a mathmatical equation, a logical way to put blends together no matter what I throw at them. And I too have noticed the concentration of their blends. I have certain ingredients that I've gotten from 3 different sources. Same phero, 3 sources, and Pharmacom's stuff always smells the most concentrated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick revival of this review to add my DH's comments. He wore SUPER yesterday, which was a big day for him of meeting and smoozing the new underwriting team for one of his largest carriers (read: the people who give the OK to whether or not he can make money...). This group was women.


He called me on his way home at 9PM, and giggled over the fact that he basically monopolized these women's attention all day (we're in a smaller town, and they fly in periodically to meet with all licensed producers in here). Their afternoon assignment cancelled, so he went to lunch with them, and then to the reception and then dinner...


At the afternoon reception for all the producers in town, he said the 4 women gathered around him the whole 2 hours. He noticed much longer eye contact and they were invading his personal space. Men would drift over and then drift away, looking perplexed.


So hopefully their remembrances of his charm will hold for at least a few months, and their good feelings about him personally will spill over into their approval decisions regarding business he submits to them!


On a side note, DH doesn't feel that the smell of SUPER is anything special (HA!), although he says it's "pleasant" - but he likes the results! I told him I follow him around like a lovesick pup when he wears SUPER - and I know it's effects - imagine having it hit you unaware...

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Great story!


I am getting ready to leave for an entire weekend of post-tax-season R & R, and my man is going to be wearing super all weekend! I am testing intellectual woman......we shall see how the weekend progresses.....and I'll post after I return.....have a great weekend everyone!

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I am actually the car buff here.



'68 Chevy Camaro

'74 Chevy Camaro

'84 Chevy Camaro

'87 Chevy Camaro IROC

'88 Chevy Camaro


'76 Cadillac Calais

'85 Pontiac Trans AM


'94 Pontiac Firebird

I won't go into the engine detalis-etc. They were FAST! LOL


Dream cars:


Another '68 Camaro

Another IROC

Panther De Ville

Morgan Roadster

'71 Hemi-Cuda Convertable- (only 9 made! LOL)


OK I can't resist - this brings to mind the Dead Milkmen...


And of course you must have heard "camaro song" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdegQmtgFSM- a real tearjerker....


My friend wept like a baby when they quit making camaros - she'd owned them since she was in high school....and that had been a long time.

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Just a quick revival of this review to add my DH's comments. He wore SUPER yesterday, which was a big day for him of meeting and smoozing the new underwriting team for one of his largest carriers (read: the people who give the OK to whether or not he can make money...). This group was women.


He called me on his way home at 9PM, and giggled over the fact that he basically monopolized these women's attention all day (we're in a smaller town, and they fly in periodically to meet with all licensed producers in here). Their afternoon assignment cancelled, so he went to lunch with them, and then to the reception and then dinner...


At the afternoon reception for all the producers in town, he said the 4 women gathered around him the whole 2 hours. He noticed much longer eye contact and they were invading his personal space. Men would drift over and then drift away, looking perplexed.


So hopefully their remembrances of his charm will hold for at least a few months, and their good feelings about him personally will spill over into their approval decisions regarding business he submits to them!


On a side note, DH doesn't feel that the smell of SUPER is anything special (HA!), although he says it's "pleasant" - but he likes the results! I told him I follow him around like a lovesick pup when he wears SUPER - and I know it's effects - imagine having it hit you unaware...


Thanks for the report! I enjoy the scent and the effects seem pretty obviuos on my SO. You say "lovesick pup".. my SO looks like she has a school girl crush "flushed" face when I wear it. It's so damn adorable. :Blusher:

Edited by Northwestmichael
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I've spent some time really pondering why I have such a Pavlovian response to PB Super even just on my own (i.e. if I catch even a slight whiff of it from the bottle I go ga-ga) and after doing some reading it seems androstadienone has an apparent euphoric affect on women akin to certain controlled substances. So even with the addition of male-dominant pheros I think the AND, because it's the predominant ingredient, just instantly rewires my brain into happy feelgood funtime. So in combination with the fragrance itself means PB Super is...liquid addiction.


Hey...that might make a good name for a perfume, hmm? :D

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I know exactly what you mean, Luna.


It's weird, but we have fans going all the time in the studio, and sometimes a particular scent will catch on the breeze and waft my way, and every once in a while it's this one, and every time, it makes me stop what I'm doing and either turn my head in that direction, or actually get up and walk in that direction. It's an absolute magnet for me.


Aside from the pheros though, there's something in the smell. As you know, I brewed up a variant called UN for men, without the pheros, and this too has a similar effect on me. I've got it slathered all over my pillow. :D mmmmmmm.

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Hey Michael,

The Merlin has been rebrewed and is ready-give us a shout regarding your order!




Awesome.. I'm ready... You know you sent me a sample of Bad Boy with my order of unscented SS and Phero Boy Dom and holy shit... I love it... :001_tt2:


gawd I'm starting to sound like everyone else here... :rolleyes:




So looks like a merlins and bad boy purchase on the way hehe


so what do I do with the nasty habits sample? :D

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so what do I do with the nasty habits sample? :D


Slather it on your woman and enjoy......

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Got another email from my friend Bob, who says PB Super appears to have an effect on everyone he knows, even males. Not like that, of course, but just that they tend to be friendlier, which I also attribute to the androstadienone. But he's loving the effect it has on his various girlfriends, in that he has to pry them off of his neck! It seems to be working the way it should in terms of sexual attraction, but I cracked up at some of his comments like, "Even my fascist boss is nice to me when I wear this stuff!" :D

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  • 2 months later...

So hey, I had ordered a trial vial of Super for Men about a month ago with someone in mind, but was only just able to give it to him a few days ago. It smells much better on him than me... :D My skin turns it into straight tobacco, and I don't really like tobacco. Well, I removed the label and didn't tell him it was charged with sexy pheromones, so he doesn't think it is anything other than perfume. He also doesn't know about my own phero use.


Okay. This friend used to be a smoker and he recently quit (partly due to my nagging). He said that he used to roll his own cigarettes with honey, and that the perfume smells almost exactly like those cigs. I prefer it after a few hours, when most of the tobacco is gone, and it just smelled like smoky sugar on him. Mmm :)


We were in the mall at the time, in mostly smaller stores. After a while he said "is there something on my face? People keep staring at me!" That day, I kept nuzzling the arm I applied Super to. I asked to sniff him about a dozen times... and while I have no problem touching him, I'm just generally a hands-to-myself type of person with men.


So the next day he called me, and mentioned that he had worn Super that day. I asked him how his day was, and lamely prodded for info. Luckily, he didn't make me fish too much. Apparently, two British lesbians started talking to him, and they all just chatted for a little while. Then they both started following him around, like they were just tagging along the whole time--like he was the group leader. He called the experience "weird."


I'll keep bothing him for anything unusual :P

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... after doing some reading it seems androstadienone has an apparent euphoric affect on women....

By any chance, is that phero misspelled? These are the ingredients for PB:Super from it's web page, and that one's not in the list:

Ingredients: Fragrance, Dipropylene glycol (DPG), alpha-androsterone, beta-androsterone, alpha-androstenol, androstenone, androstanone, b-androstadienol, DHEA sodium sulfate.

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Hmph. Weirdness. :thbf54f4bf: I'm making a reference list for my own use, and as I come across these pheros and comments and descriptions I'm adding them to my list. I want to add that one, so if any of you can tell me anything about it or a good place to look it up I'd much appreciate it.

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Interesting! I found one yesterday too - a fun and informative read - HERE.



Darbla - we're in the process of making our own library too. It's amazing that there doesn't seem to be any single coherent comprehensive list of what all the chemicals are supposed to do, anywhere on the web. If anyone knows of one, I'd be thrilled to see it.

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  • 2 months later...
I bought this for the Mr and he wore it for the first time Saturday. I guess I forgot to tell him it was a phero scent. After he'd put it on he asked me "is this a phero? cause it's turning ME on!"


That sounds like my fiancee's reaction. When I first got it and tried it on me, I made a statement that it made me "want to take myself to bed".....I told my sweetie that on the phone, and we were laughing about it. Well, we he got here, I tried some of it on him, and it turned me on, just like it was supposed to, BUT in addition, while he was sitting there sniffing himself, he said....."Damn, this stuff makes ME want to take MYSELF to bed!"

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It's official!


Here's my funny story about this one.

I ordered a bottle but I kept it for myself and gave my OTP one of the full-size samples, in that he doesn't wear fragrance on his own very much and I thought What could it hurt, he's practically a hermit! He has his own business and lives in a very small town, so he doesn't have a lot of face-to-face social contact. But one day he put on a few dabs of Super and did his normal rounds: post office, grocery store, gas station, and when he got home he called me immediately and said, "Why did you give me this one? It makes people want to talk to me!" And I asked, "What one?" He replied (in a rather grumpy tone), "You know, the Superman one!" (Mara, I bet your laughing to hear it described like that.) And after I stopped laughing I said, "Well that's how it's supposed to work!" Poor baby, he didn't like that at all, although he does like that effect when we're socializing with friends and everybody wants his opinion on things...it's interesting that Super has that extra component, as it were.

Edited by luna65
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