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Since I have this fresh bottle, I have been using it on all kinds of occasions. We recently had a meeting with old neighbours and family friends, and I wore some Gotcha and just a dab of Levitation under Marigold and Amaranth. It worked like a charm. The mood was light and easy, and at the same time, everyone I had a conversation with didn't want to leave my side. People were just sweet and engaging, and later took a long time to say their goodbyes. Some were halfway out the door, but just continued talking. It was a hot day, so I guess I had a good throw with the pheros. A few of the guys looked at me like they had never seen me before, and one had to be called by his mother-in-law three times before he could bring himself to leave my side and get in the car. Another complimented me on my figure, saying I looked great and like I had lost a lot of weight. Kind of a weird compliment, especially since he saw me two weeks ago and I haven't lost an ounce since then. ;-) But generally the whole company was somehow enchanted and in a beautiful mood. Great day!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been wearing this one to work the last few days, just to experiment with something I don't usually wear. The best way to describe it is like being encompassed in the aura of a warm hug that just follows you around everywhere- and every person who enters the field of your personal "hug aura" behaves very warmly towards you.

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Lol! I'm not putting anything down, this is just an observation on my part. But, I can't see wearing this to work. If would make me crazy. I get the serious "Velcro effect" when I wear this. I think I'd literally want to peel my face off if people stuck to me all day. Not just that, but this blend can make some people, especially women, overly emotive. I've had 3 different women get so emotive (one even with tears). Each occurrence occurred in a smaller room. The rooms are always cool and well AC'd. Then of course there are the more intense hits I accidentally got with men. See my Dr story up thread.

I remember Mara saying quite awhile back that she thought this was not appropriate for most work situations. She didn't really consider it a social. I remember thinking... oh it's fine. I've totally amended that thinking. This is a complicated little blend. In some social contexts it is usually fine. But, ultimately, IMO, this is a seriously intimate blend. It's an emotional wolf in sheeps clothing.

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Oh this is totally my go to for work!

Nothing works like it. But my clients are mostly all women and I want them to feel emotionally bonded to me when they leave, and I want them to feel like they don't want to leave my room so they will be desperate to rebook. It works for sure. I got Girl/Girl to try for my work phero and it just does not accomplish the same thing at all. I mean, obviously this is not the only reason my clients love me (that would be scary) but that whole "fall in love, velcro" effect doesn't hurt. I have been experimenting with other pheros for work lately but I have to go back to this one, it wins for me. Plus I still get the BEST self effects from Gotcha STILL after all these years. I switch around a lot but everytime I spritz this on I get an immediate rush of energy and overall good positive feeling. I swear it makes me fall in love with myself as much as other people.

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I wear this one to work, too. I like the effect it has on my customers, but I really like the effect it has on my co-workers. It fosters a feeling of affection between us that's valuable when working so closely together, for such long hours.


In fact, I think that Gotcha, is at least in part responsible for the excellent relationship that developed between me and my Manager Dude from my old restaurant. He responded well to most of the pheros I wore to work, but Gotcha was always a stand-out with him. I could feel the warm fuzzies flying at me from his direction whenever I wore it. And that's really saying something for Gotcha's power, because he's very far from being a warm and fuzzy person.

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Yep. None of that suprises me. I do use it as a social. Just not for work. I prefer something a little more alpha. It really does make the people bond closely.

MDC I always laugh at your work stories with Gotcha.

I know what you mean Eggers, about your manager dude. Most men in one way or another respond to it. But, some can really be susceptible to its effects.


I just don't want to make anyone cry again.

Edited by StacyK
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Yep. None of that suprises me. I do use it as a social. Just not for work. I prefer something a little more alpha. It really does make the people bond closely.

MDC I always laugh at your work stories with Gotcha.

I know what you mean Eggers, about your manager dude. Most men in one way or another respond to it. But, some can really be susceptible to its effects.


I just don't want to make anyone cry again.


If I use anything more alpha for work, *that's* when people would be most likely to cry - because I'm trying to kill them! :lol:

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StacyK, that's really interesting that you've found Gotcha to be too much for work. I'll be keeping an eye out to see if anyone reacts badly, but so far all is very good. My work place is a friendly but reserved mixture of women and men. We all work alongside each other, but are sort of doing our separate thing, so it seems good so far as it's helping to facilitate some really pleasant interactions in moments where we're working in the same area, but they're not constantly surrounded by the Gotcha aura when I'm further away.


So far the only person it seems to have made emotional is me- and that is only during that PMS time of the month. It really is too much for me then, makes me emotional and irritated. Most of the women I work with are menopausal though, so fingers crossed it's okay for them.


I don't really wear much of anything that's particularly "alpha", as that's not congruent with my personality, and I have no authority in my position at work.

Edited by vladmyra
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I wore Gotcha! to work last night, (since we've been talking about it, it was on my mind), and really paid attention to any effects it might have been having on my co-workers and customers.


My boss's son is one of my primary co-workers. He and I often split the dining room, like we did last night, which means that we're regularly in close contact. He's an odd fella to begin with - highly intelligent, very emotional, but outwardly he comes off as being almost cold. He rarely smiles, even if he thinks what you've said is hilarious - instead, he generally comes up with something unusually goofy in retort, and says it without smiling or laughing. He's very young - about half my age - and I get the impression that he's trying to give off a "too cool" kind of vibe. (He's kind of adorable, really - a big softie). Anyway, subjected to my Gotcha! cloud all night had him smiling brightly and laughing his head off, all night. He was even joking around quite loudly with one of his customers. In 3.5 months, I've never seen him behave this way. The first time he smiled at something I said last night, it totally caught me off guard. He seemed almost embarrassed to have smiled so unexpectedly, and I had this "Awwww!" moment in my head, seeing his young, aloof "mask" crack for a second.


The other person Gotcha! affected quite strongly is an older man I dated for almost a year, a few years before BF and I got together. (He still has a picture of me on his fridge - so sweet...). He and I have been close friends for 20 years, and we've always been physically affectionate with each other. He's very huggy, and I adore him from the top of his head all the way to the tips of his toes, so he makes me all huggy, too. I can tell that he's pretty tickled that I'm working at this place, because it means we get to see each other all the time, instead of only occasionally. (For me, one of the major perks of this job is that I get to see him every day). Last night as I was leaving, he was just a tiny bit pye-eyed, and gave me a HUGE hug and said, "Angelface, I'm so glad you're working here. You know why?" So I said, "'Cause we get to see each other every day now?" And he gave me this silly little tipsy smile, and just about crushed me in his arms. Gotcha! :) It was very cute.

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HA, came here to describe latest experience which I underwent For Science, and it was similar ... Perhaps if LFM is the Carpet Swan phero, Gotcha can be called the koala-huggy-bear phero.


I wore Steamy Bikini last night to drinks with my friend and his friend. (But I'm reviewing here instead of there because it's mainly about the phero.) I've met the FOF a few times before - he is very reserved both verbally and physically, and on past occasions he has always he very much hung back, including literally. I got the impression he was a little :o by my much-more-extrovertedness.


Anyway last night by the time he was halfway into his first cocktail he had clasped himself around me like this: 3248_3.jpg

and stayed that way until we parted several hours later, petting my hair, running his fingertips absent-mindedly along my forearms, rubbing my back, etc. He was also talking my face off, from two inches away. Actually, cooing or purring might be more accurate. Our mutual friend was just staring at him dumbfounded and kept trailing off while talking :smiley-laughing024:Obviously the A-nol / booze combo freaking clobbered him in particular but the overall Gotcha effect of wet-eyed lip-trembling puppy love was in full force.

Edited by tyvey
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What a brilliant hit Tyvey! Gotcha is definitely a koala-huggy-bear phero- not only does it make other people all touchy-feely, it also creates a sort of warm, fuzzy aura around the wearer. It's like a spray on version of the "Vaseline lens" effect, except instead of making people seem younger, it makes them seem generally sweeter and more appealing, like a fuzzy little animal just begging to be petted, indulged and looked after. Love it.

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Gotcha has become my favourite to wear to work. The effect is stunning, everybody's just super nice to me. Once a week I have to sit down with one of my bosses to talk over a recent project, and he gets irritated if I contradict him too much. It's my job to bring up these points if I think or know a move is wrong, but he still gets edgy and has a sharp tone. With Gotcha though: none of that. I've been wearing it to the meetings for several weeks now and he has been a lamb. Smooth sailing all the way and we resolve every issue smiling. Another guy who is a real grump and very distant emotionally sat down with me last week, cause he's going on a half year sabbatical. When the meeting came to an end, he looked at me and said, in a very small voice: will you miss me while I'm gone? I almost fell of my chair

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Another guy who is a real grump and very distant emotionally sat down with me last week, cause he's going on a half year sabbatical. When the meeting came to an end, he looked at me and said, in a very small voice: will you miss me while I'm gone? I almost fell of my chair


LOL, wow! :Emoticons04263:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very late reply here sunshinekitten, but I have Gotcha in the spray, and ordered it unscented. I don't get any smell of cops or anything bad, and have now just lightly scented it myself with some Totem Deer (a light floral fragrance). It doesn't overpower the light scent at all, and I spray it on my clothes and hair as well as skin, because it lasts really well that way.


I had a great day at work yesterday with Gotcha, everyone just smiling and being so nice and accommodating towards me. Love this one so much.

Edited by vladmyra
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I used to think Bang gave me the most hits, but Gotcha has topped it by far. And it's very different, cause it opens up pretty much everybody to you. With Bang, it's confident men who will come up to me, chat, give me compliments. With Gotcha even the shy ones try to get close. I had a DIHL moment today at the elevator. It's getting to be cold, so I had a nice warm coat on, and Gotcha underneath. And after a brisk walk, there must have been a cloud of it surrounding me. A coworker that I rarely have any business with, but we know each other, stood there and looked at me like he was seeing a miracle. We got into an easy flirty chit-chat, and it felt like we connected on a level that we didnt know was there. He was just adorable.

And my boss, the grouch, was like a playful kitten with me today, joking, teasing and so super nice that everyone noticed. We had a great time together.

So, great success with my Gotcha in oil, but I was thinking about experimenting with spray, just for more of a throw. But I must say, the oil version and a little body heat, and no one escapes...

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  • 1 month later...

I got Gotcha UN with my last order and I'm glad I did so. I had it mixed in a scent before, but the pure stuff worked some magic for me yesterday. There was animated chattiness at the office, at the same time I got a lot of things done. I refreshed in the afternoon and added one sole spritz of DHEAs.


Maroon, I just came over from the Topper thread where people were saying that they felt it would be counter-productive to wear Topper with Gotcha because Gotcha's vibe was too calm and laid-back. I wonder what other people's experiences have been with Gotcha + DHEAS (given that Topper is DHEAS + Alpha-nol) and if it seemed like it gave them the same "something's off" vibe as Gotcha + Topper. Gotcha + DHEAS seems to have worked for you, though. When I tried these two together, I felt a bit off, but I'd put them on right before going into a situation where I wound up feeling very nervous, so it may have been the circumstances that caused the feeling as opposed to my combo being iffy. Hm.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 1 month later...

Not only do Gotcha + DHEAS work magic for me, I recently discovered another combo that had an even more stunning effect. Since I usually pick something different every day or put in pause days without any phero, I always put the bottles back into their drawer at night.

One recent morning I put on my Roll-on Gotcha and grabbed a spray bottle that I thought was DHEAS. At work, I put on two spritzes without looking at the label. And resposes became intense almost immediately. For one, the flirtation was amped to a level seldom experienced even at my crazy workplace. And I had enormous self-effects, feeling hot and bothered pretty much the whole day. When I got home, I dragged Mr. Maroon to bed like a madwoman. Much later, when I dutifully put my bottles away, I saw that I had combined Gotcha with Popularity Potion... that combo is a sex bomb! Home use only!

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Maroon, I just came over from the Topper thread where people were saying that they felt it would be counter-productive to wear Topper with Gotcha because Gotcha's vibe was too calm and laid-back. I wonder what other people's experiences have been with Gotcha + DHEAS (given that Topper is DHEAS + Alpha-nol) and if it seemed like it gave them the same "something's off" vibe as Gotcha + Topper. Gotcha + DHEAS seems to have worked for you, though. When I tried these two together, I felt a bit off, but I'd put them on right before going into a situation where I wound up feeling very nervous, so it may have been the circumstances that caused the feeling as opposed to my combo being iffy. Hm.

Kitty, for me Gotcha and DHEAS are no contradiction at all. Gotcha has a calming effect in the sense that it relaxes people to be more social, making for an easy, accessible mood. Everybody is less guarded and interactions are light and pleasant. Add DHEAS, and it makes the whole thing sparkle and even more fun. At least that's what I experience.

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Gotcha is becoming my go to phero. I feel like it really relaxes everyone so much in fact my doc said I have a great personality and could sell PVC. WHATTTT??!! LMAOOOO

It's always been in my top 3. It's the potion that turns my :purr: on. But, I don't like to be that sweet all the time. It's probably my #1 if I want to "stun" a guy "Star Trek" style. :666:

It's not in anyway a dominant phero. But, I feel like it gives me a lot of, a specific type, of power. So, I've become cautious in my application. "With great power comes great responsibility." ;)

Edited by StacyK
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It's always been in my top 3. It's the potion that turns my :purr: on. But, I don't like to be that sweet all the time. It's probably my #1 if I want to "stun" a guy "Star Trek" style. :666:

It's not in anyway a dominant phero. But, I feel like it gives me a lot of, a specific type, of power. So, I've become cautious in my application. "With great power comes great responsibility." ;)

Love the reference to Star Trek! I'm looking forward to using mine. I ordered the unscented so I can put it in any of my choice. Being older it's harder to meet guys. I need the extra edge.

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Love the reference to Star Trek! I'm looking forward to using mine. I ordered the unscented so I can put it in any of my choice. Being older it's harder to meet guys. I need the extra edge.

Gotcha is a great blend. Intent wise it was created to be the phero blend equivalent of LPs signature potion. Two of the fragrances I most closely associated with the feel of Gotcha are Honeyed LP and a creamy sent with a hint of lavender called Fuzzy Wuzzy. I can't wait to try it with the new LE version of Vampire Bait. The Un is not too stinky and easy to cover. Definitely give it a try. Edited by StacyK
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I am putting together my first order now, and I am SUPER revved up to try this one!! Reading your stories has me so intrigued! I hope I get some of the same types of amazing results you all have gotten. I can't wait to get it, try it out, and report back!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, the only times I have used Gotcha! I have been a little overly emotional....a little sad. So I was wondering after going back through the thread and reading other people's experiences, if adding some DHEAS might help with that. I got the oil in the Pherotine trial today, so I thought it might be a good mix. Any thoughts? I want Gotcha! to be something that works for me, but I really don't want to feel sad every time I wear it...or be more sensitive to things that make me sad.

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I would try it at different times in my cycle, and maybe a few months down the road. Treasured Hearts was my go-to blend until I started going through some personal stuff, then it seemed to exacerbate the lonely feelings and made me break down and weep whenever I wore it. Now things are better in my life, TH doesn't have that effect. SS4W is a super happy blend the week after my period and maybe even 2 weeks out, bUT just before and during it makes me feel scattered and disjointed.

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I would try it at different times in my cycle, and maybe a few months down the road. Treasured Hearts was my go-to blend until I started going through some personal stuff, then it seemed to exacerbate the lonely feelings and made me break down and weep whenever I wore it. Now things are better in my life, TH doesn't have that effect. SS4W is a super happy blend the week after my period and maybe even 2 weeks out, bUT just before and during it makes me feel scattered and disjointed.


I've been keeping a log, but I am going to have to monitor it based more closely on my cycle. Today I have on MRF, which normally makes me happy, but today I am crying...of course, it is also Valentine's Day and I am feeling sorry for myself...lol. But that being said, I am about a week out from starting, too. Ug. SO MANY NOTES!! Someone should design a phero calendar app that tells which ones we can wear at which times based on our input...that way we can just pull up a calendar and see which is a good phero for the day!!


ETA: Actually, just checked the calendar and may start by the end of the week. Ug. So maybe PMS is getting me today, too! :(

Edited by Tinkerbelle
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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been keeping a log, but I am going to have to monitor it based more closely on my cycle. Today I have on MRF, which normally makes me happy, but today I am crying...of course, it is also Valentine's Day and I am feeling sorry for myself...lol. But that being said, I am about a week out from starting, too. Ug. SO MANY NOTES!! Someone should design a phero calendar app that tells which ones we can wear at which times based on our input...that way we can just pull up a calendar and see which is a good phero for the day!!


ETA: Actually, just checked the calendar and may start by the end of the week. Ug. So maybe PMS is getting me today, too! :(

Have you considered putting the notes in a period tracker app?


ETA: This got me thinking about seriously systematically trying all my pheros. Its hard for me to tell what effects my pheros are having on the BF because things are slowly evolving between us.


Does anyone have a good plan to recommend for trying out pheros one by one like this? Otherwise I'm thinking about maybe just enjoying the ride and trying back later one when we're more... established? Routine?

Edited by belle-ville
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  • 1 month later...

very excited to start some trials with my Pherotine sample of UN Gotcha. i find that it smells quite cop-heavy though - much more so than i expected given the description and most other people's reviews. so is this definitely one that i would only want to wear on the torso/away from the face, etc?

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I spritz it in my hair and the back of my neck where my honey likes to huff, never any comments or complaints about the cops.



I wear it in my hair all the time without any ill effects or offended noses. It's pretty light on cops.


that's what i was expecting!! which is why i was so surprised that i smelled the cops so strongly. i've only test-driven it once - one drop to the inside of each wrist, then smooshed on the inside of the opposite inside-elbow area, and could still smell the cops about 30 minutes later. again, this is the oil form in a Pherotine sample.


maybe i just need to really REEEEAAAALLY shake it well next time?

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I have the oil from Pherotine, and I never smelled the cops like that. Maybe shaking it would be a good idea. Are you using a cover scent? I recommend that, even with non-cops pheros because they can still smell a little "chemical-ly" if you don't.

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I have the oil from Pherotine, and I never smelled the cops like that. Maybe shaking it would be a good idea. Are you using a cover scent? I recommend that, even with non-cops pheros because they can still smell a little "chemical-ly" if you don't.


thanks! yes, i normally do use a cover scent, but i didn't this time since this was a maiden voyage and i wanted to learn first what Gotcha would be like on me on its own. and the cops smell almost as strong on me here as when i use other scents that are more cop-heavy or cop-focused. I'll shake and keep trying. :)

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very excited to start some trials with my Pherotine sample of UN Gotcha. i find that it smells quite cop-heavy though - much more so than i expected given the description and most other people's reviews. so is this definitely one that i would only want to wear on the torso/away from the face, etc?

Gotcha is not copy heavy. It's does have a very small amount of cops in the mix. As does Cougar.

But, you don't have to use those as you would the truly cop heavy blends.

That said, I have always found Gotcha a little stinky too. I don't think it's the miniscule amount of cops, at least not totally. There are single molecules that I pick up a (slightly stinky) scent off of, EST & eNone, to name a couple. In Gotcha, I think I pick up the pregnanolone. But it is probably a mix of a few of them. I find PM needs a good cover too. Don't worry about it, just use a favorite scent along with your Gotcha. A few minutes after application I think you'll be good. And as mentioned above, you don't have to worry about getting Gotcha in your hair and on clothing. Its not sending out the coochie vibe like cops, or the heavely sexual blends.

Have fun experimenting.

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