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Sweet Chic w/ Popularity Potion

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:Emoticons04263:It was a first, that's for sure...I've been complimented...given the sexy eyes while being complimented and I've been gushed over and even cringed at (by my friend who loathes patchouli, lol) but this is notably my first experience with men (and plural even!) cooing over my delicious LP scent....Did I mention LP ROCKS!

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:Emoticons04263:It was a first, that's for sure...I've been complimented...given the sexy eyes while being complimented and I've been gushed over and even cringed at (by my friend who loathes patchouli, lol) but this is notably my first experience with men (and plural even!) cooing over my delicious LP scent....Did I mention LP ROCKS!

Well, I think a FB is in store for mr

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:D I know PP is already a winner for you DD, I can't see how a FB of this could ever do you wrong. If it survives long enough for my next order, I'm thinking I will get it in a spray. This is really a sweet smell that everyone seems to enjoy...including myself! WIN/WIN right?

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I tried a bit of Sweet Chic on my hands yesterday, and liked it. Today I'm wearing it for real. Yesterday it was a pretty, sweet little thing. Today, with full application, it's still pretty and sweet, but it's more complicated...more...interesting.


Lordy but there are a slew of notes in here! Huffing it without the list of scent notes in front of me, I get lots of SWEET with an undertone of foody warmth. Looking at the notes, that makes sense.


HOT SPUN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
BERRY SUGARS ~ Attraction, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life. Protection, communication, peace, calm.
LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits.
HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection.
MAGNOLIA ~ Nobility. Psychic enhancer; inspires peace and harmony; fidelity.
LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting.
DARK CHOCOLATE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance.


I had NO IDEA there were oud, vetiver, and teak in this! Frankly, I had no idea there were MOST of the notes! :w00t: But looking at them, I can pick some out. The dark chocolate is wafting around a bit, and the lavender shows up a little. I think the amber is rounding stuff out, and it feels like there's musk if I think about it. There's a fruitiness about the whole thing, but it's not cloying. The whole blend is just...so BLENDED! Heh. Well blended.


Sweet Chic is very pretty, and it fits the Popularity Potion perfectly (oooh I sort of alliterated thar!). I really like PP in foody blends. Ladies are talking about sprays of this, and I totally agree. Am thinkin' hard about getting one myself!


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Ha, I've been wearing this for the last two days, it's just so sweet and yummy! When I opened it to take a sniff before I applied yesterday, I caught a little whiff of honeysuckle! When this dries down, I get the dark chocolate now, it reminds me of the dark chocolate-covered berry candies. So funny yesterday at work, this one guy followed me around all day, if I moved over three feet, so did he. He never said "hey, you smell good", but when I started walking down the hall and suddenly turned because I forgot something, I crashed right into him, lol. He mumbled an apology, blushed, and ran off! Aw yeah, Sweet Chic! :thumbup:

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  • 1 month later...

I wore this to work this afternoon, just on a whim, and aside from it not *really* boosting my tips, it REALLY seemed to boost moods of patrons and co-workers alike. Considering this was my 9th shift in a row, I'd typically be ready to rip people's heads off, and then run out the door the moment I was finished. (Well, okay, I *did* run out as soon as I was done - I've seen enough of that place this week!). But I was happy, chipper, and drawing DIHL from all sorts of people. My customers were all chatty & goofy & my co-workers (including the Chef, who's typically a bit of a tyrant in the kitchen), were all in GREAT moods! I'll have to remember this the next time I anticipate a tense shift. Plus, I think I really hit my sweet spot today, which is nice, 'cause I know PP is sort of notorious for being tough to figure. I'm gonna write down *exactly* where I put it, and how much, so that next time I reach for it, I'll know how much to wear. And where. :D


I've gotta say, too, that I LOVE how softly this wears on me. It's a perfect work scent, in that it kind of clings to my strategic application points, (which are all geared toward pushing the phero into the space of my customers).

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Ditto DD! I knew I would want a back up and I want to make a spray.


This is like Eggers described - light and close to the skin - and everyone loves it, I get lots of compliments on how it smells :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL! What she said! :yeahthat:

This is one of the few that I'm going to keep in oil & spray form until it's all gone! This has got to be one of my most favorite fruity, feminine fragrances to date. I finally got PP in unscented in oil so I can give my spray a boost but I just LOVE this fragrance and get LOTS of compliments on it when ever I wear it :)

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Well that's no good! Who was standing close to you that smelled like sour milk cuz it couldn't have been you! OR it could've been spilled milk on your kid's shirt from their breakfast cereal that they spilled on it? Refuse to believe it was the Sweet Chic - it has to be the farthest thing from sour milk I EVER smelled :huh::D

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Well that's no good! Who was standing close to you that smelled like sour milk cuz it couldn't have been you! OR it could've been spilled milk on your kid's shirt from their breakfast cereal that they spilled on it? Refuse to believe it was the Sweet Chic - it has to be the farthest thing from sour milk I EVER smelled :huh::D

I agree! Sweet Chic is soooo pink sugary yum!

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Well that's no good! Who was standing close to you that smelled like sour milk cuz it couldn't have been you! OR it could've been spilled milk on your kid's shirt from their breakfast cereal that they spilled on it? Refuse to believe it was the Sweet Chic - it has to be the farthest thing from sour milk I EVER smelled :huh::D



I agree! Sweet Chic is soooo pink sugary yum!


I know, right? I'm going to try it again soon...

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  • 3 weeks later...

:smiley-laughing024:SHARK WEEK! :rofl222:DD I LOVE IT! I've never heard anyone refer to it that way before but it's PERFECT!

I'll have to share that with my gf who was definitely behaving in a barracuda fashion last week - maybe I'll get little pins made up that say "Great White Week" or tiny little red dot buttons with Shark Week on them to pass out discreetly to the girls at work and see how long it takes for someone to catch on and ask about it....try to lighten that "time" up and make it quirky and fun - is that possible?


Back on point though, sorry - that was just TOO awesome to not give some recognition to! -


Sweet Chic puts me in an instant good mood as soon as I SMELL it. It's uplifting all on it's own and makes me smile and my eyes roll happily to the back of my head just snuffling the bottle! ^_^

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:smiley-laughing024:SHARK WEEK! :rofl222:DD I LOVE IT! I've never heard anyone refer to it that way before but it's PERFECT!

I'll have to share that with my gf who was definitely behaving in a barracuda fashion last week - maybe I'll get little pins made up that say "Great White Week" or tiny little red dot buttons with Shark Week on them to pass out discreetly to the girls at work and see how long it takes for someone to catch on and ask about it....try to lighten that "time" up and make it quirky and fun - is that possible?


Back on point though, sorry - that was just TOO awesome to not give some recognition to! -


Sweet Chic puts me in an instant good mood as soon as I SMELL it. It's uplifting all on it's own and makes me smile and my eyes roll happily to the back of my head just snuffling the bottle! ^_^

Darlin, I can't take credit for it as Miss Hazel coined the term I think and I saw this when MrsC put a thread in her journal...


If you get something printed up, count me in....LOL

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  • 1 month later...

I LOVE this fragrance. I thought it was going to smell too sweet, but it does lean more towards floral, which is my preference when it comes to fragrances :) definitely my favorite so far out of the all the samples I've received. I need to test out the Popularity Potion side of it more though.

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  • 2 months later...

When i first got this from a trade and sniffed it for the very first time in the vial, my reaction to it was 'where the eff is the motherfucking chocolate?!'

I genuinely thought this would be a hardcore-chocolate-is-the-star scent but i thought i wouldnt like it so i left it alone.


I was feeling rather poopy and angry (Mondays make everything closed like sundays and cant get shit done :fright04238: ) SO i thought what the hell why not n slathered the fuck out of my neck (like, 4 swipes)


While i was bussing into town, i noticed something smelling so delicious--like fluffy and airy pink cotton candy with a semi-sour twist n a tinge of green (idk what read green to me haha) It didnt do anything for me because i was beyond grumpy and no phero was going to save me BUT looking at the bright side of things at least i was distracted enough to not strangle the nearest squeaky toy. This begs to be slathered over and over again, its such an awesome warm cotton candy scent that there is a mighty need to-----if need be, to throw off my gloves and fight a bitch to the death for a bottle of this delicious ( :say59:)


I would really be all over this if it were virgin, no joke haha this is a sugary pink scent of ultra girliness :hearts0425:

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OHMYGOSH! You won't regret it! If you want something delectably sweet and lovely - this one's a winner! + PP!

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  • 1 month later...

This is so pink and sugary when wet that I'm not overly enamoured. As it begins to dry down, though, I get some of the florals and I can smell the lemon distinctly. It really cuts through the sweetness in a way I find refreshing. Unsurprisingly with all those notes it does become more complex and interesting once it has dried for a few hours. While I don't get any of the chocolate (not a problem) and the lemon goes after the first hour (I'd guess) the woods, amber, etc. finally ground all the sugar and it becomes something I like more than when first applied.


As for the phero, from reading reviews it seems like it is really variable in how much is ideal for each person, from tiny dabs to pretty generous applications. I am utterly rubbish at knowing how much of anything to wear so I tried to sort of experiment yesterday. I applied additional amounts as the day went on to see if I could get to my sweet spot and then exceed it with OD. I have read on these boards to expect pheros to last for about 4-5 hours, so I assumed that the top-up method I was using was indeed increasing the amount I was wearing rather than just sustaining it. I ended up wearing about what I'd guess was up to 1/4 of a trial vial and I actually think I hit my sweet spot not long before getting to that amount. It was hard to gauge at work because it was my last day and I left at lunch, but one of the volunteers did talk to me for about 45 minutes about, well, everything. We're friendly anyway but he knew I had to leave for an appointment and he just kept going on about the most pointless stuff. So, I think I blame the PP. Also, at lunch we all got together to have cake for my leaving and one of the more aloof (or rather, awkward) guys ended up sort of holding court and telling stories about his youth. Maybe a hit, as we were all shut up in a hot lunchroom so I must have been filling the room with a Sweet Chic cloud.


The guy sitting across from me on the tram gave me what I think was a positive result. He did seem to look at me more than is usual for strangers on trams but the thing that really struck me as was that when he got off he walked past my window and *smiled* at me. We did not interact on the tram. I was wearing headphones and keeping to myself. I did glance at him a few times early on because I thought he was familiar and I was trying to place him, so maybe he thought I was making eyes but yeah, the smile was weird. Then I came home and put on some more Sweet Chic (and a bit of OCCO) before I went to choir. I don't know if I reached OD, actually. Although the girl I set next to and who usually talks to me a fair bit seemed somewhat subdued in general people were really rather friendly and chatty to me. Indeed, Adorable Choir Director and one of the other girls stopped to say hello as they passed me on the street. Again, I was wearing headphones and hadn't looked up to greet them first. So, pheros? Oh, and the person who smells me the most responded to Sweet Chic + OCCO more than perhaps anything I've worn before, so PP lends itself to sexy cops boosts very happily for me, I think.


Maybe next time I'll dump the rest of the vial over myself and see what happens.

Edited by donsie
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:lol: Drastic measure - but all in the name of posterity and science! :lol:


PP was tricky for me to sort - and I'm one of those who needs to use the higher doses, but the hits are crazy and it's too much fun to wear all the time - I couldn't handle all the celebrity attention it draws on a daily basis!

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Um - no it's not nuts...it's how I figured out most of mine :blushing: I have pipettes...droppers...tons of bottles with spritzers and rollers to decant into....lists on my computer of molecules, what they are known to do and how they behave for me and in/with what...


You've only just thought about it :D so if anyone is nuts...:lol:

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Um - no it's not nuts...it's how I figured out most of mine :blushing: I have pipettes...droppers...tons of bottles with spritzers and rollers to decant into....lists on my computer of molecules, what they are known to do and how they behave for me and in/with what...


You've only just thought about it :D so if anyone is nuts... :lol:

Yep, you're nuts but in a *very* good way!


ETA: I just bought a pack of pipettes. The game's afoot! :smiley-char145:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

PP makes me bitchy, so after trying my sample few times, I gave it to my sister. The other day, when she was getting ready for work she smelled amazing, sweet. I was like, OMG what is that? She just said, well you gave it to me and showed me Sweet Chic... I was so sad that it didn't work like that on me :Emoticons04269:

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PP makes me bitchy, so after trying my sample few times, I gave it to my sister. The other day, when she was getting ready for work she smelled amazing, sweet. I was like, OMG what is that? She just said, well you gave it to me and showed me Sweet Chic... I was so sad that it didn't work like that on me :Emoticons04269:

That is sad, but it's nice to know it found a good home in the end. At least you get to sniff her.

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  • 1 month later...

I just have to squeal with delight once again for this blend. Its truly like an orchestra coming together and playing the perfect tune. I'm always baffled by how many notes this blend has in it. I love how happy and young I always feel when I wear this. PP sometimes makes me crabby but in this blend it elevates my spirits and makes me feel very strong and happy.


I love that thru out a day I can get whiffs of all of the notes below, its just funny when and how they choose to whiff up to my nose….I'm hopeful that a blend like this comes along again someday….This blend is true artistry at work.



HOT SPUN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
BERRY SUGARS ~ Attraction, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life. Protection, communication, peace, calm.
LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits.
HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection.
MAGNOLIA ~ Nobility. Psychic enhancer; inspires peace and harmony; fidelity.
LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting.
DARK CHOCOLATE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance.

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I agree, the scent is gorgeous. It's a bright happy day in a bottle. :)

Edited by StacyK
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