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Katerina Suit


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OMG y'all, this needs to be applied to manflesh. It smelled so good on Quince I almost lost my mind. He thought it was too sweet at first, but after it dried down he liked the leather and oud which became more prominent and when I said it made him a Sexy Beast he just shrugged and said, "Well if you say so."

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Can I just say - MEN. Will they EVER get it?


I'm holding out hope for my man as he's been wearing Voracious for me on the weekends when we're together - without prompting, lol - OH and being complimentary of my PE - HUGE strides there...


BUT OH LUNA - I would love to try this on him....I think you must be right. It's so delightfully unique and I certainly wouldn't mind him smelling like a sexy beast! ^_~


This fragrance is such a puzzle to me. It's so far from what I thought I would be drawn to....but I'm DEFINITELY drawn...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Covered with Katerina Suit - OHMYGOODNESSIAMSOINLOVEWITHTHISSCENTITIS​N'TEVENFUNNY! It doesn't make sense on paper to me: DARK CHOCOLATE, TOBACCO, OUD, LEATHER. But on? It IS absolutely fantastic...makes my foot pound compulsively...


OK. SO. I tried the sample and HAD to get a FB. This is still such an unexpected FAVOROTE. It goes on all dark chocolate and richness and then as it settles on my skin I get the leather & tobacco and what must be the oud...and I LOVE it - LOVE!

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Oh my gosh, DD, you haven't tried it yet? I'm with NuTrix. Love this one. Katerina is such a sexy scent. I'd slather in it every day but I don't think it's a work friendly scent. :( My husband who pays no attention to perfumes 99% of the time liked this one so at least on weekends I can slather when I want. I think you'll become a fan as well!!

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Seriously!! LOL As much as you've had wearing that stuff, I truly wish I had a bottle. I could use some of your good vibes in my job search!!

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Seriously!! LOL As much as you've had wearing that stuff, I truly wish I had a bottle. I could use some of your good vibes in my job search!!

LV's Black Panther along with SWS really allowed me the confidence to negotiate like was Donald Trump. I threw out a really high number for my counter so that I had room to negotiate and they called me into the corporate offices and stated they were concerned I was going to take a competitors offer so they wanted to give me all of my requests with the exception of the 3 weeks of vacation. Instead of 15 days they gave me 12. I can live with that since I got everything else.
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It doesn't make sense on paper to me: DARK CHOCOLATE, TOBACCO, OUD, LEATHER. But on? It IS absolutely fantastic...makes my foot pound compulsively...


This is the genius, you see, that Mara and I knew these notes only seem disparate but are in fact made to mingle. :D

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This the genius, you see, that Mara and I knew these notes only seem disparate but are in fact made to mingle. :D



see they seem like natural pairings to me.


Well of course to all of you it's amazing and wonderful and only to be expected :D My novice nose and mind said - WHAAAA? :lol:

But I am only TOO happy to ride this learning curve!


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Ok Luna, I have been huffing Balls and I actually think I like that fragrance. :)


Can I take just a moment to be juvenile and LMAO at this statement? :lol: It reminded me of when I had said I was thinking of ordering a 3rd bottle of Balls - but that I'd had 2 Balls already BWAHAHAAAA!



I have started on the 1st page and read through everyone's posts...


Luna! Excellent snippet for Miss Kat! LOVED - I MUST watch for these where they pop up!


I was searching for what people DIDN'T like about this scent and Miss StacyK's was interesting and shed some light in that dark....very dark, lol, corner. I'm on a quest to find out why a couple people I know had such a negative response to this. Both of them are also ex smokers so I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Some of you have already suggested that it might be some other note besides the chocolate that they were really not liking - hehe - I know Luna - I'm still bias about not believing it really could be the chocolate :D but it really could be too I guess....darn shame if so....


If there is any left when I make my Oct order...I'm getting a back up...I love this stuff! :Emoticons04235:

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Thanks Stacy :) Could be. I grew up around smokers. My mom was at a point once where she smoked 2 &1/2 packs a day...it does keep you from wanting to have anything to do with them. Can't go anywhere w/o a "light", always gotta have $$ to pick up more in an emergency - I'm too cheap for them myself...would much rather spend on LP...that and we have COLD winters and I HATE being cold and would never go off the property to smoke on break in the winter :D Those are the shallow reasons I have for not smoking, lol, I hear that it's unhealthy too....


It's funny how sensitive I am to smelling cigs on others clothes or breath...or in my hair and clothes after a night out at the club. It really clings! But I didn't register that from Kat - but certainly someone else could. Thanks for the feedback in the other thread and for your posts in this one. Can't win 'em all I guess :)

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Well of course to all of you it's amazing and wonderful and only to be expected :D My novice nose and mind said - WHAAAA? :lol:

But I am only TOO happy to ride this learning curve!


Thanks Nutrix. I'm so proud of myself that I negotiated as hard as I did. Now I just have the worries of starting a new job. LoL
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Thanks Nutrix. I'm so proud of myself that I negotiated as hard as I did. Now I just have the worries of starting a new job. LoL

LOL - trifles DD - trifles.... :heart:

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I haven't ventured outside foodie scents much so when I popped the top to sample Kat she was so overpowering I put her back in her cage, waaay back at the end of the line. If it weren't for the rave reviews I wouldn't be writing this now. But after mental prep work of inspiring reviews, sample sniffs and calculated timing I took the plunge, doused wrists and cleavage and goddayummm this puss packs heat!


The first 10 min is, smoke, musky cigar rich with chocolate. So rich I get that high from walking in the aroma of a dark chocolate confectionery of fresh cocoa truffles and hand poured chocolate bars. My nose stretches for that hint of leather which claws its way through as the other notes settle then all meld together. The chocolate high turns to a leather buzz. Think inhaling saddle back leather..yippeekayay!

If you come this far I agree with those who say go BANG! or go home.

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And we have another winner!!! Great review Cherise! You pretty much summed up Katarina. This is the perfume you wear when you intend on taking no prisoners. LOL


Edited because I am a lousy speller. :(

Edited by StoremyWhether
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  • 2 months later...

Well, now that I am officially on furlough, I decided to pull out a "I'm home alone...weeeeeeeeeeee!" scent and become reacquainted with Katarina Suit. I also slathered on some AJA with this and as I suspected, the two work beautifully together. AJA doesn't change KS at all. There's still the choco/leather/cigar/alcohol combo that I came to love so much but it does have this subtle almost vanilla-like vibe - it might be the chocolate coming out a bit more, a bit creamier. In this blend, I think the AJA, rather than create something "different", lends a softening around the edges feel while still retain all the KS sexy, shirt pulling feel.


Furlough sucks, having three weeks off doesn't and today I'm feeling pretty damn hot in this stuff. ;)

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It works great and I know my husband likes KC... that was kind of a shocker for me. However, my daughter apparently hates all chocolate smells. Yesterday I had on Treat and she acted like I rolled in manure. Today, when she came home from school, her first comments were "What is that smell?? It's chocolate, isn't it? You're wearing chocolate perfume again, aren't you?" *insert crinkle face*


It's a good thing I didn't buy her any chocolate LPs for Christmas but if I have to choose between her responses and husband's? Sorry babe but I'm taking a shower in this stuff. ;)


ETA: I got sidetracked with husband liking this. What I was going to say is that it was nice to see AJA blend into the background and maybe mellow just a bit a scent like this. I love KS by itself and it was nice to see it remain the same but maybe just a wee bit softer...

Edited by StoremyWhether
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Well, now that I am officially on furlough, I decided to pull out a "I'm home alone...weeeeeeeeeeee!" scent and become reacquainted with Katarina Suit. I also slathered on some AJA with this and as I suspected, the two work beautifully together. AJA doesn't change KS at all. There's still the choco/leather/cigar/alcohol combo that I came to love so much but it does have this subtle almost vanilla-like vibe - it might be the chocolate coming out a bit more, a bit creamier. In this blend, I think the AJA, rather than create something "different", lends a softening around the edges feel while still retain all the KS sexy, shirt pulling feel.


Furlough sucks, having three weeks off doesn't and today I'm feeling pretty damn hot in this stuff. ;)

Do you get paid at least a small amount when you are on furlough? I would love to have a few weeks off, I hope you get back soon
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Unfortunately no. It's definitely a concern for many but I am one of the fortunate married ones so it doesn't affect me as much as it can affect others. For that, I am thankful. Even if I wasn't married, I would do the overtime when allowed, save it up and still be happy about furlough. Time with my daughter is getting shorter and shorter before she graduates and starts getting more involved with things in her own world. I appreciate having this time with her during the holidays. I know it won't always be like this. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought for sure I would hate this one. Cigars? Leather?? Figured it would make me smell like a little girl who splashed her daddy's aftershave on her dress.


Oh boy, was I ever stupid.


I can't believe how dark, slinky, and sultry KS makes me feel! Whew!!! Had to stand in front of the open fridge to cool down a bit. Stilettos, cleavage, and dark kohl eyes are mandatory when wearing this.


It did settle down a bit after a few hours into a more wholesome scent. But what a ride getting there!

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Unfortunately no. It's definitely a concern for many but I am one of the fortunate married ones so it doesn't affect me as much as it can affect others. For that, I am thankful. Even if I wasn't married, I would do the overtime when allowed, save it up and still be happy about furlough. Time with my daughter is getting shorter and shorter before she graduates and starts getting more involved with things in her own world. I appreciate having this time with her during the holidays. I know it won't always be like this. :)

See time with family is priceless and really no amount of money can make up for time spent with a loved one… Do you know yet when you will go back to work?

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I wasn't planning to get any of this because I wanted to try perho-enchanced scents only to start but just looking at the notes I'm not sure I can resisist leather, tobacco, and especially oud. So not girly (since the chocolate is dark, so not sweet?) and OMG oud is one of the most amazing scents. It's also expensive so not in too many perfumes, at least not in any great quantity. The combination makes sense to me, not only scent-wise but because all the elements are to do with cured/cultured/fermented things (leather is cured/tanned, chocolate is fermented, tobacco is cured/fermented and agarwood/oud is cultured with a fungus). In my head that makes them sort of go together, just that touch of almost magical transformation.


The check-out cart keeps growing. Like, asking people to return Christmas gifts and just gimme money to put toward my order growing.

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Donsie, I always have to come back and proclaim love for this one every now and then. Because it's not your standard definition of perfume (is there such a thing here?), the best way I can describe this is it's more like rolling on your sexiness like a pair of thigh highs. Like pouring yourself into a body suit. It's my sexy confidence in a bottle and just makes me feel on fire. There's just a vibe to it that is different from everything else. I hope you try it and give your review. It's all so subject; some haven't liked it but when you do, look out! :Emoticons0424:



See time with family is priceless and really no amount of money can make up for time spent with a loved one… Do you know yet when you will go back to work?


That's exactly how I feel. I don't regret this time at all. We've had fun and I feel blessed to have the time. I have my grumbles about the hows and whys (DD, I have stories I could tell you which is why I sympathize with your situation) but anything can happen in the new year. I haven't heard I'm not coming back so I will be going back on January 7th. Of course, it's only one day because on January 8th I have a jury summons! LOL

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Because it's not your standard definition of perfume (is there such a thing here?),

Even if there was one, Mara wouldn't limit herself to such a thing.

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Donsie, I always have to come back and proclaim love for this one every now and then. Because it's not your standard definition of perfume (is there such a thing here?), the best way I can describe this is it's more like rolling on your sexiness like a pair of thigh highs. Like pouring yourself into a body suit. It's my sexy confidence in a bottle and just makes me feel on fire. There's just a vibe to it that is different from everything else. I hope you try it and give your review. It's all so subject; some haven't liked it but when you do, look out! :Emoticons0424:




That's exactly how I feel. I don't regret this time at all. We've had fun and I feel blessed to have the time. I have my grumbles about the hows and whys (DD, I have stories I could tell you which is why I sympathize with your situation) but anything can happen in the new year. I haven't heard I'm not coming back so I will be going back on January 7th. Of course, it's only one day because on January 8th I have a jury summons! LOL

I'm learning finally to live in the moment
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Oh yeah this was one that I never would have thought I would love too. And Donsie, you can always add a phero to it! I usually wear It with LFNoire...

That sounds like a good match between pheros and scent. I'm new to the pheros, so I'm going to try as many as possible that are available blended into sample-sized scents (one of which includes LFNoire) so I know which ones work for me. Once I know which those might be then I think I'll try your suggestion. Thanks!

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OK. All, ya'all talking about this and I had to put it on tonight and it is just SO FANTASTIC! *eyes ROLL to back of head and swoons*


I love the dark chocolate out of the bottle, then the oud and leather and I don't get cigarettes AT ALL, just rich delicious - almost fruit like - tobacco leaf...but it all goes so perfectly together I just LURV it - LUUURV I SAY! It takes everything I have NOT to just go roll in this...this isn't infatuation - this is out right LUST and I do not care.


I'm going to go huff myself now...I'll be in the corner in olfactory heaven if anyone needs me for anything....

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OK, now that this one is safely ordered I can rave about it! Got a sample with a trade and I'm so glad I did -- when I read the original description, I loved everything about it except I knew a) I couldn't do chocolate and B) tobacco notes give me a headache. You would think I would have learned by now! Sample is drained and not a speck of headache!


This one lives up to all it's best reviews -- it is eyes-rolling-back-in-my-head sexy and powerful. The other notes bring out the best of the chocalate's dark decadent elements, and prevent any overly sugared sweetness. The leather and oud have a wonderful bite. Putting Kat Suit on makes me want to stalk about with a bullwhilp curled at my hip. It's got such a sense of power to it.


And now the challenge is to figure out how to create a place in my life to wear something like this! That will be good food for my New Year's resolution...

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Blackcat, I agree!! I finally got around to trying this and hot damn, I feel like a sexy vixen wearing this. I am so iffy with chocolates, and tobaccos too, which is why I have stalled in trying this one out. But I have a couple of days off from work so I get to wear whatever I want. So that means pulling out my samples and sniffees that typically would not see any testing love at all.


I had to double check to see if this had a phero in it because it sure as hell felt like it. Powerful and sexy.

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Blackcat, I agree!! I finally got around to trying this and hot damn, I feel like a sexy vixen wearing this. I am so iffy with chocolates, and tobaccos too, which is why I have stalled in trying this one out. But I have a couple of days off from work so I get to wear whatever I want. So that means pulling out my samples and sniffees that typically would not see any testing love at all.


I had to double check to see if this had a phero in it because it sure as hell felt like it. Powerful and sexy.

It totally does have a phero'd feel.... and yet, on the theory that more is more, I ordered it boosted with Bang....


Go big or go home, right?

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NICE Blackcat! Boosted with BANG! Vah-Vah-Vah....BOOM! w/ BANG! :666::ange:

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