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Crayons: Carbon Black


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Well. DAYUM! There's a review and a half! SNAP.

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Well. DAYUM! There's a review and a half! SNAP.

Ha ha!

This scent makes me want to go find a vintage Cartier or Tiffany watch. You know the "Ladies" watch with the subtle white gold face trim and a black leather strap. I'd be rolling my eyes and glancing at it often. lol

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Well I've had this on for 5 min and I have to say ...

I LOVE it!!! I'm Rita Hayworth, Lauren Bacall & Marilyn (when she'd show up in that tight black dress).

Old school. sexy, classic and a bit exotic. Those are the adjectives I'd used to describe this. Wet, it's perfumy.. the resins and musk are notable. At the almost immediate dry-down it becomes a velvety soft, siren scent. A bit mysterious. this would be great with LFM or LFN. It's all WOMAN!

The kind of woman you don't fuck with, because she's so much smarter than you!

She rather be living her life .. being fabulous, but, if you bore her she'll glance at her watch, because really....there's someone who could be appreciating her far more...and they are probably just around the next corner, so no worries. You better count your blessings and mind your Ps & Qs buddy..

Damn! This will be the first thing I test on Monday!

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I'm not exactly sure what orchid is supposed to smell like, but this one is just too perfume-y for me. I can smell the oakmoss sort of "underneath" and I do like it. I was afraid of the honey, but I actually don't smell it at all. I've only had it on for about an hour, so I really need to give it another chance when I can give it longer to dry down. I may put this one away for a couple of months and see if it mellows any.

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Amalthea, what you are describing about the flowery perfume is what I have hesitated over with this one. While I love the smell of most flowers, they turn into something awful on my skin every time I try to wear them. Still.. if I can get a trial vial, might try this.

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But I may at least try to get a trial vial if it is still available.

Still.. if I can get a trial vial, might try this.


You post that one more time and you have to get a trial vial. It's the law.

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I thought I would go for this one, but strangely I think, atm, not so much. It's odd. Because I kinda like it but I kinda don't. I think there are definitely notes in here that I like, and something in it I like quite a bit. I wonder if it's just the black orchid I'm disagreeing with? I don't think I know black orchid when I smell it :( I'm picking up something coming across as spicy to me that I like very much, but there's something else that is very like some other scent my mind quite can't put it's finger on that I'm not digging so much....will have to set aside and retry...

Edited by NuTrix
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I just got the sample yesterday and it is gorgeous. Despite promises to cut back I immediately had to order a whole bottle. It's a beautiful evening scent, definitely not office. It feels complex, exotic and sexy.

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Hmm... I seem to get everything *except* the orchid! Or maybe it's that I'm smelling it and I don't know I'm smelling it? Maybe it's just really well blended? Whatever. It's gorgeous! It's much, much softer than I'd anticipated, and the musk is just... Mmmmmm. It kinda makes me feel all tingly and warm.

The scent itself is bringing something *just* to the surface of my memory, but I can't quite get a grip on what this reminds me of. But I love it! It's a happy association, whatever it is! LOL! I'm lovin' Carbon Black. I hope to get my grubby little hands on a bottle. :D

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What would be the perfume-y note? Black honey? Black musk could be perfume-y... My nose was reading something spicy, could that have been the orchid? Is orchid popular in perfumes? Just trying to sort out what on earth in this could possibly be not agreeing with me....so sad, especially after these reviews! Want to love - Want to love.....chemistry, ug <_< I'll give it another week....

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I don't think orchid is ever spicy. Though to me, this orchid is definitely less "floral" than the type of orchid I may be used to. I do think Luna or Mara mentioned that. You are probably noticing the resins. This is slightly spicy and exotic smelling to me but it has a smoothness I really like. The musk in this is also a win for me. Some black musks can smell dusty and dry on my skin but this is smooooth. :heart:

Edited by StacyK
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Hmm. Then it's probably the musk I'm definitely liking in there...esp. after going back through and reading what Mara posted about it :) I'm beginning to suspect the orchid (or, of course, my chemistry could certainly be the culprit - as it has been so many times before...)

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So I just tried a sniffy of Purple Pitch, and something in there reminds me of Carbon Black. I felt sure it must be orchid, since, well, PURPLE pitch, but I looked it up and apparently there's not any orchid in PP. The only thing they have in common is black musk (although PP lists it as "Indian Black Musk") so I'm thinking maybe that's the too-perfumey note that I don't like. Being not terribly fond of perfumes before finding lp, I find that I don't know exactly what alot of the individual notes are supposed to smell like by themselves, so it's hard for me to guess sometimes if I might like or dislike something. I'm thinking perhaps black musk is going to be one I should avoid in the future.

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Ok. So at first when wet I did think it was going to be too perfumey. But I do know to wait these out so I let it lie. And I did so badly want to be that girl looking at her watch, rolling her eyes and being the one to bring the fuck (or whatnot that was said up thread). And much to my glee...it did turn into that sweet velvet sexy sophistication every one is talking about.

This is definitely a night out scent...I imagine this smells soooo good on your clothese the next day after a great night out.


I do smell the orchid and the honey but it's the Oakmoss that just finishes this so perfectly for me. How I love Oakmoss! I think it adds a bit of a tang to scents. I think that smooths out the perfumey vibe too eventually and makes it more cozy.

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I confess I'm hesitant to add to the rave reviews because this one appears to be going fast and I didn't include it in my recent order -- but oh, my. This is very delicate on me, and yet at the same time, powerful and sensual! I get a kind of panther vibe off this... velvet coal black fur sliding over muscle and bone. The honey sweetens the darkness and I assume it's the oak moss that gives it the slightly powdery texture? Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!


At the same time, I feel like if I could taste this, there's an exotic smokey tea thing going on (maybe that's the orchid?), with a thin filmy layer of honey to take the edge off that slightly bitter bite....


Pick whatever metaphor you like, this stuff is wonderful!

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Yes it is!!! ^

Shit! I just placed a last min order. maybe Mara has more stock and will have to reload the cart soon. Oh well, my previous orders just got shove to the back of the line because I could not miss this baby. :)

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Yes it is!!! ^

Shit! I just placed a last min order. maybe Mara has more stock and will have to reload the cart soon. Oh well, my previous orders just got shove to the back of the line because I could not miss this baby. :)

Oh god -- I just did the extra panic order on Atomic Mandarin yesterday I really really should not do this again! And yet... the panther... the smoky tea...

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So I just tried a sniffy of Purple Pitch, and something in there reminds me of Carbon Black. I felt sure it must be orchid, since, well, PURPLE pitch, but I looked it up and apparently there's not any orchid in PP. The only thing they have in common is black musk (although PP lists it as "Indian Black Musk") so I'm thinking maybe that's the too-perfumey note that I don't like. Being not terribly fond of perfumes before finding lp, I find that I don't know exactly what alot of the individual notes are supposed to smell like by themselves, so it's hard for me to guess sometimes if I might like or dislike something. I'm thinking perhaps black musk is going to be one I should avoid in the future.

Amalthea, Purple Pitch is one of my faves. Admittedly not one I break out that often, but I think it is darkly lovely. If I recall, without going to look it up in the archives, it is Violet in that one. To my nose, PP smells a lot like OCCO Black only with a hint of purple.

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Amalthea, Purple Pitch is one of my faves. Admittedly not one I break out that often, but I think it is darkly lovely. If I recall, without going to look it up in the archives, it is Violet in that one. To my nose, PP smells a lot like OCCO Black only with a hint of purple.


I haven't tried OCCO Black yet, but it is on my list. I think you're right, I think PP had violet and not orchid. But I love Act of Violets, so I think it's the black musk that I'm not liking. Oh well, I guess life would be boring if we all liked the same things, right?


Does PP smell at all like Carbon Black to you? Of course CB wouldn't have the "purple" note, but something in there is very similar to me!

Edited by Amalthea1978
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I haven't tried OCCO Black yet, but it is on my list. I think you're right, I think PP had violet and not orchid. But I love Act of Violets, so I think it's the black musk that I'm not liking. Oh well, I guess life would be boring if we all liked the same things, right?


Does PP smell at all like Carbon Black to you? Of course CB wouldn't have the "purple" note, but XA22447922C6VTV2something in there is very

similar to me!

This smells nothing like Purple Pitch.

It does not smell like OCCo Black either but I guess I can see someone making a distant comparison. The both have that carrying purfumey scent. But this on me, dries down to a velvety smooth floral, with a dash that black smoothness. It's not as strong elling as OCCo black. I feel they are pretty different.

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This scent is so dark and sexy... But it falls into the too perfumey area for me. Very black honey and black musky, almost smells smokey and a bit masculine. It's very velvety and rich.

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This smells nothing like Purple Pitch.


Really? Obviously, it doesn't have the "purple" smell, but something in these two is VERY similar to me. I guess maybe it's the difference in what comes out due to skin chemistry. It's crazy how much it makes a difference, and honestly makes me a little sad that something could be awesome for someone else but not for me. That happened with a Victoria's Secret scent for me once as well - I LOVED it, had friends who wore it and it was amazing, but on me it was just nasty:(

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Yea so true! Chemistry plays a big roll. I'm still trying with Atomic M. While everyone else is in love I'm getting no love from it whatsoever .. sigh

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I don't think this will be a fb for me.

I was confusing orchid with lily, but I have a couple things with orchid in it that I like quite a bit - LP Humidity (SS 2012) and Sea Lily. I think the floral aspect is just a bit too far forward for me this time...

Means more for you others it plays nicely with :D

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Finally got to try it! Yay! So.. as usual, most things ha v e to be different with me. What my skin did with this is contrary to what most people got. On me, all I can smell is the floral (remember, my skin *always* amps florals) and the lovely oak moss. I got no blackness, the honey accent was absorbed completely by my skin, and believe it or not, not even a hint of dark musk on me! Storemy can tell you about my downright bizarre skin chemistry. My skin managed to turn Carbon Black into a light, sweet, floral. It is NOT the Carbon Black, it is totally me. This is one of the reasons I tend to ponder reviews for so long. Quite simply, I must have the strangest chemistry in the world. This one smells very high end designer classic floral on me. So I am happy I tried this one, but be aware that you can not go by my experience at all! I will either gift or trade some lucky person this one, very pretty, but totally lost in translation on my wonky skin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha ha!

This scent makes me want to go find a vintage Cartier or Tiffany watch. You know the "Ladies" watch with the subtle white gold face trim and a black leather strap. I'd be rolling my eyes and glancing at it often. lol


My thoughts exactly! Makes me think I should be in some exotic setting somewhere dressed in my Chanel or Versace finest with men-folk awaiting my bidding! Alas, the closest I could come to this was running some errands this afternoon. But, at least I smelled the best in the entire grocery store! Shazzamm, I get "love me" selfies with no pheros either!


It is a very beautiful, sexy and mysterious scent, and I fell immediately in love. Funny thing is, is that I never expected to -- I tend to lean towards fruity and floral scents, so I was completely surprised when took a whiff. The orchid (which I love) and musk came out first. It's not very strong or overpowering but rather soft and smooth. The honey/amber (and I guess moss) was right behind it.


Apparently, it is going fast -- I snagged one of the last three roll-ons and it looks like there's only one spray left. Unless, of course, Mara has got more stashed away somewhere!

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Quite simply, I must have the strangest chemistry in the world.

Somehow I think the strangest chemistry in the world would probably result in isomerisation, you know? A negation of enthalpy or something radical like that. :lol:

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My thoughts exactly! Makes me think I should be in some exotic setting somewhere dressed in my Chanel or Versace finest with men-folk awaiting my bidding! Alas, the closest I could come to this was running some errands this afternoon. But, at least I smelled the best in the entire grocery store! Shazzamm, I get "love me" selfies with no pheros either!


It is a very beautiful, sexy and mysterious scent, and I fell immediately in love. Funny thing is, is that I never expected to -- I tend to lean towards fruity and floral scents, so I was completely surprised when took a whiff. The orchid (which I love) and musk came out first. It's not very strong or overpowering but rather soft and smooth. The honey/amber (and I guess moss) was right behind it.


Apparently, it is going fast -- I snagged one of the last three roll-ons and it looks like there's only one spray left. Unless, of course, Mara has got more stashed away somewhere!

Thanks for the heads up. Just panic ordered an extra bottle of this along with Metamorphosis (also down to 2). Well I'm done for awhile now.

Sorry Mara.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I may be the person who got the very last bottle of this, so I don't want to gloat... but I am SO glad to have this. I went back and forth on oil vs spray, ended up doing the spray because this lasted SO long on me in the oil I thought it could handle the spray, and also because I love the surprisingly airy texture I get from the scent, alongside all of this darkness. This is just unlike anything else I have. The honey is sweet and dark but not dirty. The moss softens it and keeps it from being "perfume-y" on me -- despite the elegance, this has a very natural, organic feel to it. I am loving it to sleep in, but I think it would be perfect for certain social occasions. It has an elegance that would not be out of place in a very formal setting, but at the same time a subtle but very deep sensual vibe. I just love it.


ETA: I bet this paired with LFM would make a person feel like the Fairy Queen!

Edited by Blackcat
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I think I may be the person who got the very last bottle of this, so I don't want to gloat... but I am SO glad to have this. I went back and forth on oil vs spray, ended up doing the spray because this lasted SO long on me in the oil I thought it could handle the spray, and also because I love the surprisingly airy texture I get from the scent, alongside all of this darkness. This is just unlike anything else I have. The honey is sweet and dark but not dirty. The moss softens it and keeps it from being "perfume-y" on me -- despite the elegance, this has a very natural, organic feel to it. I am loving it to sleep in, but I think it would be perfect for certain social occasions. It has an elegance that would not be out of place in a very formal setting, but at the same time a subtle but very deep sensual vibe. I just love it.


ETA: I bet this paired with LFM would make a person feel like the Fairy Queen!


Oh my word yes, totally :darkqueen135: thank you for an engagingly captivating review as always. You my dear, can sell me just about anything. Now this business about you getting the last bottle of Carbon Black, can you please step outside (out back) so we can talk about it? Bring the Carbon Black with you please, xoxo. Have a great upcoming week Blackcat ;-)

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I am so glad I got 2 bottles of this. I am not typically drawn to florals and I really can't do most honeys. On me the orchid is really not floral at all and the honey actually likes me. This turns out to be a bottle of black velvet, not floral, sweet but not too sweet, not pointy, just pure sexy dark soft velvet. I am surprised because I still can't wear LP Black. Black Carbon is great on its on and turning out to be great for layering with darker scents.

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I stocked up on this. It's just a wonderful "Black".


The way it plays on my skin, I wouldn't call it a "floral" or "honey" scent but they are key players.. I get the orchid but also black musk, resins, spices and oakmoss. It's just "Black" like a gorgeous black dress, it can be long, backless and elegant or short and tight. Whatever suits your needs.

This scent is Classic,Sophisticated & Exotic. Damn I need that Tiffany watch!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the heads up. Just panic ordered an extra bottle of this along with Metamorphosis (also down to 2). Well I'm done for awhile now.

Sorry Mara.


Good thing you got it while you could, Stacy, looks like it's sold out now. I think I managed to snag the last roll-on. Hope that Mara has some stashed away somewhere, though.

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The hell? I thought I had reviewed this one?? Ok, well my review is LONG overdue. Ok, so in spite of knwoing teh notes list of this one, I kept expecting something super incensey. I guess the name & label was messing with my brain. Anyway, this is one of my favorites from teh Crayons set. A beautiful dark floral scent. The honey didn't get smutty on me & I love this type of orchid note, but I don't think I've ever met an orchid that I didn't like ;)

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