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Totem: Goat w/Cops

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I want to try this for sure. Baby goats (kids) are fun. But Bucks/Billy Goats are stinky, lol. Nubians are kewl.


StacyK: Noooo.....I keep telling myself no....but you know I willll....but only one bottle.


Vlad: Did you get some, try this yet?


I love raisin bread and the husband adores cinnamon buns....ah geez...here we go....

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Not yet Olderbutwiser, but will be ordering a bottle as soon as this month's releases are available for order...


I don't know exactly what a cinnabon is, but I love cinnamon-y things as much as I hate raisin-y things, lol. So it sounds very promising despite the raisin bread connection.


And that baby goat on the label is to die for.

Edited by vladmyra
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hehe...do you like grapes? Maybe you can think of it more as sweet fresh grapes with a cinnamon roll at breakfast? ^_^

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Yes, I love grapes! I think this is why I hate raisins- they're like the shrunken withered hag-corpses of once plump and juicy grapes. There's something dark and unnatural about them. Plus they're all brown and gross and squidgy.


Sweet grapes and cinnamon rolls sounds so much more delish.

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There you go then! Plump, juicy, bursting with sweetness grapes to compliment a soft, doughy, freshly backed and steaming from the oven, ooey-gooey cinnamon roll! :w00t:

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Out of all of the Totems, this one garners the most Elevator Attention. Each time I wear this, peeps on the elevator ask me what I'm wearing, or they sniff the air around me, or just look at me without saying anything, trying to place the scent. Of course, when I tell them what it is, I will ALWAYS get some wise guy who makes some less-than-clever comment about goat perfume . . . :thumbdown: Others, however, make careful note of the LPMP name!


So, on the EA (Elevator Attention) Scale, Totem Goat rates a clear 9 out of 10.

Edited by Just Ducky
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Wow Ducky, that's a high rating! Did you buy the sampler to test all the other Totems as well? Is Totem: Goat the highest on the EA Scale?


Hi, CuR! Yes, I bought both sets of the Totem samples. Goat definitely has gotten the highest rating on the EA Scale. Panda and Beaver came in close behind, at about 7 and 8, respectively. The others received their share of attention, but Goat ALWAYS got rave elevator reviews. :)

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Nice JD :love: hope you're able to score a FB of Totem: Goat then!


My order came in and I'm looking forward to using Totem: Panda. Bought it FB unsniffed because the notes sounded great and the reviews were wonderful :)

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Yes, wearing Totem Goat - again! With PP potion scented with LP Pink. Was stoped by a coworked and directly asked what I was wearing - I'm afraid I only confessed LP Pink :lol:


Then he told me - quite seriously - that he liked it :D I had a dab behind each ear and on the back of each hand and a lolipop around my belly button, so he probably did smell mainly LP Pink as I had sprayed my clothes and jair with PP, but the hit was ALL cop reaction. Very intensely approving!


Did I mention I LOVE this Totem best?! :666::ange:

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Anyone buy this in a spray? I'm curious how that would go.


I haven't gotten anything with cops from LP in a spray, except Cougar and I suspect, Lumina...too chicken after hearing that the cops can linger in hair and on clothes. Maybe that's only for cop heavy things, like OCCOs or LAM! & BAM! ? Things like BBM, OCCO Ambrosia and Velvet Kisses, I have them all in oil. Not sure what the "cop count" in TG is. I LOVE Breath of Nirvana and have thought about making one into a spray because it only has 4 drops of cops in the whole bottle...I don't get cops AT ALL from TG so I would be interested to know if anyone got it in a spray as well and how that's behaving for them :)

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That's why I hesitate - but I keep thinking - how "Baaaaad" could it be? :lol: Some people get CB in spray, and BANG! so maybe I'll just go ahead and give it a whirl!

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I haven't gotten anything with cops from LP in a spray, except Cougar and I suspect, Lumina...too chicken after hearing that the cops can linger in hair and on clothes. Maybe that's only for cop heavy things, like OCCOs or LAM! & BAM! ? Things like BBM, OCCO Ambrosia and Velvet Kisses, I have them all in oil. Not sure what the "cop count" in TG is. I LOVE Breath of Nirvana and have thought about making one into a spray because it only has 4 drops of cops in the whole bottle...I don't get cops AT ALL from TG so I would be interested to know if anyone got it in a spray as well and how that's behaving for them :)

Oh, funny!! I got Velvet Kisses as a spray off the trade thread and therefore haven't thought twice about doing sprays of Cuddle Bunny-boosted scents!


And yet when it comes to my cops-only scents, I always go for oil. I guess it depends on whether you are thinking of them as "cops" or "COPS"!

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@ Vladmyra - DO IT! Pull the trigger :lol2: and let us know how it goes. For the sake of science, it's a need to know. Ya' know :wink2:


@ NuTrix - You sold me on Totem: Goat many posts ago :love: It didn't make the cut this order due to those NR sirens but next order -fo' sho'!


@ BlackCat - A girl after my own heart, so far I've only ordered cops-only scents in oil. I think Blue Bear was kind in sending me a small CB spray as a Trade gift but I haven't used it yet. You lost me on the cops & COPS joke my literary forum pal :) . Too early perhaps, I'll read it again when more awake.

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I don't feel that this is super cop heavy. I don't know how much is in there. I would not get it in my hair or high up on my neck, ect. But, I find this scent so Lux that I have considered it. Of course after all is said and done it is perfect in oil as is.

There's nothing in here that reminds me of VK at all. I don't think it contains as many cops but that could be due to the richness of the scent.

Edited by StacyK
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^^^Good to know sugar plum, thank you. Duly noted. Totem: Goat’s pretty scent is definitely one to get out there via spray dispersion. I guess it wouldn’t be the worst thing to throw a little cops out there while at it :lol2:

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The only thing I have in spray is Cougar which I wear over the roll on oil version of UNCougar. I also have Flying Potion in spray, but it doesn't contain cops. I read somewhere on the forum about someone spraying something with a lot of cops in it in her mom's hair and she had to cut her hair....so I'm sticking to OCCOs in oil on torso area.

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I have a Bang spray, but I'm too afraid to pull the trigger, lol.




Oh, funny!! I got Velvet Kisses as a spray off the trade thread and therefore haven't thought twice about doing sprays of Cuddle Bunny-boosted scents!


And yet when it comes to my cops-only scents, I always go for oil. I guess it depends on whether you are thinking of them as "cops" or "COPS"!


I've always considered CB "COPS" so if that one plays nicely then TG should too! Since CB is 1/3 the strength in the fragrance and TG would be diluted as 1/3 in 2/3 alcohol that sounds like a WINNER!!!!


@ NuTrix - You sold me on Totem: Goat many posts ago :love: It didn't make the cut this order due to those NR sirens but next order -fo' sho'!


Hehe...I think I can hold off ordering more too thanks to the NRs, unless I get one in a spray... :lol2:


I don't feel that this is super cop heavy. I don't know how much is in there.

There's nothing in here that reminds me of VK at all. I don't think it contains as many cops but that could be due to the richness of the scent.


Yeah, I don't know how much is in there either, but it smells SO good and I've gotten it on clothes just from contact to app. points on my skin and all that I get the next day in the laundry is REALLY good smelling clothing! I've worn it behind my ears and the back of my neck and no one's told me I smell anything but delicious ^_^

I don't think she meant they were alike fragrance wise, just that she's got a variant of CB in spray? But since VK is 1/3 the strength of Un CB it's got my wheels turning or TG....


I read somewhere on the forum about someone spraying something with a lot of cops in it in her mom's hair and she had to cut her hair....so I'm sticking to OCCOs in oil on torso area.


:Emoticons04239: Wonder if it was BAM!? That can be a stinker, or an OCCO????!!!! YIKES! I will be the guinea pig for TG, but no guarantees on anything else! :lol:



HEY! I just remembered! Back when LP released Sexpionage in the fragrance, Balls!, I had gotten that on a scarf and days later smelled it in my closet - the beautiful scent of the fragrance only! (which while leaning in for a better huff caused me to FALL THOUGH MY WARDROBE! No harm no foul, only minor bruising, the power of LP... :lol: ) And that IS a COP bomb!


I'm SO ordering this in a spray!


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@ BlackCat - A girl after my own heart, so far I've only ordered cops-only scents in oil. I think Blue Bear was kind in sending me a small CB spray as a Trade gift but I haven't used it yet. You lost me on the cops & COPS joke my literary forum pal :) . Too early perhaps, I'll read it again when more awake.

No joke beyond whether you want cops as one element of the phero experience or as the whole deal, front and center and VERY LOUD. :-)

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I have a Bang spray, but I'm too afraid to pull the trigger, lol.

I have a 60/40 x2 Bang in spray. Just control the spray and keep it away from your face and hair. Easy....

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Okay, you're all encouraging me to take the plunge and Bang away.

You know I got that early on and then did not use it for sometime because with the x2 there's dry down ect. I just learned overtime to manage it. the x1 won't be as intense.

For my chest I just point at y chest then tip the spray down a little so as not to get the spray on my face or the upper half of my neck. With a little practice you'll get it.

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I am so excited to report that I ordered a full fucking bottle of this baby! I didn't want to shout from the roof tops how much I loved this before I secured a bottle but since there was no danger and everyone was too busy with all other 19 scents this one probably slipped by everyone else. THIS IS IDENTICAL TO SCOTCHIES ON ME! IF YOU LOOOOVED SCOTCHIES JUMP ON THIS ONE! :Emoticons0086: :fright04238: :smiley-char145::Emoticons04263::BRRRR::lady-eyes::princess2::mom-and-kids::mooning: :i-m-gassy-today: :true-dat::t-rex-2::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::surprised:

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I am so excited to report that I ordered a full fucking bottle of this baby! I didn't want to shout from the roof tops how much I loved this before I secured a bottle but since there was no danger and everyone was too busy with all other 19 scents this one probably slipped by everyone else. THIS IS IDENTICAL TO SCOTCHIES ON ME! IF YOU LOOOOVED SCOTCHIES JUMP ON THIS ONE! :Emoticons0086: :fright04238: :smiley-char145::Emoticons04263::BRRRR::lady-eyes::princess2::mom-and-kids::mooning: :i-m-gassy-today: :true-dat::t-rex-2::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::surprised:

Yea!!! I know how you feel. But I didn't have your restraint.. I'll say it again I LOVE this so much!

It's so lux and has a sophistication to it.

I can't wait to see how it ages up a bit. :)

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I've been unabashed about my obsession :lol: And I DID order this in spray with my most recent order. It isn't like Scotchies on me, though I can see the inference. TG is all dough-y, and with a distinctly raisin note in the beginning, cinnamon bread dripping with white icing :Emoticons04235: DROOL!

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I ended up ordering a full bottle too! It's soooo good! It's like a combo of Scotchies and Maras Warm and Toasty on me. All buttery dough, cinnamon and sweet frosting. Mmmmm. I don't smell any cops either!

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You all put me in the mood for Scotchies, so I've been wearing it today. It's not as, hmm, gooey? and TG, and no raisins, but I see the similarities in yummiliciousness - I didn't hoard this one appropriately so when it runs out I'll have TG to keep me happy...don't know what I'll do when I reach the end of those bottles though! Hate to even think about it! :Emoticons04284:


YAY! Totem: Goat ROCKS! :cat690:

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I can't help it... every time I see this thread, inside my head I say "Totes mah goats" and giggle..


ETA - I wish I could add the meme of the goat in the tote, but alas, I'm at work and on my Kindle

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