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Welcome ~ Beach Goddess

Beach Goddess

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Hi all - very much a newbie to forum and all of this - just placed my first order. I happened upon LP due to Beccah's Blog - thank you Beccah!


I'm hoping this is correct area for this newbie question/ post. I've ordered samples bc I don't know what to try in FB & now in reading so much, feeling overwhelmed with what to apply when, where, etc. I tend to have high EST I think but not necessarily in a good way - and I don't think it comes across as overly girly either - it's just a small imbalance I think. Based on what I've read in forum, seems I could use some DHEAS. There is a lot of info on all of this - incl FAQs - which is why I'm overwhelmed, but def excited at the same time to find this info!


All of that said - if you could only buy one 'starter/ go-to' FB to have a 'sure' formula that attracts men (pulls them in) and gives good selfies - with your experience etc. what would you choose and how would you apply? I like what I've been reading out pheros and cops. I can be drabby or blue moody (not a great thing) so would love to feel more bubbly - and yes would definitely like to see what happens when using to attract more men. Recently single here - happy about it, but want to increase prospects. :Emoticons0804:

I've gone out sometimes and just not been feelin' the love lately - and I really think a lot of it (or some at least) is the vibes I'm sending out aren't great. When I'm happy & feeling self-confident - then feelin' the love.


Anyhooo... guess I'm already oversharing. But I like this forum and sooo happy to have found this and can't wait for my 1st package to arrive. In mail today!


Also - was checking out trading / sales boards - most started awhile ago and I don't know how to find the most recent sales (don't have anything for trade yet). Sorry for so many questions - but there is so much knowledge here, trying to take it all in and want to order a FB soon - like 2 weeks ago if I could. I like a lot of scents, including sweet & sugary (which from forum - sounds like it's great to cover cops <g>). I originally ordered Lumina in FB but after reading forum posts thought the high EST could hurt my already high EST or something - but would LOVE it if it gave beautifying effects/ glamour since i'm not feelin' that lately.


So far ordered samples of (and it's a long list - you can see why I'm asking about 1 FB - can't swing placing another order this month except for 1 FB). Thanks to the forum already - bc I feel like I made a great choice with the samples:


BAM Original (honey & sugar)



Sexology 3

LP Gold

LP Pink

Pouncing Potion

LP Exotica with Gotcha (new June)

LP Flutterby with Heart & Soul

LP Incandenscence w/ Bang (pretty sure I mis-spelled that)

LP Rouge with La Femme Mystere

LAM Butterpeach Creme

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Thanks Dolly! Just saw you had a FB LAM in buttercream - left post there as have feeling would love FB LAM and/or BAM. Forgot to ask if spray or oil - maybe I should ask there.


I work from home so though I'm constantly communicating with others via phone email IM etc. for work, not a lot of full daily interaction outside of grocery stores, errands etc. It's convenient a lot yes - but also can be bummer.


That said, friends that go out on weekends - usually bars, etc. - smaller-ish beach town and it's summertime. I'm sooo hoping my package gets here soon - will try LAM (just a touch maybe - will have sample) to see if I can get any positive responses.


So maybe the cougar and LAM would get some positive attention (but not too much or scary attention- from what I've read should maybe err on conservative side maybe)?


I want to try Open Windows but didn't see it as sample - will look again though. Thanks again!!

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LFM was my first phero and would be my first again.

If you like the scent of Rouge. That's the one I'd go for now.


Cougar is great.


LAM Brown Sugar is great too. But be careful out in bars and such with LAM. It can get intense.

Edited by StacyK
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Thanks StacyK! I'm getting my thoughts set on what I'll likely buy once I get samples to confirm.


It's good to hear @ Rouge LFM, Cougar, and Brown Sugar LAM. Thanks for heads up on LAM out in bars, don't want that kind of intensity.


I'm definitely looking forward to Cougar - for effect on others and the 'selfies'. I read posts on how to make own spritzer so may try that in a tiny tiny batch with portion of cougar sample. I think I'm dizzy (in a good way) just thinking about all of these. I have a very small collection of perfumes but nothing like this - the true essential oils, intent, and 'boosters'. :magicstick:


I was also checking out the love drawing forum (older posts bc it's sold out perfume) - some posters stated that LP Original plus LFM and Cops could be a good 'go to' or sub for love drawing. So many positive choices.


Really appreciate all ideas - especially from those who have the knowledge - Gracias!!

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Yeah, I don't think I would go out in a bar wearing LAM unless my man was with me. That could get kind of dicey.

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Thanks Dolly and Halo! I don't have a man right now - part of the issue most definitely or I'd be glad to wear with him. :D Fairly recently single, in small town, trying to meet ppl but my closest friend is a guy friend from college (which was many many moons ago).


That said, hard to meet guys bc he sometimes acts like he's a bf - very annoying & we've discussed and he's backed off. Not that I think I'm that great (don't want to come off that way), but he's my friend and that's all. I've only met maybe 2 guys I've liked and that's bc either my friend wasn't around or I was gladly able to find someone to catch my friend's interest long enough to be able to even speak to other guys when we're out. Because guys won't approach (not saying they would but he's not helping me out, saw a really cute guy one night that kept trying but stopped bc of my friend). Even then it's a pain - he knows almost everyone here - small town etc. - so if I meet ppl thru him, they either think we're dating (if its a guy) or their jealous (if it's a girl that he's actually dating or whatever is going on w/ them).


Anyhow... divorced for 2 years and ready to have (safe) fun already and feel better. I feel llike I have to emit almost non-sexual energy around my guy friend bc of his intentions. And this only hurts any 'game' that I think I already don't have.


I have a crush, but he's been so way beyond flakey on me - disappointed and hurt by that for sure. He's one of those hot/cold guys - which I don't like, but he wasn't that way in the beginning. He was super sweet, nice, attentive, etc. - but I guess most are at first for awhile. :(


Anyhow - gone waaaay off topic, but really want to get my 'groove' back for lack of better word and embrace myself vs. what I've been doing. My marriage wasn't very affectionate (apparently guitar was more important than marriage - though after divorce he says that was worst mistake - sad but it's too late for that relationship) so... want to feel autonomous, sexy, single, etc. and haven't been feeling that.


So how's that for early oversharing - is there an award for giving out personal info waaay too soon - or do I just wear embarrassment hat later? :darkqueen135:


Anyhow- feel comfortable sharing here given this forum and how nice & supportive everyone is. Many many thanks!!

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Definitely go with the socials/sexy socials first. Then go with the sex blends. Sex blends around your male friend = not a good idea and a potentially awkward situation.

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I just saw this - welcome to the forum! I have no real advice to add about women's scent or pheromones other than to agree with Dolly about being careful with sexual mixes in public as pheromones affect everyone - not just the guy you are interested in.

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Welcome to the forum & I'm glad that I could steer you over here, hon! I'm going to have to suggest Open Windows or Cougar, right off the bat. Now.....once you get acclimated, maybe you could see if there's anybody that has anything available for you to try in the trade threads ;) All in all, you really can't go wrong with Love Potion or any of it's variants. Which reminds me...I really need to finish up my testing for "11 Days of Perfume..." I have been under the weather, so hopefully I will be back up for testing by week's end :)

ETA: Halo is correct, have to be pregnant to produce Est...BUT you could be estrogen dominant, which could be causing whatever you think is off in your phero signature. I think Dolly is estrogen dominant, & I haven't been diagnosed as such, but I have my suspicions. It might be a good idea to read up on her reviews & journal threads to get your bearings on blends that will work well for you. Good luck & happy testing!

Edited by Beccah
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Thanks Halo, Dolly, Beccah, Rose, and QuietGuy!


Hi Halo! - I thought EST meant estrogen, which I tend to be dominant in on most occassions, so def glad for that clarification. No real lab tests to prove but have things consistent with high estrogen/ estrogen dominance minor imbalance. So thank you - maybe I can get a Lumina sample somewhere down the line for those effects after all. Cool! Also thanks for heads up on come to me lover - maybe I can find a sample thru LP or trade/sale. That would be very cool.


Hi QuietGuy - thanks for male perspective, I agree that I don't want to attract only a certain type of guy. Just hoping for the right kind of positive interest - thanks for info!


And yes Dolly, I def can't wear those blends around my guy friend - he's already a bit too close for comfort sometimes, we've discussed boundaries. But problem is, he is my main friend here - can't go out to bars, parties or music scenes by myself in small town - they're just weird @ that - trying to meet more peeps, social blends should help. :) That said, he realizes boundaries are most def in place - I just def don't want him to think there's any encouragement at all.


And Beccah - your blog pretty rocks - I had no idea about LP and sooo thankful for having found! I'll def check out Dolly's input on that (welcome any advice) and have cougar in my samples. I've been eyeing open windows for sure - could use lifts - esp when WFH long days can feel dreary, making me less likely to want to go out.


First order should arrive tomorrow morning-ish - YAY!!!

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Welcome Beach Goddess!! Being newly single you can have a lot of fun with different pheros!


There is a perfume in the New Releases with Lumina in it so you can get that in a sample. I also love Topper as a social. For me it works well as a popularity potion on its own even though it was created to top off other pheros...Alpha Nol and DHEAS....amazing mood lifter and people draw-er! I think Beccah likes to wear it with Cougar. There is also a new perfume with that in it...so it's also available as a sample.

Have fun and keep us posted on all your adventures!

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Good to have you here! You picked LOTS of great samples. Loads of us adore Cougar, that's always a sure fire for me too. You will LOVE the smell of LAM Buttercream Peach - truly YUM!. Also a big fan of BANG! here too...You have lots of goodies :Emoticons0424: You're going to have tons of fun trialing everything. Just a thought, for your area, try looking up meetup.com to see if there are any singles groups meeting near where you live. It could be a way to meet new people in a group/public setting if there's anything of interest close by.


Happy experimenting - look forward to reading what you think of all your goodies :)

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Welcome Beach Goddess!! Being newly single you can have a lot of fun with different pheros!


There is a perfume in the New Releases with Lumina in it so you can get that in a sample. I also love Topper as a social. For me it works well as a popularity potion on its own even though it was created to top off other pheros...Alpha Nol and DHEAS....amazing mood lifter and people draw-er! I think Beccah likes to wear it with Cougar. There is also a new perfume with that in it...so it's also available as a sample.

Have fun and keep us posted on all your adventures!

Thanks so much missdarlyncherie!! Just got my 1st shipment in - yaaaaaay!! I think Topper is on my growing list 'must have ' or as someone has posted GUS list!! Love that name- G.U.S.!! :say66:

Soo excited to start testing and playing with my samples! So a BIG thank you :Love09751: to ALL in every Forum thread I've had time to read so far, who have given so many reviews on so so many things - I have sooooo much more to learn and try! But that's def part of the fun.



Good to have you here! You picked LOTS of great samples. Loads of us adore Cougar, that's always a sure fire for me too. You will LOVE the smell of LAM Buttercream Peach - truly YUM!. Also a big fan of BANG! here too...You have lots of goodies :Emoticons0424: You're going to have tons of fun trialing everything. Just a thought, for your area, try looking up meetup.com to see if there are any singles groups meeting near where you live. It could be a way to meet new people in a group/public setting if there's anything of interest close by.


Happy experimenting - look forward to reading what you think of all your goodies :)

Thanks NuTrix! I am soo happy I read until a LOT of posts prior to 1st order (even more after that order & had to change something right after) where the forum's feedback & input from so many helped me. I wouldn't have chosen Cougar otherwise probably on my 1st 'go'. Definite muchas muchas gracias to all!! :2403:


There are meetups here, just again small town bums me out (moved here from much larger city w/ alot more options... sniff) but... I know it's not the place, it's the person. So I'm def hoping for some 'selfie' lifts to help me out. But the good news - is there are a fair amount of groups and with the beach so close - lots of opp for day and night stuff. But many groups have outdoors stuf where the people have experience which I don't - i.e. paddleboarding (love to try but most have a lot of exp), etc. I don't mind trying new things but when most groups are doing 3-10 mile swims or whatever - I'm like - I gotta train to go to a meetup!


I promise I'll get better attitude (as I must, been telling myself that ) for as you seek, you will find -- so putting that out of my mind now. Creating new mantras for myself. Been rough work week - glad tomorrow is Friday (whew)- happpy to start testing today. :heart106:

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Eh, I'm with you. Going through a divorce & I can get super negative, lol.



Thanks Beccah! I feel lucky in that my divorce wasn't super ugly, very super anti-climatic though. Felt stunned most of time even though I was one who initiated but just bc wasn't feeling any love at all. It was hard and not an easy decision by any means at all - thought @ it for 3 years (we were together @ 13 yrs) so....... basically felt ignored most of the time. And I had to do all the work (which was same with the relationship/ marriage)... so... anyhow. The weird part has been journey to feeling who I am again without that or any relationship. Made mistake of dating someone a bit too quickly after - nice distraction at times but derailed me from giving good energy back to myself & instead gave it to someone else. (slapping my forehead) Divorce-versary will be 2 yrs in a couple of months. I will say this - my exhub def says he regrets everything each time we talk. And it's just super sad no matter what that it didn't work, but I am happy that I made choice that I deserve a good relationship/ marriage. Everyone deserves that.


Anyhow - I think it's different experience for anyone - but it's belonging to a club we didn't ask for - regardless of who initiated it or why. Or that's my personal take. And the ppl I know (friends of mine) that I've reconnected with that never had a long LTR or marriage (stayed in single lane), seem to have such different outlook. It's strange, I'm learning as I go I guess.

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Divorce looks amazing on me. Divorce for women is the new lose 200 pounds in 6 months diet. It's the new face lift YO.

I want some of your attitude - gonna work to adopt/ adapt my own to that - truly! Just curious - any scents that help give that confidence and attitude? I would def welcome any 'boosts' to get me back to that place. Honestly was there right after divorce as had time to get used to thought of it all prior - that said, something else 'zapped' any good 'edge' like that out of me... gaining it back but slower than I'd like. :(

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I want some of your attitude - gonna work to adopt/ adapt my own to that - truly! Just curious - any scents that help give that confidence and attitude? I would def welcome any 'boosts' to get me back to that place. Honestly was there right after divorce as had time to get used to thought of it all prior - that said, something else 'zapped' any good 'edge' like that out of me... gaining it back but slower than I'd like. :(


I think you have to start from the inside and work outside. I remember always spending time with me. You aren't divorcing or breaking up with yourself, you are the most important thing. I'm one of those annoying people that awlays tells girls that break ups and divorces are a great time of reflection and basically falling in love with yourself all over again. You have to find activities that interest you and date yourself. I never understood women that rush right into another relationship or worry about dating someone so soon after a breakup or divorce.

The one time my bf and I broke up, I was making appts to take make up classes, scheduling tarot dinners with my friends, reading, cleaning, just anything to focus on being a better me. I meditated alot, lit some candles. I actually found LP because I felt powerless after I had my son. I felt like I was tired, and had lost my sparkle. I stumbled across LP by searching for.. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET MY POWER BACK POTION. I sampled everything until I fell in love with the cupcake vanilla bakery type scents. LP Black helped me a lot too though especially during my period. There was something about the ingredients in LP black and the label that just appealed to me.

I think you will definitely get your power back. We are a strong community of women that support and help each other. And if you need to hire someone to kill your ex, I charge $568, 895, 895, 000 which is a discounted rate for my LP bitches.

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I think you have to start from the inside and work outside. I remember always spending time with me. You aren't divorcing or breaking up with yourself, you are the most important thing. I'm one of those annoying people that awlays tells girls that break ups and divorces are a great time of reflection and basically falling in love with yourself all over again. You have to find activities that interest you and date yourself. I never understood women that rush right into another relationship or worry about dating someone so soon after a breakup or divorce.

The one time my bf and I broke up, I was making appts to take make up classes, scheduling tarot dinners with my friends, reading, cleaning, just anything to focus on being a better me. I meditated alot, lit some candles. I actually found LP because I felt powerless after I had my son. I felt like I was tired, and had lost my sparkle. I stumbled across LP by searching for.. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET MY POWER BACK POTION. I sampled everything until I fell in love with the cupcake vanilla bakery type scents. LP Black helped me a lot too though especially during my period. There was something about the ingredients in LP black and the label that just appealed to me.

I think you will definitely get your power back. We are a strong community of women that support and help each other. And if you need to hire someone to kill your ex, I charge $568, 895, 895, 000 which is a discounted rate for my LP bitches.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Thanks for encouragement - this community is really nice, supportive, and all around AWESOME.


Agree with dating myself part - have actually been working on that mindset - but I do like men so.... ahem. Anyhoooooo, all good with ex, we're actually pretty amicable which is nice. We don't talk much but no animosity either - so all good there.


Love that search line - that is actually mine right now in my head - trying to get sparkle back, it is on its way but want it to hurry the F up. :Emoticons04269: I'll add LP Black to my next sample list - I need something to help give me more of a backbone sometimes I think - or self confidence really.


I L.O.V.E. :Emoticons04235: cupcakey scents, buttercream, cakes and pink sugar too - absolutely - and some even if they have an undertone of smokey musk, but just a hint- so if you know scents in either of those arena, feel free to share info. I have sample of the LP Incandescense (still can't spell it!) - that'll be my next sniff and review bc it's supposed to be highly cupcakey with boosters. YUMMMMMMMMM.

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Yay! Welcome to LP :) I adore cupcake-y and pink scents! There are so many here that I love... Some of my favorites are Atomic Mandarin, my Fluffy Bunny PE, Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, Sweet Pea Cupcake, LVs Buttercream Rose, Special D... And soo many more. Sample away because you never know which one just WORKS.

Edited by hearts
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Yay! Welcome to LP :) I adore cupcake-y and pink scents! There are so many here that I love... Some of my favorites are Atomic Mandarin, my Fluffy Bunny PE, Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, Sweet Pea Cupcake, LVs Buttercream Rose, Special D... And soo many more. Sample away because you never know which one just WORKS.

Thanks Hearts!! Adding those my 'growing by the second' GUS list!!


Just tried LP Pink for 1st time.. in HEAVEN right now. Only have samples, so glad this one is PERM or I think I would honestly cry - in love at this moment. Hope to play and test more & write review. Having wickedly good thoughts about boosters to add. heee

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The phero to get the sparkle back is LFN/LFM or SS4W those for me are like FUCK YOU IM FUCKING HOT FUCK OFF I KNOW IT DIE

If you want cupcake deliciousness - Sweet Pea Cupcake and a gazillion others I cannot think about.

LP black is a bit off putting for me if I do not have my period. For some reason it only works for me when I am bledding from my vagina.

It's one of those that you have to test at different times in your cycle.

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Welcome Beach Goddess!! Love your avi!! One thing I love about the forum is that everyone is so willing to offer suggestions which come from the heart!! I have recently started loving the pinkish perfumes, especially with pink amber! One of my most recent discoveries is the OCCO Pink! It's fabulous!! Pink Amber with a hint of sweet tartness..one of my new favs!!! :)

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Welcome Beach Goddess!! Love your avi!! One thing I love about the forum is that everyone is so willing to offer suggestions which come from the heart!! I have recently started loving the pinkish perfumes, especially with pink amber! One of my most recent discoveries is the OCCO Pink! It's fabulous!! Pink Amber with a hint of sweet tartness..one of my new favs!!! :)

Thanks Birkeys! (Or do you go by Jill? think I saw that in posts). Thanks on avatar - - Kate Upton is so beautiful, wanting to channel. :)


And YES - everyone has helped me soo much. I read forums like a mad woman prior to 1st order as I so much wanted to try as many things as possible.


I love Pinkish perfumes - LP Pink makes me swoon - layered with Buttercream peach LAM... OMG. I want to try the pink LAM and BAM next.


For OCCO - do you prefer pink or white - or have you had opp to try both? I def want to try both of those. And LP Black based on Lady V's feedback (she along with so many others ROCK!!).

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Hi everyone - I've been gushing over with posts & reviews since joining so recently - but want to give a very heartfelt thank YOU for your welcomes, advice, & reviews on forum. There have been a handful of you that have been so welcoming & helpful - muchas gracias!


To EVERYONE who has welcomed me - very sincere thank you! This forum is such a special and supportive place, I'm lucky to have found.

So much to learn, but going to have so much fun doing it. :cat690:

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It is a very special place. We are like family here and I think you're fitting in great!! Keep asking questions and reading. It's the best forum I have ever found on the internet!

Thank you Halo!!!


I can be a voracious reader - especially with this forum - trying to be a sponge right now to learn as much as I can. And with sale pending (not that I can wait to order until then - my GUS list is already HUGE).


And I agree - I wasn't sure when I 1st started posting if anyone would accept a newbie or even think any review I had would be worth their time given their knowledge and experience. But WOW - I've been welcomed here with open arms by so many.


Now I just need to figure out a new budget for my LP perfume Love!! :) But it's sooo worth it, that I already know & feel.

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You'll be able to fit it into your budget...believe me! I don't know how I do it but somehow I am always able to miraculously fit in at least a little bit of LP into every month!


Beccah's blog is very cool, she introduced me to Lucky Mojo Curio Co on it. She knows where to tell us to spend our money. :Emoticons04250:

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You'll be able to fit it into your budget...believe me! I don't know how I do it but somehow I am always able to miraculously fit in at least a little bit of LP into every month!


Beccah's blog is very cool, she introduced me to Lucky Mojo Curio Co on it. She knows where to tell us to spend our money. :Emoticons04250:

I know I *must* find a way! I've been curious @ LMC (if that's ok to abbreviate name) -will have to check it out more. In Beccah's blog, she also wrote @ Skin Actives - must check out that too. I have quite a few finds from Makeup Artist's Choice - mainly at home peels (can get great lactic acid peels for 1/4 cost of one in spa and bottle lasts several peels).

But I haven't been that thrilled w/ their day to day stuff - granted have really only tested peels (lactic 40 and 55%, mandelic acid 25%; radiance peels). Have had success w/ getting rid of prior sun damage - and they definitely clean out the pores.


But... they used to sell the prep solution (which is witch hazel) separate from the peel 'kit', so you could get the actual peel for even less. Now it seems you have to get the bundle, which doesn't make too much sense to me.

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The best thing about this forum is that you can get free therapy. Going to see someone is fucking expensive. I was in therapy for like ever, because I hate technology. I swear that was one of my sessions and it all came down to that. I hate technology. It ruins everything. I hate how lazy society has become and we fell the need to abbreviate everything. That was another one of my sessions. I mean I didn't go all the time. Just for like two years. All I learned was that I can lie very well about how I really feel and well therapists office smell like leather and cat piss. Except for Chuck. He was the psych we had in house at work and his office didn't smell like cat piss. He tried not to laugh most of the time then he finally just gave up and said I probably needed to time travel and get out of this century or some shit like that. I would also embarrass him all the time on campus by waving hysterically and saying.. HI CHUCK!!!! There's this unspoken rule at work that we are not supposed to acknowledge the psych because then people will know you see him and HIPAA and discrimination blah blah blah.. but what the fuck do I care if anyone knew that I saw him. Everyone pretty much knows I'm crazy. Makes sense that I would need to validate that with a professional. Anyhow I miss having someone in house because you could always go ' talk to Chuck real quick because I want to kill someone.. ' and off you go for an hour and get it all out. Thank you Obama for taking away another one of our much needed perks...

So this board is my new Chuck!

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Lol. I go to therapy, sporadically because my therapist is pro bono & a very lovely, talented, giving, & BUSY soul. I've found scheduled tarot readings to be more helpful. I've actually gotten so many good recommendations off of this board including skin care (specifically Skin Actives), & life advice.

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Love love this forum - free therapy (I'm in!), tried & true & honest skincare advice (I'm in!), information on LMC & other goodies (I'm in!) - and of course #1 - discovering LP. Just the few things I've tried (very very few to date) have felt more empowered and self-love than in awhile.


So muchas thanks to ALL and to Mara!! (yup I just mixed Spanish & English - bc we can do that here). Is there specific thread for skin actives/ skin care? I'm sure there's something specific - but my eyes are getting blood red from all my obsessive reading on the forum. :D

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Welcome to the adventure...welcome to the addiction :)

Thanks Calii! And what an addiction indeed - but it's such a lovely AWESOME fantastic one. Tis true. And happy to say, no longer a squib.


Good thing I WFH, been sniffing myself a LOT since my 1st order arrived last week - this isn't exactly behavior that is expected in public. haha.

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Check the shop till you drop sections. I haven't really posted abut LMCC or other hoodoo stuff here because LP has released special edition Spell oil sets ;)

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