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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Good advice from everyone above. The question is, what kind of attention are you looking to invite? In the real world, you're not going to just attract the attention of the gorgeous hunks of your fantasies, you're going to also attract the attention of predators and smarmy guys who have no respect for boundaries. I once wore one of my very sexy honey-based perfumes, (which mimics cops but has none), out during the day...I had to take a cab somewhere and the cab driver asked me if I wanted to pull over and have sex with him. Rather frightening when you are in someone else's control like that. Luckily he ASKED, and I said NO, and he accepted my refusal. After that experience, I would never again wear a heavy honey scent such as Phero Girl (which has both the honey AND copulins) out and about on my own. I keep those for hot dates or inspiring playtime at home. And Luna made a point I was going to bring up also: Why waste them on inappropriate situations? Of the ones on your list, only a few are ones that I would reserve for times when I have the protection of a man on my arm. Sexpionage (personally, I would not wear this out of the house) Blatant Invitation Phero Girl OCCO: SLF OCCO: Gold
  2. Sounds like your friend was inspired to want to be you. It was part of the expected effects because the blend is high in Beta-Nol, and also has Alpha-Nol in it, both of which inspire talking, but we believe that we had the recipe tempered towards helping to create deep meaningful connections. From the description.... a deeply feminine and voluptuously seductive air that would inspire positive feelings, deep emotions, meaningful connections, and leave a lasting, memorable, enchanting impression.
  3. Hi Darwinia! WELCOME! Not sure which Norwegian order you are - we had two people from Norway order on the 31st. One of them was shipped out yesterday, and the other is shipping out today. When int'l orders ship, customers get a customs form # emailed via PayPal, so they know the package has been shipped. Packages leave the USA from 1-3 days after we drop them at the post office, then it's up to the buyer's home country. The package has to get through customs, and then is released into the local postal system. We have no way of predicting how long that will take once it's in another country. Customs is unpredictable in every country. Sometimes a package is waved through right away, and other times it's held for weeks. Here's hoping you will get yours quickly!
  4. They don't go after ones like you. They separate us scardy ones from the herd and they pounce when no one is looking. Tricksy.
  5. AWESOME!!! Glad you had such a wonderful time, and congrats to the BF for rockin the house down!!!
  6. Two of the top three winners are OUR LADIES from this here forum! Yay! Congrats!
  7. BTW, I and a few others here have the BC tarot deck. I LOVE it. Highly recommended. I do not know if it still comes with the booklet (as I have a first edition from like 8 years ago), but the accompanying booklet is a treasure unto itself. I love Karen's descriptions of the "cat's point of view" of the cards and meanings.
  8. Goddess of the Blue Moon has primarily ingredients for feminine empowerment. You can always charge/empower a bottle for your usage tho. But we do have several that were designed with the intent of opening up one's psychic centers. Of the ones you chose, Tails of Mystery shares that intent, and Sogni Incantati is for enchanted dreams and astral travel, so that may help with your divination sessions as well.
  9. I once had to stand in for a friend and babysit a couple of kids. One was a little genius boy of around 9, and the other was around 4. The older one had dark hair and skin like his parents, and the younger was blonde with skin white as snow. The older one was asking me to help him with his FRENCH homework...I read a little French so I translated the line for him. And he says, "I know what it SAYS, I was asking you where the participle was!" Ok, well that showed me. LOL! His next question was more fun. He says, "Can a tiger and a giraffe have a baby together?" And I answered "No, tigers have babies with tigers, and giraffes can only have babies with giraffes." Then he points at his little brother and says, "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN HIM!!!"
  10. Hi Moon Bloom, I didn't realize that I neglected to post the unpheroed option, sorry. Yes, I still have several bottles worth. If you want to order one in a spray, use the second option down on this page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Beta_Testing.html You can just write in your preference for a scent. If you want to order one with a different phero, in oil, use the first option on this page, and again, just write in the scent you want: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html If you just want a plain UNpheroed oil bottle, you can use the GC option x5, ($25) on this page - second option down, write in what you want: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Redeem_Coupon.html If it all gets too complicated, just send me an email and I will do the figuring for you and send you an invoice to make it easier. So sorry for making this complicated for everyone!
  11. Yes, I saved aside several bottles of *Virgin* Darling Catalina. Still have around 5 bottles left if someone wants one with a different phero or no phero. Glad you like it, Aeaea! LOVE the kitty pix!!
  12. Cats & dogs seem to be attracted to EoW copulins. I think that because lab created pheromones mimic the scent of natural excretions, that animals read it as an "honest" smell.
  13. OMG, I was a Helo fan too. Drool! We used to have a board member here who was really good friends with him! She sent me tons of pix of them hanging out together. What a trip. Yeah, they cancelled Caprica because it was a little too intelligent. People couldn't keep up. They said after it was cancelled that they are doing the first Cylon war next, I do hope that's still in the works. I hate it when smart writers are pressured into dumbing down for the audience. Steven Moffat just wrote the best seasons Dr Who has EVER had and the audience was saying that it was too complicated to follow his long arc storytelling. They're making him do more "stand alone" eps for the next season. I wrote on FB, if they can't keep up they should watch reruns of Gilligan's Island and let those of us who can keep up enjoy the show. I got the entire Galactica 80 series (which is only a handful of eps) on DVD for like $13 I think. Yes! Look HERE. They're selling for as low as $5!!! You MUST complete your set!
  14. It's not exactly a spoiler...you find this out at the beginning of the Pilot. You'd like it, Betsy! It's genius storytelling and the music is fabulous too.
  15. QoS, I think you'll find the designs here more intricate and sophisticated than the average magical supply type. I would suggest you try Love Potion Original for a start. It was conceived with that plan in mind. The ingredients evoke in men a feeling that you could be The One and they want to bring you home to meet the family. It has a nurturing safe cozy vibe, but also makes you come off as edibly delicious...get's that oral fixation going so they want to kiss you and eat you all up.
  16. Eggers, have you watched Galactica 80? I never knew it existed until a coupla years ago. Don;t you love how they mined like every little bit out of the original series that they could? They also nabbed some stuff from Galactica 80, so if you are as obsessed as I am with that show, it's fun to watch that one too. Did you get the Caprica set too? Loved that as well. They're supposed to be coming up with a new series soon, this time showing the first Cylon war! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For ElizOSP... Scary Cylons: Sexy Cylons:
  17. Most verbena oils smell like a lemon lolly pop. I try to find those that have a dash of the grassy quality in them too. Green Tea is also very lemony smelling. Can't imagine where a pepper note might be coming from. Hmmm....I'm thinking it's a characteristic of one of the Ambers I used.
  18. Welcome QoS! Are you a Tarot Reader? Do tell! Oh yes, we are in love with the foody scents here. We like to make ladies feel delicious...it's fun to get a man's mouth watering over you. Excellent way to go is grabbing a sample set if there's a bunch you would like to try. Our Trial Vials contain around 1/5th of a bottle and if you take advantage of the set price ($30), rather than purchase individually ($50), it's a great deal. Here's the page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html Thanks for joining us, have fun!
  19. Just want to remind everyone. Today is the LAST DAY of our contest to give away nifty stuff from LPMP and Bohemian Cats. If you are a Facebook member, pop on over to their page linked above for a chance to win. There's FIVE prizes being offered so your odds are excellent!
  20. You don't want to wear two conflicting scents ever. Nothing will drive people away faster. Have you tested them together to see if they smell ok together? As far as phero blends..again, we do not encourage mixing them. Some simple ones are ok...if you're just amping alpha-nol or est or cops, but the balance of them and intent of them is ruined with blending.
  21. Katz, just a Google images search. John spotted it. Hysterical!
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