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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Thanks, Ladies! HUGZZ!!!!!!!!! Nothing is available yet, AG. This is just the monthly sneak peek. I will have everything programmed and orderable by Sunday night. Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday weekend!!!
  2. Winterberry Wonderland Gothic Xmas 2011 Frosted Perfume SPRAY for Women Ghost of Christmas Past (Unisex Scent) Lala Gulaba Private Edition: Ann's Long Winter's Nap Perfumes of Xmas Past A Special Collection at a Special Price! 'Tis the season to stock up on stocking stuffers, so grab a set of 10 trial vials from Christmases past - Ten 2ml Vials for $25.00! That's HALF OFF the regular price! Limited number of sets available, so better grab fast! Set includes: Festival of Lights, Ho Ho Ho, Lady Frost, Mistress Christmas, Gretna Green, Santa's Little Helper, Snowbound, Stocking Stuffer, 'Twas the Night, Unwrapped
  3. Love Potion ~ Winter Variant December 2011 Garland & Lace 4 Pheromone Enhanced with Lace for Women Blushing Embers Reindeer Bait Xuehua Xing (Snowflake Stars)
  4. I'm not sure that reaction to pheros has anything to do with sense of smell. (A considerable percentage of the population can't smell them at all.) I believe they are chemical signals that are absorbed through the nose, but processed subconsciously in the brain. I think people react to the chemical signals without actually smelling the pheros. Our noses are attached to the most primal part of our brains...humans react to scent stimulus before we are even aware that we have smelled something or before we are able to identify the smell.
  5. I would love to, but I fear what might be on the front page of the site for 3 entire months! Maybe we could put something innocent on the short descrip and "only click here if you're over 18" to get to the Perfumerie page. LOL! WTH...we should do it for Valentine's Day = end of January releases. Ok, girls....start your engines ....I'll craft what you design and share some gifties with everyone who helps.
  6. Based on his taste, Excalibur and Merlin's Blend for sure! Also, for the new ones I tried to go more classically masculine: Salute, Thunder, Ruisseau, Ambuscade, Pinnacle... Iconic Tonic from last Nov maybe too.
  7. We should just have a pr0n month sometime. Clam Diver is hysterical. And I really want to use Coochie Head!
  8. Mag, according to these dates, I turned your package over to John for shipping within 3 working days of your order. And you will recall, I subsidized the cost of the shipping. I can't do much better than this!
  9. The list of ingredients is exactly the same for B2 and Teddy BB. They were made by two different formulators. It was Chris's creation originally and during the period we could not get product from him, I commissioned another formulator to reproduce it using Chris's recipe. The other formulator balanced it differently, with A1 being 50% of the recipe. Personally, I think Chris's version (Teddy BB) is balanced better. Beccah has mentioned that she likes the balance of B2 better. So yes, it really is personal preference, but they are extremely similar, and were intended to be the same.
  10. We have 3 more bottles in the cart, but they are without pheros (virgin). Just FYI!
  11. Hi Darling Magnanimity, If the package was mailed on the 10th, it would have left the US by the 12th. It went airmail, and then it has to wend it's way through customs in India and your own postal system. There's nothing I can do to speed this along on my side at this point. I'm sorry. You just have to try to be patient. And it's only been 10 days since mailing, with four of those days being weekends, and one of them being a postal holiday, so it's really not that long, nor would I worry about it being lost yet. But if you want faster delivery in future, we do have International Priority and International Express available, but they are expensive...$32-$52 dollars usually. But it is an option if you can't stand the wait. Hang in there, baby!
  12. You are correct. I was able to get your order out in full. It would've left the US by the 10th if mailed on 8th, so likely it's wading its way thru UK customs about now. You should get it any day!
  13. Hey, I may be totally wrong. It's just that I have a pretty good gaydar. Just remember in 15 years IF/when he comes out, that i spotted it early. LOL! Thank you Skye for the extremely flattering vision of me. Wow, wouldn't that be nice. I do identify with the tough chick vibe...like Michele Forbes, but not as mean as some of her characters.
  14. Totally! I thought Rock Hudson was soooo steamin' hot when he was younger. It's all fantasy, so it matters not. But when I see the man, what I see is that, while he may be my taste, I doubt that I would be his.
  15. REALLY, y'all? Bradley Cooper? Is no one's spider sense tingling? (read: gaydar)
  16. I'm with Tyvey 100%! You'll want to be the best YOU that you can be, not give off a totally foreign phero signature to someone who may get confused by it. So I would pick a couple of things that you feel like are YOU only amplified. Overly masculine men tend to prefer overly feminine women, so I would be cautious about the Leather as well. Cuddle Bunny already has copulins remember, so that one sounds like a good evening one to me, but without extra OCCO. Try not to choke the man in copulins. It's better to tease and draw the other person towards you than bang them over the head. Go very light on the OCCOs if you choose to use them, is my advice. Perfect Match sounds like a great idea. Wishing you a wonderful time. Report back!!!
  17. Exactly what Luna said. You cannot bruise a fragrance like that. (I likened it to accidentally splitting an atom when you are cutting yourself a piece of cake.) I always slather the oils on my torso then smoosh them around with my wrists, then rub my wrists on the back of my neck under my hair. Copulins are another matter. For some strange reason, if you rub them hard enough that your skin heats up from the friction, you can produce a "burning tires" smell. I've had numerous gals tell me that they applied it, freaked out and tried to rub it OFF really quick, and it ended up smelling like burning tires. I've tried it myself and that's exactly what happens on my skin too. So when you apply cops, you can still gently smooth them around on your skin, but then leave to dry down naturally. I think the ladies covered all your questions, THANKS GALS!, but let me know if you have any more!
  18. The spray bottles arrived yesterday evening. They are FIVE ml rather than SIX ml like the other ones. But I will still be putting exactly the same amount of pheros into each spray bottle, and then adding the dilutant. So you'll be getting the same amount of pheros, just a scooch more concentrated...a little more than 1x. Is that ok with everyone? If it isn't, I can credit people who are unhappy with the change, or they can wait for the 6ml bottles to arrive, which could be another 2 weeks. I'll enclose a note to this effect with the orders that have the 5ml bottles. Want to see the general opinion on the matter. Thanks! xoxox
  19. I had put a subtitle on it originally "the one with the baby on the leaf", but it looks like it erased with the board change-over. Let me see if I can add to the title to make this easier.
  20. Welcome, Merrie! Our Bath & Body offerings are located here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Bath_and_Body_Care.html
  21. Popularity Potion is a bit more complex than Open Windows. It has a more specific agenda too... to impress, but remain likable. Glamorous, sexy, powerful, but still approachable and friendly. Imagine you are a starlet at an industry party, or someone at any social+business function, or at your high school reunion. You want to shine, you want to come off as one of the most interesting people in the room, spotlight on you, attention attention attention. But you do NOT want that little group in the darkened corner...the one whispering, "OMG, HATE her! What's she got that I haven't got?" You want to welcome the group of catty people into your circle of light...have them laugh along with you and enjoy your shine too. You want everyone to like you, and to be enjoying your glow along with you. That's the kind of situation we designed Popularity Potion for. This blend is engineered to make a gal shine, but most importantly, to quell the jealousy feelings that can arise when someone else is the center of attention. I live in Hollywood and spent many years in the entertainment industry. Parties are part of your job around here, but they are not just for fun, they are crucial for employment. When I had this blend designed for us, it was this kind of dynamic I had in mind.
  22. Wow, I get hardly any pepper on me! I get the deep resins the most.
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