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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ah! Thank you for reminding me! I just added a place for customer notes on that offering. But I will remember that you want the phero one.
  2. No worries! Just order. Some things are already moving rather, um, fast, and I'M NOT EVEN DONE PROGRAMMING YET!!!
  3. Oh yeah, the trial vial page is up and orderable.
  4. BWAHAHA! That is hysterical. C'mon...don't you want to do a relatively blind test and see how it works? You already have a HINT of what it's supposed to do....
  5. I'm thinking I should just let you all try it this month in the All Hallow's Eve trial vials and not tell you anything until NEXT MONTH, when it is released on it's own! nyeheheheheh.
  6. The front page is up, with Luna's full descriptions! Working on the cart now....
  7. You can order samplers or sets now. I'm programming the individual items and should (hopefully) have everything up by tonight. Still have to post the PEs to this thread too, so have patience for a day and you'll have your full array of choices up by tomorrow! Thanks everyone!
  8. Skye, hope you don't mind, I gave you your own thread in the Shop til You Drop area and moved your discussion over there. Regarding the New Release Full Bottle Special...I was trying to type this earlier and my computer did a really weird crashy thing in the middle so I shall start again... If you're interested in the full bottle set, this would definitely be the month to do it. Normally, the special saves you $50. This month, buying the special saves you $85.00! Keeping the same price for the Set Special this month, but next month, all-phero month, the price will be higher.
  9. Liz, Heat and light are the enemies of pheros, just keep them in a cool dark place and they should last indefinitely.
  10. Dr Stone told me that he had his pheros tested at the three year mark and there was 0% degradation. I'm sure it will last you quite a number of years as long as the base isn't an organic one, such as a vegetable oil.
  11. Oil as a cleanser for oily skin makes rather good sense actually. You can dissolve what something is made of by using what it is based on. Like - nail polish is acetone based, and is dissolved by acetone. Water based stuff dissolves in water, oil based stuff dissolves in oil. It's probably better than using a harsh detergent-based cleanser which could make the skin flakey as well as oily. But you'd probably want to use a gentle toner afterwards though, wouldn't you?
  12. Potion Bastet probably predates the current board system. I'll offer my review if it helps... It's animalic and thick - uses the types of musks that have a deep undercurrent of flowery-ness, but it's all musks. It will last on the skin until you shower it off - really sticks and melds to the skin. I put some on my arm yesterday afternoon and it still smells like I just applied it an hour ago. The ingredients give it a richness and elegance that is no longer of this world...as I said to Luna, it's like a first class cabin on the Titanic, the kind of over the top opulence one just does not see anymore. It's definitely not old-lady-ish, it's verrry sexy, but you might think, 'My Grandmother had a bottle on her vanity that reminds me of something like this", because several of the ingredients haven't been used for over 30 years. So, it's a deeply sensual animalic musk with a floralish hint, amber, and a tiny touch of freshness courtesy of the catnip. ETA: This review is of the new brew, Cat's Eye.
  13. Halloween Collection 2011! All of these have been printed on nifty "aged paper" style labels, so will definitely look of a set. Here's some very short descriptors, just to keep you going until they're up and orderable which should be Sunday night or Monday. Will add the PEs later too. Love Potion: Autumnal Equinox 2011 This is the first time we've done a seasonal as a SPRAY. The beloved LP recipe topped with light and fluffy marshmallow and pumpkin brulee. Spinnerett Hot and sweet spun sugar with warm skin musks. Phantom's Breath Think: Bonfire*Pumpkin*Smoke. Gianduja Spicy pumpkin and deep dark hazelnut fudge. (Gold star for the person who figured out what the name means...but why the marionettes?) All Hallow's Eve Yup, you talked me into it. This is a rebrew of the old fave from many a year ago and it came out GORGEOUS! It will be available both WITH and WITHOUT pheros, but all the samples will come with pheros. New phero is called LUMINA and will be released on it's own UNscented next month...doing an all-phero November once again! Flying Potion 2011 Same recipe as before...what can I say...I needed moar!!!!! That's two sprays this month if you're keeping count!!! Cat's Eye I won't go into it at length here...only to say that this is a rebrew of Potion Bastet, (OMG, YAIS!) and I was only able to brew a very limited amount and it was quite costly to do so. So the bottles are 1/4 oz. size, and the samples are 1ml size. Absolutely heavenly. Beyond the Veil Autumnal and incensey, based around an assortment of Indian and Arabian attars, fall woods and leaves. Abby Normal's Desiccated Brains If you made the dessert yourself, it would probably look just like little brains! Crafted of pecans and desiccated coconut, sweetened with maple, molasses and brown sugar. Shrunken Heads (Artwork courtesy of Le Wiz himself, he drew it with his own paws!!!) Wee crab apples, heavily gingered until they shrivelllllll, steeped in the smoke of frankincense and myrrh.
  14. That makes me sooo happy! Thank you for letting me know, July Girl!!! I keep a mental list of everyone that tells me they wore an LP scent or jewelry item for their wedding, or as a bridesmaid. That's very special to me because I know they understand the love, ritual and intent we put into them. (One gal from India wore Majmua Sultana for her wedding and I was so flattered, because India is an unparalleled perfume capitol of the world, but she wore one of mine.) LOVE YOU, JULY GIRL! And wish you worlds of happiness in your new marriage! XOXOXOXOX
  15. Raq ~ Some people perceive orange blossom as sharp - some varieties are quite biting. That's prob where you're feeling the sharp from and that's a note in common with Phero Girl. The particular amber used in Knot is a rather new one that I've only used in two other blends...and unless it is a "white" amber, meaning it's likely been blended with musk, you aren't going to get a "sharp" feel from it. But you may get an animalic feel from it. I think you are reacting to both of those ingredients separately. I would say, be wary of orange blossom or neroli listed in the ingredients, ambergris, animalic musks or animalic ambers. You're not going to want to avoid ambers entirely because they are a cornerstone for sexy, exotic, belly dancer-style blends and probably the most common basenote on the planet.
  16. Posting this with permission of the fellow who emailed me. He was wearing the now sold out Legend fragrance, enhanced with Charisma pheros: Heee!
  17. Mmmmm, not exactly. It comes down to the fact that we are animals, and we are biologically wired for reproduction. Men of any age, generally, are attracted to women who are fertile. Cues of fertility include copulin production, amongst physical attributes as well. Being "higher" animals, we have free will and can make choices and also develop personal preferences throughout our lives, but the drive for reproduction is hard wired. Younger women are often attracted to older men because they represent security and dependability for potential offspring.
  18. Ulchhhh!!! Can you not go to a superior or HR and simply tell them the truth? Ask them to move one or the other of you? (Or FIRE HER? If someone did that in my place of business, I would fire them. I wouldn't be tolerating that kind of lack of honesty.)
  19. This is a very important thing to remember. Most people are adept at hiding their physical reactions to sexual stimulus, and NO phero can effect a person's free will and turn them into a drooling zombie. The "target" needs to want to go along with the stimulus, (and that may take several wearings of a phero before they become comfortable enough with it and you to react openly), or they just dig in their heels and refuse to show any outward reaction. It very well could be working on him just fine, it's just that his affections are not accessible to you in this current state of affairs. For which, I am truly sorry. What a total jerk - both of them. (((sending you a virtual hug (and a virtual voodoo doll) over the interwebs))) Wishing you a man of quality the next time. And friends worthy of the title. Welcome to the forum Rnmomandie!
  20. Oh, good! You got em already! Let me know how you take to them - if you feel like they will work for you or not...just curious. GOOD LUCK!!!
  21. That's the kind of hits I get with LACE actually. Being a very capable female and apparently looking the part, very rarely does anyone offer to help me with anything nor do I usually seek any help. But on one notable occasion I was wearing LACE at the supermarket as I stopped there on the way home from a party - so I had applied it over 4 hours earlier, and THREE times, three different male salespeople approached me and insisted on carrying things for me, getting items down from high shelves, flirted with me and followed me around from aisle to aisle, talking to me. It was an unusual episode, surprising and very amusing. I couldn't figure out why everyone was treating me so differently from normal until I remembered I was wearing LACE. But aside from that, I get pretty strong self-effects too. It makes ME feel more feminine and girly, and if I wear a lot of it, giggly and silly too. It's one of my fave blends. It's like being in a girly girl disguise - not ME in an organic sense, but enjoyable to wear when I am in the mood to be treated that way.
  22. We're actually working and shipping tomorrow, on a Saturday, to try to get everything out the door to you faster. We've only ever done this once before. The sale plus auction plus lots of customs have us a little behind, sorry! (Not to mention working on our FAVORITE month of the year!) But anyway, yes...Closer and Glistening Buttons are not going to last much longer. The sleazier it is, the faster it sells...you girls is sooooo naughty!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. To be similar to CE, it HAS to have marshmallow. Maybe marshmallow, sweet potato, and benzoin. Benzoin has a very brown sugar-ish quality, but also acts as a good resiny fixative/basenote. No need for additional sugar with this lineup.
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