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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. The OCCOs are super-strength perfume oils to cover the ultra big dose of copulins in them. The Magnet and BAMs are very lightly fragranced, so they can be layered with other things, per customer request. Re: your eye twitch, it is extremely unlikely it comes from pheromones, while it is extremely likely it comes from too much caffeine and/or stress. Headaches are associated with caffeine and caffeine-like stimulant drinks too.
  2. Jo Anna, your idea was the most perfect use of Tuberose I have ever experienced. Soooo clever. I never would have thought of the combo as I am not generally a Tuberose fan. But mixing it with the tropical notes was so smart of you and it came out gorgeous. Truly, authentically tropical feeling. All the credit for this one is due to you. Fabulous idea, Honey, and I am glad you are enjoying it!
  3. Anybody try the new ones yet?? Right now, burning Water Blossom + Focus to get my butt in gear to make the long list of B&B items and PEs on my list. Fabulous scent, fresh and PRETTY! Wait...what's that...I feel a hint of motivation coming on.... (Not easy to psych oneself into entering a 100 degree kitchen to work over a hot stove!) Anyway, actually just wanted to mention a couple of things before I enter the furnace.... * If you have access to an IKEA store, they have the BEST tea lights for the best price. They are double the size of most, and burn steadily for nearly 4 hours (vs the 1-2 hour burn time of the typical). A pack of 100 is only $3.50. * I ULTRA saturated these wax melts with perfume oil....the standard formula is 1 ounce of oil to 1 pound of wax. I used 3-4 oz of oil per pound of wax. As such, they are OOZING with extra oil, but that's ok, it may not be perfectly pretty, but you get an amazingly rich scent throw with these, and they go STRONG for a full 4 hours - that's why I mentioned the Ikea tea lights. I even burned one Sweet Pumpkin Banana Bread tart for 8 solid hours and it didn't even begin to fade until like hour 7. So the Ikea tea lights are a good match up for these melts, if you want to do a continuous burn. If you are using the average 1 hour tea light, you can probably remelt the same tart 4 times or more. * I'm sorry there are no more Elephant warmers. I tried to get more but my source no longer has any.
  4. This is definitely one of my faves for the month. There's a sultry sophistication to it, probably from the lotus and white musk, that makes a joyous summer scent just a little bit more sizzling and sensuous.
  5. LOL, Bluebear! Yes, fabulously described - feel like I was there seeing the action.
  6. Snowflake, you packages were combined and shipped International Priority, subsidized quite a bit by us to ship it in that fashion. Not sure how long it will take in your country, but your items are indeed on their way. I hope they make it to you in time for your trip. Your first package was already packed, labeled, customs paperwork done, and at the door when your second order arrived. We pulled the first and combined them, and had to go through the whole process again. I'm sorry, but multiple orders placed closely together will always take more time, (and are more costly for us in paypal fees, employee time, etc.) Making one well-planned order will always be more expedient than organizing the combining of orders when we have such a large volume to sort through. I will send you your shipping number tomorrow when John and I get back to the office. (It's midnight here). Crossing fingers your package gets there in time.
  7. Truly! It's a great combo, if you pick the right "edible" flowers! Try Whoopsy Daisycake!
  8. Well, mejuxtaposed talked me into it. I looked up my recipe and I have all the ingredients on hand, and this is not a difficult blend to make. So I am making a little more. Is there anyone else that would like a bottle? Presale...I will only make enough to cover the orders for it. And please state if you would like this in oil or spray, and I will invoice for it, or whatever. I think we orig sold it in oil as we were not doing sprays much at the time, but anything alpha-nol is now, to my mind, most appropriate in spray form to get the full advantages of *dawoozy*. LINK TO ORIGINAL OFFERING: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/Elevation/
  9. There was a story from a customer, a long time ago. She was dating a *very* shy guy, trying to get him to make any sort of move, as I recall. They went to the movies together, and she had Love Potion Original on the back of her neck, under her hair. And as they were watching the movie he got closer and closer to her and buried his nose in the back of her neck, and then stayed there with his head on her shoulder watching the movie. She credited the LP Original as inspiring him to finally make his move. (No pheros, btw.) So, back of the neck seems to work just fine, if you are sitting next to each other, yeah? If you are out for dinner/drinks/coffee, you can always sit next to the other person instead of across from...so you can hear each other better. Oh, and steal french fries off his plate.
  10. Hmmm, I do not recall any cinnamon in this one. Anyone??? Glad you are enjoying it tho!
  11. Ummm, where? There's subforums for men and for women apparently...and this scent is for both! Thank you for the reviews, I am glad you are enjoying this one so far! I see it as a something that can absolutely stand on it's own or be comfortably layered with many things. I think I dreamed this scent. I woke up suddenly one morning and sat up in bed and said out loud, "CARAMEL MUSK!"
  12. Well, if it ain't broke.... Perhaps it, and your shoeless state, combined to give off a carefree and Bohemian, low-maintenance kind of vibe, which is extremely attractive to many males. And G2 still has attraction pheromones in it...the same ones that attract straight men attract gay females...and camaraderie enhancing pheromones. 'A hot girl who gives off the aura of someone who could be my "FRIEND", sexy, wild, and wouldn't try to make me buy her $1,000 shoes.'
  13. I'm happy to mix them for you - there's the new "Mad Scientist" mixture option, but this service has always been available under "Special Requests" in the add phero options in various parts of the Shoppe. Yes, too much alpha-nol may cause some people to feel jittery (I have heard this complaint usually from people who are heavy coffee drinkers or admit to being hungover). Some people get headaches from strong doses too. Several people have noted that Alpha-Nol lowers their tolerance for alcohol. Most people just feel pleasantly mood-elevated or happily light-headed for a few moments, and find it a great popularity enhancer.
  14. IMO, Heart & Soul is not a stinky blend, so I think it should be just fine. You may detect the slightest of difference, because it is a delicate scent. The scent will be 1/10th less concentrated, and the addition of H&S will add the tiniest amount of a natural musky smell. Personally, I wouldn't have any worries on this combo. I think it will come off beautifully.
  15. LesRev, You have $15 worth of credit saved up if you've never redeemed anything before. Use 'em!
  16. Bwaha! Q sounds like he had a similar experience with True Confessions as I did. Ail has WARNED me not to try TMI...as if I needed the warning LOL! Q might want to avoid that one as well! The Naughty Jester is crazy for this one tho, and on his third bottle of it already. He's coming over today....bets on if he asks for more?
  17. Just a few notes.... I made so many of these, (at least 40 of each) that we are still getting through all the labeling. We're moving as fast as we can, but since we got orders for every single variety we offered, EVERY ONE is first priority, LOL! So please be patient, there's three of us getting thru them as fast as we can. Note #2, I burned Summer Love Sensation w/ Open Windows in my bedroom last night, and OMG, IT WAS SO AMAZING!!! Normally I like the darker deeper scents best for myself, but went for a lighter mood, and it really was like an instant PARTY feeling. Mood elevating phero, mood elevating scent, just wonderful. Just wanted to mention that it might be good for us to experiment and try different scents or pheros than you normally might, cuz you might be pleasantly surprised, like I was! And ALL the scents are so RICH and saturated and lavish smelling. These really came out great!
  18. Hi Gaby, We don't make samples of unscented pheromones. You received all 10 of June's perfumes, which is exactly what you are supposed to get. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.
  19. I don't seem to have this listed anymore, and I've not looked it up, I'm going by memory...but I THINK that the DAD phero addition was NOT just Intellectual Man. I have a memory of mixing Intellectual Man with B2 or Teddy BB to get to the spot I wanted to convey. So if you are trying for a phero mix of DAD and Cuddle Bunny, I think we're really talking 25% IM, 25% B2, and 50% Cuddle Bunny. ??????????????? I may be wrong, but that's what I remember. Going back over my memory of it...I'm thinking I may have deleted the reference to B2 at some point, because we know how homophobic men can be, and the blend has proven to transcend the original purpose as simply a guy/guy non-confrontational attraction potion.
  20. Ok, I can hardly believe it after the last 4 days I've had, but I THINK I finally have everything programmed. Holy Moly! There's a lot of new entries on the Home Fragrance page, as might be expected! Also finally listed some gorgeous lanterns and candle holders I hadn't had time to list before...all there now. Obviously, I do not make these lanterns, but I am an avid user of them - I have over a dozen of them all over my house, inside and out, they are just beautiful. They add a sensual and exotic flair to any surrounding. Here's the updated page which will be the sole ultimate home of the wax melts.... http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Inc..._Fragrance.html
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