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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Good lord, you're brave. LOL! This one was a hilarious topic of discussion when I was getting my hair done yesterday too. A whole group of people were just cracking up about it. One gal was saying she was going to use it in her oil warmer, so when her hubby came home and said, "Yum, the house smells so good, what's for dinner?" she would reply, "Nuthin'. There's some cold boiled eggs in the fridge...help yourself."
  2. Oh good! You found the thread! I was just gonna email you. Will do so in a few minutes anyway with more info. Heeeee!
  3. LOL! I'm sorry to hear about the overload! Ok, expect a little something in the mail to make up for it. xoxoxo M
  4. And now how 'bout some PE's to share? Jo Anna's Christmas Candy Kimberly's Dirty Sweet & Figgy Kimberly's Shameless Ginger Rose Kimberly's Ginger Green Tea Kimberly's Honey Berry Mademoiselle Pancake Lisa's Vanilla Caramel Lisa's Pumpkin Gingerbread
  5. And.....two brand new unscented phero blends for women! Leather Lace Plus some UNpheroed versions of some fragrance favorites.
  6. Vamp Cafe Eanie, Meany Miney! Offering Mistress Christmas Nekomusume (It means "Cat Daughter"! Prrrrrr.....) Boddice Ripper for Men (FYI: A 'Bodice Ripper' is a nickname for ultra-steamy romance novels!)
  7. Blood on Snow Cougar Potion Yep! A rebrew of our original scented recipe enhanced with Stone Cougar Pheromone Blend. Didn't Starlitegirl do a gorgeous job on the label?! Garland & Lace A yummified holiday treat, phero enhanced with our brand new phero blend: Lace! Sugared Moon Dust Love Potion: Passion & Desire I moved around our calendar to make room for this oft requested combo...a blend of LP Red & LP Black! Another steamy label by Starlitegirl - who also suggested the excellent name!
  8. Rather than trying to use it straight , try blending it into one of the perfumes you like. We have empty bottles in our web store so you don't have to experiment using your favorite bottle and risk ruining it. Start low and try moving up when you become more daring. Dr Stone (the maker of the product) recommends 6 drops mixed into a 10ml bottle of fragrance. Since our perfumes are so concentrated, we go a lot higher than that. You probably don't want to go more than 1 ml (22 drops) per bottle. Starting at around 10 drops per bottle, you're going to have to give it a few minutes to settle on your skin. Don't rub it when it's drying down and mixing with your chemistry. Let it meld without fussing with the application points. (It makes it smell like burning car tires on me when I've done that - and I've heard at least half a dozen other people say exactly the same thing.) Good luck!
  9. Step One: ALWAYS take your shipping numbers to the post office before you freak out. Step Two: Confront mega-likely lazy-ass mail carrier. Step Three: Threaten violence. Four? Crying? Truly, crying is only for expressing futile frustraion - but we're not done yet!
  10. Sheesh, I have no idea. Anyone? (Is that an ingredient in one of ours?)
  11. Thanks, Rosebud! Dr Stone told me that there were at least 3 different ways to type Alpha Androstenol that are all the same thing and all correct.
  12. We DO have some Xmas surprises coming.... hehehehehe....
  13. LOL, Shelly! That has to be one of the best reviews I have ever read. You had me howling with laughter. I have to go buy a bottle of that for myself now too. Did you do that in 2x or 1x??? xoxoxox M
  14. Welcome newcomers! We are so happy that you've joined us here!!!
  15. We, most of us, seem to be a bit nervous about the idea of using pheromones around children. In passing, yeah that's fine, but specifically in order to effect behavioral changes in small kids - that's a little scary for us. In general, I'd prefer exposure limited to youngsters of 16 years old+. For younger kids, I think you will find that aromas alone, without pheros, will provide you with a wide range of options that will indeed effect mood changes that you desire in a very benign fashion. We've made several scents over the years especially for dealing with kids...Pied Piper Potion, Mothership, and many of our other sweet scents such as Mummy Chunks and Rocket Chick, and even Love Potion Original Blend, all of these seem to have a cozy-ing, calming effect on kids and seem to inspire a bit of affection for the wearer too. For the surly dad, I'm throwing in a vote for Tranquility Potion if you wish to calm him, and/or Dominance Potion if you wish to put him in his place and get him acting like a good obedient lad. Treasured Hearts (in my experience) makes guys feel protective and nesty, but it works amazingly well, even better, on bristly woman. It totally tones down competitive edges, bickering, etc. It turns family tension into a relaxed love-fest. I've had FABULOUS results with that one. Good Luck, Halo! xoxoxox M
  16. Thanks for the kind words, SpiderMalt - glad you are both enjoying it! No, it wasn't that I diluted it with alcohol and water - it's that one of the notes I used already had those ingredients in it. There's a tremendous amount of reformulating going on throughout the biz right now due to new Euro rules, etc., and a lot of aldehydes being introduced into the market where more naturally derived oils once were the norm. I ordered one of the ingredients thinking it would be an oil base, and it wasn't - it was an aldehyde/alcohol/water mix. I decided to experiment with it anyway, and the result was this delicious blend. Since the final product was thinner than our normal concentrated oils (and) because of the alcohol and water in there, it was not something I wanted to sell - as it doesn't fit with our regular line or philosophy - but it still smells great, and there's nothing wrong with it, so I decided it would make a lovely holiday gift for everyone. I am happy that everyone has been enjoying their gift!
  17. This would be brew #3 for this year, and it's currently available in the store right now.
  18. That the two of you are even discussing the 1978 remake is slap-worthy. The REAL version was made before any of us was hatched, and starred my seriously hunkalicious friend Kevin McCarthy...(now 95 years old)...here's a still from the film circa 1956.
  19. Is that one out already too??? Oh, that's easy to make. I'll make some more of that now. xoxoxox
  20. I didn't have enough left to make itty bitties of Naughty but Nice. I figured that one has been out a couple of years now so perhaps it had gotten around. I made itty bitties of the other two as someone suggested and got them out to as many people as i could. Anyone got a sniffie for Liz of the original? I will tell you this though, they are all of a similar character. They are all somewhat dry, smooth, powdery, refined...not like our typical syrupy thickness.
  21. I put more Pumpkin Tropique in the cart - will make more today....right away! I'll have to ask Danna when she comes in, but I don't think there's enough ingredients left to make more of Sweet Baby. Sorry.
  22. If there's desire for it, we can easily make more Pumpkin Tropique. Did that sell out already? GAIA: I have you covered on the SAP. It wasn't yet sold out so I caught it and removed one for you from the cart. ROSEBUD: Same thing for you, got your write-in covered. But of course I cannot be in front of the computer at all times, so I can't promise I'll always be able to catch the write-ins in time. xoxoxox Mara
  23. Yeah, anyone of our regulars who asked for a trial set within the last week will be getting the latest - we know how you gals like to be FIRST IN LINE! * smooches!
  24. Hi Everyone! The New Releases page, the Trial Vials page, and the Private Editions page are all up and running now. I will get the others up later, but you are now able to order all new releases via those three pages. Thank you for your kindness and patience! We LOVE you! xoxoxoxox M
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