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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Change is hard. How do I even add a picture of my Cabuppy? Oh, there it is...
  2. What's going on here??? They are upgrading the forum. We should not lose any content, but we lose the look and all features have to be reset. The forum rebuilds itself slowly, and is only at 14% right now so do not panic. Yet.
  3. That was Chris talking, and I have no idea, sorry. I wonder if he was referring to DHEAS back then, which at the time was not yet confirmed as a pheromone.
  4. Everything that Luna said? I was gonna say that! Listen to Luna. Yeah, I would say 3-4 hours on the socials, and 6-8 on the sexuals, personally.
  5. If you want to redeem forum credits, please email us and ask for an invoice. We'll do it for you. LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com or CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com We keep track of where a person redeemed last. The best way to do it is say, ' I AM AT 1200 POSTS AND i WANT TO REDEEM AS MANY AS i CAN WITH THIS ORDER", for example. Then we check and input into our file. Lainey you last redeemed on Sept 1, 2015 at 600 posts.
  6. Wow, Eastwood! It sounds like he responds very well to Est! Awesome, I am glad to hear this was helpful for you.
  7. The last of the UNscented Pherotines have been posted tonight. I used up every available dropper bottle and filled the cart as high as I could. This is now it for the year. No more UNscented Phero trial sizes will be made until next January, but these will stay up until they sell out. They are located here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/16172918/pheromones-diy-supplies If you are interested in statistics, I filled over 900 of the dropper bottles, and the most popular choices have been: First Place: Gotcha, Sexpionage, Super Sexy for Women Second Place: Perfect Match, DHEAS, Cougar, Heart & Soul, Lumina Third Place: La Femme Mystere, Popularity, Sharks, Topper Honorable Mentions go to the 4th place winners: BAM, La Femme Noire, Treasured Hearts, MLH Variant I just find it interesting what people are interested in! The above were each tied for the number of bottles requested online. In the shop, the ones that were most requested were: Open Windows, Sharks, Balm Bomb, Charisma for Men, Cougar, Blatant Invitation, Levitation, Lumina, Popularity, Sexpionage...in relatively that order. A pretty different list from the online requests, interesting! Do you think people are less likely to ask for the sexuals in person? Because I feel like they tell me EVERYTHING when we are trying to figure out what they need. On a regular basis, Balm Bomb, Sharks, Open Windows, Charisma, and Phero Girl and/or Blatant Invitation are the most oft requested of me in the shop. So how's it going with your Pherotine acquisitions? Got any success stories to share? Need any application tips?
  8. Levitation Blatant Invitation Teddy BB If I had to pick only three...one of each: social - sex - sleep.
  9. There aren't any facts to share re pregnancy and phero use. There has not been any research on the matter so everyone just makes cautious guesses, because it's better to be safe.
  10. In a roller bottle it would likely spill right out if turned on its side, so as long as you devise a way to keep it upright you should be ok. Alcohol provides more lift for a fragrance. It brings it up in the air, and also wears off faster.
  11. Try wearing less of it, cut your application in half. Let us know how it goes with a smaller amount.
  12. Sugared Lavender is available here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/265815621/sugared-layerable-perfumes-choose-your
  13. I think it has an effect similar to cops, but doesn't need to be treated like cops. I would call it hair and clothing safe, but I have not personally tested it on hair and clothes. On skin, it gets stronger and stronger for hours and lasts over 24 hours and even through a shower. It might not be quite as sticky on hair and fabrics...anyone have a report on that?
  14. NO SEXPIONAGE IN THE HAIR, LISA! You may get the nickname of Coochie head!
  15. I added the option. I think I got realllllly close, but please try one bottle before buying a bunch just to make sure you love this version as much. Remember that everything is blended by hand so there are always little variations with each brew edition, and also that things smell a little different with and without pheros. K? ok. Thank you! And thanks for the suggestion, dear Eve!
  16. I made around 20 bottles worth in Virgin this week. I will put it up as an ordering option tonight or tomorrow...remind me if I forget!
  17. If anything is going to bring on a headache, it's certainly an aggressive none/rone combo, and clearly that guy used way too much and got precisely the opposite effect of the one he desired. This is a perfect example of *more* not being better with pheromones. Having somewhat of a trained nose myself by now, if someone is wearing pheros and they aren't well blended into a fragrance the way I blend them, I can smell them in layers. Like a drug sniffing dog in an airport....they smell the coffee AND the drugs as two separate things....that's what I smell. Cologne layered with pheros, which stand out because they smell metallic to me. Winnie, do you recall smelling anything vaguely metallic or chemical? If you are in your 30's or 40's, it's likely true that you are getting peri-men hormone surges.
  18. Not to mention that McClintock has been entirely discredited. This is junk science drivel. You would do better, Data Dragon, treating women with care and respect than treating them like a science experiment. Good luck.
  19. This does not read like a genuine review. I'm flagging it.
  20. So others do not make the same mistake, this blend was never intended to be worn in public. It's highly sexual in a dirty-sexy way. Description: A lusty fragrance not for the faint of heart! Animalic Musks and smutty Honey, sexy Cinnamon-spiced Brown Sugar and warm exotic Ambergris. This perfume gives off a "dirty-sexy" vibe and is definitely best worn at home alone with your honey and not to the office! Supercharged with our exclusive Sexology pheromone formula! .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. HONEY ~ Seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, healing, energy. CIVET ~ A strong aphrodisiac, has an intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant AMBERGRIS ~ Increases personal power, heightens sexual responses.
  21. Just got home from the New Release party. While the gals were pretty much from end to end with their scent faves, it was interesting to see that every single guy who tried the scents left with a vial of Risque Whisque. Most guys bought two or three at a time, but RW was in EVERY basket! It's probably my personal fave of the men's ones, so that was nice to see! I'm trying to think if any of the ladies' scents led the pack, but I think it was pretty even as far as purchases went. The ones that inspired the most ardent sniffing and comments and sharing around of testers, were Juicy Lucy, Liebchen, Luxurious, Big Easy, Girl Nip...oh and definitely Goddess of the Blue Moon. My punch came out friggin' AMAZING tonight. I am going to make a separate thread for it.
  22. Flower Power, I love this kind of combo myself, and one that springs to mind as a similar feel is Spring Thyme. Also check out Halcyon Daze, and Sparkle & Shine.
  23. This year's version is a bit lighter and brighter than previous versions, just FYI. The original blue lotus oil I used in the earlier versions is now extinct, unfortunately.
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