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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Frustrated by Apple RAM

  2. I have yet to wear a social in my hair. Does it diffuse better this way?
  3. Hi KrazyKat, Thanks for sharing. Its interesting to read a different experience. I think that something like that maybe could be cool for playtime. But only with a well blended fragrance like you said. You know come to think of it...I have never smelled pure mones, not just cops, but any mones, without scent before. I had no idea that they could also have a smell to others that would be unpleasant. Why do you stay away from none in hair? Is it because of the smell or the self effect? Good tip about the haircolor. I have never worn pheros in my hair, but this could be fun to try for the summer and I love my highlights.
  4. Hey Amalthea! Me too. Now I am curious. I think all my cops are blended. In all my copped LPs I have never smelled anything, but good. But I think I have gotten hints of something that may be cops in other products. So now in an odd way I am curious... about wearing straight cops.
  5. Oh wow! That does sound awful! Thank you for sharing your experience. At least it came out when you washed your hair. So you had to use a harsh/sulfate/clarifying type shampoo to get it out. That sounds pretty harsh on hair. If you get it into clothes will it wash out the same as well or will it be hard to get out even with washing too? Now I am curious about what full on cops smells like.
  6. Oh wow Vladmyra! That sounds awful! There's no telling what was in there. I hate it when phero companies won't at least give a hint as to whats in a mix. Some ingredients I have found give me meh results while other ingredients seem to agree with me more. So I like to look at ingredients in order to kind of get an idea how something may play out for me. Especially when they don't offer sample sizes like LP does. So the scent clung and got worse. How did you eventually get it out? Those hits sound awesome though!
  7. LOL! Thanks Quiet Guy. Have you ever worn cops? On this other board I read where a few guys were experimenting with cops to see what kind of reactions they would get from women or the women in their lives.
  8. Don't shoot me...LOL! I am really curious though. I have read that cops is not supposed to be sprayed directly into your hair. I have smelled cops in products before and it smells strong, but not bad. Kind of a cheesy, musky, sweet hint of something. So... Has anyone ever deliberately/accidentally sprayed cops in their hair? What happened when you did? If it smelled bad - was the bad smell intensified by being sprayed in hair? How long did it take to wear off/wash off? Did it affect the hits you got? Like did you get more hits from having cops in your hair? I am just curious....I
  9. I love Darling Catalina! That is the one I have. The scent can go wonky on me, but the hits are amazing!
  10. I am laughing at the downtown reference Phoenix! So what about the hits from this? Any additional reports?
  11. I second that PP is potent and your will LOVE the hits! I am sure if there is any PP in a phero enhanced fragrance, but I find that those work well too even at the 333mcg. Here is one: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SweetChic/ And here is the review thread...http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8281&hl=%2Bsweet+%2Bchic Its at least worth a gander.,,and you can always just buy the UN as you planned and use your own cover scent. Hope this helps...
  12. Ow wow congratulations Donise! I am so happy for you! This is soo awesome and wonderful!
  13. Congrats Donise, Rose, and Cinnamonmel! I have a broom now.
  14. Mara you are soooo talented! As soon as I sell my watch....LOL!
  15. Cougarrific, Maybe you should test a bunch of fragrance samples and see which types of fragrances he responds best to i.e. candy, fruit, resin, floral etc? Then use only those fragrances with pheros when you are targeting him. I agree with Storemy.
  16. Welcome to the board. If you tend to get a lot of selfies then I would apply the pheros as far away from myself as possible. For example on my hands or the back of my neck. Sorry I can't be of more help on the PD.
  17. I know that when I wear Levitation and drink...I get intoxicated super fast! I am not sure of the mone that makes that happen (maybe a-nol) or Dheas? I have read some things about mones maybe affecting health on another board. I have also read where some people feel that mones can exacerbate an illness. I am not sure how it all works, but I have read that some people take minerals and B Vitamins in these instances.. Hopefully someone else can add something or explain it better than I can on this front.
  18. I will have to think about this some more. Off the top of my head just recalling my observations... One thing that I have noticed is that when a group is affected (around 15 people or less), circulating and hoovering (getting close in an individual's space i.e. a meet and greet where you are introducing yourself or saying high to individuals) can help people to associate the phero with you. That is if you are wearing a spray or if you are wearing a scent that has a a huge amount of throw. The other thing that I have noticed is that even if you are in a pretty large group, and you are kind of off to yourself with no one else around you (within 10 feet or so), as people come into your space and they get hit - they will associate the phero with you. Think concert, conference, mega shopping store etc... Now if you are in a tight space with 20+ people and unable to circulate to phero bomb, I noticed that only those closest to you or those who are high phero responders will be able to zero in on you as the source of the phero. Or when people discover your scent (that you mixed the phero with) trail they will be able to attribute the phero to you.
  19. Scent, I think can affect mood and diffusion. I have found that some scents can stay close to the skin forcing people to have to get close to me to smell them or to get phero'd. Whereas other scents have a huge throw and can get out there up to 10-30 feet away (without being loud) I may add. As far as responses, different people have different senses of smell and some associate certain smells with various personal memories, experiences, events etc which can be pleasant or unpleasant. I am speculating that this would affect their mood/attitude towards the fragrance and thus, their response to the phero it is blended with perhaps. Hopefully someone else will chime in....
  20. Hi Cutiepie, In that case I would go with a rockstar kind of social. Something that makes you feel good , makes your personality shine i.e. a-nol blends if you are a responder and something that makes you stand out among a group of people while fending off jealousy and cattiness. So I think your ideas of Lace, Topper, perhaps Open Windows, Levitation, Popularity Potion, or SS4W would work well. Wishing you the best...break a leg!
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