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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. I never get self effects - except from Levitation. I have never tried Bang. However, I have tried the other three. These are just my experiences in testing these mones. SS4W was really subtle. It was like a nice/fun ice breaker, but it was really, really subtle for me. It worked well on women and men. Blatant Invitation was a really huge sexpot blend. It gave men of all ages whiplash whether they were partnered or not. This is definitely a sexy time relationship blend because of all the intense sexual attention. It can make some women catty. LFM is really feminine. It works well on men and women. There is a lot of respect with this blend and I was seen as competent and feminine at the same time.
  2. You have been given a lot of great suggestions. I think you should get samples of both pheros that contain a lot of cops like (Sexpionage) and straight cops or cop blends like the OCCOs. That way you can have a lot to mix and match and play around with.
  3. Thanks for the friending! :)

  4. Have you tried LFN? It can give you a femme fatale vibe BUT play with it before you wear it because sometimes it can a. make women catty b. make women jockey for power over you c. make men revert to drooling 5 year olds People swear by cougar though so if it works for you go with what works.
  5. I agree that Jasmine can be really intense. If the fragrance is pretty strong something that overpowers it could make it really loud. I think Xev gave you a good suggestion on cutting the fragrance instead of trying to overpower it.
  6. This is an interesting question. Do you know what the notes are in the phero from the other company? Is it floral itself? Resinous? Fruity? Also how much of the phero do you need to apply for you or others to smell it? I guess I am trying to figure out the intensity of the fragrance. Also does it smell loud/waft around you or does it stay close to your skin? The thing is you don't want a disaster on your hands!
  7. Hi The Bikeys! Hi Rose! I think I will have to keep an eye out for those products that you guys mentioned. Olderbutwiser, I haven't heard of a glace. I will have to google that. Sounds fancy. Thanks Halo. I was worried as I applied a lotion that was rather thick and felt smothering to my skin. I did apply the phero on top though.
  8. Is it possible for a lotion, cream, butter to inhibit a phero or fragrance? I try to moisturize before application to make sure the phero gets out there. Could the moisturizer be so strong that it stops either the phero or the scent it is in?
  9. Hi Rose, Swimming with sharks does lend an air of respect and authority, but its not in a domineering way. It does not give a hard edge or anything. So if you are concerned that this could either make him a dictator or make you want to comply with the wishes of a dictator, or just generally create strife..SWS is not like that.
  10. I get major hits just with the phero enhanced fragrance samples and will have some left over to wear several more times! Now this is only on the summer though. I can't seem to get the diffusion right in cooler or cold weather, but when it is warm I just dab a bit of a sample on each side of my neck and the tops of my hands and I can get hits from 10-20 feet away. I don't notice any weakening of the phero or fragrance and that is just a sample. Now I can say with the full bottles of stuff I do have I can mindlessly slather or spray. I don't know... sometimes I zone out and then realize, "Wow I am putting on a lot!" Then I stop myself. It's good to keep track of how much you wear, I write it down in a little note book I got just for phero notes. Some people here use a spreadsheet on their PC ect. Either way it can not only save you from OD.. but it can help you save $$ because you are aware of how much you actually need to be effective.
  11. Congrats Halo! Aww JD...you're a princess! I am a manticore snack...I have to google.
  12. I look forward to your reports. Someone gifted me this as well, but I haven't tried it yet.
  13. Still troubleshooting my MAC

  14. Well...I have only gotten the expected selfies with cops, but some women say that it makes them perkier and it puts a swing in their step. That is the phrase they all use :Swing in step". LOL! So maybe you are one of those women who can wear cops in "non cop" territories. Some women can do that and get away with it.
  15. Hi Mariela, You can add any scent you want to a unscented phero blend. If you were looking for the thread about this phero here it is: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8762&hl=levitation
  16. I keep my stuff in a drawer. Usually in plastic bags so they are not exposed to light and heat. The only person who knows is my mom as she is now using the pheros that really don't agree with my chemistry. I used to try to talk to others about this, but many people were very skeptical and don't believe so I just keep it to myself.
  17. I am not sure if I have tried some with lemongrass before or not. I will have to think...
  18. Thanks Ravenwing, Elisabeth, Eggers and QG! Congrats NuTrix! You are the master! Congrats Rose!
  19. Also if you have crashed and don't feel well from the mones...I have heard that drinking lots of water, B Vitamins, C Vitamins, and eating clean helps to get you back in balance.
  20. Hi cutiepie Is this a sample or a full spray? I have ODd with samples before, but only when it was really warm (my internal diffuser is broken)! LOL! I don't remember the exact ingredients in PP, but you could be getting (negative) selfies from it or you could be ODing on a mone or a few mones in the mix. Sometimes this happens. I think I remember reading that some people crash from a nol. I think testing tons of samples of different pheros before a full bottle purchase would be a good way to go to find out which one works in what way for you. If i remember correctly the scented ones help diffusion and are less mcgs than the unscented ones. If you are ODing on scented ones then unscented ones may be overkill. I think you need to find your sweet spot. Which is how much or little gets you the responses that you want. That maybe only two rolls, dots, spritzes etc smoothed around between your hands, neck, torso etc . You have to kind of play with different amounts and locations on your body... And finally it could be that a mix doesn't work for you or agree with you. Cougar for me was a mess. LOL! No matter what I did. So that does happen. But I would say wear the mix about 5 times or so in different circumstances (it is a social) with varying amounts and take note of how much you put on and what kind of hits you get.
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