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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. This sounds pretty good. I have had good experiences with Perfect Match and those ingredients look yummy. Can't wait to read the reports.
  2. Glad you found a suitable place. Wishing you an easy and safe move. At least this will buy me time to save up and plot and plan for LP purchases in the New Year. The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland... I just had to get that out...LOL!
  3. These labels are so pretty. I am curious about the SWS. And the Levitation label is soo pretty.
  4. Thank you Dolly. Hi Eggers! I don't think I have ever smooshed cops, but I will try to remember that. I have been kind of staying away from the cops blends for a while. Thanks StoremyWhether. I appreciate that link.
  5. I remember reading at some point that if you rub a fragrance i.e. apply a fragrance to your wrist and then rub them together, that you can "break" the fragrance. Or something to that effect - that the notes of the fragrance will not diffuse as intended. So I was just wondering does the same apply to pheros? If I apply a phero product to my wrist and rub them together or rub my wrist on my neck would that reduce its effectiveness or cause it not to diffuse properly?
  6. I re tested LFN today (during that time) and I didn't notice anything different scent wise or phero wise.
  7. DD & Eggers I think it may be the ovulation thing... You are signaling that you are fertile. I have had that to happen as well.
  8. I have been testing the trial vials and I get super hits from a few dabs by pressing the bottle to my skin. I know I would OD on a full UN. The only way I would use that much product is if I had a weak product and LPs are not weak.
  9. Heather, I think maybe you need to do some testing to see how you respond to each blend. This is what I have been doing for the past few months. Just try each one and record your responses. If you feel like you need a lot of cops and there is only one, maybe two other women that I know of who can wear a bucket of cops and get away with it...then why not just buy the cops? LP sells them. And you can layer the pure cops with whatever you want to.
  10. I tested this again and got none of these types of reactions. I think maybe it was a matter of dosage.
  11. Ok, I am hungry now. LOL!
  12. I agree with many of the points here. I think internally I may be more assertive vs dominant, but the softer blends fit my appearance. When I wear the softer blends it really amps my femininity and people treat me very delicately. On the other hand the times I have worn more dominant blends or stuff with none, I get two mixed reactions. The first is that certain types of men tend to go ga-ga. This usually affects alpha males or men in high pressure shi-shi jobs. The other reaction is that women can sometimes want to get into a pissing match with me. They really amp the competitiveness.
  13. Gadda Da Vita, Tantalizing T.J., Spicy Floral, and Lakshmi all look interesting.
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