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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Thank you both for sharing your wonderful stories!
  2. Yay more Levitation! Flying Potion, Looking Glass, and Nip of Autumn look very interesting!
  3. Almathea we are very similar. I am not a fragrance person either, but some of the LPs really reel me in when they work well with my chemistry.
  4. Thanks everyone for the responses. It could be the cops or as others have stated the e-none.
  5. I do not wear a boatload of cops. I am not a slatherer of the test vials. I choose appropriate situations. But for some reason whenever I wear a smidge of cops blended in a product women get crazy on me... well some. Yesterday I had two reactions to LFN. One woman got horney and started babbling about her sex life with her husband and ex boyfriends to all sundry. Some even commented on her facial expressions as to how lost in her sexual reveries she was. A few women were curt no matter how nice I was to them. And some women, which I don't know how to deal with, were outright hostile. One even injured me. Now I did have a share of women who fawned over me - just like the men. All the men. I was the pied piper of all things male regardless of age, ethnicity, and physical ability, but the women who were negatively affected - were really negatively affected. What can I do to kind of mitigate/lessen some female hostility besides getting a conceal to carry?
  6. This is an interesting idea...I have never heard someone just using a straight carrier oil.
  7. This does look very appealing. Most of those ingredients agree with me with the exception of maple.
  8. This is interesting. I had no self effects from Cougar, but I felt as though it sort of made others nervous around me.
  9. I think cop free stuff can be used in your hair. I have heard of some people applying Topper and even Cougar to their hair. The only time I wore a product exclusively on my clothing was when I was using another company's product- not LPs. It just so happened that the products actually worked better and were more consistent that way.
  10. I have never heard of this and this may take some math, but do you think it is possible to dilute the strength of the spray on your own using either oil or alcohol? I am assuming and correct me if I am wrong, that the oil is 333 and the spray is 1000 right? Even if they are both 1000 perhaps there is some way that you can still add an oil or some kind of base to make it work. Not sure. If this is unhelpful...disregard.
  11. Hi StacyK! Now I do have my phero free days. I guess fortunately or unfortunately I rarely get self effects. (outside of the wacky delayed cops reaction) BUT my first real selfie came last week and this week from testing Levitation! I am so excited because I am hooked on that self effect! So far I am trying to carefully observe my dosing and usage in finding what works and I don't think I have OD'd on any LPMP blends. Thank you for sharing the tips and I will keep that in mind because I don't want to ever crash. I usually have several days phero free each week and I try to juxtapose the blends that I am testing. If I test a social this week I will try a social sexual with different mones next week. Wow Beccah...that is good to know. I actually try to stay up on my diet, vits etc. I do take a Bcomplex and I have taken B-12 shots before. And this is really cool, I do try to drink half my weight in ounces of water each day. Except on the days I am wearing Levitation and I drink a glass of wine!
  12. Good topic. I may end up trying this with some pheros in the future.
  13. Hi Chickadee! Let me know if you discover anything. I love pheros, but I am wondering if a particular phero did not agree with me or if it was affected by my cycle. I guess I will find out when I retest.
  14. Honeycake

    Wax Poetic

    Good report. I thought about this a long time. For some reason I thought it would be heavy and I was unsure about the dragon's blood. I like that you describe this one as feminine and clean.
  15. Welcome to the forum! You will love playing with pheros!
  16. Welcome to the board! I am so excited for you! You have so many goodies to play with! And yes, what did you get???
  17. Thanks Storemy Whether. Eggers that's interesting I have found that men are most attracted to me just immediately before I begin menstruating. About 2-3 days before the cycle starts. The change is behavior is so dramatic. It is almost like I was invisible for the other days and now they decide to pay me attention. LOL!
  18. Thank you Luna and StacyK. It looks like G2 and OW have a lot of uses. Eggers and Holly I appreciate your feedback. Eggers I didn't know that about none. NuTrix mentioned that about none a few weeks ago when I was testing a different phero. In addition to changes in self effects, have you ladies noticed any changes in the ways that others respond to your phero use during that time, if you wear pheros during that time? Luna alluded that perhaps a phero's effectiveness could be compromised by various factors. In your experience has this (your cycle) been one of them- when affecting others?
  19. Thanks VexedGlory. All of you ladies have such wonderful points! I think I have now been liberated to indulge guilt-free! Wow Holly that is an awesome story! Do you have any favorites? Which one did you wear when you got the deal on the car? Or can you share that?
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