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Everything posted by StoremyWhether

  1. If you like tobacco smoke (and especially if your SO does), you should try Katarina Suit if you haven't already. That is a scent that can cause all sorts of scenarios to pop into your head. It is so completely sexy but, in my mind, in a very non-traditional perfume sort of way. Chocolate, cherryish tobacco, warm woods, leather. *sigh* If I thought I could get away with it, I'd wear it to work. MRF is definitely a go-to fragrance for sure and the SS4W is perfect with it.
  2. I might try wearing this to work one time - going to try it out on my sensitive co-worker and see if it bothers here. Oh wait, sexpionage... never mind. I agree DD, I don't get the spicy notes except in very light background sort of feel. Its really interesting to me how everyone's skin can have so many different reactions to the notes.
  3. Since I pressed the Buy Now button, I have told myself it was a good sale and I am now complete - as in completely done. And then along comes Luna dangling a potentially frosted carrot and now the cute little face of my addiction is mocking me and saying "You can buy just one... or two."
  4. Ok my thought is some sort of Happy Birthday scents for Dolly. Cakes of the World? LOL It is her b-day today. Or cupcakes for LV?
  5. Almost all of the drive-ins around where I lived in CA closed down. That was a sad thing to see because there's nothing quite like sitting in your car with the window down on a beautiful night with seats full of food watching a movie. That's something that I think every kid (and adult!) should get the chance to do at least once. The ballpark here in AZ holds movie nights where you can lay out on the grass of the field and watch movies from the boards. I'm hoping one of these days to take the family out there. It's just been so hot that its hard to imagine being comfortable outside. Hope you have a great time DD when you go!!
  6. I haven't had the chance to wear this around town. I was wondering if anyone has gotten any comments on this when they wear it. Have SOs found it as sexy and lust inducing as we do? Any friend or stranger comments? Mine is still nursing the end of his cold so he can't smell much and rarely offers input even when his nose is working!!
  7. OMG, believe me, it crossed my mind in that moment. I felt bad for throwing out her toy though (remember that Petsmart commercial where the little dog takes her fave toy everywhere and sleeps with it?), I ended up getting her a new one and it is forbidden from crossing the threshold. Are you still using the kale or did you inadvertently chop the bugs into it trying to kill them?
  8. I work out in the boonies so it's not uncommon to hear security/fire department called to come round up snakes. The last couple found their way into the copy machines. One was right where you would grab the paper from. About freaked out the woman working there and I don't blame her. I've heard that a rattlesnake was roaming the parking lot but I didn't see it. I guess a scorpion made it in a couple of times too so I am really thankful to be on the second floor away from the doors!!! A rattler in the drinking fountain though... that is just scary. It's all new to me. We have rabbits hopping through the neighborhood and I see coyotes pretty regularly. Never saw all of this stuff in the city in CA. LOL That is gross. I would cry too. LOL One time our dog dug out of the yard one of her cloth toys and brought it in. I'm not going to go into the details but let me just say that I about screamed bloody murder when I found bugs crawling out of it all over our bed. I refused to sleep in that bed, I threw out her toy, I practically boiled the bedding in the washer and felt like I needed to take five showers. ETA: sorry for the double post. Bugs do that to me.
  9. So far this summer, we haven't had too many bugs. Last year, the monsoons brought a plague of mosquitoes. It was so bad at work they had to spray the entire site because everyone had bites just trying to get to work. This summer I've only seen a few and fortunately, my daughter hasn't had to carry a bottle of Off with her to school. Now it's just the occasional snake in copy machines and lizards roaming the halls. I don't miss the nasty bugs although I always did love being back east and playing with fireflies. I'd love to see some of those here.
  10. From April up to now: Cougar LP Red MRF LP Black Fade to Black Unfortunately, only two of those I can wear to work.
  11. Ooooh, Eggers, I'm seeing a plan hatching. Sexy motorcycle jacket, jeans, black sexy heels (or maybe knee high boots).
  12. Black, definitely can do. Just please say it doesn't need to be a black leather bodysuit. Some things cannot be unseen.
  13. Eggers, I didn't get a lot of cherry scent either. When I wore it, while wet: it was very boozy lime. Smelled great! When it dried down, it was lime first, creamy coconut second. I'll have to pull this out again and see if I get anything new.
  14. I wish I could wear this to work. I'd love smelling like I work in an old speakeasy; that's a lot more fun that nuclear. I'm trying to picture what sort of outfit this one deserves...
  15. I haven't really gotten an over the top spice from this or funeral incense smell. I guess I would have to go more into the candied rose camp.
  16. I cannot wait to get Bang so I can try this out together. I love this one because it doesn't smell overtly feminine to me and yet that's what makes it so sexy... like wearing your guy's shirt.
  17. I hope that there's a vacation planned sometime after this. Between getting two different sales up and running and preparing for August NRs, I really do hope that Mara gets the chance to enjoy some R&R. Maybe on an island. Roasting twinkies.
  18. I can definitely say that I learned a lot from ordering my first PE and how important it is to get as many as you can when purchasing. You're right though, although watery and so lush, yours doesn't necessarily say "cooling" but I think it's perfect for Spring/Autumn. If I'd worn this when it was 118 degrees plus this summer (47 C I think for you), I don't think it would have worked as good - sort of like walking through a humidifier. LOL I'll be looking for your next ideas to come out in PE!!
  19. Maiea, just had to say that I decided to wear some of your Year of the Snake tonight and after a month of melding and blending, this perfume just keeps getting better with time. I liked it so much when I first got this but hadn't worn it in a couple of weeks. Wearing it tonight, it just seems so fresh, definitely lush. It makes me want to rent a cabin and go hiking up to waterfalls at Yosemite. Have you used up all of your bottle yet? LOL
  20. Glad that you found one to test!! I do the same thing. Most recently it was Pouncing Potion. I realized about a week and a half later that I had a sniffie to try and ended up loving it!! I decided to go through my box to see what else I didn't know I had. Those sniffies are crack in a bottle to me.
  21. Today was the first day I've had a chance to really try out Cuchi. I have to say that I don't really get a banana or coconut feel. It's tropical and slightly fruity but mostly bordering on creamy tropical flowers. So, after awhile I decided to throw on some Sandy Bottom with it too. That worked out pretty darn well. I smelled like I had just brought my little boat to shore on Fantasy Island.
  22. I try to stick with the sexual pheros in oil but I've got Cougar, SS4W, Open Windows, Gotcha and LFM in 60/40 spray and they all work amazing. There's a few perfumes in oil though that I would definitely have no problem with phero - enhancing because those babies throw out scent like there's no tomorrow (LP Red and Black come to mind). 60/40 has seemed to be a really good ratio between getting good throw and longevity.
  23. I need to get some Lick of Cream to try out. I am always in search of new and different vanillas to try. As for BBM, you do need to try it!! Unfortunately, I haven't personally liked it as much by itself but it is, for me, the ultimate creamy layer mate for other scents. For that reason alone, I will definitely be keeping a stash of it in my collection. Some scents that I was a little iffy about, BBM turned it into the most delicious scent.
  24. Molls, I am going to go now and see what you have!!!
  25. I figure this time next year I should have a nice little nest egg of credits to use. I don't see me wanting to use them for regular monthly choices but holy moly, I know I will want (and desperately need) to use them up during the sale month.
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