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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. If I wore cops to work, it'd be one messed up shift. Then again, their psych meds probably would keep them in erectile dysfunction zone, but I wouldn't want to test it. Ever. I've only gotten Sugared Honeycomb boosted with EST, and I still haven't worn it because I forget it's there. I'm a little reluctant to boost because there are just too many pheros to choose from. I went with EST because it was the awesome way to get it in a scent that layers with everything. But having to choose which scent with which phero would probably make my head implode. Although, the version of actors magic might be a good one in honeycomb. So might the woozy floozy and/or open window. For me, it'd have to be a scent I can layer and a phero that has an all around go to aspect (which is why EST in honeycomb was perfect!). So I'm thinking maybe woozy floozy, actors magic and open window will be perfect... of course they'd all be in honeycomb.
  2. Looks like the perfume page already has the new blends on it. Not linked and can't order yet as far as I can tell, but since they were just posted today, this is some sweet progress. Teasing you all with a link...
  3. I'm with you on that. From what I can tell about adrenal exhaustion, there are a lot of things that can contribute to it. So it's not necessarily caused just by using pheros a lot. Here's a good link with more info about adrenal exhaustion (the print is kind of small - ctrl + shift with the + at the same time will make it larger). From what I can tell, it's primarily linked to stress - stress on the body and in general as well as things like drinking a lot of caffeine. It doesn't look like just pheromone use could cause it, but it could possibly be a contributing factor to developing it. Guess there can be too much of a good thing
  4. So many pheros to choose from. I think I'll start off slow with sexology, open windows and woozy floozy. And *maybe* Stone cougar. Four bottles, is that slow? Probably not. Oh well.
  5. Seriously! I neeeeed to buy those pheros. Dang this is torture.
  6. Oh I love EST so much more now. The longing puppy dog following me around absolutely works for me. I'm so getting bottles of unscented sexology. It's clearly a fantastic blend. Hats off to Ail!
  7. I wore sexology to the gym today. Oh how I love this scent. Anyway, I wasn't really expecting to notice any hits or anything. The gym is like a sweaty phero factory anyway, which is why I'm almost convinced that wearing ANY PHERO there at all aside from maybe a happy one for myself would be an honest to goodness waste of good pheros. So, this week is vacation week and all the high schoolers that belong to my gym have been raiding the joint, screwing with my workouts because they belong in school, not there at noon taking up all the slots on the good machines. Anyway, I'm trying to avoid the pubescent bunches, sneaking in different weight workouts where I can, and I notice that this one guy *maybe* college age, but quite likely an older looking senior, seems to be following me around like a puppy dog. Every time I'm in a different area, there he is, practically right next to me. And my workout was all over the place due to the juvenile action. But no matter where I am in this colossal sized gym, no matter what corner (and I hit just about all of them so we're not talking about a fluke here), there was the handsome and well built though possibly too short for me puppy. At one point I actually wondered if sexology is similar to cougar. Does anyone know if there are any more bottles of sexology left? Oh wait, we're getting the unscented version soon. Guess I'll add that one to my ever growing 'to buy' list.
  8. I just got my order that I was waiting on. Stamps.com never updated, so maybe that happened with some of you. Not sure. I think mine was sent from stamps.com on the 6th.
  9. I think they're in the same holding pattern as mine. Since I've stated something like a gazillion times that I'm getting new pheros as soon as they're posted, I suspect this is a smart move on their part. But dang, I wouldn't mind trying some of these.
  10. First, did you shake the bottle? Always shake the bottle first. Then, for applying, pulse points is good, except with true confessions (my personal experience only here). I like to put that one on the back of my neck with my hair up and behind my ears so I don't get hit with the truth serum effect. But otherwise, it sounds like you did pretty well. For myself, I sometimes can't tell if I over apply, so I'm going with less to see which ones are effective at what levels. There are days when I could probably have half a bottle on and get no 'hits' then other days just a few swipes and nothing but deers in headlights. As for phero amounts, I think it's 1ml of pheros with 9mls of CPS, which makes them pretty strong. There are a few threads. I think in this forum section or possibly in the questions for Mara and Danna, who make the perfumes, with specific info on the amounts. They were within the last two months if I remember correctly, but I don't remember if they were in this section of the forum or in the questions section. Sorry. But I do know that Mara aka Potion Master gave very specific answers that were very helpful, however, I didn't retain the info, which makes me of little use in answering that question. Sorry
  11. Definitely. I'm really excited to know what the tweaks are because the half and half blend seemed to cover most bases. Maybe a little est for a warmer heart... that cuddly nurturing factor?
  12. starlitegirl

    EGG 2009

    Yeah but you write something naughty without egg. Now you'll just be writing A LOT more of somethings that are naughty. I feel a novel coming... I'm really excited to try this since I feel my creativity has been lacking as of late. I used to be so much more creative. Now? Dead zone, and not in the cool Stephen King kind of way because that would be an interesting spice to add to my life.
  13. I'm not sure what TAF is exactly, but it's for focus, 'intensifying' and concentration. Molecule 'F' - Yeah, we know what that F is for.... ETA: I'm not sure if that answered your question, liz.
  14. I wore Ail's recommended mix of this and Treasured Hearts today (in the 'brag on your favorites' thread or a title like that somewhere in the phero forum), and got together with my best friend of almost 20 years. Talk about truth serum. I almost didn't recognize her with some of what she was saying. I never realized how she felt about some of the things she said. It's like whatever internal editor she uses was completely gone. There were moments where I wasn't sure at all about how I felt about what she was saying because even though I always sensed that's how she was, it's never come straight out of her mouth like that. She even back-peddled a few times to clarify some things she said. As much as hearing what I did was jarring, I was really glad to have my intuitions validated. If you ever want to see what people are really thinking, this is the stuff to wear. Truth serum and lots of talking. You'll see what the person really thinks. Just be prepared because you might feel like you never really knew that person at all. In my case, it turns out I knew her far better than I ever even suspected or than she probably would have wanted me to know given that it took this blend to actually hear her say the things she did. I prefer the honesty over the presentation or masks people wear. Good stuff - this true confessions!
  15. I'm going for the pheros straight up this round. I'm stocked up on scents galore. So now, pheros, pheros, and more pheros for fun, fun and more fun!
  16. I tried this one last night, and it started out great, but then turned to baby powder on me. Same as BPAL's O. There must be a couple of components that when mixed together on my skin do that. So much for me smelling like sex.
  17. Damn woman! That's some serious action. Totally jealous (but glad you had fun!)
  18. Oh sorry, I was talking about the one from xp saying that they will be processing it. That's the one that you scroll down in to see which order it is. The stamp.com always sends me double emails. Not sure why but they're always the same tracking number.
  19. Don't their processing emails have an ID to the order? For some reason I'm thinking they did. And if you save the original order email from paypal you should be able to match it. If it's not in the subject, scan the email below their response because it might be linked to the order or have the order info in it I think. ETA: Yep, just checked mine. Scroll down and the order is there.
  20. I got mine at 4am this morning - woke up to it. So that was around 1am california time. Awww they work so hard to get our packages out. Gotta love them! Thanks M&D! You're awesome!
  21. I can't get them because they have glycol in them which when used more than a small amount triggers allergies. BOO! But if I could use them, I'd probably be going with honeycomb as that scent makes everything better and can layer with just about anything.
  22. You be evil... teasing us with all those packages... And you be lovin' it no doubt
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