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Rose Blackthorn

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Everything posted by Rose Blackthorn

  1. That's it, LadyV! I am officially putting a "brain condom" on! Hope it doesn't leak!
  2. OK, Mara, may I please reserve a Lusty Cherry if available?
  3. Mara, that's awesome! Sorry to hear you are working insanely hard, but very happy to hear how well things are going! Congratulations!
  4. I want to reserve, but I can't make a sound decision without notes, so am exercising painful self restraint and hoping if it's something I love, it won't sell out! Ah well.. if I am meant to have something, i will have it. ETA: for typos
  5. O...M..G... these labels are exquisite and they sound beautiful. Lusty Cherry and Birthday Dessert sound amazing!!! Gorgeous job on this month's labels Mara!
  6. I was going to go all in and get a sampler set, but $$$ is super tight right now with more expenses to come, so would rather wait for notes and put what I would spend into one bottle I am likely to love. It's a bummer, because ordinarily, I would be inclined to buy the set based on these labels and names alone! Seriously, they are that awesome.
  7. Same here Lainey. Whoever I look at the notes to pick from and try to imagine one, I can't seem to get it down to less than five. This is my dilemma with PEs.
  8. It *is* Lainey! I would love a bed time blend of Lavender, Chamomile, and maybe just a touch of Vanilla. I don;t want to do this as a PE though. I have never had a PE done and really want to make it count in a huge way when I finally do.
  9. OMG!!! These labels!!! Just gorgeous! And love, love, love, what these names invoke! Will be waiting anxiously for notes!
  10. Yes, Livin101, I agree that sometimes there are defintely residuals and also that it is more so with cops. QG, you are so spot on. I think most of us have ghosts of insecurities past rear their ugly heads from time to time. Those things tend to stay with us for a lifetime. if you can't beat them out of your psyche, then you just need to beat them back down into a manageable level and make sure they know who's boss.
  11. I know this problem is going to have a different solution for most, but doc visits are always a maddening experience for me and what eventually ended up working for me with a female root canal specialist, was EST. I still have to go for a post / core and crown fitting with a male dentist on the 15th, and I will try it again with him. It's an iffy prospect because, doctors, just like everyone else are going to respond to different pheros in different ways. phergineer, I agree. I would NOT use Dom with docs. Some docs have very sensitive egos and while it is not our job to cater to them, it does not serve us well to antagonize their personal insecurities. More flies with honey than vinegar, right?
  12. Welcome NattyDread! This is a great place with awesome people and info.
  13. Luna, you are a brilliant and wicked tease! I love it!
  14. Lainey, I LOVE the Lavender/Chamomile combination! With either B2.2 or Balm Bomb.
  15. A resounding YES, Memomare! On the scent and the effects! LOVE IT!!!
  16. Awesome review, livinlavidacabo! I love Purple Puff with B2.2 late at night and it is so calming and beautiful! Need to get more o organized and let the holidays pass for me to REALLY observe.
  17. Mara's Manifestation Potion would be my choice. I am going strictly by how it has worked for me, not its scent. It is GORGEOUS, but floral and they sadly, mostly go very wrong on my skin. But for magickal effects? WOW!!! Very potent magick! Would love to see this one make a comeback!
  18. I adore it Celrynna! It amazes me just how LITTLE of this I need to use. It's scent and intent are both that strong on my skin!
  19. Hi banshee. I get panic attacks too. For me at least, Balm Bomb works great for mild anxiety and moods, but for full on panic, I use B2.2. It's like Rescue Remedy in phero form for me. Hope she is helped by something. Anxiety is hell.
  20. I need to build some funds for these! It's hard right after the holidays.
  21. Hi Maililyahn, I am not very good with the men's pheros, but have read up on them. Luna has made a couple of good suggestions. I am also considering the way you have explained the way that females respond to and treat your brother. Could it be that he needs something with a bit more of a "bad boy" edge?
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