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Rose Blackthorn

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Everything posted by Rose Blackthorn

  1. Hi Cougariffic! If I were in your situation, I would consider PP. I think part of its properties include taking the jealous edge off people's attitudes. ETA, I would def consider what halo is saying. Makes sense to me and she knows whereof she speaks.
  2. One can never debate the wisdom of Luna's logic. Smart lady, you!
  3. It IS beautiful, isn't it tink? BTW, your avi is just the sweetest little thing!
  4. You're welcome Wendylynne! I do this with many pieces of jewelry I love and want to wear but have no room to wear them ON me. LOL
  5. You are so welcome ElizabethOSP! I adore Dr. Emoto too! I feel it is so important to impart positive energy into our lives in every way we can. I do agree though, that these are phenomenally potent! If I can ever pull myself away from One True Love and Road Opener, I need to sample MORE!!!!!!
  6. I agree with Wendylynne, Mara. These really are even more beautiful than depicted! I couldn't be happier with mine. They exceded my expectations completely. And yes, thank you so much for including the pompoms! I already wear quite a few necklaces, so am thinking of maybe attaching mine to a sturdy zipper pull on my bag. Now if only I could decide with potion to start with first!
  7. Well hi there nokturnaljoi! Welcome to one of the most awesome places you have ever known.
  8. The other day I got the most incredible box of magick delivered to my door! I feel so much gratitude for being able to stock up on the wonderful potions that I chose. It felt like a box of love and blessings. Many thanks for the *very* kind extras you included. I LOVE the scent locket! Haven't filled it yet because I have too many awesome choices!!! I'm not complaining! It's so nice to do business with people who feel like friends/family. Hugs, thanks, and blessings.
  9. Got my notification today too!!!! YAY!!!! Can't wait.
  10. Cherise, Beachgoddess, and Mara, you are so welcome. It had been some time since I had thought about this concept as well. I was happy and felt blessed that it came to mind now. I believe in this concept, I believe in you, I believe in ElizabethOSP, I believe in myself, I believe in each of us and our own power to create change within and without ourselves and beyond. Aided by our own gifts, and by the gifts of others. Sorry.. that went a tad "speechy!" I hope to get a Peaceful Home print from Elizabeth, and hope when I can that she still has some left. They are beautiful, and I love the magick of that image especially!
  11. Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but am confused as to where else it would be at home, and I really wanted to hit upon this topic. Many of you may be familiar with the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose book I have. I love his work. Some have claimed to have debunked it, but I am a believer. He suggests that water has memory and retains things such as positive and negative intent and emotions. Everyone here knows that Mara's Magickal Potions WORK, and they work some mad magick!!! I know this all too well also, and this left me wondering why this batch of Spell Potions seemed even stronger than usual. I mean STRONG and with fast results! It occurred to me that having ElizabethOSP's beautiful and powerful sigil labels on the bottles must be working very much the same way that Dr. Emoto's theories on water do. Even if you have not read his work, so many of us have seen, and used the little reusable positive message labels that you can stick on water, ( or any liquid) bottles) which are believed to impart positive intent. Words such as health, love, energy, light, etc. The words, or in this case sigils, impart additional power to that which is already good for us. So I am thinking that just the presence of these magickal labels on the bottles, combined with Mara's own magick has amplified the intensity and speed with which these potions work. I really do believe they are somehow different and on a higher level. Here I am, STILL gushing about these Sigil Spell Potions, but I truly am in awe and more than a little mystified. If you are interested, check out the following video on Dr. Emoto's work. It isn't very long, and you'll get the message. Thanks again to Mara and ElizabethOSP!!! If this was your intent, it was a stroke of genius. If it wasn't your intent, it is still a stroke of genius!
  12. Maililyahn, that is an awesome idea! You are brilliant!
  13. Thanks so much Mara! Can't wait to see this beauty!
  14. OMG!!! Went totally over the top on Road Opener and One True Love. I need these influences in my life badly right now. I never feel guilty about buying magickal supples and if they happen to smell amazingly beautiful, all the better! Also strictly for scent fun, a $15 bottle of Sugared Coconut! It will get plenty of use and I might even get a larger bottle next month if I can.
  15. My only experience with the scented LAM is Buttercream Peach, which was nice, but on my skin, didn't project the warmth that I had hoped for. But remember, that is on *my* skin. Of the other scented LAMs, I adore the Original Honey Vanilla! It works beautifully with my skin. ( hey, I'm a "Honey Ho," and getting to be a Vanilla Vixen as well!) In the future, I would very much like to try the Pink Amber. In terms of experiences, LAM itself, scented or UNscented, always seems to be a nice, pleasant, happy reaction from people. People seem more drawn to the wearer, wanting to interact with them. It works quite well for me on a social level, but it would not take much effort, maybe a little nudge, for this to go to the next level as a sexual Phero blend. LOVE this stuff!
  16. I ordered the $15 bottle. Would have gone larger, but needed money for spell potions! This is going to be so versatile and I love products that multitask!
  17. Mara, may I please reserve the orb with the red stone? Thank you! I love it! These are gorgeous! ETA, you can send me an invoice and I have enough in my Paypal to pay for it so that it can go out with my order
  18. BB, I have not tried the Sugared Magnolia yet, but I do love a good Magnolia. Even without having smelled this one, I would bet it would pair well with Sugared Coconut! I think the same thing about Sugared Gardenia and Coconut! YUM!
  19. Welcome Toxiclove! have fun!
  20. Tink and Loquacious, cherry and/or marshmallow are awesome mixes for Sugared Coconut! Until I began experimenting with the Sugared Coconut, I had no idea just how many other scents coconut would compliment! It is a major multitasker! I am now convinced that there is very little that this would not compliment.
  21. Mara and John, THANK YOU!!!! Fastest shipping ever!!! I want so badly to start trying these out, but these are after all, spell potions and I treat them as such first and foremost. Thank you for the lovely green bag ( Yay, St. Paddy's Day!) and the kind sniffies! I can not wait to clear, ground, focus and think of what to try first!!
  22. Just wanted to say that I tried layering this with a cherry perfume and I thought it was just beautiful! This one is quite a versatile scent in my opinion.
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