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Everything posted by xev

  1. Whew. I panicked there for a moment...
  2. Also sugared honeycomb is permanent, right?
  3. LOL, I was wondering about your "potion of the day" post I happened to see last night, when you'd just traded a sample to me....
  4. I think don't think Sexology is one of the riskier blends. I don't think betanol and EST are pheros that would typically cause aggressive behavior -- just the opposite. Also, betanol is a little wasted in a crowd IMO. Its effects are best seen in intimate settings with just 2 or a few people involved. There are cops in sexology, but unless you really, really loaded on your boosted perfume, I don't think you'd have an "assload" of cops on. Copulin products are tricky because you are adding them on to your natural levels, and that varies a great deal from person to person. Age, BC, and just your genes all affect how much copulins your body produces. One study found that only 1/3 of young women produced the most attractive levels of copulins. By extrapolation then, 2/3ds of us are effectively nonproducers even when we're young, healthy, and not on BC. I think the riskiest products would be 1) copulins in large doses (keeping in mind that most of us don't know if we are already producing a large dose) and probably even more than cops 2) androstenone, which is known to have extremely variable effects on both males and females, and is known to promote aggressive moods/behavior in both genders. When I said earlier in this thread that I only wear Blatant Invitation for the husband, it is because it the only blend I use that I know has androstenone in it.
  5. It is funny how all of our noses and skin chemistry are different! I finally got to try the oil version of this. At first, all I was getting was Red, more specifically all I could smell was the cinnamon. And it had the same harsh edge as the alcohol spray that I already had. Really, I couldn't smell any vanilla or buttery notes at all. But after dry down I'm finally getting the buttery vanilla blending in. But it doesn't smell much like LP black to me. It is very nice.
  6. I think cops last a lot longer than other pheros. I generally apply cops each morning (in perfume oil blends) and don't reapply. Other pheros, maybe 1 reapplication per day.
  7. I didn't expect to like this one but I do. Usually, the more complex perfumes a long list of notes and including florals don't work on me personally, though I often like sniffing them and admiring their complexity and nuance. But this one works. The florals don't overpower on me. It is fruity, but I don't feel that any one fruit note comes out too strong.
  8. This one is really nice and I like it, but (as often the case with my weird nose) it is not very like the description on me. I get the fruity part, and the honey flower, but I'm not sensing the creamy or ricotta part, and the vanilla is very light and not foody at all. I was expecting a very foody desserty scent. But that is okay, because is is a really nice, well-blended fruit with just a touch of floral summertime scent. For some reason, it reminds me a little bit of A Treasure of Pearls, even though well, none of the notes are the same.
  9. I just want to say WOW! I just got my may collection and pretty much love everything in it. Eternal sunshine is too masculine for my tastes, but I'm going to try to get my husband to wear it; I think I would love it on him. Other than that, I seriously will wear and love all of them. I often don't go for monthly sample packs because inevitably I only like few predictable scent types. I'm glad I gambled on this one! I will try to get around to reviewing everything as I test it.
  10. My god, I just got my sampler pack, and this was the first thing I tried. I love it! The fruit melds down in to a beautiful sweet skin scent, and there is no trace of cops smell, even wet! I hope there is a bottle left on payday.
  11. I said this earlier but I think it is worth repeating: LP Pink is what Aqualina pink sugar wants to be when it grows up. Superficially they are similar, but LP Pink has soooo much more depth and complexity. It really is like comparing cotton candy to something from a gourmet cupcakerie.
  12. I'm late to this party, but I'm trying to catch up on review from the past couple months. First, I'm a recent LP red convert. I smelled it once in my early days of discovering LPMP, loved the smell while wet, but felt the spices and patchouli amped up too much on me. Which they still do, I've just learned to like it, and also learned that a midday swipe of something very vanilla on top will restore how it smells right out of the bottle. Interestingly, in LP Red Lace, the vanilla stays put, and the cinnamon amps less. They just all stay balanced as they are coming right out of hte bottle. Also. BEST. EOW. COVER. EVER. And this coming from a Pherogirl and OCCO SLF fangirl. I threw my trial vial of Red Lace into my little altoids box of trial vials I keep in my purse, and last week needed a fragrance boost right before I walked out of my office for a meeting. I slathered on some Red Lace before remembering that it would only get about a 3 minute drydown before I sat down in a small room with a bunch of people. But it didn't need it! I don't know, but my experience was very similar. I don't hate Red, but it does amp the cinnamon more than Red Lace does. Maybe it has nothing to do with the cops; maybe its just a slight batch-to-batch variation. Or maybe it has to do with the effects of differing amounts of aging. I can often smell differences between different bottles (batches? ages?) of Pherogirl and Sugared Honeysuckle. I think these scents are like fine wines and undergo changes with age.
  13. I finally got a trial vial of this. Okay, I can say definitively that the decant I got in swap long ago had either been mislabled or highly adulterated (maybe aliquoted into an unwashed vial that had something else?). I have the latest rebrew I think (with BI). It is a really light, sweet skin musk. The caramel note is very sheer to me, the brown sugar not overwhelming (BAM with spicy brown sugar didn't work for me -- smelled like hot dogs). I don't get anything "pink" from this on me. It melds down to a barely there fragrance that makes me feel very feminine, yet at the same time, I could almost see it working as a mans fragrance also. It reminds me a bit of TMI. I get no whiffs of pheros or cops, even before drydown.
  14. Wow, they all look amazing. I might need to order a sampler this month.
  15. I have an alcohol spray of Passion and Desire amped with sexology. I love LP Red and LP Black, although I was late coming around to these, as the resins, spices, and patchouli didn't do much for me when I first started using LPs. Anyway, to me the Passion and Desire seems quite different than either LP red or black. It has a drier, harsher smell, and I wonder how much of that is just what the alcohol base does to it. It seems to lack the buttery juiciness of black and red. I'd like to eventually try it in the oil base, but in the mean time, I just use my beta spray topped with a few swipes of either the black or red in oil.
  16. It is my understanding that pheromones are pretty stable and should last years if stored away from heat and sunlight. So if they worked before, "going bad" doesn't seem very likely. Just throwin' this out there though, the other place has had some quality control issues if you ask me. Do you remember the same exact vials working well (that you still have), or do you remember earlier batches of the same same mix worked well, then you bought new ones and then stashed those away, and now they don't work?
  17. I wear cops ever day. Not a lot. Just a little -- my goal is to mimic what a younger "me" would produce (I'm 46). Usually pherogirl, or a fragrance I amp myself. I have blatant invitation and wear that only with the husband around.
  18. LOL, guys could only dream of buying a pheromone product that would make two girls strip down to their undies and start posing in the gym.
  19. Yes, its a spray in the 60/40 base with the "lightly scented" option. Sugared Honeycomb seems to blend well with just about all the scents I like. Honestly, I've never gotten a bad whiff of cops from BI even wet. Another good choice would be UNE, which is Pherogirl sans cops.
  20. I have Blatant Invitation lightly scented with Sugared Honeycomb, and think it covers it just fine.
  21. Wow, I'm very excited about some of these. Just ordered 10 of the sample vials.
  22. I like this alot. To me it smells very similar to Pherogirl but muskier. It has good staying power also. I'm catching little whiffs of this this morning from yesterday's application.
  23. So excited to have a sample of this on its way to me!
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