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Shelly B

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Everything posted by Shelly B

  1. Works for me! I'm just dying to get my hands on it! Mara - is it the tonquin? The Chandler Burr readers are all wondering? Thanks again!!!
  2. I want to know if she used the tonquin as well! Luna's question was enough for me to break out the Chandler Burr book(s) again - sorry - read "Year" and had to get "Emperor" as well. Emperor is a slower read - a nose as a biological electronscope? I'm a bit slow sometimes but I really didn't know proteins could conduct electricity so the concept - well - it moves me into a whole new level of dorkdom. I sit, I scratch my head - I wonder which wavelengths do the musks come in on and how physiologically is all of that possible? I scratch my head some more. Seriously - liberal arts major. This requires my neurons to focus on something that isn't a strength - like tap dancing in moon boots. You can do it - it just isn't pretty. But in the end -shrugs - I still love smelling my LP's so the biological mechanism (yes - I know there isn't universal acceptance of Turin's work) while interesting - is less important than the net effect of I love how it smells. So - now that that whole tap dancing in moon boots thing has sent (or scent - ha ha) me off on a totally random journey from Tonquin mentions back to Burr back to Turin - I still wonder if M and D used the Tonquin. Sighs. Can I tell you that I'm not totally a dork and thankfully if you met me - I am able to complete sentances without a great deal of difficulty? I can even walk talk and chew gum at the same time. Not that any of you believe me after wandering with me on that little journey through the subconcious. <g> The only name I feel like throwing in isn't that great - not enough coffee in me yet - but I kind of liked "Indecent Peach." Since Indecent could totally cover the effect of the three musks and the dark honey. I have my fingers crossed that this will be a great Phero cover.
  3. Yee Haw Bubba!!! Sooooooo excited. Although as Katz said - not so much about the earworm. Even if it did give me a fit of the giggles. At least the deer, muskrats and kitties are feeling' the love. What would be an amusing name for honeyed triple musk with a dash of peach? Luna darling - any ideas?
  4. This is true - when I first got my EoW neat - I was very sensitive to the smell. (read the threads on EoW and u will see this is common) BUT the reactions from men- WOW!!! Just hang in there, don't panic - and see what happens. And btw - even of it does smell like STANKY cheese - you may find that your mind wanders to interesting places. Just sayin' :-)
  5. Two phero loaded sugared honeycombs (P.P. Before it goes extinct and a Stone Cougar) when I pushed in an order for 2 PP's in the DPG (duh - going extinct with phero x not yet orderable - egad - I can't miss that) plus 2 bottles of a new custom sugared - dark syrupy honey, animalistic dark musks with a whisper of the juiciest possible ripe peach! I wanted a total summer dirty sexy scent - the kind where you almost want to lick your own arm. :-) And again - my name is Shelly - and I am a honey ho.
  6. So - I have one regular bottle of Hotter than Hell and one boosted with Cougar. And no matter which one I'm wearing - I get so many compliments on this one. I love the throw - I put some on yesterday - ok - less of a "some" application and more like a copious amount - and the sleep shirt I was in still smelled peachy/peppery/caramelly (if that's a word) DELISH - this morning. And actually - if you put on some Sugared Honeycomb with this one - you really can't go wrong. Lucious. There really is something very sexy about Honey and Peaches that makes you think of...oh never mind - you get the picture. :-)
  7. Blows raspberries. Loudly. I don't like Mr. Shelly enough these days for that. Blow raspberries again. Did I say loudly? Yeah - loudly.
  8. Actually - I have a a jealous one as well. :-) So don't look at me for brilliant answers on this one. It irks the beeeejezus out of me. With that said - have you tried Teddy Man for him? It has the alpha-male at peace phero which is supposed to make them more snuggly and loving. Personally - I like the phero blend on my husband but not so much the scent. He is all cuddly and kind when he has it on - which for a huge dude is kind of cute. Actually - there's a thought - how about an unscented Teddy Man Phero so I could have it loaded to something I do love? Ail, M & D - do you think that might be a possibility? Maybe a super strong version of Alpha-male at Peace for men who are a bit hornery? So those of us married/attached to them - could have just a teenier bit of an easier time?
  9. Babe - I get it! :-). That 50 vial rack is full with the next order. Considering most of mine are phero boosted and I've only been doing since last year - I am feeling you. :-) But everytime I get a good hit - I am so ok with giving up my other hobbies.
  10. With everyone on this one. One vial of LAM rides around in my handbag for touch ups. :-) It makes everything better.
  11. Well - it smells awesome. :-). Given half the vial was phero concentrates - it's intense but the NSD/HAM both cover it and smell great blended. But I think this is a limited use bottle - for lack of a better description - this little vial is the big guns. At least I think it will be. :-). This one will be trialed carefully. But probably not until end of June - I'm curvy but not yet healed. Rats.
  12. Hey Cheesy - Good going representing MI with the blueberry custom! Who knows - maybe I will do a Traverse Sour Cherry sugared and we can cover all the fab desserts of summer. (g). I love the Gulf Coast but I still miss home. And I really want to know what's in the musk custom. What fun!
  13. So - a full rack of Pheros with more on the way that I have to make space for...what's an addict to do? Make like Dolly and get in the phero kitchen that's what!!! I had low bottles of EoW, UN cougar (old variant), and HAM. What to mix them with? How about some Wooz and some NSD? Short story and NO don't ask for amounts - I blended like I cook - no directions and work at it until it's just right. Which is why I hate making desserts - way to precise for me to enjoy the ride. End result? The most insanely SLF phero blend. Self effects rock! I could just about lick my own arm - I won't but I could. This little bottle of magic can NOT be worn to work. D-e-a-d SEXY!!! Thanks Dolly for giving me the courage to play!
  14. Shelly B


    It is a light happy every day work scent. Can't wait to try this at work with Open Windows, Focus or Tranquility potions. Focus and Tranquility arrive this week - will road test as I can. Seriously - Bubble is so clean and fresh - teamed up with the right phero- it could rock at the office. Hhhhmmmm - maybe Bubble with some Open Windows/dash of the Wooz tomorrow? Maybe so...
  15. Can't dear one - the Tranquility Potion arrives later this week. I do love a Stamps.com notice. :-) I'm looking forward to this with Bubble or Nymph. I think Bubble is one of those totally underrated LP potions. Such a great scent for work. In the meantime, I'll have to settle for Red Wine, Woozy Floozy and doing a mani/pedi to get by. Oh - and a smutty paranormal romance. HHHHmmmm. Ok - maybe a swipe of EoW neat. WTF. It's a holiday.
  16. Welcome back from your weekend Dolly! Will watch for your update on Tranquility potion and car rides. :-)
  17. Mornin' Lor! You didn't say whether or not the LAM helped your responsiveness to the Stone? Any luck - hoping that helped. Crosses fingers...
  18. Well - I can't swear to it - but I do see it in the drop down in the Store still. :-) And the old Cougar was available as a boost after it had sold out in the bottles. Actually - if it is still available - and you don't get your order returned - can you tell us? Umm - on second thought - don't. I just did a huge order of the new Pheros plus a second order of some boosteds - I think I have to wait again until after the AM/Phero X show up. Seriously - my rack is now better than 30 bottles of Phero's or Phero boosted scents. Thinking Mr. Shelly is no longer buying the whole "I had to have have it because ...." rant anymore. He was complaining to the sibs at the last family thing that I've turned "Perfumista" on him. I pointed out I've not gone shoe shopping or jewelry supplies on a major frenzy since I found this place. I know where I'd rather spend my discretionary income and it's here. I'd buy a second rack - but I'll do that later - like in a month - ok maybe two. In the meantime - if I switch the bottles around - and hide my dupes somewhere - who needs to know that I have that many more goodies. Actually - that's one plus to an LP addiction versus a DSW addiction. At least the bottles are small and easier to sneak in the house. I think that's rationalization. I'm sure that's somewhere in the addiction thing. Sorry to mess with your head DJac. :-) You could always stick your virtual fingers in your virtual ears and go "LA LA LA - I can't hear you. " I do it with my kids in person - I see no reason you can't do this virtually. <g>
  19. At least por moi - Sugared Honeycomb is super easy to layer with other scents. Want to sweeten it up or sex it up? Sugared Honeycomb is great. Which makes it a perfect option for a phero boost. Regular scent combined with a phero boosted SH? Mmmmnnn. I've got a couple of boosted pure sugars for the same reason. Both are pretty neutral so can bump and change wide variety of scents. I think it's easiest to boost either the neutrals OR the one's you already know you LOVE on you. Thank goodness for the two sample plan for being active on the forum - I don't get the monthly samplers - so I watch my scent twins - Dolly, Curiouschic, and Coffeemama for their reviews. I think I lean JoAnna and Luna's scent preferences as well. It makes it easier to stalk samples: :-)
  20. One of these on it's way. And one boosted with Cougar. And one boosted with popularity potion. Really - how can you have enough Sugared Honeycomb?! It layers with everything and it's pure sexy magic on it's own. Thanks for the idea JoAnna. :-)
  21. And you can still boost scents with it. I boosted a sugared honeycomb with it today. I am a honey ho. :-). I had a sample of the Wildflower - wasn't a great scent for me - but I was a rock star to grown ups and my daughter's friends all but built me a temple every time I wore it. :-) It's worth boosting with this until the Actor's Magicis ready to go.
  22. Hi Fawn - welcome to the party. :-) No - at least to me - the base does not impact scent. The base makes it diffuse differently and go on with a thicker/thinner viscosity. So - while originally hesitant to buy the pheros in the new option of DPG oil - everything in the last two orders have been in the oil base. I am on the gulf coast and noticed both the LAM and the boosted scents (by definition DPG oil based) were holding better in the heat and humidity. So - I've crossed over. Again - welcome. Hope you have as much fun as we do with these beauties.
  23. So - it's too casual as it's native and a little floppy. Which I don't care about - again - hummingbirds. If you search Turks Cap Hibiscus in the google image search - you'll see what it looks like. Apparently - this is entirely too "unstructured" for my neighborhood. At least in her view and at least for a front yard. Like I said - if she'd kept her mouth shut - I might not have done my front garden beds like Pantone puked in it. But hey - the visually impaired can see my front beds from outer Space now. In retrospect - I bet she'd have been happier with the casual shrub as it was originally designed by the landscaper. Because now - I go to the garden center and think to self - which of these is so vivid that it will POP in my front beds? The louder the better. As a side effect - I now have bunnies, tree frogs, lizards, snakes, really cool dragonflies and a huge selection of birds. I'm less delighted with the field mice and the dang rats that come over the back fence - but it's the gulf coast so they are here and they are staying. Every now and then one of the dogs nabs one. Cracked up when my elderly dog brought a big ol' dead rat to my daughter as a present. Thought the mini-me was going to pass out on the patio. I really do have a demented sense of humor. If I could just figure out a way for the dog to haul the rat down the street to the neighbor who hates my bushes...highly unlikely but I can dream.
  24. First of all - I love you back. And no sexy car wash scene for me as the Lucite shoes really go best with this rocking '70's print mini-dress - which is so fun as to be totally out of place here in the land of golf shirts and khacki. Part of why I love it. Wore it to something at the kid's school the other day - sans lucite shoes as it was at their school for pity's sake. Anywhoo - Mr. Shelly says in the parking lot after - "Did you notice that at least 3 different fathers outright checked you out in that dress - in front of their wives?" I laughed - told him to pay more attention. I counted at least 4. And I don't have eyes in my a**. Thanks for the heads up on the Phero X and AM blends. It frees me up to get my goodie's in - so at least I have the Stone in the Sugared Honeycomb before my meetings. Want to be ridiculously magnetic. Or at least - feel confident that I am - before I get there. <g> I can't wait to try the new LAM's. Not so much a beta-nol fan. B-Nol equals NO secrets. Which for me is very, very bad. Everyone else either finds it outrageous or amusing - depending on which item I didn't mean/want to tell them - but I did. It's not like I have a long off ramp between neuron firing in my brain and my mouth opening under the best of circumstances. Shortening that ramp is never good. TTFN - off to get my order in. :-)
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