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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Oh, I'm ever more hopeful about this one. I like OCCO Black much better after that intense resin/patch start calms down. I sodding love every LP honey I've met so far. Looking forward to reviewing this one.
  2. Any word on when to expect that, cutie.pie? If there has been I've missed it, so please educate me!
  3. Gah, NuTrix, you're killing me over here! Fingers crossed there are bottles left once my samples has arrived because I love Dom and I love honey. I find OCCO Black too intense for like the first three hours but it sounds like this one won't go in that direction. What do you think? Or maybe you have no idea what I'm talking about with the OCCO!
  4. PM is powerful stuff. So glad it has a good home in this one, androstenol!
  5. I've never had much luck with Pop Potion... except with my little cat!
  6. You haven't sounded dismissive or ungrateful! You've let a bunch of people on the internet comment on your life and have been extremely chill and polite about it! I'm so sorry you didn't get on with Sexology III. It's one of my favourites but I can see how it might be too-too for people. If you don't feel comfortable then leave it for now. There are lots of others to try in public! Sounds like you might want to do a bit more experimentation with Levitation by varying the amount used and the audience. At least it didn't make you feel uncomfortable. I agree with the introverts upthread. Maybe the best way to go about this is to try using blends for making yourself feel more comfortable with certain social situations rather than opening yourself up to being a centre of attention. What if it works and then you're left feeling miserable because people won't leave you alone, you know? Take you time -- you don't have to find the perfect one right away!
  7. Are they in oil, Lainey? Try not to worry, as DPG won't freeze until it's 40 below!
  8. Sounds like a great idea! Honeysuckle is easy to love, I think!
  9. Ha, I've been revising my disaster of a thesis this year and time has FLOWN!
  10. ephoebe and I are just talking about what it's like for those of us who have to wait for international shipping. It's like being 2-4 weeks behind all of you! You folks in the US should be able to breathe easy about it, especially now that luna has said as much. Fret not, lovelies!
  11. Congratulations, saffron. Gratz, I think, Beach Goddess. It depends on how you feel about Merlin's wand, I suppose! I'm just off to park my broom!
  12. It is a bit of a wrench when people start posting exciting reviews and talking about snapping up FBs before I've even sniffed my samples! What if I fall in love with one of them but it's sold out before I know I need an FB? Too horrible to contemplate!
  13. UN samples sizes are available now and through December at the LP Etsy store.
  14. What an enjoyable review to read, NuTrix! Can I just say: tonka, tonka, TONKA!
  15. No Thanksgiving for us here in the UK but I will be Face Time wedding dress shopping with my sister and mother. My sister has just got engaged and she'll be back at mom's for Turkey Day!
  16. It took me a while to 'get it' with Topper. It is a subtle shift in terms of selfies but I do find it can help nudge me that little bit. It has also helped somewhat mopey people keep things more positive. I try to be a good friend and let people moan to me but you know how sometimes you're not up to dealing with Moaning Myrtle, well, moaning? That's Topper time!
  17. I like it for when I have made plans but feel tired or not that into keeping them. It's a little bit like a cup of coffee (with a sip of spirits, maybe): energising and a bit disinhibiting. It takes me from thinking "oh, maybe I'll just cancel" to "I'm looking forward to this".
  18. I find PM to be what I think of a low-risk/high-return phero. As in, if it doesn't work for you it isn't like to go wrong so much as just not give any noticeable results. When it does work the results are great!
  19. If you're engaged to him then he must have some great qualities! I've known and loved men who did stuff like this that hurt my feelings because they didn't want to hurt other people's feelings and they didn't realise how unpleasant the situation was for me. It sounds like maybe this is what is happening with your fiance. I knew it was their desire to please people and not some masterful campaign of malice because when I talked to them about it they were dumbstruck and mortified that they had caused me pain inadvertently. And I guess that's what some of us have been concerned about: that your fiance's response has seemed (as related second-hand via the boards) perhaps not as sensitive and supportive toward your comfort as we would hope. We just want to see you treated as wonderfully as you deserve. But the two of you are working it out and you'll get there, I'm sure. I find Gotcha! to be an excellent social and the cops are gentle. I don't know the actual numbers of course but based on the smell, stated intention, and my own experience I feel totally safe wearing this out anywhere. If you want to feel more chatty might you try Topper over it. Not sure if you have that ATM but that's one to try if you do. If she comes to your wedding just ignore her beyond basic courtesy. I'm not sure how big it's going to be but at every wedding I've attended the newlyweds were very busy. I think it would be pretty easy, even at a small wedding, to seat someone away from you and get by with just a friendly greeting and thanks for coming as your only interaction all day. As vladmyra notes, Sexology is great for that bonding and cuddle side of things and of course the Est has its lovely lady magic, but the cops might not be right for you in social situations (YMMV). To get a similar feeling you might go for another Est and b-nol-heavy blend. Heart & Soul's first two ingredients are Est and b-nol, though of course there are other things in there, too. Empathy Potion is B-nol and then Est, though again there are other ingredients to consider that take things in a different direction.
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