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Everything posted by donsie

  1. This smells awesome in the bottle. I can't wait to see what it turns into once it has warmed up to room temperature, settled after shipping, and isn't being sniffed through a blocked nose.
  2. Cold from waiting in the shed all day and no chance to settle from travel shock and even so I sniffed this and told myself "full bottle" out loud.
  3. If anyone ever doubts the "Magickal" in LPMP then let me tell you that my package arrived in the UK today. I received my shipping notice on Friday and obviously there's no post on Sunday. I cannot even begin to fathom how it happened so fast. Everything is so neatly and nicely packaged I almost hate to open them. Note I say almost. Thank you for the sniffies!
  4. Barely time to catch your breath with LP NRs, and that's just for those of us who are customers. I have no idea how the creators manage that pace!
  5. Hmm... might that be me? I am an unashamed Kitten Heels evangelist! I think it was made to pair with LFM. Possibly other things but it sort of strikes me as LFM's intention equivalent in scent form. I hope you'll like it! Oh, and let us know what you think of Nip of Autumn. I keep meaning to nab a trial vial but it gets relegated in favour of other things. Maybe if it's still around I'll pop a trial in my next order after all!
  6. Apple pie, you cheeky sod! LV should be proud!
  7. Goddesinjapan, Phew, that is a heavy load you're carrying. It is great news that you found Mega Watt helpful in giving you a boost. Your review is really comprehensive and helpful. I have limited selfies from pheros and am not always good at noticing the subtle effects so having reviews like the ones on this thread that are specific and focus on the vibe as well as concrete changes are really useful for me. I don't always experience something as drastic as, say, sharper vision but I will check in with myself and notice that feeling of being in the zone. The energy scent is a good idea. I wonder if it's worth looking through the notes/associations on the LP website and suggesting a perfume or requesting a PE based on that with your stated intention of increased energy, maybe with some positivity, focus, and determination added. I say this as a depression/anxiety sufferer, so I know buzzing is not necessarily useful so much as having a direction and a feeling of being capable and positive about how to use that energy. Re: procrastination -- it seems like someone is starting to understand what procrastination can really mean for those of us who do it, at least emotional intelligence folks.
  8. Of course! It is perfect! And that is really interesting about the dill.
  9. That is both gross and funny, QG. And, oddly, is making me want pie.
  10. Oh, I haven't tried it myself -- I just read the notes and thought it sounded a bit like what I put into a batch of pickles! Well, except for the musk and bamboo! I was being a bit naughty chattering away on a review thread in that case, really. I think you're right about how the different LPs can read on skin being influenced by personal chemistry, particularly including around biological sex. When I have tried more masculine LPs my experience has tended to differ notably from what you gents report.
  11. Ack, you're killing me, StacyK! This sounds too good and I'm still waiting for a shipping notice. This is exquisite torture!
  12. Emphasis mine. Sentiments yours and mine. Smart is sexy. Great and thorough review, QG. Glad it made you smell bracing and masculine rather than like a dill pickle.
  13. Well, if you add them up you get a 12-year-old, so basically yes!
  14. Oh Sugared Oakmoss, Baby, I need you in my life. I've been staying away from the Sugared Layerables collection for reasons of avoiding financial ruin but there are several calling to me and this really is one.
  15. SAME! And LP is on vacation from Monday, so I'm starting to wonder if mine will get into the (admittedly horrible Thanksgiving mire of) post before that.
  16. I'll leave the dating debates for more informed and experienced people. I would wither and die in an adult dating world -- how do you even keep track of all those dudes? I'm just popping in to say that I thought SS4W simply did not work on me but I found that different scents with it work while others don't. I am baffled as there is not difference in the pheros between say MRF and Sneaky Clean but one works for me while the other just does not at all. Stacy, I know you've been an LPer for a while so you've probably tried SS4W in more perfumes than I have even seen released, but ephoebe, I know you're newer around here. If you want to try and get SS4W to work for you then you might consider having a go with various phero'd perfume samples that contain it before you give up completely. I hope BANG! does it for you, though! I'm looking forward to trying it for the first time when my order comes and I'm hoping it won't be as scent-dependent as SS4W has been.
  17. LOL, yes, intense laundry scent! I also find the scent not entirely me and it can give me a headache. I can tell that it's very pretty but I just doesn't strike me as quite my thing, if that makes any sense. I'm really looking forward to Living Doll so I can try CB in an entirely different kind of perfume, which sounds like it will fit me even better.
  18. Folks, I'm loving reading about your experiences and PM's notes on development. I'm practically bouncing up and down with excitement to try this one. I'm also suffer from anxiety and don't sleep well, etc. so I'm really pleased that this sounds like it won't mimic any of those feelings.
  19. God, I love sandalwood. I'm so excited about this one!
  20. I already liked this one for the scent but now I adore it because I had my first-ever OW selfies while wearing this with a spritz of Topper. I don't really get selfies and I didn't really get why so many people on here loved OW. Well, I'm not even sure if it even worked on anyone around me or if it was just that they were responding to how much fun and chattiness I was putting out there. In any case it was awesome! Oh, and I can smell the ginger now for sure. It's mostly woody ginger now it has aged. Fab!
  21. Hi, tink. Sorry, I just noticed the point about this making you ditzy. Sounds like the Est.
  22. Hi, dawnseeker. I also scare people off sometimes and have been told I am intimidating. I mentioned it on the boards a week or two ago and several folks suggested trying Lumina. Have a look at the last few pages of the UN Lumina thread to see that conversation. Have you tried Cougar? What about Gotcha!? It is intended for romantic situations but it is not heavily copped and many people have reported good responses when using it in groups of any gender. I have found it useful in this way myself. I don't think I'd use T.M.I. just to get people to be more social in a group as it will probably affect you as well and you'll start blabbing. I'd use it more in a 1-1 or small, close groups of friends type of situation. That's just me, though; YMMV.
  23. Cringing at the typo in my "Previous Fields"

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