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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Tink, that cough syrup thing you're getting on application may well be from the berry + verbena. I've gotten a similar effect from certain fruity LP notes in the past, especially berry where it was paired with a camphorous lavender. The zing of the verbena might have caused a similar wonkiness in your LP Pink. I'm glad it settled quickly and turns into something you love on your skin!
  2. Great news that things are going well with you two and that he is feeling more comfortable with the physical side of things. If you two are already moving closer I don't see PM spooking him. I'd use it whenever you feel ready; I assume that you've got some sense that he's interested in a more LTR/committed relationship if you want to use PM. You can always switch back to Gotcha! if he doesn't seem to respond well to PM. I've never had any negative results from it myself so I'd consider it a pretty safe phero blend. I think it would be different on, say, a first date with someone you didn't know well, based on what other folks on here have reported, but you and your guy are already pretty connected, no?
  3. ETA: Derp! I read your question as *when* not what. Sorry!
  4. BG, oh, you *know* I had poison rings. They were only of my favourite my little somethings to get from local fairs or witchy shops. I used to practice opening them surreptitiously to see if it would have been possible to actually slip something into a drink. What a weird kid!
  5. Wow, that was so fast! I can't wait to receive my package. Thanks for all of your hard work, LP team!
  6. Yes, I am happy to wear this one for the scent alone (that, at least, gets consistently positive attention) and if the pheros have an impact then it's just icing on the delicious cake!
  7. I wasn't sure about this one at first but I gave it another run a few nights ago and I adored it. So did those around me. What a beautiful, smooth and well-rounded fragrance! I am the proud owner of a RBF. I used to credit it with my ability to cut a strait line of travel through the sidewalks of NYC.
  8. I hope you both had a great time and Gotcha! worked it's magic!
  9. The remaining samples are now listed in the Etsy store. They'll be there until they run out, so that gives you some more time.
  10. Today this smells completely different on me: lots of water, ozone, and earth. The puff of vanilla that was apparent on application disappeared almost immediately. I like it even better this time around!
  11. It so happens that I have a big birthday coming up in May and I will be stateside for it, so maybe I will get myself the UN spray to as treat/experiment. Sounds like I'd be likely to find someone who would have it if it didn't work and I put it in the trading post!
  12. I'd love to see a miracle/magical life-ring sort of spell potion. I'm really just excited to see whatever PM cooks up, though!
  13. Thanks, Tink! Good luck to you finding a better job situation.
  14. NuTrix, that's interesting that you use such a whacking great dose. I have had inconsistent hits with Cougar and I'm wondering if I need more of the blend itself like you do (but maybe not quite so much!). I have it in the scented potion and I find that a very strong scent. As a result I never really slather but I might get better phero results if I did. If there is a Cougar pheromas trial left over I might have to try it that way or beg someone to decant a bit or something. I want to crack the Cougar code!
  15. Another reminder to myself: I redeemed at 1300.
  16. Thanks for putting together my invoice so quickly, especially when a lot of people/SMEs are on holiday and not taking or filling orders at all.
  17. I would have waited to see NRs but I hadn't yet got a pheromas order in and I was just about out of time to do so. I lost any resolve to wait and hope the pheros I wanted would be available after today, so I ordered: Samples of: Dom Noire Beautiful Dreamer Ashes to Dust III OCCO Gold Phero Trials: Leather (never yet tried) Cuddle Bunny Gotcha! TMI BI Now to nurse the reserves for spell potions...
  18. What a great result, Tink. I could do with a similar boost when I tackle something pretty intimidating tomorrow, so fingers crossed.
  19. I haven't had luck with them, either. Clearly it's me!
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