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Everything posted by Lainey

  1. Whew! Got my samplers ordered. And some other stuff. I had never heard of sigils before this, and now I really want to try making my own. Very interesting stuff! Thank you for sharing it.
  2. To order both sampler sets, would I just write in "February-Set A" and "February-Set B" in the "new releases" section? Do they each cost the same as normal monthly sets?
  3. Lainey


    Wow, this was an interesting thread to read! I have to say, I didn't get any green that I could discern. Maybe a little in the vial. On my skin, it is sweet (but not too sweet) and powdery. Very pleasant and feminine. I kept getting whiffs of a lovely scent after I put it on, and then realizing that it was me! I like it. Very soothing and comforting. If it ever came up in the trade boards in bottle form, I might buy it.
  4. I'm going to at least need a sampler of both sets of new spell potions.
  5. My wooden rack arrived today! Yay! I love it! Before this they lived in an empty Ferrero Rocher container, but they didn't all fit. Heck, this rack is almost full already. Maybe I need another. And a bigger house to put it all. Thanks for shipping it to me here in Canada, Mara! And of course, thank you for the sniffies. I love them so...
  6. It's almost night time and still nothing? I cannot deal with all this anticipation. Halp...
  7. It's Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When might they be posted!?
  8. Ummm...I love the label? I have a thing for squirrels. Other than that, this one didn't agree with me at all. It smelled very harsh to my nose and I couldn't even handle wearing it for very long before I had to switch to something else. It actually made me feel kind of nauseous. Full disclosure: I have been queasy for the past couple of days, but I wasn't today except for when I had this on. Nope, not for me. Oh well. Onward and upward!
  9. My first impression in the vial was "pretty nice." On my skin, it started out smelling rather strong and a bit like a cleaning product at first, but once it dried down it was a really pretty, soft floral. Very nice, but not really a standout, I don't think. I will have to try it again sometime to be sure.
  10. I got this in a trial size from the trade boards. It just arrived today. I LOOOOOVE it!!! It's so fresh and rosy and pretty. I love the scent of roses, and this does not disappoint. But you know how some rose scents can seem sort of "heavy?" This one seems lighter somehow. I think it's the other notes softening and lightening it up a bit. As I said on the "What's Your Potion of the Day?" thread, I woke up feeling really sick this morning, and I wanted something comforting. This was sooo comforting to me. I love it so much. I wish I could get a full bottle. It lasted all day, too. I might wear it to bed, also; I haven't decided yet. I have a lot of pretty new toys to play with tonight. Seriously, if anyone has a bottle they don't want, I will happily buy it from you. It's one of the nicest rose scents I've come across ever.
  11. I don't know if it's a normal thing for me, or not. The thing I found the strangest--especially after looking at the notes--is the way it went really sweet on me for awhile.
  12. I tried this one yesterday. I also found it pretty traditionally masculine-smelling. At least at first. After a short while, it turned really sweet on me. No idea what caused that. That was nice, too, though--not cloying or anything. It was quite strong, however. Then not too long after that, it just settled down into a musky scent that stayed close to my skin. It remained like that for the rest of the day. Not the best review, sorry. I will have to either try it again sometime, or just give it to my husband. I do like the scent, but I'm not personally big on wearing men's scents. And to my nose, this isn't quite unisex.
  13. I want a bottle of Sugared Bamboo, too! *grabby hands*
  14. Lainey

    Banoffee Coffee

    Wow, this one really surprised me. I ordered it off the trade boards even though I didn't think I would like it--in fact I was sure I wouldn't--but I just have to smell everything. Today was the day according to my "alphabetical order" trials, and I will be honest--I was dreading it a little. I HATE banana scents because usually they all wind up smelling like those "banana foam sweets" that Cinnamonmel mentioned. And those things are disgusting. But this! This was completely different than I expected. In the vial, I got banana-flavoured coffee. I didn't find the banana terribly offensive, so that was a good start. But on my skin, it turned more complex. The bananas softened and warmed as though they were flambéed with butter and brown sugar until everything caramelized. The coffee turned so complex that I don't even know how to describe it. It was good, though. Deep and rich. After awhile, the toffee came out and left me smelling very softly of a Tim Horton's English Toffee Cappuccino. That's pretty much my favourite coffee treat, so I was more than okay with that! The banana pretty much went away, as far as I can tell. That might be what's softening it up, I guess. Anyway, it's really nice. Far more complex than I expected. I'm sort of amazed. I don't really think it's a scent for me, as coffee scents aren't normally my thing, but if I was going to wear a coffee scent, I have to say it would be this one. I am really glad I have the sample now. It has good staying power, too.
  15. Lainey

    Baby Chicks

    What happens if you microwave a marshmallow? Do I need to try this!? Well, I wasn't so sure about this one, because I HATE peeps! I'm not a big fan of marshmallow candies. As someone else said, I only like them toasted on a stick. I was afraid this would be cloyingly sweet, but it's not. It's just a soft, delicate scent. I can barely smell it, and at first I thought my skin ate it immediately so I reapplied it right away, but now I think it's just so soft and delicate that it sort of smells like bare, sweet skin. It's a pretty scent; very feminine. In the vial, I thought it smelled cops-y, but I don't get that at all on my skin. Once again, it's just the merest whisper of a scent. It would be good to wear if you don't want it to seem like you're wearing perfume, but you still want a bit of scent for yourself, if nothing else. One more thing--it turned just a teensy bit smokey at the end of the day for some reason. Speaking of which, it did last a long time.
  16. Cool, thanks for the explanation! I'm very interested to see what they will be. They should be revealed soon-ish, no?
  17. Lainey


    Wow, I really didn't get anything mentioned here in the reviews, upon trying this one today. In the vial, I found it to be pleasant and sweet. On my skin, it goes even sweeter. For a little while it reminds me of the Drakkar Noir that my dad used to wear, but a slightly more feminine version. Then it goes powdery. I do agree with the above review that it is the scent of a rich old lady's perfume. Honestly, it smells very commercial to me. I like it, but it's definitely not one that I would wear unless...well, unless I was testing it out like today. Plus it made me stuffy. I cab't breave...
  18. Lainey

    Always A Lady

    Happily, one that worked out today after the last two days of either my husband or me not liking the scent. Himself has stated this one is "not bad;" however, I quite like it. My first impression of it was, "I like it; elegant. Perfumey. Can really smell the roses." On my skin it stays much the same. I cannot smell any fruit. These are baby pink roses to my nose. Not too heady. Just a nice, pretty, rose scent. Soft and velvety rose petals. I want to scent my bathwater with it or something. I don't know if I'd go for a full bottle, just because there are SO MANY other scents I adore...I like roses, but do I love them enough to commit? I dunno. Not right now.
  19. LOL! I missed all the previous spell potions, but I would like something like defensive magic and I don't know much about the hex breaker, but one of the descriptions I was reading said that people can send negative things your way, even without realizing it? I would like to know more about that.
  20. Oh, this didn't work for me at all. It sounds so pretty, too. In the vial, I like it well enough, but on my skin upon drydown, I get...diaper rash cream. I had to add OCCO: White to it to make it stop smelling like that (which did help). I think this is the first time I couldn't even make it through the day with a scent without doctoring it up somehow. Now, having read some of the earlier reviews, I'm wondering why? I'm not sure what else has Gardenia in it, so I don't know, but I'm curious if I'm one of those who can't wear Gardenia. I don't know what note could be giving me that ointment-y, diaper rash cream smell. It's interesting that this one seems to be a "you love it or you hate it" scent.
  21. Well. Okay, *I* don't mind this one. I actually kind of like it even though I don't normally go for coconut scents too much. As I mentioned in the "What's Your Potion of the Day?" thread, I feel like I smell like a Snowball (the pink coconut confection). However, my husband just got home, and I asked him to smell my wrist, innocently thinking he'd like it because he likes Snowballs. NOPE!!! OMG, he really, really hates it. He said it's too sweet and smells burnt and is just gross. He said it reminds him of the overpowering smell when you walk into a drugstore and someone's been spraying a bunch of different scents. It makes him sick and gives him a headache. Sooo...yeah. Was NOT expecting that. I should try it again sometime in the future and see if he still has the same reaction.
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