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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Idk, PM gets a lot of use as a social blend. I think it would probably go with anything that you want to put it into.
  2. OCCO Red turns to coffee on my skin for some reason, not that I don't love it, but it goes in a completely (yet still complementary to) direction than LP Red. Since LP Red boosted with cops & OCCO Red are the same price, I went for it. My OCCO Red smells heavenly with scents like Spontaneous Combustion, etc... ETA: Thought I'd post the different notes lists for comparison purposes.
  3. Beccah


    Hanagumori Recalling the elegant subtlety of a classic floriental perfume, our lovely creation frames beauteous African Violet with prized Pink Lotus absolute and other slightly spicy Japanese florals with a touch of vanilla musk on a plush satiny pillow of amber. With an evocation of powdered silk, this scent is wonderfully long-lasting and sensual yet demure. It whispers its allure as delicately as the breath of a breeze through a garden in full bloom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: AFRICAN VIOLET ~ Love, faithfulness, modesty; calming, balancing, healing, protection, draws luck & fortune, lust. PINK LOTUS ABSOLUTE ~ No man can refuse the woman who wears this; lovers reunited, protection. Symbolizes intellect, mental energies and illumination. Inspiration, clarity, purification. WHITE AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. VANILLA (dry, powdery, not sweet) ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. MUSK ~Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This scent is a win for me. Wet something comes off as a little tangy, which I love. On dry-down the white amber & musk are coming through & making this beautiful. It smells elegant the way that orchid does, but it is definitely not orchid. I love this one. ETA: My 5 yr.old approves, he said I smelled good..like hugs n kisses
  4. LP Red with...anything LP Original with Open WIndows Fairest with Heart & Soul Areon Sky with B2 LP SE 2011 with cops... LP Silver with Treasured Hearts
  5. For some reason I think of this song whenever I read the title of this LP :
  6. Ooh, I know! C.F.M. rebrew with this in it, haha. I want to try this but my wallet is empty, say la vie.
  7. Oh goodness, I would say! That poor barista, he probably thought you were famous! Maybe Mara will rebrew this one for us someday, I think it would be awesome sans phero, so you could boost it with what you want.
  8. I've had good results with the phero in this. The most common effect I've noticed it having on people is that they feel like they know me & give me VIP treatment, but I attribute half of that to the aromatherapeutic effects of scent as well. Idk, pheromones just seem to work better when paired with Mara's expertise. She's really quite talented.
  9. All I'm getting from this one is delicious sugared pineapple, win!
  10. Woo-hoo, as soon as I has monies, I will be mixing a mad scientist blend
  11. If I layered Cougar over Karmiel's Silken Moonlight, would I get a passing facsimile?
  12. Wow, this one is luxe. Definitely how grown ups wear vanilla I like it, but I think SO will go for it in a big way.
  13. I got it today!!! Did you guys perfect the instant transmitter beam & you're just not telling us??? Seriously. Thanks for the card & adorable bracelets
  14. So I had to do it! I turned one of my precious 3 samples into a spray, it fit nicely into a 5 ml bottle. I was thinking of layering (in order) my amber-rose MassageX cops/regular C.F.M./walk through of the spray. When I do run out; I wonder which available LP is most like C.F.M.???
  15. I don't spray spray blends with cops in them. I unscrew the lid & dab it on with the straw to keep it out of the air
  16. Do the separate spray. I know I love having un sprays to wear with fragrances I don't get to much & if you don't have funds to boost & get a separate spray, it's the most bang for your buck I am intrigued by this one as well. I can't really justify buying a bottle, especially since I'm not socially active currently, but I will be looking forward to the reviews.
  17. Well.....no, because foreknowledge doesn't cancel out biological responses to stimuli. It's more, umm for lack of better phrasing, like self stimulation, we all know that's coming but it doesn't lessen our physiological responses to it If you respond to pheromones, you're going to respond to them whether you know you're being exposed to them, or not.
  18. Wah!!! Y u got 2 b in CA??? I needs mah eyebrows n my bikini line did Invi, that label is ADORABLE! Woo-hoo to the Mardi (Party) Gras blend, if the gods are kind, I will has it before our pub crawl, eh well...I'll get a sampler so they're kind either way
  19. I just ordered my bottle of Red amped with cops I have a bottle of Spring 2011 amped with cops & they're undetectable by my 13 yr.old's nose in that base, so I'm sure Red is an excellent cover.
  20. Beccah


    I bet you'll be a mega-glamour girl! I do have un-Cougar that I could test with Orchidacious, hmm...I guess I better get to testing
  21. Beccah


    Oh I LOVE this one! Lmk how it does with the cougar added in?!
  22. @Xev Good luck Well speaking of Red....I got a free month at the gym, so I ordered a bottle of LP Red boosted with cops
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