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Everything posted by Darbla

  1. Luna, in another thread you mentioned that BI has a "psychological component". What was meant by that?
  2. You are an absolute peach! My email is in my profile, if you don't mind dropping me a note so I can reply back with my address. Also let me know some of your faves or wants and I'll see if I can reciprocate.
  3. Is it possible to tell us the exact date the new releases will be up?
  4. Yes, I noticed that combination was going to approximate Bang! too.
  5. Really! I love CB so now I'm wondering if I won't be able to stand Sneaky Clean. LOL
  6. I mean I want him to go all DIHL, not me. It has been mentioned numerous times all across dozens of threads, but I was hoping you all didn't mind if I asked to consolidate the different DIHL results in one thread for easy reference. I know different pheros have elicited that for different ones of you, so can you expound a bit on your favorites here? Which ones worked for you and which ones didn't have that effect?
  7. "Known in some circles as "pertrichor" (wink!) the gorgeously refreshing scent of the air after a rain; crafted of damp earth, fall leaves, delicate florals and lush greenery. " No reviews yet? (pokes lip out)
  8. I read this whole thread just looking for how much this is similar to Cuddly Bunny, since CB is also a clean cotton/linen type of scent. I already have Super Sexy unscented, so I suppose I don't really need this if I'm OK with the effects of layering CB over my unscented SS.
  9. I NEED THIS. Definitely got to get some EOW and DHEAS. Already have Audacious.
  10. The wait is killing me. I recently got interested in using pheros more and I'm hankering to order 'Cuddle Bunny' and DHEAS or 'Topper'. But I'm restraining myself to see if there's others I want when the new releases hit to keep Mara from filling multiple orders for me. Aaaaaargh.
  11. And I just read in another thread that copulins were originally developed to raise men's testosterone levels in the gym, to try to get steroid-like effects with working out (though it failed in that regard). Though it failed in that regard, apparently other people have had the same idea. Thanks for your input, Dolly.
  12. Darbla

    Sugared Honeycomb

    How close do you guys think this is to "Mellonia's Secret"?
  13. Which pheros put a little pep in your step for getting a more intense workout? I mean in the gym, not bed. Are there any that give you a little energy boost that could augment a good exercise session? I'm thinking probably the sexier ones might, because anything that raises some good hormone levels generally make you feel more revved up. Also maybe the 'Dominance' phero if it makes you feel more aggressive? I'm not worried about affecting men. I walk/run outside with another woman sometimes, but most of the time I'm on my own. This is purely for self-effects.
  14. Darbla

    Mellonia's Secret

    I'm in a honey mood lately so I pulled out this. I love it. I don't know about honey smelling all sexy -- maybe it does and I'm just clueless -- but this is warm and light bright gold. Honey in the sunshine. After dry down it's sort of what you'd think Honey Nut Cheerios would smell like. And it had morphed to smelling like Kirkland's every time I walk in there. It's like how all their scent sachets blend together. I guess that's not too good if you don't want to smell like potpourri and cereal, but it's not bad and I'll happily play with this until it's gone. ETA: I think it's the florals in it that give a potpourri slant. And the sweetness is what I'm interpreting as sugary cereal. Still yummy, I just don't think this is one of the down-and-dirty honeys. ETA2: Apparently the potpourri-ishness was just a phase on my skin. It has settled into just sweet, light honey with a bit of floral.
  15. I'm pulling out older stuff and using it up, and I have a vial of this. But I'm wondering about adding a honey scent (no other pheros) over it. Do any of you with experience with this think that would work? I'm going to an Asatru gathering next weekend and I'm going for a honey mead type of aura. ETA: Dang, just read the current incarnation of "Phero Girl" and that's what I need. It seems to be mostly honey, and I could use a smidge of copulins for the feel-good perkiness I've read some of you get from it. Or "OCCO Gold Shield". ETA2: Duh, I have "Mellonia's Secret" too.
  16. Y'all were talking about NIN but this is the song I think of for "Closer" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVGw7FbohY4
  17. I didn't say anything about wearing this to work. It's for a date.
  18. I couldn't find this on their site, so does anybody know if this still exists? I pulled out my bottle and am in love with it all over again. Jasmine done right is one of the few florals I can tolerate, but when it's good it is divine.
  19. Don't have any OCCOs either! I am seriously deficient in copulins. But I think the original Phero Girl or Super for Women (I've got to go look up if that's the same) has them and I just found my sample of it. (note edited in later: after much reading, Super for Women does NOT have copulins, and I don't have Phero Girl) I just never got into the copulins craze because I didn't have a situation I wanted to use it. But I do also have 'Blatant Invitation' if that would work with 'La Femme Mystere'. ETA: have 'Cuddle Bunny' too. I think it's the scented version.
  20. Eh, I don't have any straight EOW copulins. I'm not really sure it's one I'd use up before it lost effectiveness so I never bought any.
  21. Would a swipe of Super Sexy for Women work with this to get it leaning little more to "sexy" than just "popularity"? Or would the phero mix contradict?
  22. Maple syrup on the pancakes you're eating around a campfire!
  23. Oh wow, I thought the goodie bag was with the extra special older Halloween sample pack, not the brand new releases! I was happily surprised when I got my new releases yesterday. Thanks, Mara!!! The only thing is, I'm still unsure what the "Witch's Potion" is for.......
  24. Darbla

    Native Soil 2010

    OK, you olfactory experts. As mentioned above, I also get the flowers and soap from the bottle of 'Native Soil' I have that some others are experiencing, and I don't like it at all. I had hoped for the cinnamon + sandalwood of the first version. So what would you suggest to try to turn this into something other than soapy flowers? I did consider adding some 'Haunted Hallows' to it because I do like the florals in it, but I'm really undecided so I'd appreciate ideas. I REALLY want it to be cinnamon + sandalwood, but I'm afraid this is too soapy flowery for that to work out.
  25. Lady Luck, Spirit Bottle, Sorceress.... you all covered my favorites. Except I've been around here longer than dirt and still remember 'Bonnie' and would want that too!
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