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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. ...and then the Christmas releases will be revealed!!!! LOLOLOL!!!
  2. Oh that's wonderful! Thanks for sharing your exciting news with us! Can't wait to hear what you wear for your wedding!
  3. I'm so excited about a new CB...never enough of that one...I also really need something with Bang so hoping that works out...and looks like I will get to try Dom for the first time!
  4. WHOA!!! Tyvey I think you nailed very single one of them. Unless Couquette is Cougar.
  5. I agree totally that LFM and Cougar seem pretty counterproductive. I like the description "strong and capable" for LFM...
  7. I used to use Velvet Kisses specifically for sleep because it is such a comforting scent to me and I also believed at the time the CB phero was relaxing. I then scored a bottle of virgin Velvet Kisses and started wearing that to bed so as to not waste my phero one. I am still not sure if it was that scent or the phero that was so relaxing and destressing to me. But I do feel mellowed out when I wear any of my CB boosted LP's so there might be something to it.
  8. I know!! It's got to be right around the corner!!!
  9. Feed the Flowers Red Fyre Punky LP Rouge Aja....always Aja!!
  10. Hi Alexandria! I concur with Eggers...what did you get?!
  11. To me Lace has always seemed like the perfect first date phero. But that's just me...gotcha is def one of my faves too. It's hard to say without knowing the guy or what you will be doing. Well let us know what you choose and how it works out!
  12. Wow Jon's Thorn sounds awesome. I'm just way too scared about it being too masculine. Those notes though!! So intriguing to me.
  13. Hello and welcome! Like Cutie said...perfect timing! Get them all next month and let the games begin! Cuddle Bunny was my first DIHL phero experience....you never forget your first! Est + cops is a sexy win for me ...But I have many many favorites now. Wasn't the Oct sampler awesome! I loved Red Fyre too....well glad you jumped in!
  14. I can only successfully flip my hair if I have curled it Farrah Style. I have been wearing it stick straight lately and it simply cannnot be flipped with any panache to speak of. Someone needs to make a list of all pheros containing the Epi Phero that Halo refers to. Then we can try flipping under all style circumstances. I think Heart and Soul has it....
  15. I think I would do LFM too. Uh oh! I just read you don't like the scent...I agree with Heart and Soul as the backup if you don't want to wear that one.
  16. Yes! There is an "energy phero" in the works...if I could link the thread I would....it's pretty recent though. There I talk of getting a sample with the Pheroma sampler!!!!
  17. I didn't think it could get better than FP '11 which I still have half a bottle left of. But this one is totally different IMO an my fave so far. Grapefruit marshmallow dream. In the FP '14 review thread Luna does a perfect comparison of all the different editions! Believe me I didn't think I needed this one but I do!!!
  18. I know this is SO ridiculous to be stalking Pheromas already....and I am never usually an early stalker...but I SO want a bottle of Flying Potion'14 and don't want to order until the sampler comes out...all I can so it teu to hold out...but my sample is dwindling fast. I'm wearing loads of it.
  19. Also...I didn't realize we were getting the shiny labels again!! What a surprise when I got my big bottles!
  20. Hi Lainey! Like everyone said start out with a sampler. You will know what to choose like that. You'll roll around on your bed with all the samples for about a week...choosing and unchoosing and then one day you wake up and you'll know which ones you can't live without! Then you hope they are not sold out by then! Ha! No seriously you have to take LPMP on like an excitingf new hobby wih the reading and sampling until you get a feel for what scents/pheros fit you.
  21. Me too! That's why I have no advice on the rollerball. I can understand the issue though because all my perfumes are oils and the consistency is different from roller to roller. Sprays are just more convenient to me. But the pheromas come out in droppers next month right? Can you just refill the dropper bottles? Or not? I've never gotten them I don't know if they are refillable.
  22. I agree that Un LFM has a very mild scent. It's interesting that some get anxiety feelings when wearing this. It's the opposite for me. It calms me and makes me feel cool and confident. I wear it when I think I am going to be in a situation where I might feel anxiety and have to play it off. I have the idea that it projects a very confident Queen Bee type of image so that may be why it makes me feel that way. BUT I don't have the problem with EST that some have either. I need another bottle of this, mine is super low. I have 60/40 and I may get 90/10 this time. All my pheros are low at the same time...my Gotcha, LFM and Topper are all about equally empty. Very scary. Especially since I only get UNs in spray. I have to come up with some hefty cashola to replace them all at once.
  23. I definitely think adding the Aja was a scent thing since as you said, they are supposed to have the same effect. Aja seems to come off different for everyone. I love it on its own...it smells like like honeyed peaches to me in a way. It's gorgeous layered with just about anything or alone. I also love it in Torrid Sorcery which also has BI in it so she did the cops/Aja thing there too kinda. You should def get a sample of straight Aja!! I think you will love it! Now Horny doesn't really do it for me unfortunately. It is super sweet sour perfumey. Damn it! I wanted to love it. I think the closest I can come to a SLF scent is Coco Honey.
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