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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. It's just absolutely yummers is what it is! You could mix it with a bit of pink...I keep threatening to layer it with LAM Pink Amber and then forgetting.
  2. Crazy because I get bright! What is Orris? By the way Cheez...Mara said your email bounced back so I didn't get it!
  3. We need a thread with all the stories so that we can read them all together! And so we can keep following through all the years that you will be writing them!!
  4. I seem to remember civet in it because it was so shocking to me that it was in there. I don't think any oakmoss.
  5. The thing about Occo Plurple is...I normally don't like "dirty" scents and I normally don't like violet scents but I do love it! It is totally different from anything I have in my collection. Now I wish I would have worn it today. On me it seems bright and cheerful!
  6. Oh yes, I thought Gotcha would be perfectly paired with this!!
  7. Oh yeah...you have got to get a sample then.I think it is more your style if you want to avoid the incensey thing...I am saving my last swipe until I can get a fresh bottle. I love it.
  8. Have you tried Occo Red? That one is sweeter to me than LP Red. Just sweet cinnamon vanilla frosting...that one might work better on you than the other Red. I like them both but I go through phases of liking one more than the other.
  9. From what I remember of Baby Chicks, no not at all. That one was very sugary pink right? It did not work on me. I gave my sample away so I can't give you a comparison but no this is still marshmallow musk vetiver...it's not pink sweet. To me anyway.
  10. LOL! I don't blame you... I would want more of that too! Super Sexy will be my next Un phero, I only have it in Sneaky Clean and I hardly ever wear that. I did wear it out to breakfast yesterday and got a super sneaky flirty look from the guy at the next table. I want it in spray though.
  11. I read it as "lickable vanilla" I thought it was a typo!!! eta: I think that even though I did like BBM in the end I decided I actually preferred Occo White and decided to stick with the tried and true. I have never tried AVV and am wondering now if I should or just stick with White. Guess I should go read reviews...I suppose they have been compared in the AVV thread.
  12. Yeah I have been playing in pheros for three years and I have never been able to smell the cops in anything scented. The only reason I even know what they smell like is when I got some of the unscented trials and sprayed Audacious I think...or Bang. Anyway...that was the first time I figured out what people were talking about with the stink! Oh and to notice hits with your new pheros you have got to use them several times in many different circumstances with many different people. That is how you learn what to look for and also some pheros just don't hit some people (also depending on mood, etc)...keep up the experimenting with different scenarios and all of a sudden something will happen and you'll be all "OOOOOOH!!!! NOW I GET IT!!!!!" And THAT is a day you'll never forget! It takes a lot of playing around...I know that sounds like a pain in the ass because you want to spray it on and be INSTANT GODDESS but you'll find out in the long run how much more fun it is to learn gradually...it's like a hobby...you don't really want the learning to end because...it's an adventure! Get out and play some more with your new toys!!! You'll see!!
  13. I probably wouldn't know it was apricot unless I knew it was in there...I just pick up the juicy note. i have never picked up any apricot in Occo Red either, that one is like cinnamon marshmallow frosting or something to me. Oh and for sure YES this one will change with age...for the better!!! I bet we will pick up the spices later on down the road...CAN'T WAIT! We must get full bottles to see though!!!!
  14. So yes it wears light but it does last FOREVAH. When I woke up in the morning after wearing it to bed it was still going strong. Also, it is changing already in the bottle. Getting more marshmallowy and less vetivery...total opposite from when I first tried it. I need a bottle, I have a feeling it is only going to get better and better.
  15. I did think XXX was strong at first but I have no idea why now. It is also sheer on me...so good though! I always think florals are too strong at first but this one doesn't even smell very florally to me anymore, the more I wear it the more I get the "candied" rose and apricot. I never sense the honey or the spices but who knows...that may come out later for me since these perfumes are always changing. Elegant is a good word for this one!
  16. I was thinking the same thing that this scent screams to be sprayed!! However....I'm not sure about the Sexpionage phero in spray...are you going for spray Lady V?
  17. It's a close race this month that's for sure. I swore my undying favoritism to Coco Honey but now after wearing Agent XXX for a few days and then Marsha Mello I'm just not sure which of these ladies of intrigue will steal my heart...and my credit card.
  18. So I tried this again tonight...after almost one year. It isn't as horrid as I thought it was last year. In fact I got a totally different impression in that I got the strong grape that everyone else was talking about. Really really bright fruity grape with a hint of the dark chocolate. I kind of liked it! So I put on more. Now the grape is totally gone and I actually still have the chocolate and amber. This will work out well for a sleep scent! eta: what is left of this in the morning and on my shirt is AMAZING!!
  19. No it's pretty light to me too. Especially when you compare this with Steamy D side by side.
  20. Ok so Halos combination of Marsha Mellow and Flying Potion is absolutely dreamy of course. They balance each other perfectly and I completely forgot how much I love FP. It got lost in the shuffle somewhere. Would also like to try MM and LAM Pink Amber next time.
  21. You're not dense! The comments were making it sound like the perfume was back. Maybe it will as a surprise one of these but right now I just see the UN available. I never did try it! I didn't care too much about it until I saw the stampede for the come back! LOL.
  22. I have gotten the baby powder comment with some honeys too. Why does honey come off as baby powder? I think it was Glistening Buttons that Michael said smelled like that.
  23. Hi Rachel! Sounds like you are doing your LPMP research and are ready to jump in. What did you get in your first order? What type of scent is a Rachel scent?
  24. Hi Amzmom! Welcome to the forum...the waiting for your orders is one of the toughest parts of this adiction. But the anticipation almost makes it even more fun. Keep us posted on what transpires on your journey to sexify the situation!!!
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