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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I hope so!! I want a sea scent sans the whole coconut thing. I LURV coconut but I have enough of those. Very curious...I love Seven Tears too.
  2. I don't think I even have a sample of Tangy Tart which is very weird...I remember the label...hmmm
  3. I don't remember Glass Slipper well enough but Feelin Groovy was some sort of raspberry lemonade too I think?
  4. Welcome to the forum! @Bklyn...I got nauseous my first order too...I practically poured the whole sample of CB up my nose. i remember having to lie down.
  5. I haven't smelled G&L since I first got to LP and I wasn't crazy for it but my tastes have changed DRAMATICALLY since then!! I will get a sample of Tease in my next order. Love Lace...love apple... Joc I too am looking forward to unraveling the mystery that is LADY VICTORIA'S BLACK PANTHER.....
  6. Oh good BB! You being my 'sometimes scent twin" I should like it too. I am also considering Tease because I think you said it worked for you...
  7. I have one coming too! Mostly because of all the raving you have done about it DDolls! I have no idea what to expect it to smell like. I can't pay for it until NR's release though so it will be awhile before I will get it.
  8. Yeah ever since this question I have been wanting to try this. I never use my BI anymore so...Topper might make it more user friendly for me. I could just try Topper over Torrid Sorcery first before puling out the big guns with my Un BI.
  9. Very nice LalaD! Hope the phero works for you, I don't know what BP smells like but it sounds like a good fit for LFN. I got my invoice too but I am waiting for new releases before I pay...also I will get some random samples from last month.
  10. I wear it alone or over cops or over Cuddle Bunny. Beccah loves it with Cougar. I think she even had a Cougar spray made boosted with Topper! Last summer I wore it with Girly Twirly a lot...that's a lot of Alpha Nol!! But I am a ditzy broad anyway...! eta: oh to answer the original question. It would lighten up the spirit of BI I suppose. Make it more fun loving...I am sure it would be fine but would take away from the raw sexuality that is BI. Depends on what you are going for. But do try it and report back of course!
  11. Good time to revive as I have all new faves now with the hot weather... DOLLYS HOT & STICKY...of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linas Tropical Cupcake Kiss of Magic Honeyed LP LP Red Honorable mention...and I feel Fine and LAM Pink Amber
  12. I am looking forward to your feed back on Gotcha when you get it! I have it in 90/10 and I have Honeyed LP in oil and spray. It is gorgeous.
  13. Oh then you will for sure be happy with Gotcha and Lace! I do not have SS4W yet because i think I want Bang instead...hard to decide though because so many of my perfumes already have cops in them. Holding out on that one...
  14. I wear pheros to portray who I want to be. Which is fun, flirty friendly and femme. So I wear mostly Lace, CB, Gotcha and Topper. I don't take men seriously enough anymore to try to push an "I am woman hear me roar" agenda. They are so self absorbed they couldn't hear a woman "roar" with a megaphone stuck in their ear as far as I am concerned. Now women are a different story. I take them far more seriously so I save the Leather for them. I have more problems with women getting pushy and overbearing with me and I find Leather helps in that area for me. So I don't wear it as a sexy thing but as a friendly "back down bitch" reminder. Everyone has different agendas for wearing pheros so experimentation is the only way to figure this mystery out.
  15. Well I got the essence of cat piss when i just got home from being gone a week because Michael didn't do such a great job on the cat box and it sure as hell didn't smell like Honey Bunny I'll tell you that.
  16. Hi Chitown...welcome and yes, what Xev said!
  17. Both Michael and my mother were disgusted by the smell of Honey Bunny unfortunately. I can't seem to smell what they smell! I really love it for a summer scent so I just wear it at home.
  18. Oh hell yes! I always wear Red as a social "going out" scent and wear it with Flying Potion (alpha nol) or Lace...I've probably worn it with every phero really. I think Calii used to have one boosted with Cougar. It is really perfect with anything. I wear it out with LAM Pink Amber too.
  19. Wow. So much passion for this scent. I will take the gamble and take one too please! Thank you!!
  20. This is my favorite summer scent of all times. I wore it the entire time in Hawaii. I wore it with Sunfire, Occo Ambrosia but mostly by itself. The one I brought on vaca is in a spray boosted with Topper. Dollys Hot and Sticky with Topper is my Popularity Potion AND my Cougar Potion. It works for me like those work for others. It is the perfect kind of honey too. Hours after it has mellowed out I still get that fruity honey and I just love it!!!!!
  21. This is a perfect description of my experiences with Gotcha too. I get similar reactions from men as with Cuddle Bunny but I get self effects from this that I don't get from CB. It is also good for bonding with females. I wear it to work and this is the one I feel is the best for bonding with clients. I used to think Heart and Soul was but that one makes the clients a little too chatty in my opinion now. Gotcha is perfection for making people feel comfortable around you. I am not a very "huggy" person but I have to deal with it because this makes so many clients hug me after the facial and look at me as if I have just performed life saving surgery.
  22. My Girly Twirly spray met a similar demise as your Occo Ambrosia. It was horrible. I was able to save some though.
  23. I wear them both a lot but I like Occo Blue a little better. It is more oakmossy where CB is more floral. Blue is sexier to me and comforting at the same time. I wouldn't say you could do with one or the other I think both are necessary.
  24. Oh Hearts!! I am so sad for you...I know what it is like to lose a precious gem like this. Especially since it is not easily gotten. I cannot be parted with mine unfortunately as it is a fave of mine also.
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