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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh yes!! I love it in Blushing E!! Thank you Halo for bringing that one up!
  2. I can't find the review for the original! Anyone track it down? Sounds good except cocoa butter can go either way on me...doesn't that one go chocolatey sometimes?!
  3. Yay! I can post from my phone now... Yes it is the woodsmoke that is giving me pause...I don't know why, isn't that what is in Phantoms Breath? Not sure how that would be though...hmmm...I like apple and have to make sure the musk isn't the piercing kind... Just rambling...
  4. Welcome Signalfire! I am late to the greeting party...I see you have got great advice and have put in your first order..I agree with what DD said above...wear what you love and you will attract love...keep us updated on your story!
  5. OOOOH! Everyone is ordering such fabulous things. I am most interested in LP Gold, Baby Chicks and Tease...but I am truly trying to wait until some of you get your stuff and post reviews because yes I am determined to be good this month. In other words...please get to work on those reviews post haste!
  6. Hi Lisbet! Yes, like Molls said...good job on researching the forum so completely! That's what I did when I first got here and I learned a lot. That is the best way to get started other than just getting all those samples and starting all the experimenting! I am glad you got so many to start with...you are going to be able to start weeding out ones that don't work for you and find ones you can't live without right away. I am sorry about your situation and am wishing the best for your relationship. The perfumes and pheros will spark your life up in ways you are not even expecting yet...let us know how they go for you!
  7. I like to wear Leather around condescending women. I know it doesn't work for everyone in this sitch but Leather really makes women nicer to me. And I am not really a Leather gal generally.
  8. Welcome Lola!!! You will figure it all out and let us know what works for ya!
  9. Hi Shelley! You have got a lot of fun coming your way with all those pheros!! I love Topper...it is one of my faves..I wear it on its own most of the time though. It never fails me as an all around upbeat phero. Cuddle Bunny and Honeyed Love Potion in your order too? My oh my...I wouldn't live without either of those in my arsenal!!
  10. Welcome!! Yes, for pheros I agree with Blatant Invitation and Sexpionage...Occos of course...Sexology...there are just so many for you, you need to put in a huge order. To complicate things you are a Libra (as so many of us are here) so you will just have to order everything...where to begin? You sound so multifaceted I cannot begin to direct you! Good luck and tell us what you get!!!!!!!!!
  11. Oh crap. My resolve is waning. I always need more Lace. And Peeps.
  12. Welcome BklynG! I get all my regular unphero perfumes in oil and I have different pheros in just about every form! Boosted in perfumes in oils, spray in 60/40, 90/10, 80/20... I def like sexy stinky pheros scented in oil and unstinky socials in spray unscented to spritz over everything...you will experiment with everything and find out what works best for you I am sure...have fun and keep us posted on your phero fun!
  13. You guys!! Grrr...I'm trying to save some money for Hawaii dammit. If I keep this up the closest I'll get to the big Island is Aloha Pumahana and Dollys Hot and Sticky!!!
  14. An evil LPer texted me the picture on the label today while I was in the dark and my heart is still pounding.
  15. What the hell is on this label?! A lavender stalk being hacked to bloody death? Honey being poured into its wounds? I can't imagine what could be so horrifying!
  16. I second Spinnerett...that is sweet sweet pink candy goo for sure!
  17. Welcome back Chrissy!! I am not stalking!!!!! I refuse to look at the new selections...have got to curb LP addiction for a month...
  18. I will be a pineapple ho this summer. I got it with cops in oil and a spray with Topper. I think Pineapple will go well over all the summer scents I have which are mostly fruity and coconutty. I can't wait to wear it over Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb (that I have boosted with CB) and Linas Tropical Cupcake! And I bet it's good with Aloha P too... An all around summer spritzer!
  19. Yes welcome!! Good advice everyone has covered. Keep us updated on the situation. If you decide to forgo pheros until later you can still entice your husband with so many sexy scents by studying the magickal ingredients for the intents you want. Good luck!
  20. Tell me about it! I was in a panic last night trying to get one spiked with Topper for summer. I think it did disappear for awhile and then reappeared in the PE section. Whew! We've really got to be on our toes now with this Artfire business!!
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