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Everything posted by luna65

  1. luna65

    Dracula's Bakery

    Okay so, when I smell this on me all I can smell is the spice...in the vial it's definitely yummy sweet pumpkin cupcakes but when I put it on it's like I joined the Spice Girls and my new nom de popstar is All Spice, lol. So I began to suspect that maybe when I got dabbed originally I was wearing something else sweet and maybe that's what Quince was smelling, uh, after I was ravaged. *ahem* Maybe with aging the cupcake part will emerge, because I like my new nickname, heh.
  2. Well why else would you wear pheromones except for some kind of intent, whether a self-effect or attempting to affect a person/situation. What made them more attractive for me, personally, was knowing they were already in a great fragrance...because my initial experiences with pheromones didn't give me a lot of confidence (being very sensitive to the way they smell by themselves).
  3. Anywhere body heat will make it diffuse. If you're a hand-talker, the backs of your hands is a good place. I tend to recommend the back of the neck, jugular notch, pulse points on the side of your neck, cleavage to navel (Mara's suggestion). I also put some phero-based scent in the part of my hair as well.
  4. A post wherein I expound on the differences between Sorcerer and SUPER for Men. I'll talk a little bit about Woodland Man (which contains Turn Up The Heat)...it's funny, I always test male pheros on myself and TUTH didn't have an effect on me, which I considered to be wholly bizarre. However, using it with my partner (I was wearing Sexology, he was wearing Woodland Man) led to an incredibly intense experience and the conclusion I came to was that TUTH works on me as amplifier of arousal rather than the agent of it. Other female users have said it's incredibly arousing when swiped under the nose. But Wanted Man (which is in Sorcerer) is quite effective because I enjoy the aura it creates for my partner. Teddy Man, which also contains a male pheromone blend, is great as well, although not necessarily sexual (just depends on your frame of mind, I think).
  5. Oh absolutely...because of course you want to have that whole distinction between laughing at and laughing with. But most of my relationships which ended badly all had the distinction of having no humor in them.
  6. luna65

    Dracula's Bakery

    OMG Quince lost his mind over this one, he NOMed me like there was no tomorrow. Truth be told, I don't even really remember what it smelled like on me because I got dabbed and then devoured...so I'll have to try it myself later. Pumpkin is kind of a dodgy note on me but I guess this one worked out right.
  7. My co-worker called this a "Goth Dreamsicle." It does have a bit of mystery to it, while still being delicious and fun.
  8. Wooo doggies! I will affirm that Sexology + Woodland Man (which has TUTH of course) = seriously intense sex which only stops because you both pass out from exhausion (Can you tell I had a great night last night?).
  9. Isn't it fun? I'll admit that sometimes I love to laugh in bed more than I love to OMG YES YES YES!
  10. luna65

    Dracula's Bakery

    Here is the description for Potion 31, there's no pumpkin: spicy carrot cake crumbs, sweet creamy frosting, vanilla, aged ambers and a drizzle of honey But the reason I compared the two is that they both seem to have a "sexy foodie" kind of aura.
  11. Yeah the body cream samples which first went out were scented with Coeur de l'Amour.
  12. Dude, that's why you can't tell anybody! *looks around* Soooo killer, eh? *waits for you to ask why I'm whispering*
  13. Yeah a-nol is the real deal when it comes to phero intoxication, no lie. So anything else which you might indulge in while under the influence is going to be that much more...loopy, I guess. Ah, memories.
  14. I was thinking also that maybe a variation of the existing formula would be nice: brown sugar, honey and vanilla. So changing the current sugar note to a brown sugar.
  15. After knowing what Spaceland does...I'd never wear a high dose of a-nol out of the house myself, but Shelly, seriously, you don't have to be the crash test dummy all the time.
  16. Simple blends, hmm...a pink sugar would be popular, I think (so many people seem to like that one), and maybe a simple floral (like with two notes, tops), and then a somewhat darker one, maybe an amber that's not too intense, or a light musk.
  17. luna65

    Dracula's Bakery

    See that makes perfect sense to me, personally, because my Quince loves sweet scents. My running joke in the community when talking about his reactions to scents is that he wants me to smell like cake. And he's actually said that numerous times. Like last night, for example: "So I've got the new -" "Do any of them smell like cake?" *dramatic sigh* "Patience, Master Quince."
  18. luna65

    Dracula's Bakery

    Studies have shown that the two scents men are most attracted to are pumpkin pie and lavender. But what you said: ...again reminds me of Potion 31 because it sounds like it has that same aura of a sexy gourmand.
  19. Hmmm...*thinks of all the times there's been hysterical laughter during sex* *begins formulating a plan*
  20. This was the other offering I was looking forward to, and it's fabulous! As with all LPMP berry-based scents, the berries are true: not medicinal, not too sharp or sweet, just a rich jammy base of fruity goodness. I don't necessarily get creme brulee but I do get a evocation of baked goods in the bottom...it reminds me more of thumbprint cookies, I think they're called? With a dollop of jam in the middle. I like how the lavender is tempered by the other notes because I'm not really a big lavender fan, but the synergy is perfect. The scent is so cozy...it is one you could slather and not be afraid of being too overwhelmingly foody. I think I'm going to be wearing this to bed a lot (and maybe even get NOMed once in a while if I'm lucky ).
  21. Yeah Danna, that's a great idea! Like Dolly says, lighter versions which can be layered or just for when you don't want the big presence of an LP but you want to cover the pheros just enough.
  22. This is made of NOM and MMM and WIN. If I had to make an analogy, it's kind of like Naughty, Sweet & Dirty except with sandalwood. A yummy warm skin scent which encourages lots of nuzzling. There's something about sweetened sandalwood which is so sexy - and paired with the dark vanilla and honey - an almost deep musk-like quality to it. And I can see this as a luscious base upon which one can layer other delicious things. Great idea, great execution! *snorts skin*
  23. With all those cops...of course you smell like you're getting some sex!
  24. luna65

    Backstage Pass

    See that's interesting because to me it's the opposite of "dark and spicy." Both G-String and Groupie are dark on me, but BP is much more soft and girly.
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