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Everything posted by skye

  1. I'll try it on my skin moreso than my hair and clothes and see if that makes a difference.
  2. Ya I wasn't too worried about the grainy-ness of it. I know that shea can do that especially if it encounters changes in temperature which I'm sure it did on it's journey to me. The moisture factor is wonderful once it starts to melt with body heat.
  3. skye

    Egg 2011

    I want to love this. I really do. But I just don't. There's something about it that is overly sweet, almost cloying on me. This totally has the throw that I wish The Smoking Bun had on me. Perhaps if I layer it with something else I'll get a better result. If not, I guess it will be time to start a swap thread.
  4. I just wanted to say thank you for the spell sampler. Wall of Protection was on my wish list to try but my BFF showed up as I was opening the box and since she was leaving in the morning to drive 16 hours to be with her boyfriend I gifted her the sample to wear on her trip and keep her safe. I can't wait to try the rest though.
  5. skye

    The Smoking Bun

    I love this. I don't get a lot of chocolate, just a smoky sweetness that is hard to describe. It fades quickly on me though so I'll need another bottle since this requires liberal slathering.
  6. I have used them both under the same conditions and it seems with the spray I get no hits at all. I wonder if the alcohol disappates too quickly for the pheros to take effect? Maybe I just need them to stay closer to my skin to get the full effect?
  7. Ok. So I bought this in the spray and don't get the same results as I get with the oil. Why would that be do you think?
  8. So I got the butter with MRF with the order I received Friday (still working my way through everything) and it was cloudy on top and grainy so I suspect it didn't react well to the temperature changes while travelling from California to Canada. Moisture wise it's lovely and smells amazing.
  9. That sounds amazing Elizabeth. I should do one for Shadow (nicknamed after the character in American Gods).
  10. I got a lovely bottle of Nox amped with SWS from the lovely bumbob and I love this phero. I work in tech and as the only woman in my department it's an uphill battle. This morning I dabbed a little on the tops of my hands (hand talker) and the back of my neck. About an hour ago the president of the company came up to see how my work is progressing and stayed to talk with me for about 20 minutes actually listening to some of my concerns, laughing and chatty which is unusual for him. I am going to need a UN bottle of this so I can layer it under other scents.
  11. Oh this is definite must-have with next order. * I'm in the only woman in my department in a company that's really not female-friendly for techs.
  12. LOL! Touche. I do like Skittles though. Shadow thinks it smells ginseng and started craving RockStar. Go figure men.
  13. So I'm taking Cougar Potion out for a test drive today. In the vial it's a sharp citrus, not unpleasant, like fresh peeled grapefruit. On my skin, at first it amps the grapefruit. Like a halved grapefruit with a sprinkle of sugar. After about 5 minutes though it loses the tartness and turns to a creamy citrus. Like an orange creamcicle. Yummy. I prefer this to Scandalous which is all fruit notes on me. No major hits except for the guy on the bus who leaned forward and just stared at me. I have to see Shadow's reaction to it tonight.
  14. You are the best! Order placed Friday and shipping notice just received. I'm all a'flutter.
  15. Luna is right. It's easy to miss the subtle hits. I do all the time. Unless someone approaches me I generally won't notice because I'm focused on other things like conversations with friends or the music so she might just be missing the signs. Add to that the fact that not all pheros work for everyone and you have a trial and error thing going on. For example, BI doesn't work for me but it does for my BFF. I have better luck with SS4W. Go figure.
  16. skye

    The Smoking Bun

    Ooh. I can't wait for my order. If it's everything I hope it is it may require a little hoarding.
  17. I wore this one today for the first time. Shadow has been ridiculous so far, all snuggly and goofy. All the women I've encountered have been extra friendly, chatty and helpful. As for self-effects, I'm pretty tightly wound (total type A) so this seems to smooth out some of pointy edges. Definitely a keeper.
  18. Is it wrong that I'm all a'flutter for the order I just placed? * EGG 2011 (bottle) * The Smoking Bun (bottle) * Woozy Floozy (bottle) * Halo's Angelique (sample) * Allumette (sample) * Rocket Fuel nommy smelling butter stuff * LP Red and LP Pink (forum samples) The Smoking Bun sounds like my dream scent. If it is I'm going to order an additional bottle or 2 with pheros. ETA: I just went back and placed a second order for SS4W Alcohol-based Spray (1x). I love this one and figured this way Mara can ship them together rather than me placing an order just for that later in the month.
  19. Thank you Ail. Since the bottle I have was blended by the lovely Mara herself I'm sure it's as safe as she could possibly make it. I won't purchase Meo-EST in the future though.
  20. Hmm. thank you for the info Ail. Raq On, the answer is no. No current LPs use Meo-EST and as far as I am aware all are perfectly safe. (The bottle of LP Black amped with Meo-EST that I have is a couple of years old.)
  21. BI doesn't seem to work for me at all. But SS4W is always a win for me.
  22. I don't get self-effects with everything. For example EST calms me, Meo-EST makes me giggly but most other pheros I don't notice. And at certain points during my cycle the pheros seem to have no effect whatsoever, on me or anyone else (though the effects may just be more subtle and I don't notice). I'm still pretty new to this but I've found there's a lot of trial and error involved so I generally only use one at a time (and maybe add some cops).
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