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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Mmm, this is not me but it is *very* lovely! I get the creaminess I associate with ylang, but it's really one of those perfectly blended LPs which has become something unique and all its own. I agree with the night-blooming flowers at dusk Ducky so beautifully described.... very gentle and serene! It would absolutely be appropriate for work situations except that I would be drifting off in pure reverie! At the risk of going off-topic, I am now having the best time picking out the notes for this:
  2. OK Ducky, this was totally not on my radar and now I must go slather it on and see what happens!
  3. NuTrix makes a great point about being able to evaluate some reactions better than others. I will also add that, for me, I've found that PM works best for me in extended interactions where I'm sitting/talking with the same person (or people) for a longer period. I'm not sure how your work setting is structured, but I find that LFM and SS4W give me quicker hits in my retail job, where I have a lot of briefer interactions with different people. PM works well for my academic job, where I work one on one with people for hour long sessions. That's just me, though! As you keep experimenting you'll figure out all your go-to pheros.... and this sounds as if where your brother is concerned, you've already done that!
  4. Daring indeed! I always say my rule is never to buy any full bottle I haven't sampled, unless it's someone else's PE or something that sounds amazing or just because I really really want to... :-) In other words, you'll fit in just fine! I held off on getting a bottle of this in this month's order, which I am already regretting. But there was so much wonderfulness!
  5. This one is interesting -- I didn't review the notes before I put it on and I had the hardest time characterizing the scent but finally settled on spicy resins, kind of a holiday-esque thing where pumpkin pie was being served while someone was burning dragon's blood incense. In the drydown, it gets very woodsy. Definitely unisex, and in the drydown pretty masculine.
  6. I didn't expect to love this one, somehow, but apparently chocolate caramel apple is just what I have been craving. I usually don't go for apple scents but I think the greenness of the apple is what makes it especially compelling; I get such a sense of tartness to balance the sweetness. This feels like glorious fall, foliage at its peak and bright sharp blue sky with a tinge of woodsmoke from a nearby chimney. Very very nice!
  7. Black Cat

    Totem: Bunny

    I think you will love it, Vlad -- and I forgot to mention, it is a tiny tiny baby rabbit head smell with serious staying power. It goes on very soft but when I put it on before bed I wake in the morning to find it still lingering...
  8. If I get a bottle boosted, I usually try to get a second unboosted one as well, for just these reasons.... there are times when I might just want the scent without the phero, or times when I want to add more scent but am worried about OD'ing. Also, for future reference, if you didn't already know -- one of the amazing things LP offers is that you can split a phero boost between two bottles. I am a phero lightweight, so I always do splits now. That being said, and to keep on topic -- isn't Atomic Mandarin a great match for Cuddle Bunny! I just love them together.
  9. Spicy dreamy creamy cookie goodness! I get the oatmeal raisin cookie with buttercream frosting at first, simmering down to gorgeous warm spicy girl skin scent. All of my cops covers so far are SLF-type scents that work best for me in the summer heat .... this is going to ROCK for cold weather!
  10. I did not have this one on my radar, in part because I couldn't imagine blending foodie and woods. But this is a surprise love! The texture is amazing -- it's thick and almost chewy. I get the raspberry and the almond translates as cherry -- it's like a very dense gorgeous jar of jam where the butter from the knife has gotten blended in with the fruit. And you don't care because it's just adding creamy buttery goodness to all the chewy sweet fruit. I have been thinking it would be good for to have a MLH scent in case my tutoring job gets renewed next year -- I'd love to try this phero with students! :-) So this might need to be a full bottle for me.
  11. Black Cat

    Totem: Ducky

    Second this description! This is beautifully blended and balanced, and it's hard to pick out single accords, but the two my nose is finding are the cucumber and the melon. I'm not normally an aquatics fan, but of all the ones I've tried this is the most wearable for me. It's delicate with no pierciness. A lovely and refreshing summer scent, I'm thinking.
  12. Black Cat

    Totem: Seal

    OK, here's a surprise: something went tangy menthol on me with this! It retreated quickly, but for a moment it was Tickle Tickle revisited. I have no idea which note it could be since this is all dainty florals and a touch of fruit. I'll be curious to see how it wears in a longer drydown.
  13. Black Cat

    Totem: Bunny

    Yes, so far I'm getting VERY clean and sweet! It's wispy soft on me, like the very finest cotton candy but not crunchy sugary sweet, if that makes any sense. Lovely, but so subtle it's almost imperceptible. To be fair, I've added test patches of 3 other NRs further up the arm, so I will want to come back to this and give it a try purely by its lonesome. I think it might be the world's most awesome bedtime scent because it also smells like what I imagine the top of a tiny, tiny baby rabbit head might smell like. ETA: A rabbit that was part fairy...
  14. Awww, NuTrix, that is the WORST! Take good care of yourself and feel better!
  15. I hope you get your samples soon, ComingUpRoses! Welcome to the forum!
  16. Oh, this one is lovely! It's a grassy floral; every time I huff my arm I see a field of Queen Anne's Lace and other wildflowers waving in a brisk breeze under a bright blue summer sky. Not sure yet about Pop Potion, but oh wow this is a gorgeous scent.
  17. It's definitely a fascinating take on the dark scents! Ever since I saw the description of this one, I've been thinking of the Bat for Lashes song "Bat's Mouth" and now that I have smelled this I can tell you: this is what the song smells like. Ethereal, haunting, strange beauty... yeah, I'm over the top on this one!
  18. Black Cat

    Totem: Bear

    Definitely echo that this could work on the men folks! I am loving this one. It's very animalic earthy musky, and the honey is gorgeously raw and spicy. On me, the woodsiness emerges in the drydown. I was a bit anxious about this one because woods do not always play nicely on my skin but these are perfect. This is going to be great for summer. Also, I've been sniffing my little test patch of this one for a couple of hours now and it's got nice staying power too!
  19. OMG Mara! CUTEST SAMPLERS EVER!!!! I set them up on my bedside table and just sit looking at them and laughing. In between sniffing the ten or so test patches of amazing smells I've got going so far. You are so brilliant!
  20. OK you guys, I know I'm supposed to let them sit and recover from their cross-country journey but the box is here and I had to put this on first. If you still harbor an inner (or maybe not so inner) little goth girl, then this is to DIE FOR. Wet, on me, it smells like the inside of a cave... I swear I get beautiful cold damp stone. Then as it dries I get soft subtle whiffs of earth and smoke and the dried vetiver plus a fantastic melange of spooky mysterious notes I can't separate. It's heavenly. Any fans of Haunted Hallows will want to be sure to check this one out. I think this will be a perfect fall scent -- for late October and November, when the light is retreating and the dark is rising. Though I'd also be interested to see how it wears in summer -- even though the scent is dark, the texture is very light, almost airy. It's not a resin-y darkness. This is a fascinating choice to pair with LFN, since I don't get a straightforwardly sexy vibe from it (subversively sexy, on the other hand....!). Mostly what I get is a deep upsurge of feminine power. I think wearing this I will be so confident that I won't care how men (or anyone else) are reacting to me. I will be the Queen. Love, love, love!
  21. When I was originally playing around with this idea, I was all set to get it phero'd -- initially I wanted a scent that would be an LFN carrier. Then as it started to evolve and I realized I wanted a more playful aspect, I went around and around.... I thought about Leather but that was a little too dominant a vibe for me personally. If Audacious had still been here, I would definitely have gone with that. As it is, I like the versatility this has turned out to have in that I'm finding it works well with different pheros (for me). But yeah.... Audacious...
  22. Well, I decided to go ahead and do the first part my my monster order because I was afraid that a couple of things would sell out and I waited a little too long in one case .... no more Summer Belle! (dashes away a tear) Ah, well. Lots of of other goodies to keep me going and samplers will be here TOMORROW!
  23. What an awesome review, Stacy! I have some of my bottles with cops and I think it does tip it more to the feminine energy side of things... though a pretty prowly and badass feminine energy... :-) So far I've paired my spray with Lumina and with Cuddle Bunny, both of which have worked well with it, but I confess I'm dying to try it some time with LFN. Next order! Also: just listened to the Willie Dixon song (both versions).... beyond awesome. Thanks for the reference, Luna!
  24. Mara, is there any Black Cat Mojo left? If so, could I get another bottle?
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