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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. I'm so happy to have gotten a bottle of this from the trade threads! Initially I didn't jump on it because I wasn't sure about orchid, but after reading the reviews I had a sense I would love it and I absolutely do. The floral note/aspect is very subdued on me -- what I get is a fascinating little dominance match between cake and fruit. This is creamy and mouthwateringly bakery-esque (hm, are those words?) at first -- all cake and frosting. And then the banana suddenly emerges and it's fresh fruit. To the extent that I am getting the orchid, it feels more as if it's adding to the texture than the scent. Then the whole thing settles against my skin like a skein of silk. Edible silk. That's a mouthful of mixed metaphors! This is delicious. Period.
  2. Just chiming in with what others have said.... on the one hand, I am an adoring fan of Sneaky Clean and it would certainly lend you plenty of sparkle and confidence. But if there is a chance that others are going to be jerks I would definitely go with LFM. Sneaky Clean is great for adding confidence to a situation that doesn't require defenses. LFM gives me serious spine and a "don't fuck with me" aura, while at the same time others get much more deferential. I love it for retail -- mostly my customers are wonderful but every once in a while I get one of those rich bitches who wants to treat me like a lesser form of life. LFM stops them in their tracks.
  3. Oh, Mara and everyone else involved in bringing us these gorgeous goodies, WOW!!!! I can't believe how much work has gone into these, not to mention that amazing festival of PEs on the other thread! And now that we are getting a little more info -- oh, my goodness, I need to figure out how to work a little more cashola into the LP budget because I can tell these are going to be amazing! Edited because in my excitement I could not remember basic grammar!
  4. She totally did! I really hope you're right about this too!
  5. Black Cat


    Oh, Lumina! What a great idea (heads upstairs to add some) --
  6. So last night I wore Hearts' Beach Bunny Musk out on the town, which I had gotten with half a boost of Cuddle Bunny. I absolutely love the self-effects I get from CB! It makes me feel sexy and flirty but in a very playful lowkey way. It seems to lighten my mood. I was spending the evening with a gay friend so not looking to get lucky, if you know what I mean. But even so I felt CB working its magic! Dinner was amusing -- the waiter was total DIHL the whole evening, and kept coming back to fill my glass and check on me! My friend was super attentive and flattering, and insisted on paying for everything. When I told him how much I enjoyed the playlist he put on for the long drive to the play we were seeing, he immediately offered to burn me a CD. It was a really fun happy night out, which I haven't had in a while, and which I really needed. Yay for CB! I am so happy to have bottle of the Un coming in my next order. I am also getting a sample of scented CB, because I'm really curious to see how I like it.
  7. I have been sitting on my hands and cannot stand it any longer. If there are any more Dark and Vampy, I must have one!
  8. Black Cat


    Mmm, grabbed up this up in Nutrix's fab sale, because I've been dying to try it! Straight out of the bottle is pure sparkly foodie lemon -- lemon sweetened with sugar but not lemon candy. A few minutes in I can smell the orange and grapefruit starting to peek out. I don't think I'm getting any coconut yet, but it may be manifesting in a slightly creamy texture to the citrus. I think I am feeling, rather than smelling, the ginseng. I can't pick out the note by scent, but there is a serious buzz to this one! I feel energized and sparkly and full of anticipation. Which considering the day ahead of me has got to be the scent at work, since it's just a long day slogging away at the desk. Will update as it settles! Edited because I can't spell!
  9. I had no idea what to expect from this one, reading the notes. I'm finding it absolutely lovely -- as others have mentioned, on me it's a very smooth creamy skin scent. I get the floral, but it's deeply grounded by the darker notes and then something light and powdery gives it the loveliest texture. I'm not sure I would wear it enough to warrant a full bottle, but it's really beautiful. Also would be a great scent for work, if you wanted something that would be totally appropriate for a professional setting but a bit more feminine than some of the "clean" office friendly scents. As with Vivid Violet, this feels like a good one to pair with Treasured Hearts. A very soft nurturing vibe.
  10. Oh crap! I forgot about body cream as I plan my monster May 1 order.... which yes, does not even take into account NRs past the sampler! I need to plant a fast-growing money tree in my basement because I always want ALL THE THINGS.
  11. OMG Please may I have a Snow Leopard if there are any left!
  12. Frantically stalking to learn notes in Fluffy Bunny and Snow Leopard! And OMG congrats EVERYONE, these look beyond amazing!
  13. OK, you guys, I've been wearing this one to work because I have new co-workers at my retail job. I think things were set up to go pretty well anyway -- they are great ladies -- but I am finding that we are all just getting along so well, and sharing a lot, both silly and real things. So I have been definitely feeling it was a worthwhile investment (I split a boost between two sprays, one of Glamour Puss and one of Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat), but I had it in the "subtle" category for hits. However, I just had to share -- yesterday, I had on my boosted Glamour Puss. One of my regular customers came in, a nice man about 15 years older than I am. We chatted casually, and in the course of the conversation it came up that we had both had had birthdays this month. I ended the transaction and he left. Then: 1) He came back and bought another card from me. 2) He left the store and returned about 15 minutes later, handed me the card which had been filled out to wish me happy birthday and give me a gift certificate for a free pizza at his restaurant! I was already a believer in Treasured Hearts but man, now I am SOLD. :-)
  14. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I can't stand the wonderfulness! Yes, please let us know how much the full sampler will be because IT SHALL BE MINE. ETA: Best Easter weekend surprise ever!
  15. Congrats on fab first orders to the newcomers! TheBirkeys, you've gotten great advice here... the only thing I would add is that I approached my monster sampler list by looking at categories. Like I'd get all the honey scent samples together on the theory so that I could compare and figure out which one(s) I liked best. Or the tropical ones. That helped me to sort out a bit what I liked from what I loved, and kind of helped keep the full bottle list a bit more manageable. Amalthea, you're reminding me that SS4W is the first phero I ever tried (in Sneaky Clean) and I love the way it works... adding that to the wish list of bottles!
  16. Aww, Seajammarket, believe me, I've done my share of grabbing the last of something! I'm so glad you're liking the BCM -- which reminds me, I need to pop over and review your Calrissian at some point because wow, I'm loving it!
  17. Oh, Stacy, I think I'm going to be in the same boat -- I finally got paid for a big extra piece of freelance work so I did my original order for the month with a lifetime supply of Black Cat Mojo, plus a bottle each of Sugared Bonfire and Atomic Mandarin. Then I impulse added an order for Atomic Mandarin in spray and a bottle of unscented Cuddle Bunny. I had sniffed Carbon Black in the vial and thought, yeah, it's nice, but I don't really NEED it. And then I've fully tested it a couple of nights now, and oh, wow... Not to mention there are a couple Artfire items I've been stalking and I forgot to get a combined invoice for... Stop me before I shop again! BTW -- I got the unscented Lumina last month and I am loving it! It pairs nicely with so many things.
  18. I have two bottles coming and I can't wait to try this combo out... I realized I still have my little trial vial of LFN! I also have a whole bottle of unscented Cuddle Bunny coming and for some reason I think that combo is going to rock, even though this is such a gorgeous pure foodie!
  19. Oh god -- I just did the extra panic order on Atomic Mandarin yesterday I really really should not do this again! And yet... the panther... the smoky tea...
  20. I finally cracked this open late last night and oh, wow. Wet in the vial I get heavy wet dirt. Which for me is heaven. I put it on and just reveled in it -- it's almost like a non-floral Haunted Hallows! It smells like woods, and earth, and it's completely natural. I didn't get an incense-y vibe at all, which I was a little worried about. I can't exactly imagine wearing this as a scent for being in the company of others. but as soon as I can afford it I definitely want a bottle. This would be great for meditation, especially outdoors. Also, come autumn, I think it could work as a sleep scent for me.
  21. This was my first full bottle unscented phero purchase and I've just started playing with it. So far I am loving it -- it feels quietly sparkly without the slightly racing feeling I find myself getting with both Levitation and Lace these days. Thanks for the great review, Vladmyra, you've inspired me to test drive at my retail job today!
  22. I can't wait to hear what you think -- crossing my fingers it works for you!
  23. As others have mentioned, I had no idea what to expect from this but the lime and grape in conjunction with a floral scared me! I like this though -- I'm certainly not able to pick out those notes, so maybe they are just there to ground or brighten? This is very soft and silky, a little violet cloud that wears close to the skin. It's not what I'm normally drawn to, but I am actually thinking about a bottle of this for summer. It feels like it could be very effective to pair with Treasured Hearts; there is definitely a calm soothing nurturing vibe to this one.
  24. I confess I'm hesitant to add to the rave reviews because this one appears to be going fast and I didn't include it in my recent order -- but oh, my. This is very delicate on me, and yet at the same time, powerful and sensual! I get a kind of panther vibe off this... velvet coal black fur sliding over muscle and bone. The honey sweetens the darkness and I assume it's the oak moss that gives it the slightly powdery texture? Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! At the same time, I feel like if I could taste this, there's an exotic smokey tea thing going on (maybe that's the orchid?), with a thin filmy layer of honey to take the edge off that slightly bitter bite.... Pick whatever metaphor you like, this stuff is wonderful!
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