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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. I could not respond to this before I was so freaking jealous but now it looks like I will have a bottle of Audacious coming soon!!! I can't WAIT to try this combo! If you try this, Amalthea, could you let me know how it goes? I went crazy and am getting more and am giving serious thought to getting one bottle boosted Leather... I cannot believe how many bottles of this I have ended up buying, but it's actually achieved that mythical "signature scent" status for me. I want to wear this for the rest of my life!
  2. I am so tempted to skip reviewing this one in hopes of getting yet another bottle for my tiny hoard.... but no, I'm being a good LP'er and sharing with the rest of you how fanfuckingTASTIC this is! I can't top LadyV's original review and won't even try, I'll just second every word. For me, this goes on initially all lily and musk and it's sweet creamy sexy goodness already, but then the leather starts to bloom and WATCH OUT. If you are a fan of leather, you need this one! I got this in a spray, with half a boost of Gotcha. I am getting the second bottle virgin so that I can pair it with LFN if the need arises. I am curious how it would be in oil but I think I'll get another spray to make it last longer.
  3. So this came today and was my first test out of the box... mmmmmmm!! Wet this goes on as a perfect raspberry, and let me tell you, I have tried a LOT of LPs looking for a raspberry that works for me, and most of them don't seem to like my skin (Raspberry Rose Confite, I am looking at you with teh sad kitteh eyes!). But this -- raspberry perfection and definitely raspberry puree! The chocolate stays wayyyy in the back for me, which is good as I am not a huge chocolate lover, and as it settles into the dry down I get mostly amber and musk with the faintest sweet tang from the other notes. I got this in a spray, with half a boost of Gotcha. I was surprised that it doesn't feel too dark/heavy for warm weather... but while it's lovely right now, I am tempted to pop it in the back of the closet, because, as Gale said, I think with a little aging this is going to be even more superb, and it's going to be *fantastic* for cooler temps in the fall.
  4. Dear Mara and all the amazing people at LP: thank you so much for my latest box of LP Amazing Goodness! I can't *believe* how quickly you processed my monster order (OK, 2 orders!), and as always, the generous extras are beyond generous! There isn't another company like this on the planet. Thank you so much for all these lovely treats to look forward to!
  5. I lied! Just waylaid the postal worker and LFN IN THE HOUSE!!!! So we're good then! ;-)
  6. I will try, although the Bat makes me feel as if all men should be my minions.... I am curious if LFN has that effect with other scents! ;-)
  7. I got this because I unexpectedly fell in love with another melon scent (Summer Belle) and also because I am getting really intrigued by ozone as a note. At first I wasn't sure -- the linen note is, I think, the most prominent for me, and my nose was expecting something more outdoorsy with the melons and the moss. But as I keep testing this it is really growing on me. And then I came back and reread the original concept and realized that it is spot on exactly what it was intended to be. The concept of clean guy shirt really comes across ... like a guy who has been out doing sweaty manly outdoors stuff on a hot summer day and then comes home and showers and dresses for dinner, and his hair is still wet with combmarks in it and now he's ready to go out to a poetry reading and talk about it afterwards over coffee and really rich dessert ... clean and masculine and very yummy. The scent, not necessarily the guy, though since it's a fantasy, why not? On an unrelated note I came here after I had just gotten dropped back into the Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" meme so that might be influencing my review. But in a totally relevant way. On a related note, this is one of those stealth LPs that is appropriate for absolutely any setting, despite how many fun fantasies it triggers while you sit quietly sneaking sniffs of your wrist. ETA: When I said "clean and masculine" above it sounds like it makes the wearer smell that way and it actually doesn't. I'm not sure how Mara did it, but this evokes the above image for the wearer while making the wearer herself seem feminine--that girl wearing her guy's too big for her shirt deal! Such is the magic.
  8. I get both my bottle of Bat and my bottle of Un on Monday.... look out world!
  9. Black Cat


    Welcome! It will be great to see your reviews once you get your hands on the sampler... I expect it will be the first of many!
  10. Yes, some of the crafty ladies are very handy with creating sprays! I'm a doofus, so I pay Mara to do it... Yes, EXACTLY!!! Stealth sexy! Kind of like when you spend thirty minutes in the bathroom getting your hair to look like you just casually yanked it back and put on a scrunchy, and the fact it sets off your cheekbones to perfection and has just the right amount of little sexy wisps falling down against your face is a total coincidence...
  11. Well, then, I feel I've done my work in the world today! :-) Best of luck!
  12. Thanks for reminding me how much I love this one! It's really just perfect. I may regret not having gotten a backup bottle... except I have to say: my spray is lasting amazingly. A little goes such a long way!
  13. Black Cat


    Hmm, after the gorgeous array of animal totems with the April/May NRs I remembered that I snagged this in the trade thread and never really tried it. This feels very much in line with those, in that it's a complex blend of notes I could not begin to envision. And because I'm such a sucker for the gorgeous label AND the name I wanted to try it anyway. It's interesting -- it's not coming off as a spicy blend, or a citrus blend, or woodsy blend. It's something quite different, all its own. It's got what I experience as a high frequency vibe -- I would have expected woods and musk and tobacco and myrhh to be deeper, but this is bright. Not airy, though, it's quite dense and textured. I get a kind of grassy prickle off of it -- very veldt! I am not sure if this one I would wear often, but I am very glad to have tried it. ETA: OK, now in drydown the creaminess and the orange are emerging. Very nice!
  14. I scored a bottle of this on the trade threads, and I'm so glad! I think when I initially read descriptions I didn't fall over myself needing it because of the jasmine.... jasmine and I have a complicated relationship. But I have gotten completely obsessed with earth scents, and then the idea of rain became totally compelling... Anyway, this is lovely! I love how natural and organic the jasmine note is, and perhaps because I'm getting a bottle that has had a chance to age a bit it feels very balanced. The earth and ozone and rain are there, and the whole thing wears quite subtly on me. It's a beautiful scent, and it wouldn't have occurred to me, Storemy, that Mara could put rain in a bottle. Thank you so much for thinking to ask her to! I am especially loving this for early mornings. I'm finally able to sleep with the windows open, and I'll putter around in the kitchen and then sit in bed drinking my coffee and reading Dora Carrington's letters and sniffing my Jasmine Rain with cool balmy breezes blowing through the curtains and birds going crazy outside. And all is right with the world.
  15. Me too me too! I am embarrassed to tell you how many bottles I had them put in that box. But I swear, it's just the ones I REALLY NEEDED. I am more embarrassed to tell you what the cart is up to with planning June's order. And that's not taking account next month's NRs or PEs....
  16. Hi girlfriday! Welcome to the forum. And the addiction. They are wonderful things to experience!
  17. I am so curious to try this one.... I did one of those crazy intuitive things and got a boost split between two of this month's PEs (Dark and Vampy, and Snow Leopard). I'll definitely start conservatively in application.
  18. Awww, thanks, Coming Up Roses! Trust me, the creative genius is all Mara, as you'll discover when you start doing PEs!
  19. ... and could I please get another Snow Leopard?
  20. I think there are 3 Black Cat Mojos left? Could I reserve 2 of them?
  21. Yes, I'm tempted to do one of each!
  22. SJM, are you getting oil or spray? I'm really torn -- this one is so "natural" that I like the idea of oil blooming and wearing close to the skin, but at the same time there is an airiness that makes me think a spray might be phenomenal...
  23. Black Cat

    Totem: Bear

    OK, I had this on last night and now just reapplied and I am getting the peanut, and it's AMAZING. It's like peanut brittle but the most sophisticated smoky honey and peanut sitting on top of the musky earthiness.... seriously, my mouth just started watering!
  24. I gave this its second trial last night and I am sold. It's the perfect summer scent -- fresh and fierce and wild, and I totally second the shapeshifter reference! It's unisex, but part of the magic is that I think it will be very masculine on a guy but very female (as opposed to feminine) on a woman. I had this on my left arm and Bear on my right and the energies were INTENSE. I thought I was done with purchases for May, but I may need a bottle of each.
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