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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. I am trying so hard to stick to my rule of sampler first, no unsniffed full bottles, but you ladies are making it damn difficult with this one! ;-) For those of you who have this, what are your thoughts on oil vs. spray? You know, just in case someone made a mad impulsive move pre-sampler....
  2. Oh, Skydancer, I am SO sorry! Beaming all the black cat mojo your way for Bodhi's safe return and your mom's well-being. My beloved dog of 12 years passed away last August and I know what a huge hole that leaves... so sorry you have this worry now on top of it. I also know that miracles are possible (my sister's cat went walkabout for a full week and they got him back) -- praying that you will have one here. Hugs and all blessings to you.
  3. IT TOTALLY WAS!!!!! I am so full of mischief you can't believe it!
  4. Ravenwing, you're so sweet! thanks so much! I can't wait to hear what you think! JD -- let's figure something out! It will be a couple of months for me, but I promise I'll email you before making any moves. I would love to have you try it!
  5. Black musk, creamy coffee, leather, woodsmoke Once again, we begin this review by pausing to admire the gorgeous label! This PE idea is one that has been close to my heart for a LONG time.... I know it will come as a shock to you guys, but black cats loom kind of large in my lexicon. :-) Black cats have always been very lucky for me. I also adore dark scents. My two all time favorites are Katerina Sit and Decadent Diva, but I felt there was a territory that had not yet been covered for me. Kat Suit is powerfully serious to me, in the best possible way. I wanted something more playful. Decadent Diva is delightfully playful for me, but also very grown-up and elegant. I wanted something a little more rough and tumble, something that would be equally at home wearing a little black dress to a cocktail party but leaving the party to climb onto the back of someone's motorcycle, wrapped in a leather jacket (that is a purely figurative motorcycle, I've never been on one in my life, but hey, a girl can dream, right?). I've also been dying for a leather scent that isn't sweet, and a coffee scent that isn't paired with chocolate (even though I have things I like very much in both those categories). So -- to sum it up, this is so exactly what I wanted that it's eerie! It's predominantly leather and coffee, perfectly balanced. And in the same way that taking a deep sniff of really good leather or really good coffee can get you a little high, this is just intoxicating to me. Despite the lack of sweetness, it doesn't feel unisex to me though. There is something very female and powerful about the energy. It's strong, but it quiets down pretty nicely. I wore it to work yesterday, and by late afternoon it was at the stage where I could no longer smell myself, so I was confused when a customer said, "Something smells really good in here!" I came back to give her her credit card and she leaned in, sniffed me, and said, "Are you wearing perfume? What IS that?" So fun to say it was a custom blend, made just for me! I have a feeling this is going to get more amazing as it ages, but I am honestly not sure how much is going to be allowed to age. I love this so much; I actually get the same kind of selfies from this that I do from some of the pheros (OK, I did get cops added to two of the oil bottles!). This is everything I hoped it would be, and I have a feeling it might something I ask Mara to make for me again. So delicious!
  6. I've had this one on for about an hour now and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. On first application I thought that either a) I ruined it by making it a spray or my sniffer was broken because I could not get any coconut for the life of me! I picked up something very soft and sweet along with the musk, but I simply could not get it to add up to what my brain thought the notes should smell like. As it has settled down, though, I am getting the lightest most delectable wisps of scent floating up, and I am TOTALLY getting the suntan lotion vibe! It's not foodie coconut, but despite the raw freezing wind and rain outside, I am unaccountably assailed with images of beach... and water... So I went in the space of moments from "this one is maybe not going to work for me" to "damn, I wish I could grab a couple more bottles"! If it's like this under these circumstances, I can only imagine how delicious it is going to be in warm humid weather with lots of bare skin to spritz it all over (especially since there is a half boost of Cuddle Bunny -- what else? -- in there!). Gorgeousness!
  7. OMG, if there's a wait list for Make a Wish, can I be on it?!
  8. Oooh, I cannot wait for mine to get here! I am so curious to know what "blue" sugar smells like -- any hints?
  9. Aww, Halo, I'm sad it didn't work for you but I know exactly what you mean about a particular note that you just can't do. And yes, Ravenwing, if you are interested, there are still bottles to be claimed in the Private Editions for March thread! So despite my talk of setting this aside, I just spritzed it all over myself after getting out of the bath after work! It's definitely growing on me -- it's interesting, there is an almost minty note I get once it settles down. I have a feeling this is going to be gorgeously refreshing in hot weather!
  10. First of all, I just want to pause and admire the label again. I cannot believe the trouble Mara goes to with the art for these! This is just a preliminary report, since I want to set this aside and give it some time to mellow and recover from it's cross-country journey. So the notes I asked for were white musk, lavender, buttercream and wood smoke. The intent for this was to be a sleep scent, rather than an out-and-about-town scent. Wet on my skin I get an almost medicinal blast with the lavender, which reminded me of Tickle Tickle, which kind of freaked me out because I could not get that one to work for me. But it settles down almost immediately and becomes something very different. The overwhelming impression of this that I get is coolness. It's hard to pick out individual notes, especially the woodsmoke. Instead, it's a very pillowy clean soft subtle soothing scent that rides very close to the skin. As far as intent goes -- home run! I spritzed this on my pillow and the hem of my sheet last night and I had an amazing night's sleep! And I noticed when I put a little on my hand to refresh my memory in order to get the review thread started -- every time I inhale I can feel myself relaxing and calming down emotionally. I thought Sweet Dreams and Comfort Potion was potent, but I think, for me, Siamese Cloud has it beat! Definitely do not wear this if you are planning to operate heavy machinery! It's kind of perfect as essence of Siamese, now that I think of it: elusive, hard to capture or nail down, now you see it now you don't! As I said, I want to set this aside for a few days and let it really settle down before trying again. I'll be interested to see if the creamy and smoky elements get more noticeable. But I am pleased and encouraged by the preliminary trial!
  11. It is conceivable that someone might be ordering a rebrew of Black Cat Mojo at some point because she intends to wear it every day in order to have magical kitty superpowers and smell like a little slice of heaven forevermore. Just saying! That makes total sense, since I came across the review thread of your Coffee and a Cigarette while I was mulling over what true black cat mojo might smell like and thought, oh dear GOD I wish I'd been around for that! Definitely an inspiration! Molls, I have your Blue Magnolia coming and I can't wait!
  12. Thanks so much, you guys! I hope it works for you.... but I figure, if nothing else, you are getting the world's cutest label ever made! :-) I am going to wear this one to bed tonight to really get the full effect. It's getting a little overshadowed by the Black Cat Mojo at the moment... ... which is becoming so amazing I may simply wear it every day for a while. The musk is coming out and, and I do not know how Mara does this, it is somehow both dark and sparkly.
  13. Love this, Vladmyra! Mara, I just need to say thank you for your extraordinary generosity! Couldn't believe it when I opened the box and found your incredible extra. There is no business on earth like LP. You are simply the best. And I already raved over in the March PE thread, but you know what, I'm going to rave here too. Thank you so much for taking my muddled ideas and making them a beautiful reality! This is a hard time, and it's really extraordinary what a difference having LP in my life makes. I mean that.
  14. So I had to put this somewhere..... it turns out on Saturdays the post office opens at 9:00 instead of 8:00... I can just picture the Black Cat Mojo and Siamese Cloud sitting there, in their little box ... waiting.... desperate to come home... so close and yet so far.... Updates soon! ETA: OH MY GOD BLACK CAT MOJO AND SIAMESE CLOUD IN THE HOUSE! Forgive the shouting, I am just so excited! So -- the labels are beyond beautiful, and even more so in person, if that makes any sense. I have Black Cat Mojo on my left hand and Siamese Cloud on the right (I am going somewhere in just a bit where I need not to be wearing perfume, so these are just tiny tester dabs because I could not wait): Black Cat Mojo -- oh, ladies, you are going to die! Wet out of the vial and in early drydown it it is the perfect balance between coffee and leather.... rich and intoxicating! And this raw straight out of the box.... I cannot imagine how gorgeous it's going to be when it has had a chance to settle down and mellow! Siamese Cloud -- I love it, right now it's hard to pick out distinct notes, but I get this lovely soft pillow of cool silky goodness. The only problem is that when I am huffing this hand, I just want to crawl back into bed, snuggle up with a kitteh under each arm and head off to dreamland. Oh, Mara, your genius never ceases to amaze me! Thank you for these beautiful creations... I can only imagine how much pleasure I am going to take in using them over the coming months! I will do a full review in the appropriate place when I've really had time to sit with these and when they have mellowed a bit from travel. But it was so great to get NuTrix's fresh-out-of-the-box report I had to follow suit. Thank you again, Mara!
  15. Mine too! I mean, they came and went while I was at the dentist, so it was the peach slip, but that means I can pick it up tomorrow and not have to wait until Monday!!!!
  16. Oh, NuTrix, SO HAPPY for you!! It sounds amazing! I can't wait to hear the full report, when it's had a chance to settle down from all that travel, and you've been able to try it out thoroughly... inquiring minds want to know! I am really excited to try this out when my bottle comes.... I would have gotten it for the intent alone, but the scent sounds like it is to die for!
  17. That's the sixty dollar question! I have a feeling it's the rest of my earlier order, with my PEs, and that this box will not include the sampler and PEs created by others that I just ordered. But won't know until I actually open it!
  18. Sorry, meant to post here that I sent in payment for all these yesterday. So excited!
  19. That's so interesting, Rose -- I am actually having the opposite experience, that getting the olfactory experience with the foodie dessert things helps keep me from craving them in real life! I forgot to say -- the other thing I loved about this was that it has a vibe that really reminds me of Prophetic Pie! The scents are different, but it has this perfect balance between tangy and sweet and I feel a definite mood uplift every time I put it on.
  20. Got mine too! Which means I should probably have the box in my sticky little paws on Monday.....
  21. Well, this is just ADORABLE, not to mention delicious! It's interesting -- when I first slather on, I get a strong whiff of the Buttercream Rose, but it very quickly morphs into something quite different.... the creamy aspect retreats, and it becomes the most luscious delicate butter cookie with strawberry jam. Then, as it dries down, the lemonade note creeps in ever so gently. I can almost feel the cookie crumbs at the corners of my mouth, it's so perfectly textured. My only complaint is that I have this on my bedside table for evening wear and it's hard to watch television when I have my arm crooked over my face so I can keep sniffing myself. :-) This is gorgeous, Hearts! I completely agree with what you said about it's being happy and flirty -- I am loving this for bedtime, but I bet it would be a really fun one to be out and about in on a lovely spring day.
  22. Oh, wow, sampler ordered, plus I went a little bonkers with everyone else's PEs-- Molls, NuTrix and Seajammarket, can't wait to try out your creations, ladies! Plus my first UnPhero bottle purchase.... I got Lumina so that I can make everything sparkle!
  23. Oh my stars! BLACK CAT MOJO FOR ALL!! Mara, you are amazing! I think I'll do this oil bottle virgin -- thanks for checking! And I may be back to reserve more Siamese Cloud next paycheck! Speaking of which, I'll put in payment for these some time today. Welcome to the forum, Skydancer -- I hope you like this as much as I think we all will! Well, I know you are a Kat Suit lady too, my friend, so I hope this will be right up your alley! (no feline pun intended there, I swear!)
  24. Awwww, Storemy, you know you're my girl! Mara, if there are definitely only 6 bottles, can I release my hold on my extra for Storemy? I'm dying to hear what she thinks of it -- and I'm so thrilled others want to try it as much as I do! And could I get a Calrissian, if there are any left?
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